Jen And Chantel Take A Hogwarts Sorting Quiz • Ladylike

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before and forest is like that's so bass I just don't why would you go in there I don't want to die be who you want to be love who you want to love is this an equality test is that what we're doing here [Music] hi everybody today I'm going to be taking a BuzzFeed quiz to determine which Hogwarts house I should be sorted into I've seen many of the movies but the one that I liked the most was I think the sixth or seventh one because it was dark and I don't like that I have an inkling that I probably will be a Slytherin because I like them the most but we'll see it could be anything everyone around me is always talking about Harry Potter and has so much knowledge on the subject and so I'm like well I know it already alright good you made it to Hogwarts which means you've already bought a wand from Ollivanders what material is at its core a phoenix feather a dragon heartstring or unicorn hair so the thing with these it's like oh I can pick unicorn hair just because I think a unicorn hair would be cool and soft but I don't know the implications of picking something that's unicorn I don't really like unicorns I think they're boring oh but you know what dragon heartstring it's like Khaleesi okay I'll do that yeah it's probably dragon heartstring during the end of year exams you notice that one of your classmates was using an enchanted quill does that mean they're cheating I think it means that they were cheating and enchanted quill sounds like no no you come top of the class anyway but they are second what do you do tell the professor immediately cheating is wrong no matter what nothing but if I had income top of the class I'd definitely tell a professor encourage the other student to admit what they've done to the professor give them a high five for managing to steep the coil into the exam honestly my attitude about cheating as a kid was I really don't care if you're gonna cheat just do it it's fine if you get away with it no one got hurt I'll say nothing but if I hadn't come to the top of the class I definitely tell the professor but it's like I want anyway so whatever I'll give them a high five go for it don't cheat in school but if you do I don't care but don't do it next question you're locked in a duel with a skilled opponent they fire an unknown spell at you and you shout you get yeah these are all spells they don't really know expelliarmus I know gets rid of the other person Swan I don't know what Pro to go does proteger I don't what it does stupefy knocks them unconscious crucio is pain spell that makes people feel pain a bunch of different spells that I don't know know maybe like not rethus will go with crucial is that easy don't know I probably used stupefy I don't like the sound of other people being in pain here's the thing as I'm doing this quiz I'm pretty sure that I know what I could pick to get me Slytherin and that would be accurate I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna answer honestly and get whatever they tell me but no matter what they tell me that the correct answer is Slytherin but they can tell me whatever they want it's your fifth year at Hogwarts and you've just received a howler from your parents what for sneaking into the Forbidden Forest at night on a dare getting caught cheating and my divination no WL being put in detention after I was caught in the library after hours nothing I'd never do anything to warrant a howler I mean that's kind of how I was I was I was a good kid in high school because I was a charged kid before you realize you're come here I definitely would get a howler so I can't say that I'd never get a howler so it's either the library one or sneaked into the Forbidden Forest I don't see myself doing anything in the middle of the night that wasn't like getting a sandwich so it's probably being put in detention for its cotton library which of these numbers are quotations speaks to you pity the living and above all those who live without love words are and my not so humble opinion are most inexhaustible source of magic it does not matter what someone is born but what they grow to be it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live I'm gonna say the first one pity the living and above all those who live without love I think the love quotes a little cheesy I think the word one is a little pretentious I guess I like the one about don't dwell on your dreams and forget to live I've gotta work toward your dreams which of these most accurately describes your relationship with your closest friends I love surrounding myself with people the more friends I have the better I have a few very close friends that I and trust with my life I tend to be wary around new people so I don't make new friends often I find myself becoming friends with people who can help me to succeed I think I have a few very close friends that I would trust with my life because I'm kind of introverted I get my energy from being alone so when there's too many people my brain feels like it's on fire probably not wary around new people I'm not very shy I do have a few close friends that I guess I would trust with my life it's never come up I do also love surrounding myself with people and also all my friends are my friends are just hard workers generally so they do help me to succeed let's see I guess who cares I have a few very close friends that I would trust with my life sure why not it's never come to that I'd honestly hope it doesn't which of your skills are you most proud of my ability to absorb new information my ability to make new friends my ability to get what I want my ability to keep secrets I guess my ability to get what I want sure I love that I bought the spider-man video game today from a friend so I got it for cheap that was something I wanted and I got it I don't like these questions where it's like what is your best quality it's just like a recipe for disaster I'll say my ability to absorb new information the first Quidditch match of the season is approaching and you can't wait to get involved what are you playing seeker I want the glory chaser I like to be involved and work as part of the team beater I like all that power or I'll be in the crowd making sure supporter morale is high that is cheesy and I won't be doing that I would definitely be playing here's the thing seeker seems like it would be the most fun I don't have very good aim so I don't think I should be a chaser I don't know what any of these positions really are so I'm just going off of the description next so that I'm like I want the glory I like to be involved or I like to have all that power let's go power a little minute you know a beater is fun because you have a partner and I do love fat so I'll say I'll be the beater fun it's Saturday you finish your homework and you have some free time you decide to spend some time away from your common room where do you go the Forbidden Forest the library the kitchens the Room of Requirement what's the remove requirement I probably go to the library and then I would go to the Room of Requirement got it well that sounds cool I'm gonna go there the Room of Requirement because it's more fun if a person just says like here's what you need take it and do with it rather than you have any like figure for yourself what would you see in the mirror of Erised eyes either what would you see in the mirror of Erised or however you say it sorry if I'm butchering it what would you see in the mirror of Erised said myself surrounded by riches myself surrounded by my loving family and friends myself knowledgeable above all or myself experiencing a marvelous adventure I would say myself experiencing a marvelous adventure because I like traveling into six continents now yeah I guess like you know what myself surrounded by my loving family and friends I also someday want like a really nice Lake House Inn on Lake Michigan so if that's a part of it then sure myself surrounded by my loving family and friends but I guess it's what I want which path do you intend to follow after leaving Hogwarts I joined the ministry I want to make a difference in the world I think I traveled for a while before committing to a career I'd settle down and start a family as soon as possible and continue to work hard in order to achieve as much success as possible they graduate from school when they're like 17 in this world that's alright I would probably do what I did which is I'd continue to work hard in order to achieve as much success as possible I would travel for a while I regret the fact that I didn't travel after college I'm fine but I wish I had done that okay the last question and finally we know that the Sorting Hat takes into account your preferences so which Hogwarts house do you feel you identify with most closely Slytherin dick is it cliche to say Gryffindor because I feel like I do identify with Gryffindor because I like achieving as much as I can achieve but not walking all over people while doing it I try to be good and virtuous my results are 36% Gryffindor 28% Raven claw 19% Slytherin and 17% hufflepuff it says you are all the things so you're 29% Slytherin 20% Gryffindor 22% Hufflepuff and 21% ravenclaw good job thanks I am a Gryffindor apparently that's wrong but this quiz thinks I am which is nice because I think it's good that everybody gets to say what they feel it's mostly really nice being Gryffindor if that's what you want maybe maybe we're all a little bit of everything and that's the lesson to be learned I'm not skeptical I believe that that that they are Gryffindor's I just know that I'm not one of them but I do think it's this was fun so I guess it all worked out man [Music]
Channel: As/Is
Views: 610,996
Rating: 4.8984165 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, ladylike, buzzfeed ladylike, hogwarts, quiz, buzzfeed quiz, chantel houston, jen ruggirello, slytherin, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, gryffindor, hogwarts houses, sorting hat quiz, sorting hat, hogwarts quiz, harry potter, hogwarts house, harry potter quiz
Id: 1pasp10ilps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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