Jeremiah Wright @ Burnett Avenue Baptist Church

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that happened to me how do you ever see here's my body yes let us read together do you see what this means all these pioneers who blazed the way all these veterans cheering us on it means we'd better get on with it strip town start running and never quit no extra spiritual fat no parasitic sins keep your eyes on Jesus who both began and finish this race we are in study how he did it because he never lost sight of where he was headed that exhilarating finish in and with God he will put up with anything along the way across shame whatever and now he's there in the place of honor right alongside God when you find yourselves flagging in your faith go over that story again item by item that long litany of hostility he plows through that will shoot adrenaline into your souls as you have your seats in the presence of the Lord the writers of the pastoral letters we know them about the names of Paul James Peter John and the unnamed authors who wrote pastoral letters in our Bible those writers used languages and used metaphors to which and with which their readers and their hearers could be late the audience's who heard the Epistle of John the Epistle of Peter who read those letters they did not spend all of their time reading Torah or to knock in the Jewish congregations nor did they have all their attention taken by the highly sophisticated syllogisms of the Socratic method the Platonic latitudes or the Aristotelian arguments in the non-jewish Greek influenced houses of worship in other words church folk in their day just like church folk and are they like some other things they enjoy some other pastimes and they live their lives fully with their families which is what normal human beings do the Almighty God was real to them yes but so were the athletic games just as real we all caught up today in the Olympics here the bases worldwide involves billions of dollars but athletic games in Greece and athletic games in their Greek colonies were just as important in the first century as baseball football and basketball are in the United States in the 21st century in other words if the Apostle Paul had been born in the 21st century and not in the first century if Paul had been born in Tuscaloosa Alabama and not Tarsus Paul would have been glued to his set watching Alabama with my opponent everybody that came onto the Paul loved athletics and Paul often used athletic metaphors to make his points come alive for believers Paul says what I have fought a good fight I finished the race winners and the Greek races had a laurel wreath a crown placed on their heads to show that they were victorious and Paul says in 2nd Timothy in the fourth chapter finally at the end of the race there is laid up for me the laurel wreath of victory the crown of righteousness all over the Greek islands which dot the Mediterranean they are stadiums and remnants of stating some small sum pvm some humongous places where the games used to be played where the racers used to be run with full gather to cheer for their favorite competitor or their favorite team when my wife Reema and I were in Rhodes our hods froze is a tiny little insignificant island as small and as beautiful some would say as santorini island in the Mediterranean on the island of rhodes Reema and I did not take any of the guided tours that you pay for when you're travelling on a cruise ship we just walked off the ship by ourselves with our cameras we had a whole day in roads and we wanted to explore by ourselves for ourselves without the guides who always seemed to guide you to the merchants give you a discount and give you a guide a kickback plus the percentage of the cruise ship gets four guiding shoppers into the shops we had had enough shop to your job Hellenic hype so my wife and I went off by ourselves to look at the ancient island with his historic memories and fascinating ruins and we were surprised to find sports arenas several of them darling the island places where people used to gather to worship to enjoy worship athletics and join the games like they worship God enjoy the races to relax the readers and the hearers of the pastoral letters are circulated through those same Islands Crete Patmos Alexandria they loved athletics they knew athletics they understood athletics so the writers used language athletic language and metaphors to which their readers could relate and the writer of the book of Hebrews was no different after 40 verses of calling the role of the runners in this long-distance race this Christian race after 40 verses the writer of Hebrews paints a picture we call it the Hall of Fame the Hall of faith Hebrews 11 after 40 verses in Hebrews 11 the writer paints this athletic picture that every reader every hearer would understand he says these runners who have finished their race are now up in the stands pulling for us cheering us on and encouraging us what a powerful passage the New International Version starts off chapter 12 saying since we are surrounded by but the 17th century translation that I read for you at first the King James we call it says compare Co M PA SS like a compass there in a circle then a stand in the arena surrounding the track since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses and that's what I want to use as a talk title for the time we have together this morning since we're surrounded by folk up understand look who's in the stands Peterson calls them pioneers who blazed the way Lucas understands Peterson says they are veterans who are cheering us on the Greek says if they are witnesses and witnesses means that you see something in the stands that folk who can see us in the stands of pioneers of the faith who are watching us in other words we're not alone those who ran this race