Jerusalem's Underground Apocalypse | Cities of the Underworld (S2, E1) | Full Episode | History

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jerusalem it's the holiest city in the world  the place where christianity judaism and islam   converge but beneath these ancient streets  lie mysteries about humankind's greatest fear   the apocalypse from an underground sanctuary  to which we have virtually unprecedented access   non-muslims are not allowed down here to the site  where a prophet ascended to heaven to the writings   of a secret apocalyptic cult hidden in these  desert caves they literally made a guidebook   for war with their their big war from the  first ever glimpse of a startling new discovery   a secret underground city is at the last  stronghold of the night's templar if you were in   a siege this would be a military operation to the  long-lost tunnels buried beneath this remote hill   the site of the bible's final  battle between god and satan   armageddon we're peeling back the layers of  time on cities of the underworld underground apocalypse   belief in the apocalypse goes back thousands  of years and spans the globe since ancient   mesopotamia prophets and preachers have  warned of a sensational and violent end   the natural world demolishing  the earth and humankind but for many those are just the warning signs  omens of the final day and the final battle   many believe that the ongoing turmoil in  the middle east the armed struggle between   east and west for control of jerusalem is the  final clash predicted in the ancient prophecies   and recent catastrophes like the tidal  wave in indonesia massive earthquakes   and extreme weather across the planet  are all said to be warning signs of armageddon for billions of people around the world jerusalem   is the site of the apocalypse  the gateway to heaven and to hell   its name means place of peace but it's probably  the bloodiest city the world has ever known   in the 4 000 years jerusalem has been on the map  it's been destroyed and rebuilt 17 times and ruled   by at least 25 different peoples every one of  whom thought they alone had the right to claim it   i mean even today there are heavily armed police  around every corner the tension here hasn't gone   away and many believe we're closer than ever to  the end of days but in a city as old and turbulent   as jerusalem the best clues about judgment day  are found in only one place the underground in the heart of jerusalem there's one spot  that represents the end of days more than   any other and to truly understand the apocalypse  we have to head to what may be the most hotly   contested property in all the world this 45 acre  stone platform i'm walking on is the heart of   jerusalem and a key to the apocalypse it's called  the temple mount or in arabic at haram sharif   and one of the reasons this place is important  to billions of people across the planet   is well a rock it's inside this gorgeous heavily  guarded building it's the spot where according to   muslims muhammad ascended directly to heaven and  for jews and christians it happens to be the same   spot where they claim abraham survived his test  of faith with god so for the three religions it   is ground zero jewish philosophers believe  that rock in there holds the world together   the world was created from that rock you move  that rock total chaos the dome of the rock is   the oldest islamic building in the world dating  back to 691 but according to legend the great   jewish temples stood on the same spot as the  dome of the rock the dispute over who has the   right to claim the one rock is still the source  of fierce debate today it's under the authority   of the supreme muslim council but we've been  given extremely rare access to go inside in fact we're one of the few non-muslim  tv crews to have ever entered the site   look at this so this is the rock  this is the reason the dome is here   the place where muhammad ascended to heaven beneath this sacred rock is a natural cave   where many muslims believe all souls will await  their final judgment on the day of the apocalypse non-muslims are not allowed down here  very rare opportunity to get below   the rock this is the cave of the prophet muhammad  this is one of the holiest spots in all of   islam according to the jewish tradition the rock  above was the first part of earth god created   and the cave beneath was called the well  of souls but this cave also has a dark side   it's said that if the waters of chaos  that run beneath it are unleashed   the world would be destroyed in fact it said that  the water that caused the great flood and forced   noah to build his ark came from right here it is  truly a holy special site just look at this place   it's kind of the ultimate underground isn't it but this is just the beginning of the story the  site was so sacred to the jews that many believe   king solomon built his incredible temple  here its construction and engineering was   so advanced and impressive that it came  to represent god's kingdom here on earth built almost 3 000 years ago the temple of solomon  was the crowning