Jerma Stream- Victor Vran [with Ster and Ashley]

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endgame Victor Fran the end of the game I did too yeah I do [Music] I was lightning man but that changed a mortar guy the hell what are you doing there you are you blowing your nose did you pull yeah did you just blow into like like Streets of Rage one to try to get it to work River City ransom no that's Steven okay hi everybody hello we're we're streaming right now we've got a couple of special guests on the call let's go it's going to a roll call roll call down the list first of all we've got you know you love them star underscore good and then of course we've got you know where yo lover ash ash ASHG ash and of course you know him you love him boo ladies and gentlemen boo is here hello it's me I did I tell you that one day I was gonna like do that or something no no no like oh yeah I did I just ruined it sorry guys I've ruined it that's actually turn the stream wound okay so oh boy what have I done hold on that's cuz I put you guys oh god I got it I got it because you were watching the stream I do I just pulled up chat it's popping out will you just chill oh look now they can hear you good do you get go ahead and talk talk your [ __ ] now I can't ladies and gentlemen let's go ahead and do our roll call again we got uh uh legit but first of all we got you know you love them Starr underscore oh yeah that's Starr with the star on each side of the name then of course we've got you know where your lover hatch how's it go médicos we got booth see nobody could hear of anybody so everyone just really thought Louise probably here I'm sorry guys is he in the coal anymore oh [ __ ] he's gone his boo in the cop hey guys a reference to a video I made all right I forget my entire kid knows if it goes fifty is back Aloha this is daddy's Victor Fran we could owner what Victor brana's it's because really good game it's very good it's a fun game it's worth checking out we've played this game for like I've played it for like 21 hours he's played it for like 40 we haven't like even talked about this game at one time like to correct you it's 45 hours whatever okay so it's an action RPG it's one of the better ones to come out in a long time it's it's just made by an independent studio so it's it's really good I would check it out if I were you if you like action RPGs you haven't already assumed a tropical yes it's by the Tropico devs it's all about building the character based around these cards down here it's so funny like trying to explain like the end game of this game we have we just like turn the story I just turned on the strangers cuz I stream today we're at the end of the entire video game hi guys yeah well there is a patch there's a food free DLC that add an ending game content on Thursday yeah last Thursday actually thought you know let's let's we have the crew together right now why are we playing the games very together we played the game now we don't know what any of our characters do or how to play anymore so at the end of the game they turn down the game right except we ran this is my character what does he do yeah I think I really don't know I had a whole story particular things set up and I don't I have no idea dude well I know that I was let's see I was having a probably about right I'm crit boy and I have two swords rainbow girl manure I you're you're gonna die girl I'm going to die because my character is like level yeah looking levels everyone else I have a white was I was lightning man so well I don't remember any of this [ __ ] I'm sure we'll figure it out as we go but the cool part about this game is not so much oh look at all these legendary items it every item set in the game has its own attack animations and its own in a kind of way you play with the item set so for instance if I put a side on I can even remember how to equip items really okay so for instance if I put on this inventory what the [ __ ] is going on here he doesn't know how to do it why is it doing this if the letter I care no no like it is because my keyboard is okay that's like why you injured me yeah are we standing my own electricity alright so I have my holding a sword right now and the sword has all the swords have their own attack like animations not all of them but like they're all like different looking and cool-looking if I switch oh it might like the gun for instance all the guns that look different and act differently and stuff it's really really cool this thing is like a lightsaber but if I put on see if I have some rethinking to do here and this story it's cool looking like this but this one has a different like animation and different colors and everything it's kind of like the Diablo 3 ruin system but every weapon is kind of like a broom essentially and they all have different ways they yeah act don't cross the streams I don't worry I will many times god I remember making that job it's a good joke alright so I need to actually remember what the hell I I think my remember there was like a bug where your items would get deleted I'm pretty sure to you yeah that happened to me I had like a thing that I was doing and and all like my main item got deleted and then that's when I was like ah [ __ ] and I didn't know what to do so but we're just gonna put on this is a lightning gun 50% more attack speed what was my secondary that I had probably this one to be honest oh no it was probably the cannon was that good can and I had chicken cannon repeater oh you got the ticket cannon - yeah I just recently got it and the purple is legendary the purple is like the superb good items Green is decent yellow is good green greens like the blue from from Diablo yellow is pretty much the yellow from Diablo and this is like the unique or legendary purple let's uh let's let's play this game will you say hold on one second I just had the epiphany when I realized that my character is terrible ivory had that epiphany and like who I am this is the good care we're just gonna have to like play and figure it out again I know I'm just saying I'm just putting in one card then I'm like done I just gotta find a card that costs under four but less than five but more than six alright so why this game is so cool is it's a really fun like there's a dodge mechanic there's a jumping mechanic in this game you actually can jump around like wall jump on walls which is like unheard of in like most top-down action RPGs like this but every level is kind of its own instance right so if you take a look over here the stars of the things that I've already completed but you have these little quests inside of the quest kind of so Italy that slay slay shard sentinels with ranged attacks shard sentinels are probably like a really difficult enemy that's in here that you have to kill six of them and they have to die by a ranged attack that's the only way you can complete them and they're different every time they're different for there's elite challenges like these are the super super duper hard ones and to do a lot of these elite challenges like these are all these ones are normal these are a lead and over here on the right you have to activate certain of these difficulty modifiers like hex of malice monsters hit for 50% more damage and [ __ ] you for two seconds on crit that's that's pretty horrible and some of those require you to have them on like X of x monsters active faster but you've you to tickled you get 10% more XP and you find more items hey we haven't even seen the spell book yet that's the whole other thing that I forgot about as well you can act and you can activate as many of these as you want which makes the game extremely difficult at times but if you take a look let's go back to regular challenges here I'm just gonna go in here just so they can see like what this game looks like some of the looking on the menu screen so it plays pretty much like you would expect right but I have all the uh did I have all the hexes on so look you can like wall jump you can jump around the wall jump like stuff it's pretty cool actually there actually is one right here there it is boy that's the sound it makes when you find it morning it's one who's nothing in here though sorry so Chester I think oh and items that drop in this game they don't they don't does this is not like a game about well I'd like to boss dropped like 30 items not really a hot of [ __ ] did you get there we go it's more so a game about like the dodging and action mccann it's an action game that's kind of you can move the camera isn't there a roll it's a left bumper by default this game is but I'm playing this with a controller it's actually feels cleaner with a controller from in my opinion so these are the Z The Shard sentinels don't live at the die with range yeah and that's all you're using so I really don't like this item the one I'm using right now because it doesn't noticing this this legendary when I dodge makes like about a giant electrical field alright so we just complete set so one little item popped out you typically when you complete one of these challenges you'll get maybe one item maybe maybe you'll get some gold maybe a good experience switch over the ocean this crits there's double damage triple damage there's all kinds of things it's an action-rpg there's crits help me help me Nona I'm remembering remembering how likes stupid this character was yes so this mortar that I have she was a