before us are watching us in the tradition out of which I come the African roots of our tradition teach that there are three generations present with us right now in this sanctuary three generations present not just today but every day three generations present with us at all times the first generation is a generation that you can see with your natural eye your human eye and their many different age sets you saw that big family come up for the baby dedication same as in the sanctuary you got grandparents who are part of the same generation great grandparents parents children grandchildren and great-grandchildren all are part of the one generation that you can see but there are two other generations who are present with us two generations that you cannot see one of the generations that you cannot see the second generation present with us is the unborn generation right now right here in the wounds and loins of the worshippers gathered in this sanctuary this Sunday there's a generation of those who are headed this way you and I can't see them but God can see them david says what you knit me together in my mother's womb God can see them god godself says to jeremiah before you were born I called you while you were yet in your mother's womb the unborn generation the generation headed this way is present with us my aunt Hattie my great-aunt do something about that generation I'll tell you about her in a minute but then there is another generation also present with that is the generation of those who have passed this way the generation who have now slipped past the veil of time and who traffic now in eternity they live with God but they're still alive you and I can't see them but they can see us those are the ones the writer of Hebrews says are watching us those who live on the other side of time in eternity those in whose honor Africans pour libation and those names they call when pouring libation in loving memory based on the African principle that as long as love lives they will live in our lives among us because love lives beyond the death and love lives beyond the grave one of my primary meant is dr. Samuel do it proctor calls them a part of God's meta MIT a meta history that impinges upon human history and only manifests itself to us in fleeting glimpses ask anybody not just black people not just African Americans ask anybody who has lost a loved one to be honest with you and to tell you about those instances where they thought they caught a glimpse of something or someone out of the corner of their eye and they turned quickly to see who it was or what it was only there was nothing there no one that they could see they thought they were losing them I know that was God's meta history a dimension of reality not subject to the rules of normal normality making itself manifest to us and fleeting glimpses witnesses Hebrews 12 calls them watching us now prisoners of post County and post enlightenment modernity y'all got a big University on the University of Louisville they poopoo all such possibilities because it falls outside the realm of what they have experienced and they label all such accounts as paranormal no they are super natural above the natural beyond what the natural can comprehend theologians call it a mystery there are no words that can adequately capture being exposed to doctor Proctor's meta history Matthew Mark and Luke each tell the story of Jesus and I love this because when I was at the University of Chicago that's a very left brain school they said all that stuff is superstitious it's not real has no validity I said well what about Samuel remember Samuel King Saul came to Samuel said I need to talk to somebody somebody who laid around no more that's Old Testament that's older I'm a New Testament Christian I'm a New Testament Christian well Matthew Mark and Luke are all in the New Testament and Matthew Mark and Luke each tell the story of Jesus taking Peter James and John with him up a mountain one day and God pulling back that veil between time and eternity just long enough for Peter James and John to see Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah Moses have been dead a thousand years Elijah had been dead five hundred years dead by human definitions but alive and living with God by holy definition what dr. Rudolf Otto calls das heilige thes guns under the holy other the mysterium tremendum the mysterium fasteners the inexplicable they are a part of the generation of witnesses who are watching us look whose understands witnesses who are watching us and my own personal life I said I tell you about my aunt Hattie she was really my great-aunt she was my father's aunt she raised my dad along with his father after his mother had died hunt Hattie was one of those southern born women born with a veil over eyes she could see stuff my sister and I was scared about headache we stayed away from our nanny when I was stationed at Great Lakes Naval Medical Center my wife and I was stationed at Great Lakes and the rabbit died now all my Millennials let me see the hands of Millennials yeah I don't know what to Rabbit dying means you all go to Walgreens and CVS and get that little red thing with the pink dot back in the day they used to take the Mama's blood and inject it into the rabbit and if the rabbit died that meant the girl was pregnant and the rabbit died our firstborn was about to be born I ran to the phone and I called back to Philadelphia my mother and father lived in Philadelphia aunt Hattie lived in Philadelphia and I called home all excited money mommy she said calm down on Hattie told us I've had he told you what she said your wife pregnant she will have a high yellow baby with red hair born of June our oldest daughter Janet was born June 23rd hi yellow with red hair scared about Hattie sixteen months later when Jana was 16 months