Jeremy Riddle - Vamos falar sobre Adoração // CNG 2k17

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[Music] [Music] I am I want to speak about worship you're careful a separate or a sound I'm just gonna open up some notes here just flow just a little bit about me looking so bidding me mismo I have been married for 18 years not that you sweet ones and I got married when I was 15 it was a little weird I got married when I was 21 lucasz HMV June and I have five kids your things sink Ophelia's my eldest daughter is 15 I mean Philip mines man I think museums she's amazing I think Revo she's gorgeous Alan Linda and I'm in deep trouble your thing problem is I see just happening and my my second born my son Levi he's 13 will feel you deep ways the Li little Asians and then I have little faith who is my third born Levi they're your thing I'm here picking LA Ink Revo and then Claire like things like Claire yeah she's uh she was like I don't know how this works but she was the most sophisticated girl girl and I one could possibly have at the earliest of Ages mais le I'm in India my sofa Chicago keep watch it did not facet up there how you don't say come Socrates ooh and the last of the riddle kids is his name is Joseph you would move now familiar Ito will know me they let Joseph and he's five years old anything sink wanna dodge and he's got a strong future in football or soccer I don't know watching football American football the Brazilian and you say come Cavalli sake yeah I'm not a sports guy and also car I spoke to you I don't watch any sports your normal components fortunately my pastor is constantly trying to get me to become a sports guy no positive constant K into theta my physique and cacao clockwise g-spot it just hasn't worked yet they didn't food Shawna but my son is gonna take over the world of soccer myself feel you've I don't mean I wanted to football come future ball okay uuuu great so um what else what else I've been don't get mice a worship leader for since I was well since I was 12 years old well the thing with a dad or a sunday-school chick does energy dodge and I've been a part of multiple worship movements you would pass the virus movement or a sound that was a part of the vineyard church every pastor decorative vignette for about 15 years for my zaminsky Zions and then my family and I moved up to Bethel Church with I'm a family you know - more famous parapet Oh in Redding California in writing a caliph or where I've been still AM I want you eight or nine years old ones got a lots of like that gosh what else phone game eyes deeply connected to me a cinch in connect a Takumi boo great man I'm just gonna I'm gonna talk about worship in a gong fall out of the risotto it's good here's the deal with worship I I obviously have a passion for ship oil is a key kita open-toed odorous also passionate Oprah Doris own God is doing something amazing in worship those fights causes increased interest like all over the world I see no mundo todo and there's a movement that's happening that's far beyond what human beings could orchestrate on their own yo movie meta courtesan we to my heart okay vamonos podium Ganesha help honestly all of you have the privilege of being able to travel the world on estimation was a skating privilege deviation and see the kind of worship that's happening in all the nations if you cheated or a sun-kissed a contestant on todos has not signs I get what blow your mind issue yes pull just one inch like it is everywhere it's not in total goddess and it is increasing installment undo and the name of Jesus is being exalted in every tribe and in every time you know magician Suzie sustenance now haven't told Lynn going to that reboot like I was just sitting here this morning and I'm sitting down and worship and I'm just watching you guys have the traffic just before out your hearts to Jesus say vamos a sacar Mario Corazon de vocês processes and it's amazing Yankee review it's not normal no I know Mom my God is on the move de estas move and oh yeah see he really is and it was a glorious day of freedom Yuen Jeng pit evil would you not like freedom in the church freedom in the area of worship call me leave me imagine I get it nodded I thought I saw migration before I before I just go on I just want you guys to know I am NOT a professional speaker oh yeah ain't no coach in Ohio calculus a snob but you know so openly strange Proficio now okay so if you go could just lower your expectations you don't wanna bash icepick touch division we're all gonna be just okay I've got to do set like if they were up here just bring them down here and we're all gonna be fine it was it not yeah bashing porky you invite that to deceptive ELISA that's a joke I'm a piada James G oi ah ha ha you're so you're so kind you're so kind what if assistant only guys committee God you know it is an amazing day of freedom in the area of worship no my GPA dodging gene preview and I did not a sound here's the deal it is it is a day of fulfilled dreams that a generation before a stream yellow soil not quality convenient commercial I saw in Ticino Queens I'm not sure if you guys are aware the sacrifices that were made for us to step into the kind of worship we're stepping into today I know Stacey was sitting conciencia to sacrifice whiskey from fate to Spartans adora soaked emoji like I don't know about you but I was raised in a conservative Church you say quota for semis avocado migration Cosima Dora where worship was acquired Angie I got a somewhere in Corral with ropes key to the moon chance to us Bacchus and he opened a book really fat one I was a believer bing-geul to sing and you had to turn the page 365 I check every department he's saying he told me look on top is one of those churches it wasn't until I was 13 my parents took me awhile am and I others as egregious this is cheap mice don't wear Taekwondo chat raise kids to mince pies malevolent a joking that I saw someone with a guitar lead worship he family Schofield game come view alone did another song but it's amazing what had to happen in the church in order for us to bring an electric guitar into worship my cont vo okay pretty Sukkot a segue grayza projection Pole to Chico State resume aha singing you guys don't understand what tremendous sacrifice was made to be able to bring the electric guitars into a church service versus anointing then you sacrificio in karaoke pretty low a contest a Provo Second Circuit resume a guitar huh I keep atoms like red maybe it was always okay in