Jenkins Beginner Tutorial 10 - What is Automated Deployment (Step by Step)

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[Music] [Applause] click the subscribe button below and hit the bell icon to keep receiving updates from the channel automation step-by-step hello and welcome to this session on what is automated deployment so today we are going to learn what is automated deployment and as always we are going to go very basic step-by-step so let's get started and let us see what is automated deployment and before we define automated deployment let us see what are the main stages in the continuous delivery and deployment pipeline of a product so we start with building the product and then we deploy it and then the we test the product and finally release to production so we have this four major stages and corresponding to every stage we have jobs and all these jobs are chained by chaining we mean that when the build jobs are successful only then the deployment jobs will get triggered and when the deployment jobs are successful only then the testing jobs will get rigored and so on so this is how the complete integrated system will look like and of course after every job we will have notifications which will tell us about the status of the jobs and also in case there are any issues and all the information about the jobs so this is how the system will look like now let us go a step deeper and a step further and look at the real-world project setup so in the real world we will have developers who will make changes to the application and finally commit their code to any version control system it can be get or any other version control system and then we will have a Jenkins job which we will call the build job which will either pull for the changes in the version control system and get triggered whenever there is a change or we can configure it to run at some particular interval and this will comprise of our build stage the outcome of the build job will be the project artifacts most probably or or a er file that we have to deploy to the servers so the next will be the deployment jobs which will take this war or ER file and deploy it to the corresponding testing environment so based on the organization structure we can have multiple test environment and this stage will comprise of our deployment steps and then once that deployment jobs are completed we will have the testing jobs getting triggered which will run different kind of automated tests and this will comprise of our test stage and finally when everything is completed and is successful we will deploy our application to the production environment and we call this s release so this is how the complete integrated system will look like in real world and if we look here the third step which is deploying to the testing environment and the fifth step which is deploying to the production environment are the actual deployment steps however when we talk about continuous automated deployments we talk about the entire system so automatic deployment is an essential part of the continuous delivery system and now we can define automated deployment is the process of automating the deployment process in a continuous delivery system which is built deploy test and release in the next session we will go to our jenkins and we will see the part of automatic deployment in jenkins I hope this session was useful for you in case you have any comments or suggestions please to write them down in the comment section so I will meet in the next session [Music]
Channel: Automation Step by Step
Views: 122,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenkins beginner tutorial, what is automated deployment, what is continuous deployment, what is continuous integration, what is continuous delivery, how to do automated deployments in jenkins, jenkins automation deployment, jenkins tutorial for beginners, learn jenkins step by step, devops beginner tutorial, devops tutorial for beginner, basics of jenkins, jenkins step by step, how to learn jenkins, jenkins for beginner, jenkins how to do continuous integration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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