Jeremiah 20:11-13 The Psalm of Jeremiah - Jeremiah #19

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jeremiah now i keep telling you my love  for this book just keeps growing we are so familiar with jeremiah 18 and i said last time we visited this  that if you juxtapose jeremiah 18   and 19 seems almost a gross  contradiction we have the potter   working on the clay the potter's house and then  we have in jeremiah 19 the reject throw away so juxtapose those two chapters but  there's something very interesting   um as you get to the end of the 19th chapter and at verse 14. then came jeremiah from tophit whether the  lord had sent him to prophesy and he stood   in the court of the lord's house and said to  all the people thus saith the lord of hosts   the god of israel behold i will bring upon this  city and upon all her towns all the evil that i've   pronounced against it because they have hardened  their necks that they might not hear my words and i find that again  there's just something ironic   each time that i read a passage  out of this book the irony i i feel like this book is not  read enough it's not studied enough   people don't give it enough attention and this 20th chapter has just  has a lot of stuff in it that   almost section by section you've got to  break this into parts that make sense um chapter 20 now pastor the son of emma the  priest who was also chief governor in the   house of the lord heard that jeremiah prophesied  these things what of the coming destruction   speaking referencing about what  was just said in chapter 19. of course i think that pastor seems to be  the prophecy police person or something   because it says he then pastor smote jeremiah the  prophet put him in the stocks that were in the   high gate of benjamin that was in the house  of the lord so jeremiah does time one night gets thrown in the can for one night for preaching   came to pass on the moral that pastor  brought forth jeremiah to the stocks   then said german to him the lord hath  not had not called thy name pashur   which is safety on every side but my goal  missabi that is terror or fear on every side for thus saith the lord behold i  will make thee a terror to thyself   and all their friends and they shall fall by the  sword of their enemies their eyes shall behold it   now we'll give all judah into the hand of the  king of babylon i want you to notice something   that this is the first time in all the chapters  we've studied there has been the allusion to   the coming of the enemy from  the north this is the first time   that we have the spelling out and clarity of  who this force from the north is king of babylon   and from this point forward you'll have babylon  be mentioned or the king of babylon or the enemy   it's over 200 plus times this is the first  time that we're really getting a glimpse   and again this is these are the things  that when people speak of a true prophet this was not some ambiguous word just  merely uttered out like the king of   or some leader of something but  the king of babylon is very clear i will give all judah into the  hand of the king of babylon   and he shall carry them captive into babylon  and he shall slay them with the sword that is the word of the lord  through the mouth of the prophet   which came to pass not yet it's being spoken  as a prophecy here but which came to pass   moreover i will deliver all the strength  of this city all the labors thereof all   the precious things thereof all the treasures of  the kings of judah i will give into the hand of   their enemies which shall spoil them take them  and carry them into babylon and thou pasture   and all that dwell in thine house shall go into  captivity thou shalt come to babylon there thou   shalt die and shall be buried there thou and  all thy friends to whom thou has prophesied lies so there right now it's kind of interesting because  this is it marks a section all of its own   prophets the prophecy that jeremiah  delivers regarding the fate of judah   the spelling out of who this force from the north  finally is the king of babylon the carrying away   captive into a land the slaying of the people now listen to what jeremiah says oh lord  thou has deceived me and i was deceived   thou art stronger than i and has prevailed  i am in derision daily everyone mocketh me   this is what i love about this guy he just got a  word from the lord he just delivered it to this   pastor i'm going to call pastor a freak   he just delivers it a word a true word which  will which will come to pass with great precision and then he says god you've deceived me i'm in derision daily everyone's  everyone's laughing at me i'm a joke well i want you to see the  subtlety of this because   this is what keeps my mind focused so tightly  on this book while he just delivered something   so clear that we know because we read the  rest of the book and we know it happened he's basically doubting   that god is giving him these orders because he  says i'm i'm a joke everyone's laughing at me it's mind-boggling it's mind-boggling for me  because we're reading it's it you know we read   a whole chapter