Jehovah's Witness Leader REJOICES over the death of millions

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your minds and hearts are about to burst with M101 Howitzer artillery gun so much suffering and death Samuel heard is back and today he's going to talk about his favorite topic the destruction of living things last time Samuel was on this channel he told us how he used to kill hummingbirds with a slingshot in his younger years yikes now he gets to tell us how him and his buddies will very soon kill not hummingbirds but real people are you excited if you know what to do with every xjw video hit that like button and subscribe so we can keep sending our love to the governing body now that I think about it what nickname should we give Samuel heard Uncle Sam nah we already have Uncle Tony and Uncle Sam's already taken hmm we're gonna have to think about it so let me know in the comments what we should call Mr heard from now on but for now let's see what he has to say this is the Gilead graduation a special Bible class held once a year at the headquarters with representatives from all over the world ordinary jws cannot attend of course selected individuals must have served in the special full-time Ministry for several years at least and when we say special full-time Ministry we're talking about doing 130 hours of preaching each month yeah almost double a regular pioneer and the students must devote five months to completing this course yes Watchtower uses the hard-earned donation money from their members to fly these people into New York and then fly them back to their Homeland indoctrinated to the brim so they can quote unquote strengthen and stabilize the congregations [Music] Gilead in a nutshell an exclusive Bible club for the special is about it's all very silly once you get out this class is treated as the Holy Grail of Bible classes it even comes with its own little diploma of completion in the end but the information shared there is exactly the same as what is presented in the meetings it's only a bit rearranged the only difference is you have the privilege of being spoon-fed at the spiritual food by Stephen lead himself instead of just being indoctrinated in your local Kingdom Hall so to each their own okay enough background info let's watch well in any graduation program we get to the point where the principal talk or the main talk is given and this time we have a special privilege of having a long time member of the governing body brother Samuel Hurd speak to us and the subject that he has a very interesting subject any day now Brotherhood please you will be going home or to a new assignment we want you to know that you will be missed it was good for the Bethel family to have you with us it was a blessing from Jehovah like a pregnant woman your bellies are swelled to the Limit all the signs tell you that a baby is about to be born your rushed to see the doctor he examines you and you ask when he says any day now your minds and hearts are about to burst where spiritual things to deliver to others yes this is a day for delivering how many drugs does it take for you to come up with these analogies did Sam inhale a fat blunt before his talk and think Hmm how can I illustrate the point that my students should be ready to share what they have learned oh oh yeah I'm gonna compare them to a pregnant woman so many questions arise were these students impregnated by the governing body if so how or did the Holy Spirit pull a Jesus 2.0 if Sam just said that it was the student's belly that was swelling why is it that the babies will burst out of their head and heart if the baby knowledge turns out to be a baby girl will she be allowed to instruct men in the congregation or will she be forced to remain quiet I don't need sleep I need answers your spirituality is contagious when you walk into a room you bring Sunshine with you notice what Jesus said to some of his followers Matthew 5 14-16 you are the light of the world the city cannot be hid when located on a mountain people lie to laugh and set it not under a basket but on the lamp stand and It Shines on all those in the house likewise let your light shine before men so that they may see your fine works and give glory to your father who is in the heavens first of all your spiritual brothers and sisters are in the house with you shine on them but don't limit it to them we want others to see the light for the past five months you have been studying the personality of Jehovah and talking to him by means of Prayer while it's true humans cannot see the literal person Jehovah for Jehovah God to set down a description of himself in spirit terms would be like trying to explain colors to a person born blind you have been asking for him to help you in your studies and he has helped you without his help you would not be graduating I'm gonna need proof of that Samuel heard now you're ready as never before to let your light shine on your fleshly family members your Bible students and your spiritual brothers and sisters but don't make it so bright and intense that you put out the eyes of those around you turn the wick down in your lamp wait you literally just said 20 seconds ago to not put your light under a basket to let your light shine before your fleshly family members you even quoted The Book of Matthew what in the world are you talking about there's no need to say every time we were taught this and Gilead we were taught this in one of our Gilead classes a member of the governing body called this to our attention in a lecture he gave there goes Samuel again with his condescending voice we've seen it at least two times before Sam pulls off this higher pitched voice to mock his audience essentially when you say but it's hard to take brother heard it hurts and it's perplexing it's getting me down this dude actually thinks his students are so enamored by him they will mention him and his buddies on every opportunity they have what an you knew some things before you come to Gilead you knew God's name is Jehovah and that it is unique meaning the only one of his kind my name is Sam uel or Sammy it is not unique there are many others with the same name I was named after my father's brother Uncle Sam did you get that Uncle Sam I did not name myself a baby doesn't say when eight