Brazil but it was definitely not okay in the United States now bass mucho para la mano Brazil - ah who needs hell man she for Yahoo grand I laugh cuz we have this guitar player before yo he know porque te Kotahitanga Beto who looks like he he's a part of the Rolling Stones gele Perez is a passionate about the holding stones he comes with the snakeskin boots levain kunkuma water so that she feeling she's got jewelry everywhere a bashing g joyous he's got multiple tattoos i think van stop washings he looks like a rock star he panics would watch that you can touch and he walks up on stage and worship Nayeli shavano park another sound and nobody blinks an eye in gaining Pisgah you guys don't understand what price was paid for him to be able to come to church like that without anyone judging him Jose knows no painting no preocupado pen kerosene Concha give him pretty nice guy Eddie you don't know how how how hard and painstaking it was for a generation to basically separate the electric guitar from the demonic realm person on sabe Alutiiq cuando lo redeploy from maderas own separate akitaka do mundo de venir crew I'm dead serious everything it was all the devil but a year to do Eric total job and here we are with our keyboards and our sets and our drums and our and weirdest like yak estamos demo zapateria thematic like everybody's back - yes Lord ah si si ther's that that is an amazing day of freedom East River jillybear that and what we don't even think twice about it yeah she think principles is a breeze but it was people like back in the 1960s that were basically like no why does the devil have all the good music mas bonus pay zone central command center policy a better quick eg a vote as melodies music's and they were greatly persecuted for that yet his foreign grantee means persecutors Picasa juice and we're walking in what they dreamed about Intel watch cameos not kill Jesus pesos on Jana and it's amazing game trivia it's a day of freedom Angie Judy baggage and worship is sweeping the globe yeah there are some stuff are handled mobile new sounds love songs yeah and I'm passionate you stopped us from that to see this movement of worship that's happening but a very smooth romantic movies a donkey's ahead a spark that it was intended to oaken South Pole to knock off or you can I think so much that auspicious but let me tell you this is not a given no well good dad because what the other generation before us they really struggled with being super close minded okay Janice Owen see she knows a little thousand whom I mentioned to me to fish shopping they're a very narrow box that they put everything in and she'll my my Kasia Bing bikini neon JD Skolkovo moodily dare to recover to confine odd and if anything was outside that box eco Keiko is a Florida Kashia they really thought it was the devil it is how much ash I don't get a job but now this generation has almost the opposite problem my secretary has something classic problemo post this generation is almost too open-minded so Jenna survived quasi debate outta my it's like they just like everything a como el discuss on YouTube and we blindly accept a lot of things the second main kumazawa sake that virus quizzes without questioning it sing I'm sky Shana without asking what this thing called worship is really all about simple Kunta Kiki homie signification ago Doris son that's just what I want to speak to today yes uh Briscoe Kara fallout would I want to see you can V I believe that worship is gonna lead nations to Jesus yo creo que odorous own valve an Isetta Jesus I believe that's what's happening here in Brazil in the realm of worship is going to be instrumental it's going to be crucial leading your nation to Jesus in collegiate - brazil igreja to Kaltura self ising through men to the important you could see Oprah a so - Tata Jesus but what I mean is I don't mean that you singing worship songs is what's going to lead your nation to Jesus mizuka carriages any kevo second Thomas Cazadores so nice valve Aramis oughta Jesus it is you worshiping myself you say I don't do worshipping I don't do not singing along with a pair it is you worship nervous a Kentucky couple divorce it would have to leave a mark on your nation I used to give I - on my mask and on a stone and there is a purity guys that we have to contend for till my bootys I cannot stem scimitar but I laugh with Ellen let me let me just try paint a picture they should think that father might imagine keeper would say I know I'm not trying to be negative Nancy here oh no ding-dongs a Kelly Cara negativo but I think it's important for us to understand - important you thing there goes that we live in a war zone can achieve even compete again and if you have signed up and said yes to Jesus deceive us SLE story Jesus encourages us you have become the sworn enemy of safe versus it off no enemies you rather just a nice no one really tells you that need touch you follow knew you sooner it's not part of the salvation message no I posture that means as you saw us zone we're not like who wants Jesus as you attack you can cash in zoos oh by the way uh yeah proposed if you say yes to him Steve us it's a secret azuz this guy is gonna try and take you out it's a karakia of I think otra vez a but that's 100% true my said same percent okay that you guys on the same page with me don't call me I'm not confusing any of you negate that confuso key you guys know we have a real enemy sub occasions doing you me but you can't dodge yes no see how yeah yeah he's real and we don't talk about - try glorify his power hey hey ow my snow follows daily protected glory feet carry super their Augustine no absolutely not no no not that Vik Muniz our God can squash him like a bug no sa-do's parties my guy le going again yeah man but it would be rather dumb of us to ignore his schemes mas cereal stalls Aquino era uses trabajos let me tell you this the chiffon is promising the enemy when amigo hates pure worship Oh da Amadora some puta like he hates pure worship we do via Madras okura pure worship is like a weapon of mass destruction in his world odorous alikum cos mi bomba Tomica no saloon do I get obliterates the kingdom of darkness come straight to the windlass Travis I mean sometimes I wish we had eyes to see what's happening in the spiritual realm where we begin to glorify Jesus sabe que todo Stevens always prevail kept on dancing you guys are welcome to teach at all ages you guys know that there's a whole other realm besides what we see with our natural I was