and it it's not necessarily  put together we read it as a chapter but they   shouldn't necessarily be read all as one unit so  he delivers this word which we know has come to   pass but he he's now telling god i'm being laughed  at for since i spake i cried out i cried violence   and spoiled because the word of the lord was  made her approach unto me and a derision daily i'm a joke because what you've  said hasn't come to pass yet   here i am going to declare these things and  it hasn't happened now please i want you to   connect this with your life of faith because  if a man like jeremiah who could be given such   clarity and speak such profound truths that  actually came to pass is now saying i'm a joke we need to take some of these lessons and say whoa  just because we don't see it happening immediately   get your jeremiah glasses on and say just  because it's not happening right away   doesn't mean god is not working on it you may not  see it jeremiah didn't see it immediately either   but he says i'm a joke then i said i will not  make mention of him nor speak any more his name   but his word was in my heart as a burning  fire shot up in my bones and i was worried   with forbearing and could not stay now this is  always by the way this verse nine i've heard this   taken out of context when people have said burning  fire the word of the lord was a burning fire shut   up in my bones but that's not this is not meant  as a positive thing i've heard every every person   quote this has quoted it text out of context  jeremiah's not saying this in a good way it   actually has a pejorative connotation to it why i  was weary with forbearing that's um 20 in verse 9. but if i say well not mention him or speak any  more in his name his word is in my heart like   a fire a fire shut up in my bones i'm  weary of holding it in indeed i cannot   not like i'm going to bust out and tell somebody  but i can't take it anymore i want you to get   the subtlety of that because everybody uses  this as like i can't i can't be contained   i've gotta shout it from the rooftops but jeremiah  is saying i'm a joke i can't take it anymore for i heard the defaming of many i want  you to put this in your margin somewhere   where it says fear on every side  for i heard the defaming of many   the many were those in the temple and the  religious people and if you're reading this   from the hebrew in verse 10 let me find it  here so i can read it to you in verse 10   what is being translated fear on every side is  magur mis mi sabib which is the same thing that   jeremiah called pashur meguro misabib tear on  every side see what happens when you translate   and you don't put it properly they were defaming  jeremiah now these religious people and others   he said he heard defaming the defaming of  many they were basically standing and saying   he's jeremiah is terror on every side and to  himself report they say and we will report it   all my familiars watched for my haltings saying  to adventure he will be enticed and we shall   prevail against him we shall take our revenge on  him they were all waiting for jeremiah to fall i guess just another reason why i i read  this and i love i love these things because   it shows you that the true man or woman of god  is going to be hated usually people will laugh boy she really takes that seriously yeah so should  you yeah i like to laugh and periodically i find   things that are very funny or entertaining whether  it's the translation or something that comes into   my mind but there's nothing that is funny about  the word of god as we're reading it it there's   something that very seriously should settle  into the soul i love this i love this book we're just waiting for him to fall we can't  wait it's just the idea of jeremiah falling   is delicious what do they say he says in in  the niv they're translating the english like   this i hear many whispering tear on every side  they're still the same from the hebrew the omega   report him let's report him all my friends  are waiting for me to slip saying perhaps   he will be deceived and then we will prevail  over him and we will take our revenge on him remember what jesus said you'll be hated without a cause  people are going to hate you   in the world you have tribulation  what makes us think as christians   what makes any christian think that those words  of jesus christ do not apply to us in the world   you should have tribulation but i've the thing  you can take comfort is i've overcome the world   you're going to have some suffering you're  going to have some reproach for my name's sake and then we have another shift that goes on here  in verse 11. it's it's almost as though we have   multiple personalities speaking but what this is  this is the way we are as believers too sometimes   we're so dead on yes i don't care what happens i  will not let go and other times we're just knocked   sideways and we're busy talking back to god and  shaking our fist at him but the lord is with me he's with me as a mighty terrible one  therefore my persecutors shall stumble   and they shall not prevail this is a great word  of faith