months in his mother's womb mommy when I get out call me Sammy God Almighty chose his name Jehovah he named himself that is different that is unique no he didn't Sammy let's just oppose for a minute the god of the bible really does exist he apparently cares so little about his name that he did not prevent the exact pronunciation of the tetagrammaton to be lost to time really no one knows for certain the pronunciation of the Divine name not even the most hardcore Orthodox Jews in fact they refuse to even try to pronounce it but one thing we do know for sure the rendering Jehovah is an entirely human creation specifically a Catholic creation from the 13th century by ascribe who fused the Divine consonants with Adonai Jehovah does not exist in Hebrew it did not exist before the 13th century the Divine name is most likely pronounced something like Yahweh although again there's no way to be completely sure is this guy really qualified to teach the most prestigious Bible School in the world you Gilead students soon to be a Gilead graduates no Jehovah but not completely not the whole person just The Fringe compare what you see to an ornamental edging of hanging threads of a garment you don't see the whole garment job 36 26 tells us yes God is greater than we can know the number of his years is beyond comprehension no matter how much knowledge we have accumulated in our brain it amounts to a grain of sand on a seashore when we live forever forever that is an interesting word it is defined as never-ending incessantly ceaseless thank you Sam without your help your students would not have known the meaning of forever such a complicated word that is that's enough to blow an imperfect man's mind away but not Jehovah's mind and he promises obedient humans Everlasting never ending life I'm going to read a scripture to you without revealing where it is found in the Bible it is one of the firsts that captured my attention back in 1956 now that was before any of you were born with that I heard a loud voice from the throne say look the death of God is with Mankind and he will reside with him and they will be his people and God himself will be with them and he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more neither ammonia nor outcry nor pain be any more now former things have passed away where in the Bible Revelation 21 3-4 I knew you would know that one he literally chose the one Bible verse all Jehovah's Witnesses know by heart we're limited to how much knowledge our brains can understand and sort out correctly yes one day we will know much more than we know today but we will not know at all that's good you will never be a know-it-all masters of Comedy I tell you now is the time to let your light shine wait I thought we should not let our light shine too brightly our work at the present is to inform people that the kingdom of God a heaven of government is the only remedy to the woes of mankind that is causing so much suffering and death informed people of the Kingdom but don't blind them with your bright light of knowledge learned at Gilead a little light will be enough for them to see where to go when I was in the army in Germany years ago I drove a truck with five men inside and M101 Howitzer artillery gun attached to the rear of the truck this dude loves talking about himself it's almost like he misses War we traveled during a pitch dark night with no lights used we could only see the taillight of the vehicle in front that was enough light to follow keep in mind there may not be enough time left for your students and new brothers and sisters to learn all that you know oh honey sit down the fear-mongering has started it only took him like seven minutes this time feed them not a heavy meal of steak and baked potatoes but an appetizer to stimulate the juices in the mouth why do all of Sam's illustrations today involve bodily fluids what's going on Sam any day now Nations will cause the peoples who are looking to them for guidance to think they have finally established peace the need for peace is already being talked about by national leaders Sam that's literally the job of national leaders to maintain peace within their borders and with their neighbors and steal Millions from the public but that's another story there have already been dozens of Peace treaties and calls for peace in the last century and of course leaders are trying to promote peace right now since Ukraine has been enduring a War we are not fooled by this sham Cry of peace and security first Thessalonians 5 3 says whenever it is that they are saying peace and security then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them just like birth pains on a pregnant woman and they will by no means Escape Jehovah will have the political powers of this world turn against Babylon the Great that's false religion after they see the handwriting on the wall for her and destroy her sudden destruction instantly it won't take long her supporters will cry out weeping and mourning and say too bad too bad but we will be thinking I'm glad I'm glad Revelation 18 20 says be glad over her o Heaven also you holy ones and apostles and Prophets because God has pronounced his judgment on her in your behalf are you ready are you ready to be glad over her destruction I think you are but I can't make that determination we will know if we were ready as Jehovah protects us when the Nations turned their guns on us we are now in full tin foil head mode guys Samuel is actually salivating at the prospect of millions of people dying let's suppose for a second that all of these predictions actually go down the United Nations suddenly turns against all organized religions and starts destroying their places of worship do you really think people just sit there quietly and watch do you really think all the Muslim pilgrims in Mecca are just gonna stand there as their Kaaba and their holiest mosque is destroyed do you really think the billions of Catholics will just sit there as the Vatican and the unkarnago cathedrals worldwide are bombed to Oblivion are they millions of Hindus and Buddhists going to keep quiet as their glorious relics are plundered by the United Nations an attack on religion would mean the death of millions of people a bloodbath like the world has never seen and Samuel heard is