saying think easy to mowett redeeming some personal consequences all use now do you guys know that there's angels probably all around this track no psychic or amazing they've defied researchers like it Nascimento listening in is clear on how many also know that there's principalities the spiritual powers and dark forces in this city as well Kentucky stop Nikita may necesidades easing principality put the studies these forces demoniac custom bang yeah that doesn't bring as many cheers I know and engaging in Boston Sebastian MS tudi but it's just is true my system being very much there's a real spiritual battle theme about pilots p12 is not data there are real casualties existing causally dad's here there are real losses will discus okay ice there's a real cost thing goes to kill available Kayla hell the enemy hates pure worship when amigo de Ahmad Alhassan Buddha it destroys darkness will he destroy us Travis it's like sometimes I picture a word a room like this there's just like a and we're worshipping Jesus there's like a beacon of light that shoots up Iko imagen you Suarez become visited on to my second semester Dora you how you lose my sight demons are fleeing communist the moonstone Fuji Motoko handle chains they're being broke g'day Stinson quebradas people are getting free special something really bad countering Jesus and contentious whose light is flooding a city young loose commencing Vegeta vs. Madison such a Zeus it's not just the singing song no I've been askin Tanima concern and the enemy hates it you need to go taya is and sometimes I think he's more aware of its power than we are yes this is the only thing my school scene said they supported akeno's missiles and he's always trying to corrupt him but in toluca home babies are you guys tracking with me so far still Kumiko change on the same page now is my passion heat to the moon you've been born into a war zone for say Nazi oh you mustn't let you care what's the main thing that the enemy does guys codes main tactic coca up principal touch could win amigo King savvy says he's a deceiver he's a liar descaling gonna do room zeros he's the father of lies the fighters mentiras there's one thing this is a side not really so in basic no Apache but it's why we need to know this my simple escapism savages it's why we need to feed on this disgusting element da la palabra like this needs to be precious to us these participate shoes upon us the Word of God needs to be precious to us lavage do you think separa knows it needs to feed our soul this is element Alice's almost because this is pure truth okay issue every thought you Putin here's the deal one of my greatest failures as a father is being a fisherman oh oh yeah so Vova proposed a zoom dues grants fracaso justify premiere on pescado do you guys fish in Brazil say spaz honking Brazil yeah at least you understand I want to try to sell this I didn't go to Tintin Lana I'm not a good fisherman it would no song boom pescado I am a terrible fishermen so big huge and I've taken my son out so many times and tried to be the amazing hero father and help him catch a fish you fight us visually Fabian field officer Kelly paison Cavazos I an epic opiate ow yeah I've uh Turley failed every single time you know if I leave if Casa de Gomez as busy but the Lord has spoken to me through my miserable attempts at fishing my is Nikhil momentum is a novelty to the pace car this fellow c'mere so here's the deal I'm one of those guys that goes to the store buys hundreds of dollars of fishing gear in Tomaso Aquila karoke phonology space cardiac attempting to catch the fish it got zapped último de la thing to pick out fish have you guys ever been to a fishing store okay Jeffrey my logic idea it's like what on earth there are five thousand little herbs at you coma see all of them claim easily the best disgust bikinis fallacy I'm a law student I'm so curious how this is translated a total kudos computer tattoos English yeah so anyway where we fish the waters extremely clear in Township Eskimos agua and transparent and if that's actually the worst because you can see the fish yeah yeah Your Honor I need the paw give us a consecutive fish and so here I am and I can see them they're right there you don't talk here to finishing Bailey and I am determined to deceive them you could take me not watching gonna fish and I have bought my expensive rod you trusted me a panna cotta and I have my very expensive lure your thing on me I use kabhi Cara and I throw it into the water shogi nagua and and then I just start to reel it in yeah you commence a push out your vault and I can watch watch the fish they're like oh what's that Yuuka massive operation my hockey keys and they just sit there and I watch it for a while I discuss mm oh no that's okay there's no no not to the paper boy and I you just like but in my head you know what I was thinking I was thinking this my stomach got mister thumping sentencing change what idiot GG oughta thinks that this big plastic fluorescent green thing Josh akiza sies Quebec energy Palatka Florida saying it's gonna trick a fish in the eating it fighting around procurement is you know why they don't eat it sup ok oh c'mon oh cool because they know what real food is you can disable community via - yeah you know this is how we recognize what real food is a pervasive or a hikoi yes do Carmo committed you very much this is how we know what real food is a stinky sabemos a chemical mutagen a Dodge and if we don't know how to recognize real food you see one said no subway a community a dodgy we're just gonna fight at whatever lure comes our way what's the vemos dick okay he's giving you two coming or you might have soldiers Izu policy verdad you let go we have to know the truth but she seems quite seraphic dodge the enemy is a deceiver we need me going in gonna do you know I was thinking about this gift wrapping some um spending too much time at this point but whatever it's a loose network he must do the paper mwah like if you know you gotta send your kid out into the world snobby steve-o's it's not because my mom now Sofia bloomed and everybody's gonna lie to them you told them if I think I mean Gina naive don't you think you expense of time basically telling your kid what's true and what's not what's in logic of us if ya got some tip from Sofia oyster kvf dodge ticking away yeah I'd be like hey sweetheart what I tell you is true your father seemed normal gazpacho fellow Navy Adachi everybody out there you need to question anything that