Jeremiah 19:1-15 "The Terror of Judgment"

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[Music] let's turn together in God's Word to Jeremiah 19 Jeremiah 19 this evening Jeremiah 19 beginning in verse 1 where it says thus says the Lord go buy a Potter's earthenware flask and take some of the elders of the people and some of the elders of the priests and go out to the valley of the son of Hinnom at the entry of the potsherd gate and proclaim there the words that I tell you you shall say hear the word of the Lord Oh king of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem thus says the Lord of hosts the God of Israel behold I am bringing such disaster upon this place that the ears of everyone who hears of it will tingle because the people have forsaken me and have profaned this place by making offerings in it to other gods whom neither they nor their fathers nor the kings of Judah have known and because they have filled this place with the blood of innocence and have built the places of bail to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to bail which I did not command or decree nor did it come into my mind therefore behold days are coming declares the Lord when this place shall no more be called TOFA or the valley of the son of Hinnom but the valley of slaughter and in this place I will make void the plans of Judah and Jerusalem and will cause their people to fall by the sword before their enemies and by the hand of those who seek their life I will give their dead bodies for food to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the earth and I will make this city a horror a thing to be hissed at everyone who passes by it will be horrified and will hiss because of all its wounds and I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and their daughters and everyone shall eat the flesh of his neighbor in the siege and in the distress with which their enemies and those who seek their life afflict them then you shall break the flasks in the sight of the men who go with you and shall say to them thus says the Lord of hosts so will I break this people and this city as one breaks a Potter's vessel so that it can never be mended men shall bury in TOFA because there will be no place no place else to bury thus will I do to this place declares the Lord and to its inhabitants making this city like TOFA 'the the houses of jerusalem and the houses of the kings of judah all the houses on whose reus offerings have been offered to all the hosts of heaven and drink offerings have been poured out to other gods shall be defiled like the place of TOFA then jeremiah came from TOFA where the Lord had sent him to prophesy and he stood in the court of the Lord's house and said to all the people thus says the Lord of hosts the God of Israel behold I am bringing upon this city and upon all its towns all the disaster that I have pronounced against it because they have stiffened their neck refusing to hear my words so far the reading from God's Word this evening may he add its blessing to our hearts well the word hell it conjures up images in all of our minds what kind of images does that word arouse awaken in your mind maybe you see red horned creatures with tails with arrows on and pitchforks people in agony being stuck by these red horned Devils we might chuckle at those depictions of Hell because we've seen them from maybe medieval paintings or something like that yet from today's passage we see that the torment of those in hell isn't that far off from what is shown in those pictures that are painted in medieval artwork hell is the destination of those who suffer God's judgment without mercy and the picture that Jeremiah gives to Judah is not a pretty one in other words what this chapter of Scripture teaches us today is that it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God and as we consider that truth we want to look at three things in this chapter first we want to see the decree of disaster that God issues want to see the cause of disaster in the life of Judah and they want to see the horror of disaster in what will take place so we're going to learn that it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God we're gonna see the decree of disaster the cause of disaster and the horror of disaster so let's begin by looking at the decree of disaster when you're dealing with Jeremiah as a as a pastor as one who declares charged with declaring the Word of God to the congregation when you come to a book like Jeremiah which is 52 chapters long it's easy to try to find something else to talk about other than judgment because you can talk about judgment every week and so as preacher I've tried to do the same thing I've tried to find different ways in which to present this judgment as Jeremiah packages it so for example last week we talked about the mercy of God and his repeated calls to repentance as a way to avert judgment and that God in His mercy continues to set that before his people other times we have talked about the promise of the eventual return of God's people after the judgment has been poured out on them but in this specific case it's impossible to do anything else than to face the reality of the judgment of God and and be crushed under it in a sense Jeremiah is a prophet and as a prophet he is speaking the words of the Lord and so here in this chapter the Prophet as the mouthpiece of the Lord is ordered by God Himself to go and summon together the elders of the people and the elders of the priests and to go what is described in verse 2 as the valley of the son of Hinnom it's important to note that this place the valley of the son of Hinnom is more than just a geographical Parker to Jeremiah Jeremiah is not just talking about we're a place where so we can identify where he went he's talking about a place that has spiritual significance for the people