glory of the jewish people   for them it was god's palace on earth  at 90 feet wide and 180 feet long   it covered 1600 square feet and stood on the  same spot the dome of the rock stands on today king solomon built his temple to stand  until the end of time so it could hold   the world's greatest treasure the ark of the  covenant a sacred container that allegedly   held the original stone tablets inscribed  with the ten commandments the word of god   so its massive stone walls would have to be  made of the strongest rock they could find legend has it the place i'm going was once the  quarries used by king solomon to build his great   temple i'm meeting a guy who basically spent his  life investigating jerusalem's secret history   my guide moishe let's go took me  deep beneath the streets of jerusalem is huge it is it's 9 000 square  meters this is the largest artificial   cave in in the country so  you walk right off the street   busy jerusalem out there and into this massive  mammoth cave right in the middle of town how deep   are we down 40 50 meters so more than 100 feet  below the ground here more than 100 feet below   at its deepest point this quarry is a thousand  feet below the streets it's a massive system of   tunnels and caves that snake below downtown  jerusalem underneath shops homes and busy   streets the fact that the modern city above never  collapsed into this enormous cavern is a testament   to the strength of the rock something the ancient  jewish engineers were counting on when they built   their only temple to god three thousand years ago  the huge stones quarried from here could well have   been taken out of the underground and used to  build solomon's temple you can see you can see   the actual except the actual budget it's amazing  so we're really seeing where the building blocks   of the temples were taken from right here it's  said that as many as 70 000 men toiled to bring up   thousands of tons of stone from this quarry to  build the foundation of solomon's temple but in   bc almost 400 years after it was built the temple  was destroyed when the babylonians sacked the city   king zedekiah the king of judea at the time tried  to escape in these quarry tunnels under jerusalem   they believed that somehow there was a hidden  way for him to escape all the way to jericho but   zedekiah was unable to escape he was caught by the  babylonians they tortured him they killed in front   of his eyes they killed his two sons and then  they just took his two eyes off it became blind   at the end of the battle the babylonians  had humiliated and killed the king of judea   sacked the city slaughtered one 100 000 people  and enslaved the rest exiling them to babylon   worst of all they raised the holy temple  to the ground for the people of jerusalem   this was the first apocalypse this destruction of  everything precious to the jewish people this was   the beginning really of their notion of apocalypse  yes that things could end and the apocalyptic   prophecies they're talking about the big  war in the future between the light and   the dark armageddon whatever it will be is  supposed to make the whole future different   right with the apocalyptic and we're standing  where that mentality has begun exactly amazing just outside jerusalem the whole world  seems to disappear into miles and miles of   desert wilderness it's pretty rough terrain it's  intensely hot and barren as far as the eye can see   this is where the christian bible says  jesus battled the devil's temptation   and it does look like the end of the earth and  for some it really did mean the end of the world   in fact some of the first clues  we have about the apocalypse   were buried right up in these hills the  secret writings of an ancient apocalyptic sect   who produced the most important archaeological  find of our times the dead sea scrolls   less than an hour's drive from jerusalem the dead  sea lies between israel and the kingdom of jordan   at over 1300 feet below sea level its shores are  the lowest point on earth 500 years after the jews   suffered their first apocalyptic scenario with the  destruction of king solomon's temple a puritanical   sect called the essenes set out into this harsh  barren environment to usher in a new civilization   and prepare for an ultimate battle against the  forces of evil their lost scrolls are the oldest   known biblical documents in the world revealing  some of the most terrifying descriptions about   the apocalypse predictions and prophecies that  foretold their own demise many of the dead sea   scrolls were copies of ancient jewish texts like  the oldest written copy of the ten commandments   but the essenes were surrounded by two giant  empires the parthians and romans the constant   threat of war that surrounded them was evident in  two especially ominous scrolls the book of giants   tells of a group of demons who were released onto  earth spawning a race of giants that terrorized   humanity and the war scroll describes an ultimate  battle one the essenes would see in their lifetime   that would bring their world to a violent end  but these weren't