huge long slow ultra blessed and you can switch on the fly is you noticing I'm switching between the electric gun and then you know launching some mortars as you notice you got a super funny super hilarious narrator didn't immediately hate that no I don't remember I remember just being annoyed wah ba-bah why does this game look so promisee this is like a lucy i can walk through this wall why does this game look so promising because it is it's a very good game very well made a couple of well the reason we're planning and there's a free dlc in there it's supposed to be making like another campaign and we all get to be victor brand yeah elvis good to be victor awesome so what else do we need to do in here there we go that's it did you ever do that don't get hit thing in here those have been I can't I'm always I'll lose those every time record are within 30 seconds without taking damage using it a core using any powers this one I don't think I can do that you have to get the other speed potions and [ __ ] but oh my game here's the real question yeah what are we actually doing where's how do we do the endgame thing I don't know I have one thing on my map where I've never been but I think that's just a coincidence let's go back to the map we turned out there are no town portals you just can teleport back whenever you want you come back to this hub area here is there a person like a quest or something look for this yeah yeah is the arena on the left what was the place called do you know bottomless pit was that arena I feel like it's gonna be is it the freakshow no no that's where if you want to get owned the deep binds I don't have anything done in here no that's not it either that's not it the only thing I don't have I don't think it's a new area it's the stock room well it was called like the chaos DLC or something right we should have figured this out if there's anything we should have figured out oh but no no but but the really the cool part about this game the seriously awesome part that me and you star played this for like at least a couple hours straight the PvP the PvP was like actually very very fun to like try on it do you think when it didn't desync but the stars are at like the level of completion that you want area like floor matauri if there's more more to do there then the stars won't be filled in yeah so it's kind of you can be really completionist about it like five stars zero stars I could these are places that I don't think I've even gone to whispering burrows I've actually done almost all of them do you have the all the thing to talk to you the Reformatory do you have that unlocked all the way to the left for me it's locked yeah DLC area is called the cauldron of chaos of chaos wasn't that near the boss that was just like a regular area before I don't know that's the sanctum the deep mines stockroom the Junction steam quarter steam gated get a rickshaw hey wait if anything has steam you have to say like Gabe and it's wicked fun Nessa I'm doing I'm making a parody I'm doing this a parody on that can we play a game I don't know all right I'm just gonna just I'm gonna go to uh all right well it can okay I don't want to like just search for stuff on Wikipedia while I'm streaming people in here waiting for us to play the video game I'm gonna go here where's here I haven't done this yet just come to me all right it's too secret to that I haven't gotten teleporting once the order to stop yeah kill monsters without using potions or demon powers so don't use a potion and we have to slay monsters within 300 20 seconds without using a shrine I've let you be easy this chef just don't use a potion kind of trying to get time to get smoked you know I mean it stand very far back because I'm Way in there level oh that's right uppercut maybe nobody will notice me okay hey maybe you'll get a lot of experience quantities Elsa we're gonna find out who might gain done is still relevant I didn't get a rainbow gun to what do I have to do yo kill kill kill okay we built 100 new songs I don't have any containing this area either oh oh maybe we're onto something [ __ ] no damage at all Holland's gonna be great no one invited you to play what ready myself she was welcome no but she wasn't welcome my rainbows are 1500 avoid dead - what's this rainbow gun that thing's amazing I just crapped it it oh that's um that's incredible I wish I had that what does it do it reads my elbows yeah but what's like the cool thing it's like the rainbow just do 25% more than rainbow damage I don't know I say when you split up these things I don't think the other mini guys count as kills by the way oh really what it's one of the demon powers that I have like what like monsters without using potions or demon powers almost there and then I could finally feel myself arranged the thing I'm doing everything say that oh it's sucks help out of things wait no that's my question okay there it is look it was beautiful by rainbow Dennis there's everything it's a prison with happiness maybe we're missing something else - what's the other thing - not you're out of time we only killed one champion in that time for you wow we thought oh [ __ ] I just jumped into that way no no no no no I like it here it's just like get me out of here oh I'm stuck down here alright ride my rainbow cover fire thank you let's get a card divine justice I really want to give it a spellbook and you might him daddy I would also like to get one of those for what's the spell book listen it didn't do that we fell down slay monsters we've okay we have to kill 20 more things in a minute let's go anything find me things guys are well guys oh I'm gonna shiver me timbers eat it Skelton my favorite thing about it was ran one more to kill one more thing oh come on please we need to kill one thing in 30 seconds oh there's the thing up on the ledge I can shoot it get him but if a gun doesn't do enough damage no he'll kill him oh it doing everything already everything he's like look at your stream to see how much damage oh dude I told you a Mike item got deleted don't you remember that that's why I have to like redo this whole character we're like 13 more to go Oh hey what y'all do was poor skeleton yeah the one that like complaint that we had about this game was not about how the game wasn't fun or the game is not really great there's like five enemies in the whole game yeah there's like skeleton spiders our secret here oh goodness Kelvin oh there is right wait what's the noise finding the secret there is the burp yes we heard it was pretty well I want you to hear it yeah there's like elemental skeleton spider zombie elemental vampire gargoyle that's pretty much every enemy and again Hayes the statue gonna screw up anything I'll make our deal even if they can we fail yet I don't know even oh we're doing we are we need to find two secrets well did you just skip the one me and Ashley just got I thought they would complete it if somebody got it in here did they change that you have to get it not only for secrets you have to get them off that's my complaint about this game because the two people in your party can go and do something and you can be like a foot away from the objective and it doesn't count off that you've done it so you'll randomly reach a door that's open but that was you didn't actually do it there's every time there was like someone you had to talk to he just didn't exactly exactly that's stupid you should have talked to him mister mister skeletal is a chump compared to the person I was supposed to talk to it wasn't even there cuz I had to talk to a person three times ago listen when I played for like look like the most important thing actually is you have the rainbow god I do I have the rainbow then I don't see any complaint you can use chicken gun and the rain you're just like I had all the best weaponry in the game well [ __ ] annoying outstanding the Electra goes I am magnificent sir you will take that back your average you see that overkill was it four hundred damage expressed in this rainbow and crystal thousand my own hand Jim I'm gonna see how my crisp or sweep if I could see it no spell books yet where the hell are they I want to get the new item type thousand of the RAM is this a Skull Island now was just a regular Island you are so we have not been down here great thing here's a really great thing about this game you see the breadcrumb trail I wish more action RPGs did this you see the little dotted line that's where where our characters have all have walked yeah you can do like the fog of war thing and echo that's where you've been but that actually shows you physically where you were standing like less than a minute ago that's so so cool can somebody please give the these developers ago this is the Tropico guys very time somebody please give these guys like a hundred million dollars so they can make like another one of these games but make it like a huge like it's like competitor to like all the other ones I read mode gun does 50% more damage when my overdrive meter is full and I don't use that anyway there you go damn if you find you get a sticker yeah it's the one over here will you do another lap just what about over on the left it looks like an area you can jump to over there on the left I'm gonna try it almost have to wrap around again where did sir go I'm back to trying to figure out where the DLC stuff is that's probably a good idea c1 the case nothing down