they shall be greatly ashamed for they   shall not prosper their everlasting confusion  shall not be forgotten this is like yeah this   is like a good psalm this is like what we  ought to do when we're caught up in trouble   caught up in the storms of life  this sounds like a psalm here   but o lord of hosts that tries the  righteous and seest the reigns of the heart   let me see thy vengeance on them now you're  talking jeremiah for under thee have i opened my   cars i've poured out my petition for new god who  else am i going to tell this is a psalm sing unto   the lord praise he the lord for he hath delivered  the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers   now this is what i find amazing this is why you  cannot read this book and like some people do they   say read it straight through you can't because  you see these are sections and we could at least   be certain of something in reading  this you can see the sections on   pasture that are immediately linked to  verses 14 and 15 of the previous chapter   and then verses seven and eight uh seem to be  one section it's all broken up and then we have   this great it's like this right in the middle we  have the psalm of praise right in the middle 11 12   and 13. and then if you were going to read this  straight through it make you terribly confused   how could he just be saying sing unto the  lord praise you the lord hath delivered   the soul of the poor from the hand of  evils cursed be the day when i was born   that's why when people say read the bible straight  through i read it in 91 and 92 and 93 read   straight through i wonder why people put  the book down because i think wow he he had   maybe some mental problems he just was praising  the lord a minute ago and then now he's cursing   the day he was born now you can put a  line right there at the end of verse 13   and this is the beginning of a new section  whether or not these got pushed together or they   became collated in a text i can't  say to you i can just tell you   that there would definitely have been a space  between these writings there's no question we have song of praise verses 11 12 and 13.  highlight those somewhere those are good   good things to go back to that's those  are like good promises in there and   comfort and rejoicing and cursed  be the day when i was born   now there's there is a small section of  my brain that says that is the dichotomy   of every true believer praising in  the morning and cursing at night i wake up thank you lord for  waking me up for another day   to try again when you go to bed  you say damn it i messed up again or whatever you say cursed would be the day when i was born let not  the day when my mother bear bear me be blessed   how we're going to put a bar how low can you go  because it's going to get lower cursed would be   the man who brought tidings to my father saying a  man child is born unto thee making him very glad and let that man be as the  cities which the lord overthrew   wow praise ye the lord sing  unto the lord ah y'all cursed and let him hear crying in the morning and  shouting at noontime because he's looming not   from the womb he or that my mother might have been  my grave and her womb to be always great with me would could i have died in her womb essentially  is what he's saying wherefore i came   came forth out of the womb to see labor and  sorrow that my day should be consumed with shame praise the lord there'll be some silly evangelist out there  read this with a big smile on his face i'm reading this and i'm thinking this is  pretty powerful stuff but don't don't be too   hard on what this man utters right here that's  why i said these are sections i don't believe that   they were put they were put together at a later  time but don't be too hard on this man and his   utterances because between jeremiah making this  type of a statement and prophet going under a tree   and asking god to kill him there that he should  die and david going into a cave you think about   it god's people and this is why i want to just  highlight this god's people are never in one place   in the faith department it's it's these ups and  downs i'm glad that whoever and however these   got put together because although i do not believe  they originally put together as such they were not   like this it gives a perfect demonstration  of how we can be at times just like this i can have days where i come and just really  force myself to come to church and force myself   to come to church and i'm here and then i begin to  speak to you and then faith begins to flow and i'm   either i'm sick or i'm down in spirit and then i  begin to feel really good and i feel like i just   preached myself out of a pit and  i'm feeling wonderful and i leave   the platform and an hour later i'm  thinking what the hell happened that happens now that's why i said it  it's it's an anomaly to me   or maybe it's not an anomaly i just don't  understand how people that come into the church   can be so deceived not this church but the church  at large large can be so deceived with the idea   that every day will be the mountaintop  experience