just cryptic verses the war   scroll was a field manual for the apocalypse the  story of a war written years before it was fought this is abner goran he's an israeli  archaeologist who's going to take us to see   where the dead sea scrolls were discovered right  down the road here admiral why did they choose   this part of the world to come to the essenes well  it was a fulfilling few things that they look for   one of them is being away from society being away  from urban and cultivated areas and the desert is   always standing for purity for a place that  you can see nature as it was created by god   at the beginning the essenes were radicals they  believed their strict vision of judaism was the   most pure they even thought their fellow jews  in jerusalem had been spiritually corrupted   by the decadent ways of the roman empire which  ruled over the entire region with an iron fist   in the first century the essenes moved here  and built a fortified city called qumran here   they would defend themselves against the powers of  evil and rise to victory in the ultimate struggle   the apocalypse living in their isolated stronghold  the essenes wrote about 900 scrolls on leather   parchments over a span of 200 years the secret  remote location and dry desert air helped preserve   them for 2000 years and when they were eventually  found they literally rewrote history we should be   careful it's very narrow and slippery here now  you could slip and go a thousand feet down there   careful careful god look  how how fragile it is this   whole landscape is just ready to fall apart  here and this is a cave where the dead sea   scrolls were found amazing well we should  be very careful when we approach the cave   in a matter of fact people are not allowed to  get here because of trying to preserve it sure god you gotta understand how what a privilege  this is to do this look how fragile the caves   are these are crumbling away one day not too  far in the future these caves won't even be here   we're one of the last generations  to actually get to explore them ah yeah this so this was where they found the scrolls yes  not all of them but large quantities so this is   one of how many caves eleven caves contains corals  so this was actually made by the essenes that's   made by the scenes as a place where they spend  their nights so this is literally a residence that   we're using yes it was a residence only for night  time okay today these caves are open to the side   of the mountain but in the first century it would  have looked very different two thousand years ago   these canyons and cliffs were neatly carved by  the essenes into a network of footpaths and caves   the perfect place to await the impending battle  and hide their sacred scrolls over the past   2000 years the caves and pathways have eroded  making them dangerous and difficult to access   many of these caves are connected or were  connected at one point look at this this tiny   little edge here goes over what was a connected  pathway has now collapsed down further it's really to prepare for the inevitable apocalypse this  otherwise peaceful community studied one unusually   violent text the scroll of war the scroll depicts  the ultimate battle against the sons of darkness   the war would last over 35 years and would  be waged against nearly a dozen tribes   and just about every powerful empire in  the world as they knew it it even explained   specific preparations from sacrificial  rituals to battle formations and tactics   they literally made a guide book for war for their  their big war how to organize the army how to find   armors and things literally specifics on  regiments and how to build an army and so   forth all of this was written scrolled  up and found in one of these caves   in 68 a.d after centuries of preparation the  essenes finally fought the battle foretold   in the war scroll all over judea jews were  revolting against the oppressive roman rule   and the essenes joined the fight when  a massive roman army attacked qumran   the apocalypse was at hand but before fighting  to the death they did something that would change   the world forever when the rowan approached  the place and it had to destroy everything   they hide the most valuable things for them  and those were the schools here most of them   were probably hidden within special jobs that  were made especially for it for almost 2 000   years the scrolls lay hidden in these caves long  forgotten by the world until one day in 1947 when   a young bedouin shepherd stumbled on this cave and  found the greatest ancient discovery of our time   once experts began looking further more and more  scrolls were found in nearby caves here we are oh   yeah here's another large cave oh cool where  about 31 schools have been discovered really look you can see where they did the main  excavation down here this had to have been   where they found the scrolls buried look it just  keeps on going back there you're under attack the   essenes they bring the scrolls here up to these  chambers and hide them expecting fully expecting   to come back and pick them up but they