of Jerusalem the valley of the son of Hinnom is first identified in Joshua 15 Joshua 15 you remember when we went or maybe you don't maybe you've pushed it out of your mind I wouldn't blame you for it but in as you're working through Joshua you have a large amount of chapters that deal with the allocations of land to the different tribes of the people of Israel and in Jeremiah 50 are Joshua 15 Joshua is outlining the inheritance of the people of Judah and as part of the the border of the people of Judah you have for the first time this location this valley of the son of Hinnom it's a it's a narrow valley that's located just south of Jerusalem and it it marks a in that sense a geographical boundary but Jeremiah isn't using it in that way when Jeremiah speaks of the valley of the sons of Hinnom he's not using a geographical term because the people of Israel the people of Judah would have known what takes place in the valley of the son of Hinnom and so there are certain places because of their association with with certain events or certain corporations or other things like that that just the mentioning of that name awakens in the person who hears it an understanding of something more significant and and so we have those kinds of places in our culture as well so when you talk about Orlando you immediately think of the magical kingdom where everything is perfect and pure and happy right you think of of Disneyworld and and people go to Orlando for vacation or if you think about the religious realm you could think about when somebody says Rome when you say Rome you think of the seat of the Roman Catholic Church and all that's associate with that and in Rome isn't just a geographical marker but Rome is used to to summarize or to use as a placeholder all of the Roman Catholic Church or if you think of the word Mecca when you say the word Mecca you have there an understanding in our own minds of of the Islamic faith and what takes place in in Mecca as as the idolatrous worship of Islam is is carried out there well the value of the son of Hinnom is that kind of place it's a place that has a spiritual significance because it is known that in the valley of the son of Hinnom there you find the center of the idolatrous worship of the people of judah the value of the son of Hinnom appears throughout the history of the old testament kings so for example if we turn to 2nd chronicles in chapter 28 and verse 3 there we have a has who is Hezekiah as father and it describes as it always does for the the kings of Judah it describes what their reign was like and it says of of Ahaz that he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel he even made metal images for the bales and he made offerings in the valley of the son of Hinnom burned and burned his sons as an offering there a little bit later in chapter 33 of that same book Manasses reign is is described and in second chronicles 33 and verse 6 you have a similar description of Manasseh he burned his sons as an offering in the valley of the son of Hinnom the same thing is described of Manasseh as it is of Ahaz later on after Manasseh Manasseh is descended Josiah will desecrate that valley so that no idolatry can be practiced there anymore you can see the record of that and in second Kings 23 it's a place where Israel had practiced great evil even to the point of slaughtering their children and offering their lives up to the idols of their own imagination and it is in that place that Jeremiah is to announce the disaster that will come upon Judah so it's in the middle of the place where the idolatry of Judah is centered that Jeremiah is to announce the disaster that will come upon Judah and he goes there not because of his own imagination Jeremiah goes there at God's command Jeremiah's carrying out God's decree God's instruction for him so what can we say about God's decree to Jeremiah well we can see from this chapter that God's decree is hard and and unrelenting for example if you look at verse 3 there it says that the Lord of Hosts will certainly bring disaster upon this place and that the disaster will be so great that the ears of everyone who hears about it will tingle so you have in the decree of God a hard relented activate God's not sugarcoating he's not soft-pedaling what he's going to do to Judah he is going to carry out his task and he's going to do it as one breaks a potters earthenware flask so that it can never be mended as it says in verse 11 so you see that God's decree is hard and unrelenting we also see that God's decree is in response to sin you see that in verse 4 because the people have forsaken me therefore God's decree for destruction comes God's not tormenting an innocent people God's not even tormenting a people that maybe has stumbled and tripped and fallen and regrets their sin and is in agony over their sin and is is seeking his face for the forgiveness of sin know their sins come first and and the people of Judah refuse to repent over their sins last Lord's Day we saw God as the Potter and and Judah as the soft clay and Judah was reshaped according to God's on purpose but we noticed something different in this chapter of Jeremiah's prophecy where where Judah was a malleable clump of clay last Lord's Day what is Judah what is the symbol of destruction for Judah in this chapter in verse 1 it says that Judah is like a Potter's earthenware a flask something that is baked something that is hardened something that cannot be reshaped anymore it's not malleable it's a hard baked earthenware flask and this in this case and the earthenware flask will be broken so that it cannot be mended and so in response to sin God brings destruction to the people of Judah and then we also see in this chapter that God's decree is certain throughout the chapter for example in verse 12 it says I will break God's not saying I might break