they say jesus promises Thank You Shauna we need a discerning mind in this generation I see geração preceded you momenti descended or key design ask we need a generation knows the truth damage when she has Donkey Kong yes a garage and will not be deceived you know sir I need another all right sorry leg out formula so what does this have to do with worship in the queue Sofia vehicle Taurus own well here's the deal when you understand the tactics of the enemy when sikita quando same thing static astronomy believe you me he's so where the power of worship even Ameobi stop don't come here to do potatoes or something he'll do anything to corrupt it purely kelvin fazil chili pepper recipe here something oh you guys understand the autocorrect forces intend purely is power buddhism eppley purely is power raisa apathy and one of the main schemes of human that's minority status the scammers we need to decrease the power something regimen we report AG algo is to dilute the purity at GOG Gila week I Buddhism so how does the enemy dilute the purity of worship don't come we need me Gujju you put is a genre song like how does he do it khmer Kilifi this he just makes worship and about anything else than Jesus he finds con Kaltura songs such as so be called cash otra cosa que no se Jesus it doesn't matter what it is it doesn't even matter if it's not even that bad of a thing if it pulls the attention and the focus of Jesus it's diluting the pure no importa si si algo Guinea Antonia Hui and it decreases the power C for kakero tacos de que no se hace sous le veggie Louie OOP o oppressor yeah eg Louie OOP Oh de nada so what are the greatest challenges of our day uh news margins are fused Nasser Gia one of the greatest tactics that the enemy is going to use as we decrease the power of worship and our generation has grandest attica's do enemy who can if I was a panini you predict that the Doris son is the worship of worship itself yeah Doris own that Doris oh yeah you know it's like it's like he was sitting and scheming like he does he's like how do i sabe la basílica de replenish you decrease the power of this void ooze you PO DG's and it's like the light bulb went on in his head yeah yeah a limp nothing going on convincingly he's like I know what to do just cqz I'll make it popular if I saw the blonde and I love the worship is popular hey I saw you homo carousel of the popula I wanted to be more popular Cherokee victimize people era in there but I want worship new character kpop Doris is to say people are here [Applause] it's just a crazy thing that we live in a day and age where worship leaders are household names I'm Fatima to do it Mooji Kino Sevilla magician ikaw na me to minister to adore associate oh no no me de casa it's just a really weird phenomena held phenomena mystery I honestly don't really know what to do with it an estimation singing physique wheeze but I do find the iron it's pretty ironic demise mess but I mean how we'll meet it on you that that the people known for giving glory to something else Castro square you see this Kington iguana pro turquoise are the ones that are getting a lot of glory stone it's not that much as piss mosquito I said man we talk ilaria and again I'm not afraid of influence it's you know the new thing marriage she flings I know what my influence is for it's safe okay guilty my influence you and again we're not supposed to be afraid of influence we just need to know what our influences for Clara voice I don't think they made it influences so think it's a big Oprah Portuguese when a worship leader becomes the focus of a worship gathering cannula desgidora song sadhana for principal John hyo-joo Dora's song I could promise you that worship service isn't gonna be that powerful she premiere took a hilly couch or a son of I set on poderoso see when a bed becomes the focus of a worship service condom Amanda sit down oh that Khalid or a song I can promise that that worship service isn't gonna be that powerful she's prometo que que le couteau nervous a tempo Darrow's when Jesus is the focus of worship conscious oohs oh oh the door as soon I can promise you something is going to go down but you premiere our room uma coisa back what they say Nikhil ooga and it's a subtle thing as this entertainment thing that wants its way into worship if I saw alga mu 2 mu 2 Delicato I want me to do physically seen aa kak intestinal or a stone like I I'm somehow a part of that so I understand the conflict until job performance of parties intern tendency conflict Oh like we do events where there are ticket sales and people come to see us worship active or passive aggressive engine grants in the hospice was vain prevail gingka Dora so it's a little weird yeah me skeezy tuna but worship is an entertainment my cell daughter cell mine 3:30 meant worship is not about a person I don't salute another become up a soon worship isn't about a bear don't a neither become abandoned man worship is not about a bunch of song I thought I suddenly another man with us consoling it's not about hearing your favorite worship leader saying novel say scoot oscillation taught herself about it it's about Jesus and she Zeus it's about Jesus it's Jesus and sometimes in any way that we do this guy's when we take the focus off of him even for a moment in worship a giant ego chemin Erica H Phi 0 for coup de Lima Segundo durante Dora's song we're actually robbing ourselves maybe not even set the whole bonus amaze me we're robbing ourselves of what we could be experiencing no systems go bananas Mizuki podium study screaming Thunder [Music] and here's the deal like do not think I'm being super judgemental here the audience approval we intend oh no logical sense awesome to keep five as bad as everybody else so don't we con todos result when something really beautiful is happening in worship canal mood to lean to talk what dissonant Dora's song I feel the exact same urge and everybody else does it seem to amaze me who Jessica to do the same to do this chief assays it's a real struggle how much moment and I'm not saying that it's all that bad you know TOEFL on key to the Queen I am saying that if a whole room is doing this myself all on si todo mundo kitchenette fazil is while we try and sing about Jesus gotta juice tottington can't possibly Jesus it's not gonna be that powerful device it'll put the Rose of sing it's just a distraction a Magistrato don't grunge and I think probably the most beautiful moments of worship that I've ever experienced your collegiate accuse