don't  they lose the battle they're cut to pieces by   the romans and as a result the scrolls remain  hidden for two thousand years the essenes   die the scrolls live on underground in these  caves and with them the vision of the apocalypse i'm about three hours north of jerusalem in  what is one of the oldest cities in the world   echo now what makes this city totally unique is  that it was built upwards not outwards beneath   this marketplace beneath the whole city is an  underworld constructed about a thousand years ago   it was the site of total bloodbaths horrible  massacres the front lines of an earth-shattering   holy war archaeologists tell us that less than  10 percent of this underworld has been excavated   but what they have found may hold secrets  of the knights templar the great crusades   and why this ancient world was  poised on the edge of doomsday in the 11th century christian knights from across  europe took an oath to annihilate the muslims   whom they considered infidels and expel  them from the holy city of jerusalem   for both sides this wasn't just a war of conquest  it was a holy war a final battle between the   forces of good and evil for the knights good  meant christianity and evil the muslim infidels   the catholic pope used apocalyptic rhetoric to  inspire knights from around europe to fight and   kill the muslim enemy the greatest threat to  christianity but controlling jerusalem meant   conquering its gateway city akko in 1104  the christian knights finally succeeded in   conquering akko sweeping across the holy land and  slaughtering tens of thousands of muslims jews and   non-believers along the way all in an attempt  to secure jerusalem for the final judgment day   the apocalypse the city was divided into sections  each controlled by knights from a different order   the teutonics in the east the hospitalers in the  north and the most powerful of all the order of   the temple or knights templar in the south where  they protected and controlled access to the port   i met up with akko's head  archaeologist eliezer stern   this is the city beneath the city  here right this is the crusader city   from the 12th and 13th century and we are in the  ottoman city that built in the last 200 years akko   flourished under the crusader nights for nearly  200 years but that wouldn't last christianity and   islam would soon face off once again and the  crusader city would be lost forever until now oh wow this is the dining room of the crusader  that means the military order they used to live   here daily more than 500 people 900 years ago  this hall would have been filled with christian   crusaders with one goal in mind to steal jerusalem  from the infidels few could have imagined   the bloodbath that was about to take place a  battle where islam triumphed over christianity   burying the crusaders and eventually their most  prized stronghold 40 feet beneath the ground   it all happened at the turn of the 14th century  when egyptian warrior slaves known as mamluks   stormed through the holy land with a vengeance  after a lengthy battle they slaughtered every last   night inside and destroyed the city to ensure  none would return it worked the crusaders were   gone from the holy land for good two centuries  later the city we see today was built the ottoman   turks came into town and built directly on top  of the ruins that's the street level right there   they found this hall this knights hall completely  filled with rubble just buried and they removed   that rubble and they found what you see right  here these arches here these massive pillars   everything was intact it's amazing that this room  has lasted this long and the fact that it's so   eerily empty is something the powerful crusaders  could never have imagined this particular dining   hall was used by an order of knights called  the hospitalers originally the order provided   medical care for pilgrims traveling to jerusalem  but as the battle for the holy land intensified   the hospitalers took up arms and joined the  fight but this room is just the beginning the entire buried fortress spans up to three  square miles and snakes underneath the entire city   up above look goes off in either direction  both ways from sewer tunnels and latrines to   hidden subterranean templar meeting rooms look at  this thing look at this place it's unbelievable   and top secret military tunnels if you were in  a siege this would be a military operation down   here moving supplies of soldiers throughout  everything in this system is still in perfect   shape holding up the modern city above we're  about 45 feet beneath the modern day streets   about 12 feet or so below the crusaders  and this is what's holding all that up we had entered into the hospital or quarter  and walked through the meeting halls and   living quarters to this one of the most  strategic tunnels in the entire complex so what do they use this tunnel for it's a secret  pathway it's a strategic pathway that connects the   templar quarter into the the templars were  renowned as the ultimate protectors of the   christian world a top secret military