old my wife was pregnant again Jana woke up in the middle of the night little Jenna screaming in her room we lived then I was stationed to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland we ran into a room Peter was a man man man I said there's no man over there bear she just wants to sleep in our bed as always it no man man no man I picked up a little crib took it to the front door shoulder the chain was on the door we changed the door she knew about the chain because when mama was at work and I was babysitting I go downstairs to wash my car I had a bad ride y'all I had a valiant when I went downstairs to watch my values and would climb up in the window watch me put the chain on so nobody could come in we lived on the second floor I said see the chain is on nobody can get it in there's no man no man man I said what the man look like Papa I said my father or your mother's father no Papa pops he met my grandfather my maternal grandfather our maternal grandparents moved into our house my mother and father moved into our house when I was in the seventh grade grandma got dementia Alzheimer's grandpa couldn't take care of it down the country they didn't believe in no senior citizen living assisted place they didn't believe in the nursing home they moved him into our home so they live with us sort of seventh grade in fact my grandmother died the night of my senior prom grandpa kept right on living with us so I'm stationed every Thursday we drive up to see grandpa because he was 92 years old he had cancer all throughout his body we drive up every other weekend he said boy stop driving up here to see me I'm fine I ain't going nowhere till I see my great-grandson you're the only boy in this family I'm tired of looking at your face I'll be fine I'll be fine I said baby you know where my grandma is my mommy that's way up in Philadelphia no we drive to Philly I said that's where Papa pop is no no right there right there I said ton she just wants to Memphis no baby he's in Philadelphia with Grandma tried to put it back in the crib she started screaming again put her in our bed as soon as I hated the pillow she gone see see I told you that's all she wanted five o'clock in the morning the phone rings I say hello my mother said had he told me to call you so what she said the baby's upset I said what day in Philadelphia I'm in Maryland she said Papa died last night I've had he said he saw the sole of his income and great-grandchild saw it was another girl so he had nothing to wait for so he stop by and say goodbye to the only great pentile and he scared her when he said goodbye doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo stared about Hattie on had a could see the generation coming in because the baby girl was born that Sunday this was a Tuesday night she could see the generation that was leaving the generation understand look who's understand witnesses who are watching us look who's in the stands Harriet Tubman looking to see if we're still trying to get free Lucas understands I had to be Welles watching to see if we still turning our backs on the poor Lucas understand w eb do boy watching to see if we've learned how to live together off we still circling the races wagons that are silo mentality look was understand richard allen watching to see if we're still bowing at the altar of white supremacy lucas understands women preachers Jurina lee watching to see if we still bowing at the altar of sexism when it comes to women preachers news understands the founders of african Methodism waiting to see if we're still tripping over the word african the culture of african the rhythms of africa the ring shout of africa look who's up in the stands bishop Henry McNeal Turner watching to see if the AME s are going to distance themselves from dr. James Cohen's book the cross and the lynching tree the same way they distance themselves from his sermon God is a negro in an age of colorblindness and self-hatred look who's up in the stands the united states sailors killed aboard the USS liberty killed by the australian navy and it's really Air Force watching to see if we still covering up two lives about the so-called Six Day War look who's up in the stands the countless souls of the strange fruit strung up and left hanging from trees in a country that was taught to hate them because of the color of their skin chrome men castrated women violated bodies mutilated black men women and children watching to see if we still don't understand yet how the Tea Party ain't nothing but a 2.0 upgrade of a lynx watching us Troy Davis killed by a racist legal system in Georgia Trayvon Martin killed by a vigilante in Florida Jordan Davis murdered by a maniac because of his music taymiyah rise up in the stands cut down and Cleveland he saw he saw before he could see his teenage years Renisha McBride dead in Detroit for knocking on the wrong door Lucas understands Oscar Grant killed in cold blood on the platform of a rapid transit station in Oakland Michael Brown left rotting in the streets of Ferguson Missouri for four hours because the prosecutor orchestrated a verdict next to no indictment look who's in the stands Eric Gardner choked to death in front of a video camera and his murder is set free by bigoted bozos because of their blindness look whose understands watching us Jordan Davis killed because of his music laQuan McDonald killed in Chicago shot 16 bullets in his body covered up by racist mayor with puppet string politicians who authorized a 5.5 million dollar payout hush money to keep Negroes from knowing when it happened and us that bamboozled by Barack to vote for a racist scientists who don't like black folk poor folk or Palestinians look who's up in the stands a minister from Atlanta named Martin who started a movement for poor people but his message is now buried in a