moments my sins adorn a song to experimentation when God's glory to physically manifest in a room gonna glorify sketchy domesticity manifest amoeba-like as a worship leader you don't realize how much you're like the focus of attention when what's a little jealous over salute me SABIC won't a space was when I said things they will say until you're not I think Anna's parents but it's nothing so and I've been in a room where the glory of God began to literally physically manifest see more visit a balloon cool blow and you lit that I'll meet you physically Jack go on as you do so many face stop it was like a cloud of glittery glory dust or whatever we called it an omen moving GG patina brilliance an inky shy macula guess what nobody's I was on the worship leader IG vo kidney king that was really about herself nobody cared what we were doing leukemia EKG staff at Oakland we're all like what on earth told us mildews you know so ironic cuz we were singing sabe do any complication of a cul-de-sac and second song avail Sal and all of a sudden you're like oh no I think he's coming they have been see past the mill Dale's who said he'll make sure that view my gosh yeah Guana like it's happening to put that with the sin and in that moment I realized I caught a glimpse but worship was supposed to look like in a Kelly moment a washer Cohen thing jump or came together as something he said nobody's I was on any human being Nicole soil is moist a burning cinnamon everyone was like oh total tava subha I do not want the animator rob us in okeydoke un amigo - hobby of the kind of worship the cheapo j'adore a son that we were made to give in to bring Nicole fate is baffling moments where heaven will touch earth the Jupiter's momentous on-call cell pocket data as we give ourselves freely and completely to kick G's in Swanton losing take grandma's complement operations where we lay aside every distraction I want you call ecology distress anything that would pull us away go get quick invited on us I think so and we give ourselves wholly and completely DG's in succumbs complement bejesus how do we protect the purity of worship miss comas promo protections of Buddhism we can never let it become about anything else but Jesus Minka dashiki see Tony sobre que otra cosa que no se da Jesus I think one of the most important things we can do is we have to hang on to a picture pure worship yah-tchi o mais important poems positive positing capacity see graph my magic Gemma Doris Okura I'm gonna read a story about worship volume I started aura so it's in Luke then Lucas chapter 7 verse 36 Lucas such vast certain places and objects Cara Maria Eva Padilla akamaru left 36 to 38 okay Lucas such Dante says Jesus in pedo juntos para todos para que vas a estar con el y ellos el trabajo para su Tom on Jeremy's tent Sh yes came Amulya da cidade Pekka Dora Sabino que él estaba Masonic acid ferry's 11 Valhalla brass true con un estado pas de trois Oso spacer on doe yaga yaga voz conscious lagrimas de su cava cons pros Cabarrus eBay Avenue space using share content yep this is a story of a woman somebody started normal yeah and it's kind of a crazy story you know folks might start my Luke because in two of the Gospel accounts of it okay ladies can lobsters live from China so but as a starter it says wherever this story of worship is told Jesus key in Kokomo got Nicole table value no let me rephrase that says wherever the story of the gospel mr. Tonko Kaluga Casey Peter Garber frenzel this story what this woman did I will also be told I started to keep a similar face dumping said I can't bad that's a crazy statement he saw Murphy my son will to do it and what is it about this active worship you could keep thinking of a Quincy out together awesome that's so gripped the Heart of Jesus Kiki here's the deal like what a when a Bible story gets told to us hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times - Auckland 'l will say scoot on my slider people to confide as divided as divided as mad as we begin is to lose its context who mess up a temple contains begins loses power my serpentine book to put there if he can see loose its rawness cements a pig don't poke that like to Mexican cruelly that pallava it's like the story of Jesus's birth a coma I started my symmetry Jesus I don't know if you guys have this but we have these Christmas cards in the United States and stick with us we'll say - in stasis castration account and the way that they show Jesus is birth you have four mechanical monster on massaman - Jesu I mean it just looks like one of those beautiful special glorious moments but it's a cadiz momentous - hindustan gluteus pci and everything's got a soft lens - totally being beam I see weeping face it's like a single beam of light coming down but it's too high to lose this single stressing on this perfect child here least an homage it with a big face who's in this really cute quaint wooden box you idiot on this occasion my dear don't worry she wrapped in shining white she's fasting what Giada I was right and she little sprinkly gold star things coming down eating when everything is you look if all they sent us see that's not what that looked like nowhere I think I quote this ooh no no no here's the deal my wife and I have messed around with farming - oh you mean spoilage see enough to know that that's total lie seven to remain shaken fazenda opus Arabic ukulele ami cheer like we have a stable not a singing agency being stubborn and we have goats nós temos Cobras add a lot of other animals like ducks and thanks values Oh Susanna magical power to the etc chickens and whatnot guises and stables are gross he use establish a notion and she really do disgusting we stop em with magenta Jesus was born in the middle of poop this was not silly me - Popo with this sweet sickening smell of urine crawl around whom share don't dorsey behave you judy them and that little cute box that he was in that's what the animals eat out of with all of their saliva and germs and grossly yeah like a Schiavone each in a coil is my cell i leon just signing my score mean kudos facility vertical toll akela cousin not enter no mother would want to put their baby in that new you my mind yeah Cole confidently and yet that was God's plan minds are blown G deals he chose to come into the world that way he's quitting on wound there's a farmer and we want to soften it we want to make it pretty and nice yeah she care I'm gonna say started they started with Nietzsche allegorical tire instead of just