Jerusalema - Dance by Afro Generals Best challenge | 2020 New
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Channel: Afro Generals
Views: 3,840,542
Rating: 4.8573055 out of 5
Keywords: jerusalema, jerusalema dance, jerusalema challenge, dance challenge, jerusalema dance challenge, master kg, jerusalema dance moves, africana, southafrica, tik tok dance, jerusalema remix dance, jerusalema burna boy, dance, master kg jerusalema dance, south africa, nomcebo, good life, trending videos, 2020, children, kids, africa, jesus, church, master kg ft burna boy, tik tok, jeruzalema, kg, jeruzalem, usa, best african dance, african dance, jerusalema master kg, music, Afro generals, afro
Id: 9AgAhZ6AQvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 41sec (221 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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