there I can't like jump over that I want to go down there and play in the pond I want to get rid of this annoying gun that leg hurts me when I dodge watch oh I'm gonna dodge oh there's an enemy over there this doesn't hurt me you were injured before in like the spawn area something hurt you I remember that these hurt you if you walked into this there we go why is it just this one hurting like you Jeremy you're sitting you're trying to hurt yourself I'm just telling some testing okay get you some help gerrae is the dungeon master okay I think it's up here hey Tara I know you found that huh we get to complete this I think right oh no seriously what did it is this looks like it should be a secret air it is secret do it was on the map but I can't actually do there whoa hurting through a thousand star I just did like a 1,600 Fred jealous I forgot what brutality mine really do you want to get this before we open it hey what up me do you want to like get in here before you know I think I know where I'm going Oh something about these little bubbles I love collecting them I know just like in a little big planet they make them will satisfy boys ever what our panic ice cream what what is peanut butter panic baby well let somebody said them so we don't have these we did everything we counted here for the normal challenges without putting I'm gonna have the hexes on yeah that didn't feel like a hex room no it was a cuz I did die no that is not a hex room if I died that means hexes on which yeah that's how you know all right let's go back I want to actually take a look at I might though the sword man because after my weapon being deleted I hate this new one this new weapon seriously like I did I hate this one so why do need doorstop why is anybody's name anything my name is Square Ashley square my name is doorstop only did we have the race yeah all right I'm gonna make sure I really upset well I'm going to use a side oh my god can I go play by my age besides I guess I besides were it was like a joke added to the game so bad people would accidentally use it yeah it's fun to use the side don't be such a don't be such a [ __ ] Butthead it's it's fun to like just die so scythe has like really random damage it can either do like five or like 200 the scythe has really random damage it never does any yeah or that because all of its abilities are ass my side is mine is get better which one's cooler all right what everyone has like the cooler of animations wins okay the same different well shoots like rocks out okay no it's like old faded dollar bills and that rocks it's like all the paper money yeah we would treasure keys jericho sketched it out treasures treasure now this is really important we need to see what the whirlwind looks like Wow whirlwind that's so cool actually I like this one was this this one's a dervish is this one this one's dervish this is the one of the armor penetration which is probably good how do you bring up the map oh I found it this is night but in my stream what did he leave again he liked it why it wasn't there during the last stream you didn't I don't know why does it keep happening it's better things to do German super on your stream yeah yeah I can I just put him in right now yeah you should go to nightbot nice I join you and Ashley both like don't know how to stream huh you need the wizard to combine salt every be easier that way go to the website and then you hit the join button yeah I know he just for some reason leaves maybe it is it is eat on like a hey timer or something it it's not called it but I'm gonna go to the bath okay night bought please get in here please don't leave they're areas he's here okay nightbot thank you for coming and leaving again there we go I am failing my mission what's your mission where is my thing [Music] that's that all right let's go back to what we were doing we were playing a video game last time I checked so look at the map by the the bottomless pit right below that I noticed hey there's this uh it's like broken house that's already that is the culture of chaos oh I do not know how to go there I just ran around the Royal crypt and there's no actual entrance to it as far as I could tell Oh what the what is he the demon world maybe we have to go to the demon world and come down maybe no you see what happens if I go to the demon world and I was like the one of the endgame areas god I love inventory management of this game it's so fun to look at all your little shiny things and oh so much I'm like forms for the game cuz it's new well read you a bedtime story it's not time for bed sorry babe read it's time to play Victor Fran it's not time for to go to bed yeah the bottom splits like the arena though I don't think that's maybe we have to find it some secret way then you said it that's absolutely not in the crypt yeah I'm just gonna I'm gonna go to the demon world and just look around many times have I let my imagination drift into a demons go though my mind's devising I have gazed upon mountains of fire and molten rock as listen to a choir of countless voices locked in eternal agony this is one of the last areas in the game is turbulent I'm sorry to spoil a huge stretch before me is not a living hell but a dying is not already dead world the demonic contract the last purpose of his ancient incomprehensible good old side [ __ ] me where I desired to be as close to the pact older as possible why can't they figure this out there's like a video of showing someone like I'll hear it's like the closing accounts preview to just show someone like clicking on it and going their way and we can't do that hold on so pretty yes area this is actually one of the cooler areas in the game there's only just one place see if chickens woo the chickens either restart steam itself like closed steam you felt like or you have to verify your intent oh well can you confirm that that works before I do it nobody update open to the game I would have one of the students that would also put it in the game yeah we're assuming a lot of things here do away more damage in the rainbow go okay chickens everybody yeah hope you like the sound of chickens because you're gonna be here in a while oh that's the same voice actor as a Geralt by the way from The Witcher hosting only enough to dis picture frame Wow Victor Fran is Gerald from the wicked top coast on reddit oh no no no no not me not me not me no Emmy is taking this tickets to try the other gun that gun let's try the other gun it's this size right we put on the other gun I love gun blades fun blades my favorite gun blade is the one named after a cute boy it's probably son really get in here there is a secret that I do not have in here and by golly I need to find it Gary gargle whose gargoyle that is through that an absolute wrong direction okay oh they're so easy to intimate verifying my game cache could I get done if you think I just got we're starting a steam has not though like something like this got something maybe it's chickens no no I think the chickens are infiltrating my brain and I'm some hearing them you're not shooting it you're gonna lay in bed tonight go and just hear the chickens that actually happened when we played this game like all day four days straight I got this chicken guns like crazy early on like it was really super overpowered I got it I've been using it and it's still the most powerful weapon I owe the Rings underground systems jumbo room no I can stay in the melee DPS doesn't ever quit yeah this is a very difficult to solve problem it's lace apparently there's a like a mini boss in here Seth is this DLC real did they just make it up should be around hey our game is DLC like every good they've updated this game quite a bit I read an article today about how if you say that your game is like super advanced AI and super cool features like people have more fun playing like if you say the game is super cool people will play it and liked it more yeah they had like they did people play don't starve twice for one of them they're like oh this is just a game as the AI is random it doesn't do anything special then they're like oh this is the cool new way I adapt the game to your play style then like when they told people that they're like oh yeah did it totally did and he was so much better wow he did a really cool thing power of the spoken word yeah but it was just the same game but they thought it was still like the same game ed come on do it whirlwind it's a pretty good hello he's trying to make him do the and I figured it out and this is really really broken and I don't understand why yeah you know how when you have like DLC in a game you like in the steam page it shows like oh here you're gonna play this game and it has like checkmark checkmark abyss is installed you're not gonna have any of those things for Victor brand you need to open the game on each free DLC from the store page of the DLC yeah and then steam starts downloading you should not have to do that we use a five step no it's not and that's why you haven't found any tunes either because they're not in your game I want to get a book there's no books right you really haven't done that either is that what you're saying yeah geez window when you go to your page on Steam like oh I'm gonna launch a victor brand it needs to say it needs to show the DLC and have the check marks that it's installed the keeper of the packs I don't know where I got it to do that was by launching