coming to jesus means you'll   never be in a valley you'll never be in  darkness you'll never be in a bad place   i told you a week or two ago speaking  with somebody it was just this last week just a relatively new christian and  i just i kept thinking to myself   boy i can't wait until the stuff hits the fan  because this person is either going to be like   parable the sower where when the  trouble comes they flee they can't take   the pressure you might when you begin  to see god's word alive in front of you that's when you have to you almost  have to pinch yourself and say   you see this is what in picture what jesus  said in picture i see unfolding in front of me   when the trouble comes when the  enemy comes they can't take the   pressure they haven't been taught what  to do in the midst of a crisis they flee so i'm looking at this  tonight and i'm thinking this   although it's a strange passage to teach from  in this way god's getting this wonderful praise   prayer and my petition before god sing unto  the lord praise he the lord he delivered the   soul of the poor from the hand of  evildoers and then write the next   verse even though i said they're not together goes  right into a oh boy i wish i was never born that's   pretty bad but it's a good illustration of what  what can happen now i'm going to just we're just   going to move right on here i like this what's  going to happen next here chapter 21 fact 21 21 and 22 chapter 23 is it's a  unique chapter chapter 23 has got   some very powerful words speaking of christ we'll  get there but i want you to see the beauty of this   in chapter 21 or what is chapter 21 this uh prophet everybody's laughing at  and everybody's calling a terror when the word of the lord came to jeremiah  when king zedekiah sent him to pashur the word which came unto jeremiah from the lord  when king zedekiah sent him to pashur the son of   melchia and zephaniah the son of messiah  the priest saying inquire i pray thee   of the lord for us for nebuchadnezzar  king of babylon maketh war against us   if so be that the lord will deal with  us according to all his wondrous works   that he may go up from us then said jeremiah  unto them thus you shall say to zedekiah   thus saith the lord god of israel behold  i will turn back the weapons of war   that are in your hands wherewith you fight  against the king of babylon against the chaldeans   which which besiege you without the walls and i  will assemble them into the midst of this city   and i myself will fight against you not i will  fight for you i will fight against you with an   outstretched hand with a strong arm even in anger  and in fury and great wrath and i will smite the   inhabitants of this city both man and beast and  they shall die of a great pestins whoa you know   we'd prefer the other prophet that's smiling all  the time you know the one that says peace peace you know he came into the town he said every  day is friday that prophet we like him better   he speaks much kinder than this prophet here and afterwards saith the lord i will deliver zedd  kayaking of judah and his servants and the people   and such as are left in this city from the  pestilence and from the sword and from the   famine into the hand of nebuchadnezzar king of  babylon now he's spelling it out even more clear   whereas before just he just referenced the kings  more precise and clear and into the hand of their   enemies and into the hand of those that seek  their life and he shall smite them with the edge   of the sword and he shall not spare them neither  have pity nor have mercy and under this people   thou shalt say thus saith the lord behold i set  before you the way of life and the way of death he that abideth in this city shall  die by the sword and by the famine   by the pestilence he that goeth out and follows  to the chaldeans that beseech you he shall live   and his life shall be unto him for prey  that's kind of interesting i've said two ways   you do this and you live  or you do this and you die i've set my face against this city for  evil and not for good saith the lord   well i want to only serve a god  that does good things well okay shall be given into the hand of the king  of babylon and he shall burn it with fire   now inside of this chapter there are more  things that are uttered by jeremiah with   as i've called this extreme precision of  what had not yet happened but did happen   and when you read this that's why i think it's  staggering when you read this even just the   small things that are seemingly just nuances that  came to pass shows you the verity of god's word   it almost makes you go back to where  jeremiah is saying i'm a joke your word isn't   i'm a joke you're telling me to declare  these things and nothing's happening   it almost makes you if you could reach  back and whisper into jeremiah's ear hey   it's gonna happen just wait a little while  think of that next time you're waiting and   petitioning on god and claiming something  and it hasn't happened maybe that small voice   god's spirit will breathe a little utterance  into your heart wait a little while and keep   faithing