monument financed by rich people whose revisionist history hides what he said about racism what he said about militarism what he said about casino capitalism look at the monument none of those sayings in that monument they hide Martin's message behind the soundbite all I ever dreamed lucas understands Martin King is watching to see if we've been bamboozled by back hoodwinked by Hannah our minds messed up but I just cup of been trashed by Trump I told the students at Howard University five six years ago I don't know which is more painful seeing millions seduced by a soundbite or seeing a ministry reduced to a soundbite and I ain't talking about me I'm talking about Martin Martin stand against militarism was reduced to a soundbite let freedom ring Martin stand against racism was reduced to a soundbite I'll have a dream Martin's fierce critique of consumerism and capitalism was reduced to a sound bite free at last free at last I don't know which is worth seeing millions seduced by a sound bite or seeing his ministry reduced to a sound bite Martin Luther King is in the stands watching to see if we're still drinking the kool-aid a Walmart ization and mass incarceration while millions of black children still go to bed hungry every night killed by the assassins of globalization and mis-education new pulls up under stand the Scottsboro Boys watching to see if we can connect the dots between the bodies of amadou diallo Emmett Till Patrice Lumumba Medgar Evers C Biko Huey Newton and Martin King dr. King said freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor freedom must be demanded by the oppressed I wonder what racist journalists were doing trying to spin that muck that Martin said that Jeremiah Wright didn't say that knuckles up in the stands the writer of Hebrews says they're witnesses who are watching but he also says that they're witnesses who are waiting for us they have finished their race and now they're waiting for us to see how we will run our race the words with patience once again point to the fact that this is a long-distance race Peterson says they are anxiously waiting for us not just watching and cheering us on invested in the race that we must run to use the Apostle Paul's word they have finished their race and now they are waiting for us as witnesses as we run our race look what's up understand Rosa Parks is waiting on us chuckles in the stands Malcolm X is waiting on us locals understand Queen Mother yeah as Santa WA is waiting on us look who's up in the stands jean-jacques Dessalines is waiting on us Marcus Mosiah Garvey is waiting on us Bookman from Haiti is waiting on us Adam Clayton Powell from Harlem is waiting on us kwame nkrumah from Ghana is waiting on us Barbara Jordan from Texas is waiting on us chief Avenue to Lee is waiting on us Langston Hughes is waiting on us Zora Neale Hurston is waiting on us Paul Robeson is waiting on us Bayard Rustin is waiting on us Emmett Till is waiting on us Alton Stirling is waiting on us Fernando Casteel is waiting on us Sandra bland is waiting on us Gilbert is waiting on us mine hat is waiting on us my daddy my mama my grandmother my grandfather they're waiting on us waiting to see as a witness that we're gonna bow at the altar of Walmart once again put price above principle and keep on being bought and paid for like prostitutes look who's up in the stands a philip Randolph the garbagemen in Memphis we're in signs I am a man the writer of Hebrews says look who's in the stands there are witnesses who are watching say watching and their witnesses who are waiting say waiting but this writer of Hebrews says one more thing he says in case you get tired in case you get weary in case you get frustrated in case you get down look again up in those stands because there's also nice if there's somebody watching somebody waiting but there's a winner up in the stand Peterson translates it we read it together keep your eyes on Jesus who both began and finish this race we are in he is a winner the thought of whom can shoot some adrenaline into your soul I don't know about you but I got my eyes on the one who has won this race he's a winner keep your eyes on the winner the winner is the one who can help us help you help me finish this race we just got through celebrating a whole bunch of 50th anniversary the 50th anniversary of the march on Washington 50th anniversary 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation but the race ain't over yet we still got some running to do 20 children killed in Sandy Hook and the whole nation mourn 300 children killed in Chicago and the nation just yawns the race ain't over yet we got a drug problem yes but we also got a drone problem the race ain't over yet the sentencing gap for crack cocaine uses as opposed to cocaine users have been narrowed but until it's wiped out completely the race ain't over yet we got affordable health care but until the everybody gets health care the race ain't over yet we still got some work to do because as the gun sales soar in this nation and Trump looks like he gonna win in this nation the racist rhetoric is ramping up and it seems like sometimes we are losing but keep on running and keep your eyes on the one who has finished his race he's not only watching he's not only waiting but he's also a winner and he'll help us let me tell you about Frank Thomas I was talking to Pastor shall about Frank Thomas Frank Thomas is one of my favorite students straight-a students he now has four earned doctorates three doctorates a ministry and a PhD from Memphis dr. Thomas made this point come alive for us one good Friday everyone Good Friday we have the seven last words of Christ preached and I assigned him this particular year the word it is finished and he didn't go to John 19 to exegete all the things that geez finished he went to this Hebrews 