the game from the DLC pages any one of the bosses curious Wiley Wiley no it's fun - fun - I just got like zoned out right there on surrender Caterina's contract easily you this pedal do daddy upload a audio there are some vessels no it is not ready good oh he keeps smelling our smell it y'see purple not gonna take out the ads I guess I'll sit here wait here with all my new content no we're just gonna almost at where those where the boss fight we're fighting I know we're just let us go there robot I'm just I'm just over here trying out oh he's almost done we've said we get her her shield Oh should I keep forgetting actually you're like ten levels of under level yeah crap we go to bed do they have enrage timers this item is actually really cool there's a carpet attack there's a magic carpet attack oh okay that's I need to see it did he just respawn back and I love a weddin I need this I also look like a [ __ ] [ __ ] holding a book and like my inventory's outfit I'm like Indiana Jones reading a novel oh geez let me pull up has anybody played ranked yeah oh [ __ ] Oh Laurie I actually never played Frankie no thing that I never did well you killed she was inflated I wish I was parkouring around yeah home is really good Danna we gotta get rid of the yeah elemental Lords yeah hold on maybe got some elemental Lords over here holy F star hold we're gonna have to give you add a few but we got some elemental lords over here yeah you know you know that goes I wonder if I can come into your game with this compass is an hour game technically your game that you made when you enter be invited well he's almost there is it I thought it was almost deadly have an hour destroy these players already go later the weak dumb shield its chickens oh no the stats of your chicken bell now this is better than much other stats of your chicken gun there we go no I can't check right now check Jerry's stats on that gun Emma's dad don't think this much actually does it do I do you think I think I'm used to look here - wait I got my red thing I'm going way hey he just died we've no reason why we did that is because he dropped stuff he drop a lot of stuff chickens are very inaccurate I just got a legend I got two legendary birds I don't know the hell it wasn't speaking up though was that I just got the same cut damn it I guess I got the item that I'm currently holding in my hand we get any legendary at all I just died out something yes I got a gift box are you dying there's like a puddle of pee on the floor and I go in it you stepped on the poison P aa little bit yeah I just picked up yeah that's an item that I already have Aaron is it better than always over here with all this new content no yeah too bad alright I need to get up I'm gonna update my game I'll be right back what do we do you need to go again your video game clothes my video game and then you need to go to Steve Greg go to where Victor Brandt is go to properties or DLC or something right isn't it something like that very easy no I go to in the library where Victor Brandon's mm-hmm you click on store page and then you can go to the DLCs you can click them down there and you have to launch the game from the DLC page that's wonderful for me I know if there's an easier way to do it but I don't know why it hasn't been done already called your enough chaos well me because it's listed as DLC instead of just an updated version of the game which is didn't we when we first initially bought this did we buy like the different version or something to be able maybe this is the guy they selling this version or no sewing what version is free I don't know so why'd you have to launch it from this I don't know turf I don't know you're supposed to have all the answers I am the answer all right well just okay I'd launched it from okay yep I hope not hey do you have a game open oh sure do you have all three of them didn't show all three checkmarks yes I don't want you became three times I did not have a fun experience Oh what do you mean chipler I just opened up cauldron of chaos DLC and it was like you have John calls me chaos and I'm in college anything else DLC okay okay close the game again go to your Viktor ran when you're gonna launch the game and stroll down where it says DLC and I'll see if you have all three installed in check part I do not yes you have to launch the game three separate times from each DLC page what the hell I need the Highlander outfit yeah I think we'd probably have to just to be on the same version right I don't I have no idea yeah suit you know yeah like why would why would the outfit highlander outfit why is that dlc and not just like a petulant existing game i don't know cuz it's free anyway why is it why is it done this way i don't get it highlander outfit okay dope digger it is okay okay i have it all okay modern gaming everybody that was by the way i've never heard of that ever happening that's weird so now should i just launch the game normally yeah as long as you have those three check marks on here it says installed installs installed okay I am ready to join a somebody's video game I'm liking hey I launched the game for all three of those where's this checklist thing it explains like four times okay okay I got it I found it I found it okay hello everybody we're back well I don't know that's what stir but he hates answering questions I hate answering the same question like four times I think it's any question I explained it while you guys were playing and like didn't want to come play with me we were doing something else they're busy I'm currently trans be open all right good elemental lords rammed all in our business that's what I'm doing here is you can take three yellow items and there's a chance when you transmute them together it'll make a purple so I'm just getting rid of all my yellows cuz I don't really need them anymore try to get a purple you know whoa what is that oh I gotta [ __ ] I got a book that's a book you can buy the books from the dude over here if you're desperate yeah I guess you could look or what guy yeah and I wish you be here there is no guy stand-in there mister I wish you could trains me together legendaries there's nobody here there's a part in the campaign where they go away and you have to keep playing the campaign to get them back yeah that's what I was sorry but what you're talking about is that you were level 38 and you haven't played the game okay okay guys okay work like that I shouldn't be fighting in this this this is my stream I don't want to hear a fight break out are you gonna stop the car German you better not stop the car I'm gonna pull over and I'm gonna turn around screaming wah we also have a bounty so we can actually have to find the Highlander outfit what it does and I don't remember how to even activate counties I love it already but it looks like it's what it does do I know I want to use that where's my rainbow there it is could automate this stupid transmuting thing yeah so long yeah which was automated disco well I say magic carpet I do it where I do I'm a penetration we'll do this hey Dad I wanna see so this is a rapier it goes like this it's pretty cool so I need to take off all these cars look I guess I can try to explain the card system a little bit so down here see the destiny points right there at 16 out of 20 these all cost points and they all do different things so for instance like the archer card is five points and I get plus twenty percent range damage was on you can combine these these are like kind of the endgame ones because we've been playing for a while obviously there are legendary versions of some of these cards but this is a terrible setup if I'm gonna be using a melee weapon because obviously it's built around doing a ton of range damage so let's just - let's do it as a default build I guess okay forget what all these dude I dunno this isn't you say the swashbuckler was a terrible card I think what I said was the swashbuckler is the best card in the whole game it's the one I think it is gained quickness a few seconds no yeah I know that one's terrible that's one of the worst cards in you a sword one oh I crafted a meteor that's different I'm gonna put on the rogue hundred percent critical damage that sounds pretty cool for an a layperson Hey ten percent crit chance that's also sounds pretty good if you're gonna do crit man dude a meteor falls from the sky and helps me Phil stop all right I have a 200% more crit damage if you're committing to Creek geysers one of the armors that's give us a chance to crit yeah I got a look at that guy's the chat is getting bored of us sitting in here I can feel it wells I mean we're just kind of cramped and stuff no I've been waiting to play for at least 15 minutes series wood way to play for at least fifty no he has not i installed the dlc and have been waiting to go to the new area i have a ton of cred damage right I'm not your level 30 hate ready alright well I was gonna go with it he's doing alright we can actually played the DLC no that's good should be level jamming you guys people can't control their levels alright now I actually see the bounties you're talking about now and the cauldron of chaos shall we shall we go to the cauldron of chaos what hex whoops I did not mean to go to the culture of chaos I'm into the hexes oh my god I think there's a start point that I hold on just leave and come back we just we haven't you can do it Oh overkill Mickey