anymore God is saying that his judgment on this people will be certain so God's decree comes in a hard and unrelenting fashion it comes in response to the sin of the people of Judah and it comes as a certainty there's not anything tentative about God's decree of judgment anymore judgment is coming and judgment is certain so we've seen God's decree we want to also look at the cause for this disaster that God has decreased decree we've seen God's judgment as coming in response to sin generically speaking but there are more specifics that we can glean from this chapter in the valley of the son of Hinnom the place where the decree of God is to be uttered we see the center of the cause for destruction it's the place where we're judah's destruction in a sense has been made certain it's the center of their idolatry we're where God's decree is pronounced I mean we're the people of God has have rejected now they will hear his judgment God is careful to establish in the valley of the son of him Hinnom why Judah is to be judged and we see that in verses 4 and 5 primarily where there's kind of a projection between projection in and what has happened in Judah so that we can understand the cause of the disaster that God has decreed for them and so those the first cause of the decree of disaster comes because the people have forsaken the Lord it says that right at the beginning of verse 4 the people have forsaken the Lord they have neglected him in thought and in deed and therefore the judgment of God is coming of course the neglect of thought always leads to the neglect of deed and Jeremiah is prophesying in a time when the neglect of thought leading to the neglect of deed can be seen most clearly you remember Jeremiah prophesied from the time of Josiah on to the end of the establishment of the kingdom of Judah until they are carried into exile and in second chronicles 34 you have the record of the reforms that Josiah who was a righteous King the last righteous king of the people of Judah the reforms that he brought about and and as part of his reform he set aside money for the priests in order to rebuild to clean up to restore the temple and in second chronicles 34 11 it tells us that Judah had let the temple of God go to ruin this is the condition of the people of Judah the ones to whom Jeremiah's prophesying those who had let the buildings of the worship of the Guv the God of Jacob Abraham Isaac and Jacob go completely to ruin their thoughts aren't on the Lord and so the worship of the Lord is completely neglected so the people have forsaken the Lord as it says right at the beginning of verse 4 but it also says that the people have replaced the Lord you see that also in verses 4 & 5 they instead of turning to the Lord they have forsaken him and they have made offerings to other gods unknown gods they have made offerings to bail things that God had never commanded or decreed nor that it ever enter into God's mind the people of Judah have replaced the Lord with these false gods they have they have turned to idols they have they have made these idols the objects of their perverted love and the destruction that Judah will receive is of course predicted in Deuteronomy 8 the destruction was previously warned and it was currently neglected by the people of Judah in Deuteronomy 8 in verse 19 it says and if you forget the Lord your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them I solemnly warned you today that you shall surely perish well guess what the day of perishing is upon the people of Judah because they have done what God has warned them not to do they have replaced the Lord with other gods so the people have forsaken the Lord they have replaced him with other gods and then finally we see in verse 4 and 5 that they have sinned grievously without repenting they have built high places to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to bail it's important to notice that not all sins are equally heinous but in Jerusalem they have filled the city with a blood of innocence it's not a one-time stumbling where where people fall and are grieved over their sin these are people who have been called to repentance for hit for heinous sins many times and it says in the last verse of our chapter but they have stiffened their neck they have refused to hear my words even last Lord's Day when we looked at Jeremiah 18 we saw even in the mercy of God that the people of Judah had hardened their heart when they're called to repent in verse 12 they respond by saying that's vain we will follow our own plans and everyone will act according to the stubbornness of his own evil heart they have been warned but the people of God have rejected the warning they're not grieved over their sin at all they have preferred their own plans and so we see that in this chapter the previous chapter of Jeremiah we see it all throughout Jeremiah really just a superficial reading of Jeremiah confirms this pattern of the people of due to being call to repentance of the people of Judah refusing to come to repent as you see it in Jeremiah and you can open up any other minor or major prophet and see the same pattern established there this hard-hearted rejection of God's loving call to repentance and so we see in in Jeremiah and is in his laying out the case of why this disaster will come on the people of Judah a three-step progression this forsaking of the Lord this replacing of the Lord and then this hardening themselves in Grievous sin without desiring to repent of it and this kind of behavior by the people of Judah this kind of gross neglect of the Lord the sin against the Lord will not be pardoned by him and so we've seen the decree of disaster in the cause of disaster now we want to consider the horror of the disaster that has been decreed and as a result of these three steps of sin that the people of Judah commit