be wracked by the power of him choosing to come into a gross disgusting world wages disco Lisa Saku G de pavo de Jun de ikita zgp I moved a sermon irritant and I say this because what this woman did your father spoke a kiss on the face it's almost become the very same thing quasi still nobody see it's like oh what a beautiful moment at worship and I chemo metal into the door a sound where this woman just broke this jar perfume over Jesus Fiona Samuel a key bravas you performing on special zoos yeah that's just not how it went down listen no Foyet stick up what the super maid she did break the jar perfume my gsella he'll make a bro-oche a joke a fool but here's the deal it was not an Instagram of a moment - all ooh Elmo made the press call come Instagram didn't do nobody in that room was like gimmicky know that I'm Samuel des dick bare my soul out with a beautiful act of worship Wow la colina the selkie up emoji cry face graphics graphics graphics emoji showdown the magician and vine hashtag worship hashtag odorous um hey nobody was doing that he gave up a little his know that whole room was appalled Sabitha luckily Luga even Jesus's disciples were like oh gosh that means Mike super like you look at the scene Muse Jesus know who that woman is Jesus on sub can Kisumu day like this was a crazy intimate the boldness the courage of this woman cool - yeah but I wouldn't a sudden wheel at a woman's don't you chew like people always talk about how much that jar perfume cost simplest pistols a couple fallen out British like College educators like an entire year's wage that she broke at Jesus's feet at one of the soliders my place oh yeah like a blue and especially Zeus but I would say this that was the least costly things she broke it geez mister scarify like a killer leave for whom I spun out to Calicut but all spacious was like any moment what she did Kelsey vane and let's not be a utterly despised he said yet how many she spit his evil nobody would get it New Guinea anything there nobody would understand Jania coping thank you everyone would judge her todo mundo gala it cost her everything every ounce of dignity - dude a little drama Gigi Guinea - gotcha every ounce of self-respect total killa Gigi's out of a spade - Galatea but pure worship as I thought of some Buddha pure worship is the I have to there are some poor Achille you perceive thing I have to somehow let you know that I love you think if I second Cavour same thing that Gucci um and I don't care what it's gonna cost is amiibo to pursue I don't care who gets it and looked on the Yankee thinking dear I don't care if I'm celebrated or I'm hated and they'll pull the eggs from your job I'm hi there but I don't let Jesus know I love these a fella precious was killed well here's the deal my sikita when someone and one of our services ha no gain news no scooters does something so extreme in their act of worship to the Lord finds out don't stay loose a moment each other on a single that it makes the whole room uncomfortable he they should todo mundo me just confortable there's a good chance that God felt really really really loved they were probably that you know he doesn't you intimate it understand like Sally's in the cross to a leather mushy tootin that was at his feet bowing kissing crying Thomas P bass Sherando patient I've got some suspense do you think her heart was pounding sound she could corner sometimes I'm about in a forge you don't think she didn't know what she had to lose person no I should callous idea to tell you baby no she knew hobby but she did it anyway myself is mismo si because she had to let him know who got a piece a become a pilot God wants to do something so incredible do skillfully don't in your nation NASA NASA I feel the Sun I saw you seen tweeze I feel you've seen trees particularly in this realm of worship but you cool I mean she's not a so what Gustavo said yesterday okay Gustavo follow-on thing I was so true but don't give that he says you're a voice you're not an echo go see some of ours in Iraq you're a voice you're not an echo some of voice in a WAC and you're not just gonna lead your own nation in worship vocês no penance moon leader honest Oprah penis on Labrador a song you're gonna lead nations all over the earth my worship there are ultras noise a tourism but not because you're imitating a form of something they don't give us a story Madonna formal on my formula not by doing all the worship things nobody notices go is this Dora's song there's a purity anew Timo Perez identity was saying there's an untainted passion in here thing my songs in mean and energy for see there is a freedom on you as a people they may be a bad evil States coming over and I don't want anything to rob you of that you know Kara Kannada Chico RPGs guys the new sound in worship to Allah who solenoid a sound they were always obsessed with so cute on top say Kathy let me just put it this way don't be obsessed with the new sound in worship they show fallacy no speaker be socket una voz on Dolores own become obsessed with Jesus become second apostles and the new sound will come you so most being what leads the world in worship is not a new sound ok leader al mundo Theodora so Noel Norville song it is a pure cry Mizell clamor Porou it is pure aeration mattress important and I feel it so strongly and you guys you see I got us feeling like don't fortune did you mean somebody force ace you know you don't need any of this to lead worship service um since you counted she's prettier than I thought I saw they're like probably one of the most powerful worship services to be had Bravo meant you know school to smize potential donor some porosity is if we all just said hey let's all start glorifying Jesus like right now let's just go shoot a quorum is a fallacy for my sake she's like what I miss and I tell you what all heaven would break loose you will fall out the cell totally of you one of the one of the best experiences of my life is when I I've injured my vocal chords what does my auras Expediency schedule chief let me Evita Facundo you must shoot k mothers miss father's VOC I and I couldn't sing to save my life for about two years Yokosuka company pasado Miyavi the poisons and I still had the lead worship all through that he'd make a video doing the live in a fedora zone which was miserable because I had to die to pride like over and over and over and over again Jeremy's a rocker Pacquiao cheeky Mahaprabhu proper who invited every time I sang a note I'm like that sounds terrible