three lives without dying with hex of time slay soul of black with a demon power without dying gotta kill somebody with a scythe there yeah how do you accurately somebody with a side these are pretty difficult one - all five X's mine doesn't tell me which hexes I even need it just says oh oh wait no it does so let's just go with the one four five because I don't think we're gonna be able to do half of this [ __ ] with all five on so let's try to get all the chromatic aspects first destroy the chromatic aspects is that what you're telling me yeah and then there's also one without dying with five hexes so try it try already died I guess I will stick to the wall what's not dying let's kill things don't die and kill all five the aspects here we go if you don't complete every single one of those challenges on your first try I'm unfollowing well we're not gonna do the scythe one because I wasn't freaking sight we go are you know I'm using a rape here Slade during a tan I know which one was it hatred and angst or the sight doing that well let's go let's go these guys are very dangerous how oh god there's um less money for a lot of things everywhere there's so many people on the street oh my god 38 also little shame whoa what does I don't even know what's happening hey wasn't it me wow this is what happens when you put all five hexes on and go to the endgame DLC area oh there's like a random access just like shoots you with damage from the sky maybe I can't even endure that at this level like Mike suited my chicken gun healing base oh this thing's it's like orb of destruction following me is really really good don't worry about your accent I always got to worry about your rectum you serious you're annoying mutant it's really good right here should see when I hit everything on the screen it stuns everything you had that sword that's right do I still have it though that's not one your thing we got deleted those chickens are really enough hey I'm not the one with the chicken gun oh shoot chickens off-screen just for you just think they're still spawning like a million spiders a second I had full health and I'm dead I don't know why yes yes no you're kidding it just like a restart the area that's hold on let me let me get that item if I remember where it is it's the way the artisan is that do I still have that item if it's in my stash I know that my stash we're going back right I think so we're not let me see what's in my stash don't think I have that item strange Elena it's a sword that's like purple with three links in it thank you isn't that this one yeah see I am playing melting right now oh oh no yeah here it is shackles right let's go yeah hey flutter how you doing its best sword in the game great game boy oh that's weapon in the game alright so we try this again with all five hexes again and I am fighting them currently you're currently in there I'm coming yellow orbs that are the same yellow as before yeah make sure that the sword II because we attacks and I need you to be and then a little stun everything right now so much damage jeez no I'm like goodness gracious these things are really hurt what is spawning all the spiders we got to give it to that third verse brother what is funny all the spiders is there are you really just just coming to that Creek no no no I'm just saying like it'sit's this this thing over here there's multiple things over there what's going on right now I think I've reset the level height I noticed your rainbows but they keep telling us like it shoutouts to my challenge Oh oh no no maybe we should turn off some of the hexes try to like do it normally potentially I feel like mr. brand loses health we are victory Huskers hit for 50% more damage that is that hurts yeah I'm getting instantly he'll like instantly okay here's here's the new plan you guys like go to town and like get something to eat I'll like do it what I clicked on the go to town but because he said that is because having three people here is making it harder and one of them is is I don't want to shame anyone oh I keep I keep forgetting that you're like 12 levels too low for this [ __ ] you guys are dying just as much as me I oh I definitely am I am definitely dying okay what have you done progress Jesus where are you people don't believe it oh sure there's a legendary their focus you're standing next to us Bonner there was spotting spiders that a whole thought I was dead for the last 20 seconds oh you just look like you're standing there in mice just like chillin out having a cigarette hey smoke it's bad no smoking this is a really great death screen look at them could anyone look at the monster slain at the top left Oh could you briefly did anyone in the chat notice there's a monster slain tally at the top left and could you could you read off with that saying right now yeah it gives you that look like it's stay alive how are you staying alive how come you're not getting insta one shot by the thing that insta one shots you as I'm playing the game giant columns a fire speeding up from help no cuz you're using open you know this I'm putting on my range weapon that's why you're staying alive you're shooting your gun what what I'm running 90% of the time this is really fun though this is much better than what will spit gallon as it was my phone stir in ash ash and stir a national star and stir net don't know who you are sir look I'm gonna learn that quick what do you think about the invasion update cost greatly distinction wipe dude he's got like a normal ass weapon like the lowest here this game is telling me something I'm gonna put the Camden stuff back on that was definitely much better this currently down to work at Naruto over here every one of these spiders is like a champion like they all went to war and take back now they're all fighting us chickens can't even it up oh but you can call demon powers just critten for 3000 okay I need to have a second here I gotta read to my cards there's this like a secondary top monster slain tally we got going on yeah I'm gonna actually start doing damage now I had a terrible build and I was dying instantly because I was male laying people do you remember that met hammer as well that pulls everything into one spot it also really recommend that you have like two of the best weapons and you're not using them I actually was using the other one is it just too hard to not get instantly one-shot by the melee people you don't have to actually hit anything with it you don't have to swing at anything here Oh sword no the sword yeah two swipes then you press B and everything gets done that's all you need that sword for only switch to it when you have to be ready I need to earn some emotes is the archer card how do you get the most deep double use I see you alright Oh pile of stuff so area number two huh oh you guys using demon powers as well yes I was sure nuts here we going this which way we go just tryna I was just trying to help after teleport souls in black and the good boys gone bad there's a lot of things happening on my spring yes there are wow this is this any corridor Oh lasered go slow okay go in Jermel where'd he go Ashley has killed as many monsters as you so I just put on my like actual gear hates it I hate to be level shaming I was dead for like 90% of what we just did by the way wish we could have a different perspective on this this game here oh whoa again with the spider oh that's five entities in this game usually the exploding spiders in cinema The Dark Knight what a meteor shower that you stir questions for wizards there these meteors for me gets the spiders blowing up oh oh I think heart is it guy in the middle probably oh I should be probably destroying the egg sacs on the Reds get everybody oh that's hatred so if you have a site this is hatred and angst [ __ ] anime characters the Trinity yeah to you indefinitely Oh makes home there's another messed up top for sure oh dude oh dude okay dude yeah let's just spider nests up top need help from my friends hi DJ Gatling he's really exciting about catching a Jervis three the intense for our mystery oh you guys just see that I responded instantly died I didn't see it thanks for selling me come on how come here not as good as my forty hours played min max character ah this is dumb I had a really good character but then the game deleted by [ __ ] Idol did we stop hearing about you the weed I don't you know are they so rude it was so good like the best item the game God first word power you and video games and my inventory yeah when you're dead in this game you just kind of like sit down you just gotta sit you don't you don't like do anything you just like I'm just gonna sit here I'm just gonna hang up who's Victor Brandon - no no a little me time oh he's shot at me yeah we did it the tracker wants to hear more about your deleted items oh yeah I was I was reading that I relied really want to keep hearing about it I wish I could I wish I said was it that was deleted the electricity ball one oh really tell me about it what does it do hey you okay you should know about it because we did a lot of cool [ __ ] with that item yeah we actually didn't throw in this really cool and then Jermel was like so bad at the game he got his item deleted I was so bad at the game that I put there's a story and it deleted one time I don't think you can get him eat up there that way well let me shoulder and rotate my chair over here other side oh wow