God decrees disaster against the people of Judah and the disaster is truly disaster it's not just a bad Monday and you're going to be better on Tuesday it's it's a grim telling of what God will do to the people of Judah one more thing to consider about the value of the son of Hinnom that might not be obvious to us but when we think of the valley of the son of Hinnom the way it is transliterated into Greek is Gehenna and the word Gehenna in the Greek is used in several places in the new New Testament one of the places is in Matthew five and verse 22 there in Matthew five of course Jesus is dealing with the he's relating anger to the against the six commandment the sin of murder and there Jesus is describing that and he says he uses these words he says but I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment and whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council and whoever says you fool will be liable to the Gehenna of fire the word Gehenna in the Greek language is translated in our English Bibles as hell and the place the people of Israel got their understanding of Hell was through the valley of the sons of Hinnom and what takes place are here in jeremiah 19 Judas hell in Gehenna is a picture of hell in a New Testament Jeremiah is to go to the valley of the sons of Hinnom son of Hinnom to a specific place called TOFA TOFA tha's a place within the valley of the son of Hinnom perhaps a place where the idol worship was centrally located and there he's to declare the disaster that will be on judah and it will be so great that in no faith in the valley of the son of Hinnom a likely place for idol worship it will become a burial ground the disaster will be so great in Jerusalem that there will not be enough room for graves in Jerusalem and tofa in Gehenna in hell will be the place where those who have been judged by God will be buried there's a horror that's described it's described in this chapter to be like an earthen flask and in in verse 6 and 7 it says that the valley of the son of Hinnom will be like the valley of slaughter and in verse 10 it says that this this this destruction will be like flask that is broken breaking it into so many pieces that it can never be mended well in a sense when you talk about a clay Potter's vessel that way it's it's still a bit of an abstract idea the horror of what will take place in the lives of the people of Judah still is very well-known to us but what we see from the distance from that picture at least is this concept of Total Annihilation but we do have a picture of what this Total Annihilation will look like for the people of Israel in verse 6 it says that the days are coming when in this valley of the sons of Hinnom there will be a total slaughter the people it says in verse 7 will fall by the sword before their enemies and by the hand of those who seek their lives there are going to be dead bodies everywhere the graves in Jerusalem will not be enough to bury them and there will be so many that they can't bury them all in the valley of the son of Hinnom right away so that's well the beasts of the earth are going to eat the corpses that are on the ground because of the slaughter of the people and the birds of the air are going to descend and they will rest on these dead bodies who have been slaughtered because of their sin and there will be none to chase them away until these corpses are devoured by the wild beasts that live around Jerusalem the Valley of Hinnom the valley of slaughter is going to be a place of great desecration there is a description here of the people who are without safety safety is a is a blessing we enjoy today and and those who would attack our safety are often called terrorists those who would strike fear into us because of a sense of not being safe anymore you see the same thing in in history when you think of the reign of terror in the French Revolution 1793 1794 where over 16,000 people were were executed murdered some for simply not agreeing with what other people were doing some for simply being rich this this mass execution of the French people even one of their leaders robes pierre himself executed at the end of it in irony of all ironies a place where there is no safety when there is a time in a nation history where there is no safety it's called the reign of terror well that's what Judah is experiencing or that's what you two will experience at the hand of the Lord they will experience a season of terror when so many of them will die that they cannot keep up with the burial of the Dead the horror is going to be obvious to all who see Jerusalem the people are going to be horrified by the sight of the city and then you have words that in our day and age because we perhaps because we live in a time of such prosperity that we can't even imagine at a time when parents will eat the flesh of their sons and daughters and when hungry people will turn to their neighbor and consume them in acts of of cannibalism an extreme picture extreme picture of horror as God's judgment is rained down on the people of Judah who refused to turn for from their sin this is the condition of of Judah God's judgment is to be visited on them and it's going to be terrifying it's going to be dreadful now you and I we should not think that we would be exempt from judgment like that if we would walk in the ways of Judah if we would walk in the ways of Israel and you might say to yourself pastor that sounds to me like you're using the Bible to to scare me well in a way Scripture is written so that we are afraid Scripture is written in a sense that we would be terrified or stand in fear of the Lord a healthy fear it says in in Proverbs is the beginning of wisdom and it also says in the book of Hebrews that it is a fearful thing to be judged by God and so God's Word does at times give us a sense of the terror that will be