totem is no collective um a lot of lava steel do you leave you and I died like a thousand deaths you're more here moon watches on you thank you but I'll tell you what what I learned and that season my fellow company like it's that song is that you don't even need this it was any Priscilla geez you just need this so preseason lucky off food that's all you need to lead a room in worship and to go simply Caesar pray there are will be angel Doris ow ah you just need a passion for Jesus but he says you meup my show please who's you just need it like I don't care what any of you think passion for Jesus would you pull them up I show Chaplin there oh good god is disciple don't bulky those that do you know how outrageous is loving this type of core beliefs I got just want more oh whether you like it or not you're gonna do what's a ghost I'll know in yeah you're gonna experience it because I can't help myself what's the piece of quaint service if this is pyramid top cousin Toby up until occasion hey here's the deal this is how I'm gonna close my just awful team you neither sir that's mine either let me just clarify a couple things I love bands it so glad if you cow it won't move on that's okay I love music Oh musica I love people who can actually say it won't be so sad you gave that I really do they really help worship is helmet Josh you do not throw a stone you guys are getting that when someone can sing in tune gosh it really helps worship okay cut that I see now don't help me just shootin up your associate aren't we all grateful for great sound when sound is terrible it's really hard to worship yeah what's the net nothing like gotta pull in so many other people knew so Tahu II like I want to see all this stuff the arts the creativity I want to see it all groan avocado victorious quizzes creating a new sky Jack let you be that I'm not anti any of that stuff and also cool two analogies I just don't ever want it to drowned out the purity of what we're doing my sake I don't keep Snuka I forget Buddhism the customs fuzz in I don't want to become the focus and economy torn oh I wanted to enhance I wanted to lead us to Jesus just get a woman that I can use they're not ashes I don't want it to pull our focus down here you know characterization also for Coke Ypres Bosch and this is about us this is about you guys right here these two thing I reckon will say that so many vocês being a key like when you steward in your focus steward in your are savvy konavle Spade you mean strung a sock on Centaurus sounds in your heart and worship You mr. Lozado sukhasana Dora's song if you find yourself just staring at the stage Services Inc entrepeneurs or little powerful just know you've missed the point cyber key forces in thinking it'll not nothing's gonna happen register at the stage not a contest philosophically on perco the only way we're gonna taste heaven on earth only conformity probe a masseuse on whatever is when we get caught up with heaven Econolodge in chief I'm a total South Africa producer so hey I'm just gonna invite everyone here to make well whoever here wants to make this commitment let's put this way don't evoke on vida loca be so cheeky Keira alphas it is a compliment to never let worship become about anything other than Jesus Nicole was Anika my - I can see Blanco is the key no matter what I'm looking for a generation of people who will never let worship become about anything else than Jesus no contest Oprah chordomas Jennison que nunca Vidisha Ghidorah so see Tony Sabri otra cosa que no se JJ Zeus and he will make a commitment no matter what comes in the future we will never change that subject - compromise too keen on terrace week a contest in a full moon Cavazos my daddy's if you want to make that commitment and I mean it with all of your heart I just watch it and notify receive a second phase a su se compromise med control show corazón pay oh crap for say no pressure to Stan not a name or a number of safe ketchup air notices hey once you put your hand on someone's shoulder call okay I'm on the woman of our games so what I'm just gonna pray over your nation you've what I'm afraid over this movement what I also did some of you meant I hope you guys know what an amazing leader you have in Gustavo espera que vocês in tandem only they don't give us a stinking Gustav this is really special man you want me to piss you and I don't get around many leaders that I'd be like I would follow you yo nope you must move to temp only they discontinued it which is it characteristic eek but what I get are our Gustav of like I hope follow you Gustav all correct if you say get here that's not an announcement I'm not moving to Brazil just yet now I wanna join the no Tomo don't Frazee why in the top in the boys so tempting that way I could finally their Portuguese and we estaba could actually have a conversation without an interpreter and I look forward to that day okay apostle up in the Pope to gaze at you stop if I say English but God is doing some side tracking myself God is doing something amazing right here in this room in this station my sock wanna miss Michigan S&S on those stuffers in all can cleave you and I just want to pray over your purity you can order that swapping reason so though we just come before you today kick Jesus through his resistance parent achievers you I always say light of fire here it is a most a syndrome phobic e that will burn food for the entire world if I kick my mood would light a fire here I send you in for work eat that cannot be quenched can you imagine if I gotta light a fire in the area purity I send you in for when I did operation in the area worship not if I brought a soul and unquenchable you know I forgot her passion for Jesus my shonova Ignacio Jesus yeah and all we just say today that we will never we will never let worship become about anything else but glorify you if a Clara Musso GTOs communica nunca vamos - I adore a sunset tiny bouquet a second on Sarah Chicka refika and when we come into a room of worship you're gonna dominate adore a song our eyes are on you not society shadowy chief they're not on some other person no no it's not our character episode they're not up and no no no my bounden there are not someone's vocal gifting no no don't walk out your game there are new staring cheesy and our hearts burn the same glorified no shikata so game about achieving already snapped glory cover the earth of its wanna complete could be not that huh so unless something that's on a stone in this city that's a statue