Jesmonite Snap method and strength test

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel i hope you are all doing really really well in today's video we're actually going to do something i said i would do quite a few videos back and that was to show you how to do the snap method where you take something you've created with jasmine snap it up and then put it back in the mold and add more desmonite now the reason i'm coming on to tell you in the beginning is that this did not go to plan but we've kind of killed two birds with one stone in this video the first bit of the video i'm going to show you how it's done the second bit i'm going to show you what really happened i could not snap this desmonite with all the strength in the world i ended up having to get a hammer and yeah and even then it was really really tough now a few videos back somebody asked me if i could do a smash test um asked how strong it was would it withstand being dropped on the floor so this video is kind of gonna cover all of that it's gonna cover it all so i'm gonna show you how the snap is done and how you then go in and make something with that piece and i'm also gonna show you what really happened and having to get a hammer and how hard it was even using a hammer to smash this stuff [Music] all right this is the fun part there's absolutely no rules as to how you step these i am not a lover of 50 50. that's just my personal preference i like quarters you know so i like a lot of color here and just a little bit of color here but depending on your style your own personal taste snap it however you want to so i'm just gonna d-mold and that's a lovely shade of black we've got some intrusion right there so i'm going to take that off now i'm going to snap it as best i can around this area only i could not snap it i could not snap it i couldn't smash it i couldn't whack it i could not break this jesuit night and that is because i left it too long i left it for 40 minutes ideally you want to demold after 25 and snap straight away so i'm going to show you right now what it's meant to do so here we are go for it straight away there you go it is so soft at this stage so i'm actually going to snap both i'm going to take the end off it's like breaking a cookie okay i don't know why i said cookie when i mean biscuit you can see it's still wet because it's leaving black ink on my hands and we're gonna get adventurous and just break a long way okay these are all sections that i can put back in see how easy this is crumbling it's soft it's crumbly but there you have it i have my sections of the mold that i can put back in any which way i choose and see what patterns we come up with so that is how it's meant to be done demolded after 20-25 minutes do not leave it any longer than that i am telling you okay we're now gonna see what happened when i left it for 40 minutes it it's another it's a whole other ball game it was not impossible not impossible i got my hammer out but that's not ideal we don't want to be doing that every time so we're gonna look now and then you'll see how strong it is and that will hopefully answer your questions about how smash proof it is or how breakable it is and what happens yeah how how breakable is it it's not that breakable oh this is too funny this is a really good advert for jasmine knight's strength this is actually really usually this is actually showing you guys how tough this stuff is okay i left it 40 minutes because i needed the other two molds to cure anyway it feels like it's a bit too long i'm gonna get a hammer in the meantime i'm gonna try the plate now what i could do is lean on here and chop it with my hand here but um we'll see what it looks like that is such a lovely black such a lovely black let's see if it works better with this one this one's still quite hot so i have hope [Laughter] we're gonna put it back in the mold okay and we're gonna lean hard on it here okay okay we caught that on film yeah we snapped it thank goodness one of them worked honestly okay we haven't oh we have a nice we have a nice one here let's put some pressure on this side okay we've got another piece and we're going to go again on this side okay sorry for the um dramatic sound effects but now we have some nice chunks i'm going to get this one to go in half i'm just using this to kind of protect my hands if you like okay lovely now we've got some really nice shapes here but these guys don't want to break right i've bought reinforcements do not judge my hammer i have had this most of my adult life so we're gonna give it a whack [Music] um yeah i might have to make another one okay scrap this video hey hey finally we've got a pac-man okay so that's actually quite a nice chunk but what i'm going to do is i'm going to try and get those bits off because they won't look nice [Music] okay that's better it's a much cleaner cut are we ready nice we have got a break but again i don't want this because this was left over in the mold nice look at that that is a smart break that is about a straight line as you're gonna get so i'm just gonna chip off this end and we will roll we will roll with this very very straight edge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay it is d-mold time for this one this is the first one i did it's just going past hot now so i am yeah i'm happy that it's gonna come out okay now there might be some overlap and if there is ugh we're gonna have to sand but we shall see i did actually put some pressure on this part here i don't know if you could see me holding it down i don't know if that's gonna work but um i'm not a sander i'm not a lover of sanding so if this technique does require a lot of sanding i can't see me doing it that often okay that's not so bad can we chip that away okay this is the only bit that overlapped or went under seeped under but you see how crisp this line is it is nice you don't necessarily get that when you pour two colors at once but yeah there you go that's the first snap test done okay same with this one it's so weird because this is freezing cold this is really hot so i'm gonna see can it come out yeah i'm gonna say it can come out this is when it's gonna crack when i really don't want it to crack but fingers crossed it's okay and a few people have told me they've got a lot of cracking lately when they demold my advice really is turn it upside down like this you know it takes the pressure off and well she says as it snaps but it hasn't yet it hasn't yet and there we go oh that is nice that is a such a cool crisp line the way i see these working maybe you would have a vinyl personalized sticker here or your name or something like that but lovely love it now we're gonna see about the yellow and the black now i already know some yellow has gone under because i can see it here so let's go the yellow and black has been left quite a long time but let's see how much seepage there was because i know it seeped whoa okay close up you can see how the yellow seeped under all of this here is seepage all of this here and here and here but how funky does that look that looks really cool so now you really want to go in with the sander and get this back i'm not going to spend the rest of the video sanding this back but i am going to do more videos on sanding now you can see this overlap here and here you want to use water and you want your waterproof sandpaper and you just want to sand until this is a defined black and yellow line but like i said i'm not going to sand this whole plate in this video that would make this video an hour long and nobody wants that so just to show you you want to kind of go in circular motions here is what it looks like after 15 minutes of sanding those clean lines and here are the areas that i still have to do but actually this area and here and here and across here only took me about 15 minutes so it's a little bit of work but gorgeous and totally worth it oh i hope you have enjoyed that video and you found it really really helpful if you're wondering what happened to the coaster i gave up on the coaster okay i figured this would be enough to show you how to snap how not to snap and what the results look like i really do love the finished technique for me it's just a little bit more effort than i'm enjoying right now but i'm glad i could share this with you and i hope you've enjoyed the video and i will see you in the next one which will be saturday take care everyone bye [Music] you
Channel: Claire’s Crafty Corner
Views: 13,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jesmonite 2021, breaking jesmonite, how to break jesmonite, snapping jesmonite method, breaking jesmonite method, Reusing jesmonite, recycling jesmonite, how to reuse jesmonite, jesmonite video, jesmonite beginners, easy jesmonite video, what is jesmonite, how to use jesmonite, jesmonite tutorial, jesmonite instructions, jesmonite AC100, easy jesmonite tutorial, how strong is jesmonite, is jesmonite breakable
Id: VStaZvJZvJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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