Jehovahs Witnesses Explain Sinning

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which of these four statements are true and which are false Oh awesome we're gonna play a little game let's get into it [Music] sin is sin lawlessness is lawlessness all sins lead to death only humans judge sins in degrees only God can forgive sins okay sin is sin lawlessness is lawlessness seems to be true I mean if you're breaking the law then you're definitely breaking the law I don't subscribe to this whole sin thing it's Christianity's own book of laws for millennia christianity has been trying to gain enough power to control the people like a government and they even succeeded in certain periods of time Vatican City the home of the Catholic Church is its own country even now the smallest country in the world it's just over a hundred acres and it's a monarchy with the Pope as its leader the population last time it was counted in 2012 was 451 for anybody who's read the book Fahrenheit 451 that's called irony anyways I know the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses have always dreamed of setting up their own theocracy with the governing body as the head if they could all just move to an island and enforce their rules as laws they so would can you imagine that you know I just want to point something out I know I'm getting off on a little tangent here but I feel like it's important when excommunication gained real prominence in the Middle Ages cities were made up entirely of Catholics the hope was that if somebody broke a Catholic rule everybody in the town would ignore them they wouldn't be able to buy food from the store they wouldn't be able to fill up their horse with gas or however the does things operate they couldn't do anything the hope was that the person would eventually just wander off into the woods and die that's the original intent of excommunication what Jehovah's Witnesses now call disfellowshipping and Jehovah's Witnesses know this as they pointed out in their January 8 1947 awake bear in mind what I'm about to read was released by the watchtower society and is now considered by them to be apostate propaganda quote it's an instrument by which the clergy attained a combination of ecclesiastical power and secular tyranny that finds no parallel in history they continue to say it's an unbiblical Roman Catholic teaching by which you're looked upon with the blackest scan attempt being cursed and damned with the devil and his angels that is awesome I love that they actually printed and distributed this at one point but think about that that's what Jehovah's Witnesses want they want the disfellowshipped person to wander off into the woods and die that's the ideal outcome for them they don't want to be a part of the religion then rip their family away from them rip their best friends away their entire support network get rid of them they'll either die or they'll come back either outcome works okay that was 0.1 0.2 all sins lead to death that's false I could kiss a dude right now and it wouldn't kill me I wouldn't really enjoy it but it wouldn't kill me I'd make it out the other side and by the way I switched up my patreon rewards recently if you donate $50 to me when I meet you in person I will kiss you with tongue on camera and we'll put it on social media but if it's a dude you have to pretend I'm giving you CPR for the picture tongue is still okay next point only humans judge sins and degrees I'm not sure what that means I'm assuming it'll be revealed to us in a few minutes and only God can forgive sins okay only God can accept an apology for something you did wrong that doesn't seem quite right to me but okay so in that order they are true/false I don't know and what the is he talking about moving on let's take a look at forgivable sins sins God will pardon two kinds of sin fall in this category sins lesser in seriousness not so great and serious sins great sins example of sins lesser in seriousness not so great okay hold on how do lesser sins and greater sins differ do you die extra hard and Armageddon if you forgot to ask for forgiveness for a greater sin do you personally get killed by an angel instead of just getting hit with a fireball if you kill the angel before he kills you does he drop speed buffs is it gonna use an area of attack move driving 56 miles per hour in a 55 mile per hour zone getting a traffic warning or unintentional parking ticket immodest dressing for example wearing a dress or skirt too short or with a too high up the thigh or tight clothing in modest hairstyles for example dreads hair tattoo outrageous hair designs bald head on a woman long hair on a man okay so it looks like breaking secular laws is a sin wearing clothing that make men want to rip them off of uses sin wearing your hair wrong is a sin I'd like to expand on that bald head on a woman bit there what if she has cancer what if she's legit just going bald is that her fault what should she do buy a wig or is she - no matter what she does anyways that's all very interesting but he missed one first Timothy 2:9 through 10 likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel with modesty and self-control not with braided hair and gold or pearls so women can't braid their hair at the very least they can't braid it and wear pearls at the same time really it's all about not being unique you aren't supposed to be an individual you need to blend in with the crowd be exactly the same as everybody else an upstanding citizen so you don't bring reproach on Jehovah's name yes they really say that last thing constantly reading books or watching TV shows rated G PG or pg-13 that portrays a brief form of sins lesser in seriousness for