and keep hanging on the lord is faithful  the lord will perform his word that he's given touching the house of the king of judah say hear  the word of the lord o house of david thus saith   the lord execute judgment in the morning deliver  him that is spoiled at the hand of the oppressors   lest my fury go out like fire and burn  that none can quench it because of the   evil of your doings behold i am against thee o  inhabitant of the valley and rock of the plain   saith the lord which say who shall come down  against us or who shall enter into our habitations   but i will punish you according to the fruit  of your doing saith the lord and kindle of fire   in the forest thereof and it shall  devour all things round about it   it is remarkable to me that if people were  being worn you would think wisdom would say   pay attention now we know historically we  know the people that were carried away we know   we know the number of people  you know the ones that returned   but it just seems like this would be a wake-up  call it should again it should speak to us today   in a different way if god was so faithful to  perform right down to the last detail here   why should we doubt his faithfulness today  same god same word forever settled in heaven thus saith the lord go down to the house of  the king of judah and speak there this word   and say hear the word of the lord o king  of judah that sitteth upon the throne of   david thou and thy servants and thy  people that enter in by these gates   thus saith the lord execute your judgment and  righteousness and deliver the spoiled out of the   hand of the oppressor do no wrong do no violence  to the stranger to the fatherless nor the widow   neither shed innocent blood in this  place for if you do this thing indeed   then shall there enter in by the gates of  this this house king sitting upon the throne   of david riding in chariots on horses he and his  servants and his people but if you will not hear   these words i will swear by myself saith the  lord that this house shall become a desolation for thus saith the lord unto the king's house  of judah thou thou art gilead unto me and the   head of lebanon yet surely i will make thee a  wilderness in cities which are not inhabited i   will prepare destroyers against thee this is  pretty heavy stuff every one of his weapons   they shall cut down thy choice cedars cast  them into into the fire many nations shall   pass by this city and they shall say every man  to his neighbor wherefore hath the lord done this   thus under this great city and they shall  answer be because they have forsaken the   covenant of the lord their god and  worshiped other gods and served them weep he not for the dead neither bemoan  him but weep soar for him that goeth away   for he shall return no more  nor see his native country   now i love the position because he talks  of zedekiah there's you know when when you   start naming names this is why when when  i hear people saying they're prophets and   they can never be specific oh there's a lady out  there and she's whatever and she's in a you know   this prophet names speaks of zedekiah  speaks of navica nebuchadnezzar   he says for thus saith the lord touching shalom  the son of josiah king of judah here we have more   position precision which reigned instead of  josiah his father which went forth out of his   out of his place this place he shall not return  thither any more but he shall die in the place   whether they led him captive and he's  not going to see this land anymore either   and if you keep reading he's going to  name names he's going to name names   and he's going to name places and that if  these things came to pass that is the test   of the true prophet of god that what he says  comes to pass that the declarations that he   make in this case jeremiah be fulfilled woe unto  him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness   and his chambers by wrong that useth  his neighbor's service without wages   and giveth him not for his work that saith i will  build me a wide house a large and large chambers   and cutteth him out windows and it is  sealed with cedar and painted with vermilion   shalt thou rain because thou closest thy softened  cedar did not thy father eden drink and do   judgment and justice and then it it was well with  him he judged the cause of the poor and the needy   let me see that in let me forward  here 22 and 16. 