jeremiah fisher being inlove with belly for 10 minutes straight (the summer i turned pretty)

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look who came back all grown up [Music] I can't believe you still have that bear I would never throw away Junior myth come on let's swim before dinner please I can't I I have to go with my mom to whale of a tail oh man I've been wanting to go in the ocean all day but I've been waiting for you to get here please pretty please pretty please [Music] all right I'll meet you outside okay [Music] come on [Music] hey did you know my dad's coming up for the fourth cool don't you think it's weird I really don't love your dad yeah but they've only been worse for like a year and a half watch what's so cool about your mom you know you should just give a [ __ ] exactly she didn't give a [ __ ] because she's the one who wanted the divorce in the first place I think if you don't even just shouldn't be made I'll call that to my grandma she basically collapsed when my mom told her you know my dad has a new girlfriend already well what about your mom did she did anybody no any other beard now your dad is abused yeah yeah he thinks it makes him look cool well does he try them waited all year for this wanna race no no I can't oh come on legs are too long now I can't do that okay if you get it you've been working out oh you're just jealous because Jared has a better body than you uh no actually it's all about the lean look now otherwise you came great we could all hang out again I'm about to take her home what yeah we're leaving are you kidding me okay Steven chill out come on don't go hang out with shaylors for one I'm really happy you're here Jeremiah Billy let's go get in cam can give me a ride home right Kim yes that's no problem no you're not gonna get in a car with a guy you just met on Cam Cameron your name is Cam Cameron just cam okay no offense but no belly get in the car see you guys later damn you look hot hey are you driving with three minutes there I'm not going to the book party I'm going to the drive-in happy birthday shall we open gifts you're gonna love mine oh I'm next thank you it's a good luck charm don't be past your driving test hey why don't we take my car and practice driving before we have to pick up Taylor from the bus station you excited to see Taylor yeah of course so excited are you sure look she's my best friend in the world but um I mean you know how Taylor is she's like a hurricane oh yeah the hurricane Taylor and I guess I always feel like the supporting character around her which normally I don't mind it's your birthday and you're the main character Billy not her thank you oops Bells we're gonna need a part two of this driving lesson okay part three and part four so actually calls you jerem Higgin I don't I think she learned from last time you think that's how she flirts with you belly you little tart what you finally took my advice this outfit is snatched oh my God Taylor isn't belly looking like a snack always thank you it looks so hot on you do you like it okay Billy would never wear that actually I really like it maybe if you had some hair on your chest I wouldn't be sliding all over the place oh awesome [Applause] you guys want to play a real game yeah it sounds good I mean [Music] so cam you matter if I call you Cam Cameron why don't you eat me Cam Cameron this belly eats meat so you let her kiss you with those lips like her lips touch a dead animal and then those dead animal lips had your lips right bit long enough enough is enough enough is it yeah I'll be right back using testing one two three check it out to the Cam Cameron and our favorite little belly button [Music] s [Music] oh come on I met a girl crazy [Music] [Music] morning good morning Bells okay I take it you want to have made up yet hey do you want to go on a muffin run I have to get out of the house I'm always down for muffin run you're good why is it about your birthday is he been acting weird since the first day that I got here yeah it trust me it's been weird for months I'm happy you invited cam last night it's really cool have you passed them to the dead ball yet no look I know Steve and I were giving him some [ __ ] but I think it's really cool really really and if he's not into her that's just messed up what nothing it's just last night you're all about Cam Cameron and today you can't stop obsessing over Conrad why are you so grumpy huh [Music] [Music] if I haven't said yes okay Harry Styles how's this it's better okay going Jeremiah hey what's with the crown my mom's had to paint me his armies messenger the Gods who do you look for um I thought maybe Conrad would be back by now where have you been I had a picnic with Cam oh cute how is Kim Cameron I don't think we're gonna hang out anymore well poor cam camera you guys were never gonna let that go [Music] for the record I liked him [Music] you are this little nugget will cheer you up our moms High key Stones right now no way yeah all my favorite snacks are gone our beautiful [Music] you come with me I gotta get you well the light's still good okay well let's do that [Laughter] [Music] uh it's um this is why old people should not be drugs wow hey come on let's go swim oh um my mom's been on me about cleaning my room especially since yesterday how come nobody ever wants to play with me later you're my best friend there are times I wanted to be more why didn't you say anything wow there was always Conrad and this summer it was cam and I guess I was just waiting okay okay listen to me the human world is a mess life under the sea is in Laurel Park a student at Chesterbrook High School where she is captain of the varsity volleyball team you're a goddess [Music] you ever say that to me again I'll throw up all over you how's the curtsy the queen would be proud [Applause] she said and you know what I what was that okay James [Music]
Channel: flxrlie
Views: 314,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w6NGTrWjVe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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