because of the judgment of God so that we will turn to him so that we will not live our lives as if he doesn't matter as if it's not significant but he will execute on us if we walk in hardness of heart if we walk desires to be to remain in our sin so when we come to Jeremiah 19 we come to a chapter that reminds us not about the mercy of God so much but as the about the need to repent of our sin Judah and today's church really isn't different we should never think ourselves so separated from the people of Judah that what happens to Judah could never happen to us Judah in chapter 19 is simply a picture Judah is simply a picture of the people of God who have gone astray it's simply a picture of the people of God who who have forsaken the Lord who have replaced the Lord who have remained hard in their hearts against the Lord if you are like me you will know how easy it is to turn away from the Lord you know how simple it is to begin neglecting the Lord to replace him with something else but as God's people it should be our prayer that the promise of God begun in us in Christ Jesus would be carried on to completion there should be a desire that the good work that God begins in me would would be completed a good work that embodies the blessings we receive from Christ Jesus through Christ Jesus and for Christ Jesus the blessings we we receive from Christ are not just taking away the guilt of our sin it's a turning from our sin it's a seeking after him and so when God and His grace confronts you with sin do not harden your heart but turn back to the Lord and you hear these words and I want you to pay attention especially you children I want you to hear these words because you will hear words like these as you grow up you will hear the call to repentance and I don't ever want you to take for granted I don't want you to ever think that these words don't matter that I'm okay because of where I am or where I grew up or who my dad is or who my dad isn't is that you would know that you must turn to the Lord that you must seek his face that you must acknowledge your him and that you must never never replace him with someone else don't let this be a Sunday where Pastor Gleason got up and yammered again for a half hour to 40 minutes and now we go home and and we have fun and and and and fellowship and football these are serious words from God's Word and you must heed them that you not be like Judah so repent of your sin but I also want us to consider from this chapter that we should not turn away from the Lord now there are different ways that we turn to the Lord and and these are called we would say the ordinary means of grace the normal way that God communicates the benefits of redemption to his people and so we would use scripture reading for that we would use prayer for that we would use the sacraments for those things we would say that the corporate worship of God's people are these are all instruments that God uses to bring people near to himself but I want to acknowledge that reading your Bible and praying to God and participating in the worship of his people and having the sacraments applied to your participating in the sacraments these are not a guarantee of Christian maturity of course all of these things can be done superficially all of them can be done without any desire to honor the Lord in the in the middle of it but that's not to say that the opposite isn't a cause for great alarm as well if you're not reading if you're not praying if you're forsaking the worship of the Lord you're opening yourself up to to great weakness when you see somebody who doesn't care about God's Word who never praised him if you see somebody who excuses himself from the worship of the Lord you're looking at one who is immature in his faith you're looking at one who who still needs to learn to depend on the Lord with all his heart he's opening himself up to all manner of sin and we see that in our confessional statements even when we think about what the ordinary means of grace do in the life of the believer not not as a talisman but in the life of the believer what do these things do well in the first chapter of the confession of faith it says that through the use of the ordinary means we have an understanding of who God is if you don't exercise those means you have no idea who God is you won't know him and if you won't know him you won't know how much glory he deserves and if you won't know him you won't see how different you are from him and if you won't know me you won't see how he can offer to you life in Christ Jesus so you must give attention to the Word of God that you would know who God is in the second place in the 18th chapter of the confession of faith it also says that by the use of the ordinary means God gives us assurance if you want to see a Christian in turmoil see a Christian who is neglecting God see a Christian who is pursuing the world you'll see a Christian in turmoil one who is always questioning Who am I before the Lord how do I stand before the Lord God through these reading of his word gives us assurance because our assurance isn't based on our action our assurance is based on his promise that we are in Christ so how does sin take root in the life of the believer how would you begin turning away from the Lord it's not by being a student of God's Word it's not gonna happen when you pour over the scriptures and and read them to yourself daily it's not going to happen when you're on your knees before him in prayer crying out to him sincerely from the heart or not not talking about a rote prayer that you simply Pete so you can check it off your list but if you are praying to the Lord from a sincere heart he you will be near to him so it's not gonna happen when you're in prayer before the Lord God Almighty it's not going to happen when you are involved in sincere heartfelt