22 and 16. that's what i thought he defended  the cause of the poor and the needy   is that not what it means  to know me declares the lord that's verse 16. is that not what it means to know me declares  the lord but your eyes and your heart   are set only on dishonest gain on shedding  innocent blood and reading the niv now if you're   following along and on oppression and extortion  hey just describe most of the christian world i'm talking about those people on religious tv therefore this is what the lord says about  joha jahayakim the son of josiah king of judah   they will not mourn for him alas my brother last  my sister they will not mourn for him last my   mother or my master alas his splendor he will have  the burial of a donkey dragged away and thrown   outside the gates of jerusalem and if you read the  history of that one that's exactly what happened go up to lebanon cry out let your voice be  heard and bash and cry out from abarim for   all your allies are crushed i warned you when you  felt secure but you said i will not listen this   has been your way from your youth and you've not  obeyed me the wind will drive your shepherds away   and all your allies will go into exile  and then you'll be ashamed and disgraced   because of your wickedness you who  live in lebanon who are nestled in   cedar buildings how will you groan when pangs  come upon you like that of a woman in labor as surely as i live declares the declares the  lord even if you jahayakin the son of jahayakim   king of judah were a signet ring on my right  hand i would still pull you off i will hand you   over to those who seek your life those you fear to  nebuchadnezzar king of babylon and the babylonians   i will hurl you and the mother who gave birth  to you into another country that's a nice if you could make that colloquial  today i'm sure that would have a   more familiar tinge to it i'll hurry you and   the mother that gave birth to you into another  country where neither neither of you were born   and where you will both die you will never  come back to the land you long to return to boy   well jeremiah can you be more down can you  be more devastating you know we like the   preacher that comes with those good words but  this guy here he just he just debbie downer   he didn't bring any good news does he is this man  johan a despised broken pot an object no one wants   why will he and his children be hurled out cast  into a land they do not know o land land land   hear the word of the lord this is what the lord  says record this man as if childless a man who   will not prosper in his lifetime for none of his  offspring will prosper none will sit on the throne   of david or rule any more in judah because  what is what is beautiful about this and no   we can't just say a mortal man wrote these things  because what's beautiful is we're going to see the   really the the coming to a close of the kings  the kings appointed kings the usurped kings the   false kings and then right away in  chapter 23 after a brief few verses   we begin to read about the true king  the only king who will ever reign   and that's why i said sometimes i read this and i  think it's kind of staggering to read that this is   the close of these kings vassal kings kings that  were just pawns and moved around bought and traded   and whatever else they did and then we go right  into this chapter 23. i'm going to read it and i   really didn't want to touch this chapter tonight  but i'm going to read at least until verse 6   because it's like finishing  on a good positive note i like this what will be under the pastures that   destroy and scatter the sheep  of my pasture saith the lord therefore thus saith the lord god of israel  against the pastors that feed my people   you have scattered my flock oh god if people  could hear this today and really think it   applied to them too you've scattered my flock  driven them away and have not visited them   behold i will visit upon you the evil  of your doing saith the lord i pray because that's not just in jeremiah's day that's  still today i still think there are more people   being scattered under the guise of being quote  unquote led to the lord they're being misled   and led away further and further you get from  the gospel the further and further you get from   the preaching of the word of god from the  cross from the blood from the resurrection   the further and further you get away from those  things that are the center points of our faith   and the more and more we get into humanism and the  topics that i've said many times shouldn't even be   main subjects in the church i'm  not even sure that they should be   in the church at all what become the main  subjects abortion divorce these things that i think just perverts in the pulpit who have  nothing there's nothing satisfying in the word   of god so let's go to these peripheral  subjects that really have no bearing   that they're not the compass point for our  faith they're not the true north if you will   that does more to mislead people because they  latch onto these subjects that are so emotionally   charged and they get carried off remember what  paul said that we be no more like children   tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine so  i love the fact that when i read this i think god   make this happen today visit  the evil of their doings quickly and i will gather the remnant of my flock out  of all the countries whether i have driven them   and will bring them again to their folds and  they shall be fruitful and increase and i   will set up shepherds over them which shall  feed them now that should answer by the way   the question of the person at the grocery  store why do i need someone telling me before paul ever wrote that god gave  some gifts to the church jeremiah   inspired by god said right here i will set  up