order who  killed in the name of christ they were called   the first warrior monks of the western world and  i was standing in their now buried nerve center   above us we can see one room of the templar order  this is underground of the ottoman city okay   and this is the remains of the crusader city and  this is actually underground of the crusader city   so we're three layers down here right all right i  understand so why did they construct this tunnel   what would they use it for the templars are the  first bankers of europe they used to take a lot   of money from the pilgrims to bring it to the  holy land and it wasn't safe for them to move   a lot of money in the 13th century right so they  held the money from the pilgrims to keep it safe   yes but it also had a strategic value right yes  of course they are knights it's a military order   yeah if they want to move move their knights their  horses their weapons whatever they need a private   pathway that meant it all went down right here in  these secret tunnels the knights templar as well   as the other orders of christian knights fought  fiercely to protect the holy land from constant   attack on all sides after all if they lost akko  to the muslims they'd lose the kingdom of god and   that's exactly what happened in the 14th century  when the powerful muslim army of mamluks rode in   today archaeologists have only uncovered 10  percent of this buried christian city and no one   knows what clues are yet to be uncovered about the  mysterious knights templar in fact as our cameras   were rolling eleazar alerted us to a brand new  discovery just up the street for the first time on   television we're going to see a newly discovered  hole that leads down into the crusader level   of akko so here's the deal this building here  was bought by a private developer anytime that   happens inacco the archaeological experts have to  check out if there's something underneath which   of course there is because there's something  underneath everywhere in this city so they   have to check it out and we're going down now  this site was literally just uncovered recently   eliezer believes this structure was part of the  massive crusader complex so could this have been   used as a secret meeting place for the legendary  knights templar okay so we are in the oatman level   okay and there is a very very small edge going  down into the crusader level and you can see   that it's completely full with dirt debris and  everything can we get down in there be careful oh come on be careful yeah a lot of debris this  space was lost and sealed up for nearly 900 years   it's a major fine and from here  the ultimate treasure hunt begins   we are 10 feet above the floor level of this  room and you can see only the edge of the doorway   well let's look at this i  just want to see if i can get   a look at it the structure beyond this small  hole was abandoned nearly a thousand years ago   and these rocks were all that kept us from getting  inside a time capsule dating back to some of   the world's bloodiest days you see them there is  another one there oh you can see in the room there   all right let's get serious about this you're  feeling like indiana jones yeah exactly this time we are not going to play a lot more than this  because it could be a crash and stone can fall   i can't slip back there no no no it's very very  dangerous moving one rock could mean the modern   city above would come crashing down on the ancient  one below eliezer and the authorities wouldn't let   us go any farther into this new site until they  secure it against collapses but this brief glimpse   into the past just one of akko's countless  secrets is still buried in its underworld   there's 10 12 feet beneath you here but there's  a whole other room a whole nother passage   and the whole city is like this a thousand year  old passageway right through this way if you could   get through rooms like these are often the only  hope to unlocking the mystery of the armageddon   that happened right here when islam put an end to  christian rule in the holy land burying it forever after the jews returned from exile in babylon  this is way before christ they just wanted   a better world but it wasn't a few centuries  before rome had this place and them in an iron   grip so the idea of a messiah a savior someone  who could save their world began to catch fire   even reaching a fever pitch with  certain radical apocalyptic sects   so preachers like john the baptist began to  preach that there was an urgency to cleansing   soul purifying the spirit in preparation for  the big day because he was convinced the end   of everything was right around the corner i met  with archaeologist shimon gibson at the church of   saint john the baptist in the town of incarim the  traditional birthplace of the legendary preacher   in march of 2000 shimon discovered a cave he  believes could have been used for ritual baptism   by john the baptist the fiery preacher was a  contemporary and possibly a relative of jesus   it could be one of the only artifacts left  behind by a key figure from the new testament   