Jerusalema tánckihívás a Bethesda Gyermekkórházban - teljes verzió #jerusalemadancechallenge
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Channel: Bethesda Kórház Alapítvány
Views: 1,858,343
Rating: 4.8919168 out of 5
Keywords: jerusalema, dancechallenge, childrenhospital, viralvideo, bethesda, smababy
Id: xrHHemVL9QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Look at all the people on their death beds. The lack of hope and despair in the face of this lethal threat to humanity. The horror!
Even if this weren’t during a dEaDly pAnDeMic, if some colleagues came up to me proposing this idea I would say “And make us all look like unprofessional, bored morons?”
If I ran this hospital’s budget, I’d be like wow, we apparently have way too many people employed who don’t have enough to do.
Shouldn't they be busy dealing with the overflowing corpses?
Just in case you weren’t already aware of how deeply detached from reality these people are.
Are they aware that they are all going to die now and that they killed anybody who enters that hospital by spewing viral particles over every inch inside and out?
someone must've sent out a memo to all the dancing tiktok nurses, I haven't seen any in awhile, unless they're just not getting posted anymore
Medical Industrial Complex porn. It’s like when US generals and defense contractors were beating off to CNN video of SCUD missiles launching toward Iraq except it’s a different multi-trillion dollar industry.