entertainment not praying regularly a nun cheerful Giver for example of their time energy and money okay did you notice that last one an unsure full giver of their time energy and money that's where this fake cult persona comes from they put on this mask of happiness because going in service are cleaning the kingdom hall toilets grudgingly is a sin so they put on a smile and they go through the motions it's hard they control every aspect of your life this is an odd story to tell but I'm telling it anyways I remember my mom telling me that when she was in the military obviously pre jehovah's witnesses they ordered everybody to only use two squares of toilet paper she pointed out that it was just a way to control people micromanage every aspect of their lives and controlling them on the bigger issues becomes a lot easier so even in private when they're cleaning off the tables are dusting the windows and nobody else is around they put that smile on their face because they know jehovah is watching subconscious or unintentional sinful thoughts for example dreams thoughtless unintended words for example words or actions that hurt others sins committed in ignorance isn't that interesting you aren't even safe in your dreams if you do something bad in a dream you have to worry about how Jehovah felt about it something you have zero control over it keeps you worrying keeps you thinking keeps it in the back of your mind keeps you subservient and apologetic even for sins committed in ignorance it makes you search out more continue looking for information to make sure you aren't accidentally doing something you aren't supposed to example of serious sins great sins are listed in Galatians 5:19 through 21 it reads now the works of the flesh are plainly seen and they are sexual immorality uncleanness brazen conduct idolatry spiritism hostility strife jealousy fits of anger dissensions divisions sects Envy drunkenness wild parties and things like these other examples of serious sins include drug abuse whoa whoa whoa back up he skipped right over blasphemy against God in Christ that was an odd one to skip these are supposed to be examples not a comprehensive list why put it in there if he wasn't gonna read it whatever anyways just to touch on a couple of these notice they put spiritism in there that's because Jehovah's Witnesses legit believe that people have supernatural powers they believe in the power of witches to call upon demons and use their powers that is ridiculous even though there's no evidence of anybody ever being able to do that kind of thing they still believe it's possible because it's in the Bible I know they believe in that stuff because my mom was seriously afraid of it when I was growing up she believed my dad had harnessed the power of demons at one point in my life and made a point of instilling the same fear in me as a young impressionable child okay back to the list drug abuse smoking lying stealing deliberately disobeying the traffic laws for example speeding denying the existence of God not worshiping God unjust merciful unfaithful hold on a second I thought speeding was a minor sin Oh is he saying that speeding is only a minor sin if you do it unintentionally so they put speeding on par with doing meth that's good to know celebrating idolatrous holidays pagan patriotic and humanistic suicide improper speech gambling legalized theft for example christen tombs gambling casinos churches masturbation anal sodomy oral sodomy also known as oral sex fellatio conscious or intentional sinful thoughts feelings for example daydreaming I've already talked about holidays and how it's just another way to control people separate them from the rest of society and give them something in common so they grow closer to each other then if they leave completely sever that connection I'm assuming improper speech would be swearing interesting that it's also equally as bad as doing meth and I'm not sure why he said churches after talking about Christian gambling casinos what's that mean is he saying that people turn churches into casinos I don't understand and for the viewers who have asked about the sex life of a Jehovah's Witness here's your answer of course I left when I was 18 so I never actually performed the mating ritual with a Jehovah's Witness but I've heard that when you get married the elders will pull you aside and explain to you what you are and aren't allowed to do with your wife basically you can't do anything except missionary style coincidental name I wonder why they call it that participating in war not abstaining from blood murder including abortion owning a gun to protect self and family premeditated murder dishonouring those God placed his heads over us for example Jesus god-fearing men and parents reading paperback books or watching TV shows rated R and C 17 and blue movies not showering or bathing not keeping our surroundings clean for example home yard car and office here's that micromanaging thing again you can only watch certain types of movies you can't take blood transfusions you have to shower you have to keep your house and yard clean not doing what the elders or your pair or some other adult tell you to do that's a sin no surprise they have a pedophilia problem anyway so that's all I've got for you follow me on Facebook Twitter and patreon thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Telltale
Views: 188,047
Rating: 4.9315462 out of 5
Keywords: telltale, telltail, sin, jehovah, yahweh, god, unforgivable sin, religion, jehovahs witnesses, exjw, excommunicate, disfellowship, watchtower, witness
Id: -DEgq0_M79Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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