shepherds over them which shall feed them they shall fear no more nor be  dismayed neither shall they be lacking i wish it said sila right now behold the  days come saith the lord that i will raise   unto david a righteous branch and  a king shall reign and prosper   and shall execute judgment and  justice in the earth in his days   and i would like to treat this that's why i  said just wanted to read it i'd like to treat   this properly not just pass through it in his days  judah shall be saved and israel shall dwell safely   and this is his name whereby he shall  be called the lord our righteousness   now you know i just this is like music  to the ears of the ones who await those of us who believe that jesus  is going to return for his church   music to our ears knowing he came once he did the  work only he could do and he'll come back again   and the book of revelation makes it abundantly  clear that his return what his return will be like   i love the fact that nestled in here so  neatly there's actually a word of promise   that was yet to come in jeremiah's day  yet to come fulfilled at a later time   and a prophecy also yet to be fulfilled there's  two two prophecies one having been fulfilled   and another yet to be the key there in verse six  is in his days but that's something for another   time because that opens up the door for us to talk  about a more glorious subject the return of christ   i want to just leave the book tonight because we  covered a lot of territory i want to leave the   book tonight with a few things being reinforced  the first one and the most important one   that i think i highlighted  tonight is that if you're   taking a stand for what you believe  in god's word you probably will be   the uh laughingstock once in a while people  say you really believe that don't you   oh that's stupid it probably happened to  you in your lifetime if it hasn't already   just be ready for that we know we will suffer  for christ's sake that's one number two that in   the midst of the storm and right in the middle of  everything whether they were connected or not and   i've told you i do not believe they were right  in the middle of everything we have this psalm   in verses 11 12 and 13 which we ought to  revisit periodically it's a good confidence   and faith booster and then the reality that we  all have our ups and downs and in the process   god will always be faithful to not you know we've  many of you call in you'll always quote quote the   what dr scott used to say don't don't die  in the dark what god showed you in the light   but yet that's our tendency  that's what i was trying to say   yesterday in one dimension of jonah's  life which is he was called of god and called of god doesn't always mean that  you walk with great clarity or cult of god   doesn't always mean that you walk the  path the right path and the only path   and sometimes you've got to get in that place  where darkness comes in jeremiah's case he goes   goes to prison one time he gets thrown in a  pit another time he gets put in prison again and we've got these wonderful examples of  what to do in the dark times based on these   people and their living faith from jeremiah in  prison to paul and silas in prison you think   while they were in prison while paul and silas  were in that prison you think they were saying   maybe for one minute because i believe that's  human that's a human realm boy this could be it   but come on silas let's sing and then if even  if it was just for a minute that darkness came   the light came because faith was reignited in the  possibility in that moment of singing a praise to   god don't doubt in the dark what god showed you in  the light what you have learned clearly understood take the lesson of jeremiah tonight  and hopefully it'll resonate   and find that psalm once in a while i'm going to  call that the psalm of jeremiah because that's a   good thing to call it the psalm of jeremiah right smack dab there in the 20th chapter  verses 11 12 and 13. i'm calling that the song   the psalm of jeremiah that when we need to go get  a quick fix when all the stuff is flying around us   we can read this and say right there somewhere in  the middle of all this some bold grand utterance   of faith was declared god heard it i read it  tonight and i hope you'll read it again too big is
Channel: Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.
Views: 653
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremiah 20:11-13, The Psalm of Jeremiah, prophecy, prophesy, ridicule, Jeremiah, prophet, suffer, faithful, Understand the Bible, teaching faith, Faith Center Church, Pastor, Pastor Scott, Pastor Melissa Scott, Pastor Melissa Scott PhD, Pastor Melissa, Melissa Scott, Dr Scott, Doctor Scott, Dr Gene Scott, Gene Scott, Doctor Gene Scott, God, Jesus, Christ, God's love, God's promise, truth, the truth, the word, the word of God, bible, bible study, love of god, praise, worship, salvation
Id: y5zhZf9_Nqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 3sec (2883 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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