not only rejoicing in that but he also wants others to rejoice Not only would this destruction cost millions of lives but it would erase centuries of precious human Heritage for example when the Taliban first took over Afghanistan in 2001 they destroyed a gigantic Buddha statue carved out of the mountain since they considered it an idol this was received with Nationwide condemnation and from not only Buddhists but irreligious people as well now imagine this scenario but a thousand times over you really think people will not try to stop their cultural heritage from being destroyed this man is delusional Beyond Redemption but his rhetoric is also very dangerous it's the same violent intolerant rhetoric held by fanatical extremists when we dehumanize people of other Fates and claim they deserve to be destroyed we are no better than the bloodthirsty lunatics of al-Qaeda most Jehovah's Witnesses would never go out and burn down a church or attack another person but their message of religious intolerance is not a light to the Nations it's only Darkness and it makes my blood boil but we made it this far so let's see what else Sam has to say now is the time for us to continue strengthening our faith and trust in Jehovah's love for us steady meditate associate and preach the kingdom young David when facing Goliath had five smooth stones in his pouch of his Shepherd's bag he only used one but he was prepared in case he needed more when we read the Bible and meditate on it our figurative heart absorbs God's word like putting symbolic stones in our figurative heart this gives us the Inner Strength we need to preach the kingdom message now and to proclaim the hard-hitting Judgment message that we may deliver in the near future what do you mean by May is the Judgment message gonna happen or not you have already advertised it on your magazine Samuel so why are you saying it may happen oh right you little weasel it's to avoid accountability gotcha is this you shining your light just a little bit Sam the day for salvation will be closed any day now when Noah and gathered all the creatures that Jehovah had designated along with all necessary food needed for all in the ark they went into the ark note it was Jehovah that closed the door not Noah Genesis 7 16 says so they went in male and female of every sort of Flesh just as God had commanded him after that Jehovah shut the door behind him we don't take it upon ourselves to close the door to Salvation Jehovah shuts the door and we can't push it open to let Mom or anyone else in damn I actually find this phrase very very cruel I bet every single person in attendance that day has at least one family member whom they love that is not baptized and let me let you in a little secret come on get closer every Jehovah's Witness believes their close family members will be with them in Paradise somehow even if they're not Believers Jehovah will read their hearts and all that that's how they maintain a level of sanity against the prospect of living eternity without their unbelieving family but Samuel heard just took this fantasy and smashed it against the wall of the Ark giving a reality check to his followers and saying well if your mom is not obedient to me and my buddies she's not gonna be in Paradise sorry you no wonder your cult is imploding eugiliadites are professional preachers and teachers you have received training that not many of your brothers and sisters will have the privilege to receive this side of Armageddon yes without a doubt you are wiser now than you used to be but not as wise as Jesus was when he said what I teach is not mine but belongs to him who sent me John 7 16. We Believe Jehovah sent you to Gilead keep foremost in mind that what you teach belongs to Jehovah and conduct yourselves in a manner that displays that let your light shine not too bright just a flicker as needed before night falls any day now don't worry Brotherhood those weren't people leaving because they were upset with your talk that's the students going backstage are you sure about that maybe some of the students went to the restroom to call their unbelieving mom since she could be destroyed any day now Brotherhood we love the talk it was classic herd and we really enjoyed the points you brought out this really is a big eight-man circle jerk isn't it classic hurt more like classic doomsday propaganda with a dash of hurt I think that sounds a little bit better it was very comforting for me because this is the first time we've had two Jeffries on the same program but uh but speaking on behalf of the other members of the governing body we know there is only one unique Samuel heard and we love you for it oh brother this guy stinks so that makes for a total of forty eight thousand four hundred and nineteen probably most of us on the program are so glad we didn't know so many were listening you're so welcome Mr Jackson don't worry after I upload this video even more people will be able to witness the classic herd talk although my lovely audience might not be to your high standards we're all little Rebels here and look at this audience I've never seen such a high concentration of baby boomers they've been waiting for Paradise since well since forever hold on there guys don't worry it's gonna be it any day now it's coming I promise Jackson then goes on to quote a few greetings from oversea branches including of course Ukraine and also our brothers in Ukraine let me read what they say as you put your increased knowledge and strengthening face to work you will certainly prove to be a source of great comfort to your fellow Believers in your assignments this is all important in these very last days of this system of things as we have witnessed in our Branch territory in the recent months of the ongoing War we wish you Jehovah's rich blessing don't we appreciate those greetings let's not forget to use the poor refugees of War to further propaganda right and at this point we have a letter that's going to be read by Brother Jason Piscopo who's returning to australasia and he's reading this letter on behalf of this class dear brothers of the governing body and the Bethel family of course the governing body has to be separated from the Bethel family gotta remind the Sheep who's on top with what will I repay Jehovah for