and one of the biggest discoveries of our time  but shimon's findings are highly controversial   and hotly debated by scholars shimon believes  important clues prove that this cave holds a   secret to the famous preacher's ancient ritual  of baptism and to the final day of judgment wow it's amazing isn't it you found this yes and  i excavated it that must have been incredible for   you well i tell you at the time when we came into  this cave you couldn't stand and you had to crawl   in all the way up there oh i see the soil was  really high shimon discovered this site when a   local found a narrow crawl space along a hillside  shimon investigated the site and shortly after   squeezing through began to suspect this may be  the cave of john the baptist at the time it was   filled to the ceiling with debris but how could  the cave of such a revered man a man who even   today is considered a prophet by both muslims and  christians just disappear for centuries the cave   goes back to 800 bc when the hillside was dug out  to access a spring beneath it for centuries this   spring was used by jews as a mikvah or a ritual  back sometime around the 11th century the cave   was abandoned over the years rainstorms flooded  the cave filling it with sediment until 2000 when   shimon and his team unearthed mysterious clues to  the signature ritual of the fiery jewish preacher many people just sort of say this is an oval cut  into the surface of the world but it's only when   you take off your shoe and you put in your right  foot did you see the defense all those skeptics   who said i said oh it's just a oval in the top  of a rock when i get them to take their shoe off   they sort of are immediately convinced let's try  this what size foot are you ten i'm perfect for   this hole this size 10 foot hole is ideal for the  kind of baptismal ceremony performed by john the   baptist jews had been using this cave as a ritual  bath for centuries but john's baptism wasn't to   cleanse the body for prayer shimon claims john  the baptist used this cave to cleanse the soul   for judgment day the preacher they called john the  baptist was born roughly around the same time as   jesus but was preaching his fiery and radical  message long before anyone knew who jesus was   he attracted a large ministry by condemning  the hypocrisy of the jewish elite especially   its powerful ruler king herod he baptized people  in the jordan river and warned his ministry that   the messiah was coming in their lifetime let me  show you what what would have been done somebody   would have crouched here i'm crouched clutching  and then using the jug i would then pour oil over   your foot it would signify the fact that you had  now undergone the process of baptism so you were   ritually prepared so you may be putting your foot  in a place that john the baptist put this foot   several other key clues led shimon to his  controversial theory the cave is near john   the baptist's birthplace and when shimon  uncovered the baptismal well he discovered   several primitive drawings and cryptic symbols  possible links to the first century preacher we've got to climb up here it's a bit slippery but  this is all good right i can walk on this yes all   right so i can see the full figure this is john  the baptist right here yes what's important is   he's wearing this hairy garment and of course we  know from the gospels that he wore a garment made   out of camel hair on the opposite wall several  more cryptic symbols associated with john the   baptist were found including his signature staff  as well as three christian crosses that have been   chiseled away over the centuries shimon believes  that a thousand years after john's death early   christians and primitive monks came here to  honor him leaving behind this ancient graffiti   if this was current with john the baptist then it  was also current with jesus is it possible to say   that he might have been here it's mentioned  in the gospels jesus comes and supervises   a process of baptism why not in a cave that used  to be connected to the the rights as performed by   john the baptist maybe some evidence will  be found one day according to the gospels   john baptized jesus and immediately recognized  him as the long-awaited son of god john was sure   the coming of the new world had arrived the idea  is you are baptized in order to prepare yourself   for the coming of uh elijah or the messiah right  who then will preempt at the end of time but soon   after he baptized jesus john was imprisoned for  condemning herod months later he was beheaded in   public john the baptist wouldn't live to see his  prophecy fulfilled about the coming of the messiah say the word armageddon and people instantly think  of fire brimstone earthquakes and floods the total   destruction of the earth as we know it it's  where jesus and satan duke it out in the final   battle between good and evil but this isn't just a  wild vision it's a real place it's called megiddo   located 70 miles northwest of jerusalem  overlooking the jezreel valley   megiddo today bears little resemblance to the  great city-state