12 passage verse 2 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith let me paraphrase what Frank said 20 years ago Frank Thomas used to run track when he was in college his race of choice was the 440 relay race Frank loved to run that race anybody here know about the 440 really y'all watching the Olympics now called 400 meters now Frank secretly wanted to be the anchorman and run the anchor leg of the race the anchorman is the one who gets all the cheers he's the one who gets all the glory he's the one who finishes the race with style with Grace and blinding speed but Frank never could get his time up fast enough to be the anchorman because track coaches always put their fastest man in that fourth leg slot the anchor in Frank's time no matter how hard he tried could never get anywhere near Billy's time Billy was an anchor Frank could not run the anchor so Frank said then he wanted to be the leadoff man see because the leadoff man when he fires out of them starting blocks always look good and if you can establish a lead as the leadoff man folk would give him some props and give him some praise as having made a major contribution to the race that his team is gonna win but guess what Frank never could get his time up fast enough to be the leadoff man because track coaches always put their second fastest man as the leadoff man so that the leadoff man can give the team was shown of lead that's why they call him the leadoff man for for 440 relay coaches put the fastest man as the anchor put the second fastest man as the leadoff put the third fastest man in the number-two position and they put their slowest man in the number three position and Frank never could get his time up to match or to beat the leadoff man or the number-two man so he was content to be number three he was the slowest man but he said at least he made two team he said he just had to learn how to run with patience and hold his position hold on to a lead if his teammates had given him a lead and in the last race of doctor Frank Thomas's senior year in college the race for the state championship one week before graduation his mother and father were in the stands watching waiting and cheering him on his wife Joyce they weren't married the day of that race they got married the week after graduation but Joyce his fiancee was up in the stands watching waiting and cheering him on his church members he wasn't pastoring they these are the church members of the church where he grew up like two little children running around here those are the folk who knew him when it was kid so I'm up and down the aisles they were all now watching him as a grown up man senior in college up in the stand church for his mother and father raised him they'd known him all his life they were in those stands as witnesses watching waiting and cheering him on Frank said he was feeling good that day no aches no pains no cramps no charley horses he was ready to run the best race of his life and the last race of his college career now there were several other schools in the race but only one school there was any real competition the leadoff man took off Tommy Tommy got him a lead I mean lead was 10 to 12 yards at least to the closest competitor the handoff between Tommy and Johnny was smooth and flawless Johnny opened the lead up to 18 to 20 yards this thing was in the bag y'all I don't know if you watched or you know anything about the relay race you start running as your partner into the zone so that you can be almost at full speed when he slaps tappet on into your head Frank said that handoff is so sweet it was like they were one flesh and he was off in the wind breathing was just right stride was perfect this probably will be his best time he thought as he rounded that second curve he could his members cheering him on he thought he could his mama's voice as he hit that third time you know you can always tell Mama's voice he thought he heard his mama's voice as he hit that third turn on the backstretch but he heard something else that troubled him he heard something else that almost distracted him he heard something else that sounded louder to him than all the folk cheering for him in the stands he heard some footsteps in the cinder track next to him getting louder and louder as the runner in the next Lane got closer and closer he said he wanted to look back but they had trained him you never look back once you start a race I like that I like that pasture show I wish I got to hang out there for just a little while you you never look back once you start a race if you're looking back you can't see where you're going if you're looking back you lose focus you look back you lose your place you look back here end up out of your lane if you look back you might end up disqualified if you look but so he said he did not look back but the footsteps kept getting louder and kept getting closer and then to his horror in the next lane representing their chief competitor not only close that 20 yard gap lead they had not only caught up with him was not only running past him but also looked over at him and laughed at him leer as they turned down the home stretch I got at least 10 yards in front of him and Frank heard the cheers and the stands turned to laughter in the stands he said he was humiliated he was beyond humble he he was devastated he was embarrassed Frank said he just wanted to cut across the grass go to his locker room get his keys and just drive off to god-knows-where so he would not have to see all those people he let down people who saw him humiliated by a runner who seemed twice as fast as he he said he tried kicking harder nothing he tried everything he knew nothing he tried everything the trainer's had taught him nothing there was no use it was all over when he looked up ahead only this time not looking at his