the lowest quality of right beer what am I gonna get money [Applause] well that's it like all these like Merkel's at this point of the game even it may be 37 I kind of know it's really really not Wow let's go together we need to go what do we need to go this way to the right it's pointing right for some reason all its kill spiders there's a there's an enemy in this game it's little spiders I don't think I've killed enough spiders my only problem can't go up there where oh wait it's too hard use the dancers are they just mocking me ribbons meteors coming from oh well vampire from the vampire think about what you said from vampire man extended look in the bucket really the man Phyllis : you can what although they reanimate how does it feel to be as good as Gemma and ten levels lower than a man Wow womp running well yeah if we're gonna keep bringing up that then I'm gonna if you keep bringing that up I'm gonna keep bringing up that I'm not using my item don't you know how that works I don't think that's why cuz Ashley's been using that I don't either she's the chicken gun guns incredible kinda is not very good it is I've already I've already gone to explain that you have two of the best items in the game usually right about things easy though yeah I play video games and why my kickin that guy is a lotta help oh by the way it's also worth noting that you are you are pretty much killing every single enemy by the way because of your building okay so there's like it's we're talking about last hisses yeah like that's it your last hitting every single enemy me yeah I'm also dealing like all the damage that's worth something all the Damned all the damage huh all of it every single bit of it Oh what was that do I think those are the Demon Souls that's it yep Nicole so what do you do with these now you can trade them apparently for legendary items I don't know maybe after we go in the portal well this is no this is another area oh all right time to fight the other enemy the ball oh [ __ ] is this the guy that's gonna multiply every time you kill them probably the plague rats I hate these things jump jump step a little peepee oh yeah didn't say there was a unique boss right at the end of all these so I guess this is the boss we got whoa Wow you have to jump over that that hurts oh there's a lot of emotions those are those purple crystal guys are by far the strongest in the game don't get hit by them oh no my advice well that's the legendary color you're playing a palm playing a pawn rip off plain chicken simular fun being a dead nude oh oh how to control the room clutter so did up so did I'm so dead I'm so dead boom and boom goes the dynamite ha ha ha ha ha Meem reference we get it sure but you lost your item god hey I didn't say anything we're baking hey after thinking it since we started this whole time I've been like oh good night like [ __ ] item go jump jump jump jump jump I'm reading a third one's around your room cuz end it ever so hard to move but a little bit of shoot for one direction no my god I'm going to be because German isn't being a lead yet oh we get a German you vape oh my god a weird it's like Marvel anyone else rapt character from Australia don't remember that one then override Democrat from Australia Jesus I was picturing like in a brat brat like a rat Brett not like a guy named rap [ __ ] junk this guy wants to know how we met started the story of how we met frags list the story of how you turn off your friend yeah yeah if we could tell that story no I don't want to tell that story right now like I really like that story like waiting to save that story for another day okay it's up to you there's no distorting a wallet look look I gotta talk to whoa it's like gaben oh my god Ivan you don't know enough demon souls for this item it's 70 demon souls holy [ __ ] that's so many how many just read you're scared I don't know the two - did we really just get - we got two demon souls the neck the neck Oh nomicon that's such a good item for a name what are we liking it these are get up and stew it thank eat is it new weapons no that's a chicken cannon that's new at least we shot at a guy standing there emote legendary died lucky rabbit's foot this is all really really expensive we have to do this dungeon like 60 more time yes well damn where do you see your orbs but how many you have there in the inventory all the way to the right other little round spirally raids so I like for carrying you guys I get like in one more room pretty much let's do it again let's do that let's do that one more time you need to mess with your cards drummer uh you give me a second try me need to mess with you little cards I'm actually not really I just need to do I threw this all together way too quickly where is I can't do that six times five it's 55 German and I'm just looking inside my head you think I was just sitting there going watch six times five it's actually 35 isn't it sorry that's good that's the meta of the joke I think it's like I say doing oh that's good oh I think that's a way to funny what you screaming I know God you think and there's like wrong I said it's six times five is thirty what are you talking about it's 55 German I'm ready whenever you're ready you know what I mean like I was born ready I have this loadout that I'm using right now look at this sword I swing that and then I go pop pop pop now let me get the gun let me get together right among the other extremely important item that I didn't have on I even still have that which one the hammer that pulls everything in and I didn't like get rid of it okay remember you can cancel the poll by jumping and it still pulls if you hold the pole long enough pull boy what and then it doesn't use your cool down when it's still pool poles glitch abuser glitch abuser well I don't I don't own that item apparently the giant ice hammer yeah apparently I do not own that tell us about that item that you lost I don't know explain to us how you keep doing it there was a bug where you'd put something in your inventory and then like you drag out and the item would become maybe that's what happened so I don't have any hammers I didn't I have like three or four hammers you know you can sort you press the start a sorta yeah no and Ares will be at the top yeah it seems like you're really looking for him I was going buy a hammer no apparently I don't have it anymore sort by rarity it shows up there I'm gonna flip out I'm gonna flip out tell us about it we did that I'm gonna go to the bathroom again okay all right let's do it after she gets back of course I'm going well I'm gone don't go don't don't no don't I'm going I'm in are you in yeah are you seriously and come on yep Mickey three lives we have to overkill who's this guy in the start I was doing all right tonight insta die so that guys would be over killed Mickey three lives days they got Eclipse to me into the let me meet stomp on them before you tried it you can do like a super quick right yeah I can do it I get the shot I need the shot I tell me one shot in a stomp on him once I get the stomp on this dude this one you need to go it's so hard to tell myself had to see where everybody is right now I'm just trying to clean up the eggs first of the egg good job great job cheese cover from 100% to 0% holy [ __ ] hell that's him he's really hurt don't kill him kill him I just thought damn I didn't kill him I actually was gonna cause she didn't know it was going on so I tried one I could not already I just inhaled later they regenerate no wonder it can't do any damage hope it spider nest going down that is one of the top right laughing this last one eight chicken and it is me chicken yes today was like it there you want to get intestine a table later like no not down I just it's ten thousand damage to that guy the lowest eleven thousand damage nope nope you did nope check ahead and do a little confirmation with the string I looked over a China in social selected the saying a lot have a nice like 100 damage people run around cheating me maniac why me this is going a bit faster than the first time at the very least you can actually hurt them while they're invisible if you see their little cloud you hurt their feelings yes if you're really feeling hurt anything I mean we know where to go I guess I don't want to split up let's just go the way we this way right every time you go through the door I have to go into my menu teleport here and that's because you're not high enough level yeah maybe it's really annoying I will not stand you talking about it out Victor ranch make sure you kill the egg sacks and remember they exploded exacts yep yep yep your fault [ __ ] your fault Wow well I got more the egg sacs I mean you're actually killing things this time yes I am I appreciate it I think it's because your build is the last hit how good is this game it's good you don't know if you buy it I read I would definitely say yes buy this game you what you're watching right now you're watching like the ultra endgame this is like the last possible thing can you say the word end game one more time I'll be like the fourth time I've said it somebody's [ __ ] salty you're triggering her and she's dead she has nothing else to think about I'm dead to respond you better protect me what why would I leave playing for the game normally just like from start to finish without like all the hex stuff is a very good joke before the endgame I didn't say it that time