it once was but buried under this   hill are 26 layers of ancient cities the result  of 4 000 years of natural disasters and bloody   battles which inspired a christian outlaw to write  a terrifying prediction of the apocalypse called   the book of revelation hey steve steve langford  is a local guide who has pieced together the clues   to megiddo's violent past and its ominous link to  armageddon almost four thousand years ago megiddo   was a major canaanite city that commanded  an important trade route between egypt and   mesopotamia because of its immense strategic  importance megiddo was constantly besieged   from about 4 000 years ago until it was  mysteriously abandoned in the 4th century   bc one of the biggest battles came 3 500 years ago  fought between the egyptians and the canaanites in   fact an ancient egyptian scroll that describes  the battle is the first written documentation   of any battle in history pharaoh titmost iii  and then the first battle for which we have a   description history 1468 bc writes the taking of  megiddo is worth the taking of a thousand cities   the problem of megiddo and many other cities was  that the spring was not inside the city it lay   just at the foot of the hill on the outside it was  near under siege right right yeah the enemy has   access to the spring you don't you've got a  problem sure from the first recorded battle 4 000   years ago to the final battle of armageddon water  has been and always will be key to the city's   survival the spring that provided water to megiddo  was built away from the city center so if it was   besieged the local army would quickly run out of  water in the 9th century bc engineers came up with   a solution the megiddo water tunnel an amazing  feat of engineering built with simple iron tools so this is their their original excavation that  we're looking at here this is it this is the shaft   that they dug straight down into bedrock look at  that originally they had a winding staircase where   we are so they cut this hole out with bare hands  basically hand tools yeah that's what they had but   they were determined that they had to do it is the  mother of adventure right from this 105 feet deep   vertical shaft a horizontal tunnel was cut through  the rock passing right beneath the city walls   the engineers dug the tunnel directly to the  source of the spring so in the 9th century bc   after countless attacks and sieges megiddo had  finally secured a safe water source underground   the city was ready for the ultimate battle so  everybody has come here and tried to attack this   for thousands of years yeah and that's part of  the whole background you can see the relationship   in the sound between them between the word  megiddo and armageddon har means mountain mageddon   in fact megiddo is mentioned specifically in the  book of revelation as the site of the apocalypse   or armageddon we get it in revelation okay  chapter 16 and i saw three evil spirits that   looked like frogs they came out of the mouth  of the dragon out of the mouth of the beast   and they go out to the kings of the whole world  to gather them for the battle on the great day   of god almighty and they gathered the kings  together the place that in hebrew is called   armageddon and this is where the battle  between good and evil would take place   but why megiddo because of its long history of  major wars the name megiddo was synonymous with   ultimate war like antietam normandy or iwo jima  is today it may also be linked to an invasion   in 70 a.d when the roman armies gathered  at megiddo before they sacked jerusalem   but there's also evidence that john the evangelist  the author of the book of revelation wasn't   prophesizing an ancient battle revelation 9 16  says that an army of 200 million will be assembled   on this same hill as the world's population rises  it's increasingly possible for a coalition of   countries to amass an army of that size a number  that was unthinkable even a hundred years ago   for thousands of years jerusalem has been  the center of the world's fiercest struggles   and deep beneath the holy land new mysteries about  judgment day are waiting to be discovered but   the quest for survival between east and west now  hangs in the balance perhaps the natural disasters   that have rocked the planet serve as warning  signs of impending doom many still anxiously   await a day that has been written about and  feared since the dawn of civilization the apocalypse you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, cities of the underworld, history cities of the underworld, cities of the underworld show, cities of the underworld full episodes, cities of the underworld clips, full episodes, Cities of the Underworld s2 e1, Cities of the Underworld se2, Cities of the Underworld season 2 episode 1, Cities of the Underworld se2 ep1, Cities of the Underworld 2X1, Season 2, Jerusalem's Underground Apocalypse, Underground Apocalypse
Id: Xx2tALUrOyE
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Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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