release a wave of worship in Brazil Mary Margaret song sobre su that shakes the earth keep my sake out there huh at least anxious to the feet of Jesus yesterday has not so no special issues with these sounds and songs it better so she can soy sauce two coupled IgG do release the purity worship irredeemable is and I gotta so icky fan into flame the thing that you've done I made that summer the beauty shows are coming so acutely speared be like spíritus obsession for Granado [Music] yeah that's left you boys right now let's just clap and get swept off my Club model single Oh [Music] you're happy I just want us to pray if there's anyone under 18 years old here okay who are you just raise your hand Bozek you're kidding - you destroyed one who's live on time on manage it here under 18 years old raise your hand Leviton mom said they managed to destroy - all right everybody who's all relate see let's just Serrano let's just put our hands cam is valued kgs of one's own SSP so is commands for a paralysis let's just bless these guys for mobile slices pizza steam energy - so it won this is a new generation is to help our knowledge and a son this is a group of people that will lead nation's worship a sauce divided it's not gonna soon yeah and I wants to pray for perseverance yoke an occasion for an eternal flame my stomach my pizza Mira mr. on that last into the sixties in their 70s in their ad our give a diet also set a total of atoms holy spirit supers a shock water [Music] yeah we bless you bless you bless you a greater favour than we've ever - pop wait Leslie it's a little annoyed sing they might yes I see it might be bless you with the gift superior if it swims develop any nothing would taint you now that my to lose you now that you operate now eNOS give us a 5/8 propeller would be fully release complement and that a fire burning you super bossy to the end of your days Nova Scotia [Music] surah marij Bachchan [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you very because the [Music] Thank You 400 you go [Music] God is there anybody over 40 years old here they're getting keep my G quadrant on those live on Tama raise your hands live at amount about how much this is not just for the youth it snappiness pajamas I'm standing here because of my dad you're talking fat because it's no pine because of how it modeled worship to me if you can't wait anymore dear Lord or not something I mean and this generation probably the biggest thing that they need to see it sort of is that of course the my skates balloons you've been it's a generation before them still running still burning Jenna so anxious Daly's economical hey no couch looking mother there's nothing that builds faith more the younger generation don't a nautical strike you guys my strap image and I saw my Slava then the older generation that is still charged oh gosh it has so much very thing that I thought curling the top of my young so I just want to bless if you are 40 does usually quite happen Provo Levitt emoji movement that is put your hands on Kolak eminences pesos a corner let's go Paul and we distinctly over you that there is so much more for you the Clarins purple saying that they build why struggle dream my father is a party singer mice were living it out my stepfather PG there is a legacy Tim wake up that God is calling you to do such a shaman the brothers shot there is a way that you're gonna shape history he was saying the fight move that I started yeah this lift your voice is just being in the black water five men so when I press I mean swabs liver the swab off we bless you [Music] I can borrow my show so nice oh my god we less sorry God [Music] [Music] [Applause] don't ever listen to the lie of the enemy Bucci I'd meet you to do evil that says that your day is done Gigi's skew September couple that your day is over you Sophia with Diana that is a lie from the pit of hell the tsunami cheered up these new fad your influence is only grown a souffle scythopolis get it sear legacy it's only gross silly gotta pee let's get it's in come on and I know I skipped everybody from 18 years old to 40 but yes a couple a todo mundo GG desert ones aqua returns [Music] but yeah we can pray for you too why not it seems 40 was the liji so I talk white it does holy smokes God has amazing things for you how do that there's the quasi-criminal see what that uses yes we just say more does your mother mind so you say that you would access my spirit behind Wow all it said [Music] [Music] [Music] father we just let your kingdom come hi just a mosquito don't give a okay let you will be done - phone touch decision freak the desires of your heart decision look what I sell for this people placing a support for this city that's it's not to the nation of Brazil that's so many later for every state represented here stop the present let your kingdom to failed okay that your will be done let heaven invader I just released an Army veteran sexy twin sex you are an army that's rising up will say so much those living thumb power to break yeah that should Jamestown and she's especially more everybody said global geez anybody snack Billu geez well my time everybody's set alight but it'll do geez [Music] blue new episode migration local tsukumo pi e nós temos good shocks shaakira so nice there's no sharks no Baraka shakiness a communion position prophecy honorable average is he disco victory over a song spies of sweden's in the spheres of spice [Music] rocket Ahana phospholipid self sabi mo suavemente entire in Assam stay Capri in da da da once in each year - our soil Oprah give me a citation bill Brazil he Korean opportunity he Daisy so grandpa rice you know Sofia gets a massage at resident impact that sue carries on a song we all follow system age so breeze so be sure a sweater by elephants president sow divisive assistant vos documents I will save my solution spies myself masala spice you Takumi anniversay dakea Satya soit's inácio Jesu savolta his own celebra the Kilkee Commission's over the worst of all virus [Music] Sugoi original jealous oh no no we will select our survive or disable who and socialism the second quest on the faeces prophecy Bella French savvy mais non lost em to those constraints points in the woods I'm a [Music]
Channel: Nova Geração
Views: 48,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CNG2017, Conferência Nova Geração 2017, Nova Geração, Jeremy Riddle, Bethel Music
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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