you did no I did Chrono Trigger I'm too busy dying here see no I complain about the end game when you're dead I do collecting a scale of spiders for Halloween for my Halloween costume look at those eggs beat drums recipe the pressure tape it's too many spiders there's two eggs x over on the left that need to go down hiding behind tonight [ __ ] gargoyle that's gonna kill me again cuz I can't move is he sucked magnetically to my body I'm gonna complain about oh you did it we're tied in a moat so I could like to make fun of you that's what we're here for where's this stuff on the ground it's all I came for oh where can we go down did we last time do we explore the whole area or not let's do what we went right to the end I'm fighting them no you're very fast iein teleport how do you teleport to somebody again uh uh go into your menu like online oh it's an online there yeah there for you fussing Wow I'm sick of hearing about it can you stop talking about it okay fighter wait look at the check I love you Gemma Oh Gemma I need a bedtime story got a better your your occupies it okay John so don't scold my chat like that I'm talking about him he's he like scolding somebody slash sir the person still wants a bedtime story they've been saying that for like two hours holy Wow how are you ever gonna get the achievement for not dying never did that that don't die achieve it with these hexes on holy [ __ ] that's gonna be very difficult I've done it you haven't died doing this I haven't died yet last time I got one of them so I have to kill the end boss I haven't died left I assigned my diet once here you know not to brag but you know I know I know I'm not allowed to talk about anything relating to the game while Ashley's here let's train a bit cooler which this kind of stuff disappearing great stop throwing his hands everywhere oh ooh oh oh oh oh oh I was just being Grady and his mom to die I just stand next to him while he died you ready I'm not ready ready hey right here ora I'm disability Lee we're currently doing a prayer Oh how's the grass looking buddy good it's a week we're going in this uh this portal remembering all the purple dude who's you remember doing this all right I I thought you still you say that this was one of the final bosses kill the purple guys haha Golden Arrow up by the way if you see these people saying fills you with determination it's an undertale reference you're welcome these guys for a ridiculous amount for no reason there's nothing else in the game that like does as much damage as these guys ponens greater than elemental a ultimate skeleton how did I know it was you yeah all right they're gonna be vulnerable get them how you were using that hammer I don't have it anymore for some reason probably yeah oh did the game do with it no I'm not allowed to say that in my own stream because Ashley will get upset about it that's why I haven't said it cuz you're gonna get more about the other thing and I am NOT allowed to say anything of my own stream about stuff you guys both dead I'm just gonna not fight them yes where the rage comes in and well this is America you'd say anything you want hey I'm free to refuse service like a restaurant with a long shot long range Oh converging on me horrible doom hitches shooting in every direction brother fire journalist nope you try they're firing at me now me I did it I didn't die tonight this take 50 more it was dizzy only sell [ __ ] with ya demons oh yeah I got two nothing nothing dropped it all [ __ ] 70 of these things dude you need to do this a lot of times is there anywhere else with these drop or is this like the only slice to the drop - demon souls equals dark souls - confirmed coming out guys oh dude Mickey three lives has three lives and you have to overkill it each of them alright so do you want to try to do this without the hexes so we can try to do the actual quest without these extremely difficult all five of these things turned on whatever you want to do because I already did the hard ones slay solo black with a demon power without dying all under though dire I can't really do because I'm not gonna be able to kill it with a demon fire and I'm not gonna use a scythe well what I really care what else was in this update anything I have a tome and the Highlander outfit I wanted to put that on the seat you have to do the quest to get it our short-range magical projectiles appears targets dealing damage hold the button to increase your fire rate can you guys leave that area even go back in yeah Oh okay codex I wonder if you can get the if that's there's more than a one the legendary book it probably has to be right I imagine I think everything had I forget we figured this out everything is at least three might be more than that this seems pretty cool that's a sweet top hat holy [ __ ] this is easy without you guys here run of all the hexes off with all the hex is off its are you serious and like not the difficulties scaling well can I show up yeah I'm cold teleport to player actually are also a lot of drops here compared to other areas like doing the endless dungeon you don't get like anything keeping smooth I hate it too I love a lot of stuff does drop I'm on a legendary book by fire be purged Oh a black I already had all these I probably should be experimenting more with those [Music] boom boom boom boom too bad boo couldn't make it yeah whisper boo you here say something of your here Wow Wow I got banned for asking Germa if he's noticed any nice girls since they moved to his new place I don't think things like that anymore what what the hell are you talking about I think you were just saying that I'm like what no I hate being slow we've had you've been slow your whole life dude oh you're saying good one to me good one to you sir a nationally saw sign today that said slow I thought it's just so slow and no one was going slow Oh tell another fun masterful comedian you're dumb I saw a sign that said zoo and I thought I'd be durable yeah we didn't see haha in a picture of a zebra fiercest the whole zoo animals zebra yep now fiercest in like it'll hurt you like oh so I'm so fierce here says in like the outside yeah Sasha Fierce guys are such jokesters whenever I ever jokester no no we can't go over there does it know where we can go over there come on it could be a secret entrance well it's done I'm misters weapon that used to shootin gold out all over the place I mean that thing was awesome I don't think you ever saw how ridiculous I had gotten Jemma it's pretty insane I had that gold building that's just like a put I'm pretty sure you saw it yeah we were there if like you leave trail with gold all over the place woman oh I know I know but I had the hellfire hammer that hits everything like like 10 times a second and each hit when you switch to your other weapon with drop 10 gold and we'd get like a hundred thousand Oh God by every single brutality brutality check it here I've returned to submit my ears to more chickens instantly reconsider this oh you like sigh tomorrow okay sure love the chicken the chickens are good chickens are good please do a lot of splash damage they do a lot of chicken damage none of us else are using the chicken element I hear vampires are weak to chicken it's true in fighter tell him soulful war I always hang for you something with this dude kill them all the exits are off Hey every time it teleports I think it's dead with dancing tune-o-matic essence 2.0 is that a book yeah it's the new uh where are the books should be in your inventory and the weapons law one of the weapons yeah it's like a new weapon category stars already moving don't see any books whoa oh you already in this area I'm on that grind yo they split again a half tease the chickens as I get near these things they get nights in the butt use the chickens I don't care no one cares oh the chat cares I care about them they're not even that loud I wanted to watch the Chairman not a bunch of chicken noises like this a fake come on good nice a bunch of jeremías chicken noises same thing squawk good next the video is just like a blank a video no it's just titled chicken noises what is the reaction to that video I might actually make that in disabled comments on you want to make the chicken video as your next video no you made this like there's nothing to do like he's so depressed video and now he's just do it actually I think that would be hilarious is your next video wow what a caviar dunk me you remember when he uploaded chick like a video of scenery and nothing else it is can we do it did we win we win still can't buy anything well the guy is there all of a sudden for no reason Wow yeah that's the weapon that I had this is the one that I had in my inventory and it just doesn't exist anymore I don't know why did I just not pick up the demon souls or were there none this time what I didn't get any demon souls oh how many times we've done this the third time we've done this right yeah I live - oh wait I'm dropping this time whoa so they don't have a guarantee to drop I feel like they should I mean getting to in three runs and you need 72 buy something you're gonna have to do this like a hundred times things are really overpriced for what it is to like you like every single one of these legendaries I already have except for spark and the new book by the way spark is that's the item that I have that's the devil card is a hundred Souls you can buy that [ __ ] from the