participating in the worship of the Lord certainly in all those moments I'm not saying that you will be protected from sin you will sin when you do those things because you are flesh you Wilson but you will not be turning away from the Lord you will not be opening yourselves up to the kind of sin that Judah was engaged in we will begin to sin grievously when we willfully turn away from the Lord once we replace when once we turn away from God we will not might once we turn away from God we will find something or someone to replace him with we will not operate in a neutral position we will find something or someone to replace God with so when we turn away from the Lord we we have taken the first step to replacing him and the second step is the replacing of him something else will become primary in our lives and and once we replace God well then the floodgates are open aren't they once we replace God we have opened ourselves to all sorts of heinous unrepentant grievous sin we will not be likely to repent if we willfully turn away from the Lord we will begin to send grievously because we will be idolaters and idolaters are always grave sinners even when it looks innocuous I'm not saying that every everybody who is an idolatry is going around beating his neighbour over the head with a club but everything in his heart is turned away from God and everything in his heart will seek to dishonor God we will in a sense do all the kinds of sins that Israel did when we away from the Lord what has Jeremiah confronted the people of Israel with so far he has called them to account for abandoning the Sabbath he has called them to account for killing and murdering their children he has called them to account for engaging in rampant immorality calling them adulterers he has called them to account for stealing and defrauding each other in the desire of having more wealth for themselves he has accosted them for being those who are committed to dishonesty they have become habitually dishonest not saying what they mean nor meaning what they say I wonder does that sound like our country does that sound like what's happening in the United States the neglect of the Sabbath the murder of the unborn the violation of the seventh commandment the embezzlement because of a love for money the materialism that's so rampant in our country the the the the the failure of our leaders even to say what they mean and mean what they say in a sense when we think of the world you know not to surprise us too much because they have already turned away from the Lord but I wonder if the church will escape the same kind of treatment I wonder if they reflect the heart of the church as well I wonder if they reflect our hearts if you see yourself and what's being described in Jeremiah I simply have one thing to say to you today don't harden your heart today don't pretend like your sin doesn't matter don't think that you have a lifetime to turn to the Lord turn to the Lord today heed the warning of Jeremiah or the terror of God's judgment will fall on you as well not might fall on you as well it will fall on you as well there is a better way there is a more joyful way it is the way of Christ if you are in Christ you are a new creation the old is gone behold the new has come what's associated with the old the terror that we've read about tonight that's associated with the old what's associated with the new what we saw in the Heidelberg catechism that's what's associated with the new this life of unimaginable glory in the heavenly places not because we have been such good people but because Christ has purchased us with his blood you will have a life of joy when you live dependent on Christ when you are filled with a holy spirit there you will find a life of joy and peace there you will find the life of forgiveness and pardon there you will find a life where sin is mortified and righteousness is practice there you will find the life where the things that are our temporary are left behind and the eternal things those are the ones that are cherished there you will have a life of true joy and true peace this is the place where you can actually say what Judah is twice corrected for when you are in Christ you can say peace peace and there is peace instead of saying peace peace when there is no peace you live in hardness of heart the life in Christ that's the life of joy the life in Christ that's the life of peace the message of this chapter is one of judgment and I don't want us to lose it I don't want us to dismiss it I don't want us to pretend that we can think about better New Testament ish kind of things so that we will be happier I want the judgment of God to weigh heavy on us but I also want us to see that the judgment of God is not one that is random and is not one that is unprovoked Israel has turned away from the Lord they have replaced him with abominable idols idols from other nations from the mind of man the sin of Judah is atrocious and they are unrepentant of it and so now because of those things the judgment of God is coming it is God's sure word and it happened to Judah and it is a warning for us it is a warning that tells us there is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God so it has God's people what's our response fear the Lord find safety in Christ and you will have eternal peace and joy that's pretty good
Channel: Cliffwood Presbyterian Church
Views: 1,071
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Cliffwood Presbyterian Church, bible, sermon, reformed theology, family integrated worship, preaching, augusta, presbyterian, Theology (Field Of Study), Religion (TV Genre), Pastor, repentance, Old Testament (Religious Text), jeremiah, reformation, idolatry, God's covenant, the gospel
Id: HeXdRNzm2pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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