competitor who was leaving him in the dust he looked in his lane and Billy the anchorman was smiling at him hand in the outstretched position nodding at him ready to start his room he said that Billy smile and Billy's nod not only encouraged him but it reminded him that this race did not depend on him this race was not over with him there was a finisher waiting for the four-time finisher waiting for him to put that baton in his hand and he said to himself if I can just get this baton to Billy if I can just put it in his hand he can and he will finish this race Billy not only took the baton Billy the anchorman Billy the fastest man Billy the finisher of the race Billy caught the opposition Billy passed the opposition Billy shut the opposition down Billy won the race a winner and set a new statewide record that day he snatched a sweet victory from the ugly and certain jaws of the defeat that day turn to your neighbor say you were missing this let me remind you of another winner let me remind you of our winner winner who finished the race in fact he's called the finisher of the race he said an unbreakable record one day it was a Friday to Sunday race the fact it was a 33 year long distance race all the way from Galilee through godmother to glory he's a winner he snatched a sweet victory from the ugly jaws of certain jaws of death that day locals in the stands watching and waiting look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith Jesus is in the stands sitting at the right hand of look who's in the stands as we've run our race tell your neighbor you're still missing it turn another side say you're still missing this the first leg of our race was run by Abraham the father of the faith Abraham was a good leadoff man by faith he started off not knowing where he was hidden he lied about his wife but God's grace gave him a lead for the household of faith his team Abraham state established a lead that was untouchable and incredible up on a mountain with his son on altar a knife in his hand tears in his eyes he found out how the Lord will provide Abraham the lead man pass through a town of faith on to the prophets and the prophets whose allegiance was to God and not to government the prophets ran a good race the propers open up the race gave God's gang a gap that seemed unconquered book the race moved and the lead moved from incredible to unconquerable within the prophets handed the baton off to the church and the church got out of his Lane the devil caught up with the church and cut the church's lead to ribbons the church got into arguments about looking back the church got mired down in the mud of what I call multiplication by division the church split division into Protestantism Catholicism Greek Orthodox Coptic Egyptians Orthodox Lutheranism Calvinism and the Baptist's and Wesleyan method ISM and that split off from anglicanism the church got out of its Lane the church got to our argument the church lost its lead the Methodists split into the AME AME Zion and C AME the Presbyterians split and the Cumberland Presbyterians and United Presbyterian the UPS Church of America the Baptist split into 75 different Baptist denomination and the Pentecostal split into 700 your nomination at the last count the church multiplied by dividing multiplication by division splitting splitting and splitting church split the church split over the issue of tongues the church split over the doctrine of the Holy Spirit the church split over how much water you need to baptize somebody with some of God's children don't have enough water to stay alive tonight the church split over the issue of slavery the church split over the issue of race black churches Rangers white people y'all black churches split over the issue of complexion high yellows over here deep chocolate over yonder the church split over the issue of music no gospel over here full gospel over there no washboards are welcome no tambourines will be tolerated no drums and no dancing or will do the turn chuckle dancing oh for God's sake don't break into no holy dance not in the Silk Stocking church the church split and the church blue is lead when the prophets pass the baton on to the church the enemy caught up with the church pastor looked at her leader at her laughter left her in the dust of debates disagreements dogmatism disputes denominational dislikes and doctrinal hands splitting that's the bad news this day for the 10 o'clock service but that ain't the only news guess what the good news is the race ain't over yet look up ahead looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith the good news is that this race does not depend solely on the church we're not just run we just running one leg of this race Jesus is the finish of this race and he's the winner his name is not Billy but he's a bridge over troubled water his name's not Billy but he is a burden bearer not Billie buddies bread when you hungry his name not Billy but he's a bridge bright and Morning Star keep looking unto Jesus who preached and practice and risky gospel keep looking unto Jesus who's already one and giving us the victory and if you look under Jesus he will give you a crown I shall wear a crown not because of me but because of who finish this race for me I shall wear a crown someday as soon as my feet strike Zion shout hallelujah is all over not because of my strength not cause of my goodness but because of his grace I shall wear a crown someday keep looking unto the finish of your faith come on and give God some winners of faith join give God some come on come on come on you
Channel: Burnett Avenue Baptist Church
Views: 14,127
Rating: 4.7554584 out of 5
Id: 9s9CfHzvNLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 49sec (2989 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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