vendor in town for gold for like twenty thousand gold isn't is there no different story you sure there's no difference yes there's no difference something's not right here there has to be it like another area where the more we morons is this like the only place you can get these maybe no can we played a little bit of the game before we didn't get any yeah I guess there is I have no idea who actually is where did you come from come you know Ashley come on did you don't know Ashley Mon man subscribe tell us where did you come from hey where do you hail from um I just crawl up from under this desk for this night no where did and then when the stream is over I'm gonna crawl back and under there she's lying can we boot her from the call I don't I don't think I have I came for my mother okay I don't think I can so uh who wants to do a little bit of PvP I would love to who wants to do a little bit of player-versus-player action adventurer I bet Ashley beats here yeah thanks I don't know can you take on my rainbow gun it depends can you take on bunch of scales am i yours yeah okay um no it Stood Still a little bit of player versus player action why not alright then hey didn't you why don't you want to go down to pound town shut up I don't know why I thought that was funny and then the streaming good that would have been a really good time to do that we didn't even PvP just shut up shut up alright let's go to let's go to PvP town where it's the air where is it the free chomp what is it that's the freak show isn't it alright guys ready to see me do a little bit of ass-kicking potion wait a second he potions he potions I was in my inventory potion guy PO you broke the Golden Rule alright well I don't I don't member anyone saying start does a pretty good potion I will say I don't think you're going to be able to beat me I'm gonna put my do you have seriously look before we do any of this can we please address that you have the best item build in this entire game can we just address that I might I might have the best build you have the best item build in the entire game all the cards are perfect all your items are perfect give us a little bit of slack you ready you're ready doc where are you I'm on the map okay I'm ready let's go there's no way I'm gonna kill you okay sir you can't use a gun he's using using the repeater and he's unkillable and he can kill you and make three hits with that thing okay taking off the gun we do sword battles here hammer bevel it's gasps OOP wrong range it does ton of damage it has the wrong it's got the right range I know I think they fixed this no they didn't are you ready it's really stupid on my screen you're like teleporting all over the place let's do it oh is this what do you think sit uh uh what do you know yeah this is DS thinking it really bad at Amer yeah are you sure it's DS thank you yeah I guess it is not for Evan mean it doesn't look like it is for me are you will be testing desync are you just going to kill me I'm killing you hey now I got a 20 second way time for you to like make that I killed you joke there it is oh no Gundam stabbed you might have been able to beat him if you didn't lose that I don't maybe I'll take off the hammer maybe look like what's the list of items I can't use be ready okay you ready except the repeater accept accept accept the thing that can insta kill any of us look at me dude let's go three two one action with you didn't even hurt him he did the suckin move in then insta killed me yeah so what's is what's that banned now no I just gotta know when you're gonna do it I'm gonna shoot your corpse hey don't do that I'm infusing you with my power derma oh sorry this was like fair and it was like fun I do what happened guys the same whether you have it he's got the good item it's not fair items items Germa items three two one go do anything okay i different item each time i don't even know her I don't even know what you just did all I know is you were like 50 feet away from me and then I dire well you know how I told you what the best item of the game is mmm-hmm it's cuz it's the best item in the game well you yours you have the best item there look where your see you look where you're standing oh never mind very Lance a little too far hold on whoa ow yeah it hits everywhere and you're stunned and then you're probably dead strike for the I on top hey you heard him you didn't bat crit for 10,000 how does this arena make you wait for 20 oh yeah I don't know why I shouldn't do that yeah why does this make you then yeah dance with me no don't shoot me I'm dancing oh oh means you're up I can't kill him you think I can kill him yes tell us alright you just you just hit me I know I'm saving for you potion sure but what are you gonna stop going easy on stir Cody you see autumn no party only you can potion as much as you want you don't watch this funny guys you go you buy you won't see this one you'll see [ __ ] RealPlayer right here yeah my mouth is just hanging open I died in the air and it is a glitch to me into like the ground even if we to v1 him a picture Maree dead Ashley should to v1 star will still lose yeah let's do it let's do it let's lose III have gimped myself to it my weapon choices all right get him do that really kill you I died I died in one hit Wow homes are good is it over nobody's dead destruction I used two potions I want to hit you with this and just see how much it does oh it was hard to aim it's the dancing resource Jose belongs so that's just a much better version of this and much wider yeah dancing does not restore health what did you hit me with that instantly Kelly it took I was full health down to nothing I've no idea what the hell you did I just I just shot that beam at you really closely didn't hit me really closely with that I want to see it because that seriously was it oh I think it is I think the the - weakens you let me check the Codex try not what I did was that's what I did is that really all you did that's I'm alive still though I know I'm sorry 500 what was that rainbow I think it was just it crit you is the only difference for for over 4k that's like my entire helpful [ __ ] specially four point three thousand [ __ ] this is four point three thousand forty three hundred yeah that seems really good this doesn't even like a good spell book I just took whatever one I had so it's just a [ __ ] from UB yeah from your B I haven't people can we how many people can we like get in here to let go of like 5v1 versus you how are you booking actually getting a victory round game oh it's like for know I may be at derma Jesus that's long days bear bear bear the paper well remember how you said we were like on the same playing field and it was like we'd be like have good fights yeah then you played 20 more hours than me it's happened in every game Gerber alright you figure everything out I had to cuz the challenge mode I had to figure it out what this Wow that was half your health yeah wasn't an area like the link tab in the button don't worry guys I'll show you how you really do something said it wouldn't have a max level Victor brand character who would care to join the arena what do the front of it adventurer outfit me too I have to hi everyone it was your extra card slot and then you double stack wild cards wild cards are the only good card what mike is this what mike am i using this is a Newman what is it Newman T it's the little short skinny Newman it's up in 102 mint will only see on their side here t LM OneNote I'm okay yeah I have the same one yeah it's a it's expensive but it's very very very very good before this I used an MX l double O 9 which was also a good you're a mobile yeah well that's what cool looking all right Ashley come here what time w-wanted 1v1 me and you yeah thank you hey start stop it I'm trying to onesies one stop it what are you doing get off of me get away from me what the heck man what the [ __ ] wow you frickin kidding right now I have to wait 20 seconds let's don't make that don't do that anymore it's a fall 20 seconds if you're gonna tell me you're gonna do it if you're gonna do it oh [ __ ] yeah fine [ __ ] boy 2v1 you want to do to be ones fine let's do it both you [ __ ] I'll show you how it's done let me take you out first coming for you first I'm not intervening Gemma needs to win a fight oh no I did potion no you know no it was like climactic no I'm coming for you mr. [ __ ] mr. [ __ ] what dumb old ah wah wah whoa you just hit me all the way back there Danette this is the hammer that causes desync what the heck man I'd like it during this jump which like breaks the game yeah we just stuff just stop jumping for a second well I just take it a but look at them gonna look at the extraction manual and see it with the you're not gonna be able to hit me got away god I saw you cast on a my screen about six times imperfections stuff desync in the game trying to just quitting it
Channel: Ster/Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 4,198
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, ster, star_, shtur, stream, Ster/Jerma Stream Archive, jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, streams, full stream, jerma victor vran, jerma and star, star and ashley, star victor van, pc, victor van
Id: zNS5VhmBmGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 0sec (8040 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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