all the good that he has done for me how fittingly these words of Psalm 116 verse 12 describe the sentiments of each one of us at the end of this wonderful Journey our hearts are simply bursting in appreciation to our loving Grand instructor Jehovah prior to coming to Gilead we strived to develop a close relationship with our heavenly father however over the past five months our eyes have been opened even further to God's glory as we have delved into the deeper facets of his personality through the pages of his word how fascinating it has been to see how Jehovah is not a god of Random Acts but one who causes to become patiently revealing his Diversified wisdom in so many ways as we contemplate the things we have learned our feelings are like those of job who said my ears have heard about you but now I do see you with my eyes what a privilege it has been to be instructed by you dear brothers of the governing body your humility modesty unity and deep love for Jehovah and his sheep were clearly evident in both your words and demeanor holy cow could you just stop reading and suck their dicks already who wrote this nonsense the governing body literally none of these words describe the governing body what a joke how touching it was for us to see although you were so busy you selflessly took out time out of your schedules to teach and encourage us we are convinced that Jehovah is using you dear brothers in a powerful way to direct the Earthly part of his organization and it is our prayer that he continued to provide you with his Dynamic Holy Spirit to carry out your assignment this has to be scripted by the governing body right whereas this would five months of Hardcore indoctrination dust your brain we have developed a special fondness for those selected to teach us their teaching did not limit itself to the classroom like Gideon who said watch me and do exactly what I do they were living examples of the things they taught their Council was always given in love and their experiences always accompanied valuable life lessons we love you dear brothers and will treasure the time we had with you we also love and treasure the dear brothers and sisters of the United States Bethel family our training began even before ever stepping foot in the classroom from the moment we arrived we experienced your love and hospitality prior to coming to Gilead we'd heard about your love but now we have seen and felt it you brothers and sisters truly are a gift from Jehovah and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts now as we move on to our various assignments the words of the Apostle Paul at Second Corinthians 6 1 echo in our minds and hearts as he urged fellow Christians not to accept the undeserved kindness of God and miss its purpose the purpose of Gilead is to strengthen and stabilize the Brotherhood and that is our determination like the Apostle Paul we are determined to impart to our brothers not only the things that we have learned but also our very selves all to the glory and honor of our heavenly father Jehovah please accept this expression of our warm love for you your brothers the 152nd class of Gilead oh I guess we're not even mentioning Jesus all right then what about Pontius Pilate and those in his court when he had all these discussions but now I'm not telling you that Pontius Pilate benefited from it but but we do see that he had a wonderful opportunity didn't he because uh he he's a sort of person a very violent man a person who at the drop of a hat would have had someone executed and yeah what do we see over and over again he seemed to try and avoid sentencing Jesus to death well we know that something impressed him again is this one of the times when Jesus spoke in Greek to him or some other language who knows I'm not speculating you're speculating but we do know that he was very impressed and what about those that were there listening there was a lot going on well remember later when Jesus actually died there was a centurion and the Centurion acknowledged that this this was the son of God the study note if you check the letter says maybe he was there with Pontius Pilate yep speculating again makes sense doesn't he he was perhaps in charge of organizing this so that man got a tremendous benefit from at least seeing Jesus and hearing his testimony a non-israelite but someone who gained benefit and then finally what about those two Roman soldiers that witnessed the resurrection now they didn't have a chance to talk to Jesus as far as we know but they did see the angel roll back the stone what an impact that would have had on their lives speculation to shine your light bright to keep your light dim to speculate to not speculate the truth is whatever the governing body decides it to be so thinking about these ones that we've just discussed what do we see well when you go back to your assignments as we mentioned there'll be the temptation to get your yourself involved with everything that's going on to visit the 90 Islands to get a ship no I know you're not going to do that but the Temptation will be there to sort of see the need to help as many people as possible but what's the point remember you have an assignment each one of you now has a specific assignment put that first be faithful loyal to Jehovah apply all these things that you've not only heard in Gilead but also in today's program and then be patient leave it to Jehovah remember it's Jehovah's work isn't it I remember one dear brother of the governing body made the comment once you know when he was facing a difficult situation he just looked and said it's Jehovah's problem yeah and that's what we need to recognize some things we leave to Jehovah so as you go we wish you Jehovah's blessing remember be enthusiastic but also be patient well that was quite an infuriating section to cover it started with silly birth analogies but quickly devolved into a bloodthirsty rant it was glorious now I think I have the perfect name for Samuel heard Sam the Ripper since he's the most War obsessed of the bunch followed closely by Uncle Tony I think it's an appropriate name so let me know what you thought of this gilia graduation in the comments below I would love to hear from you big thank you to my wonderful patreons who keep my activism going if you would like to support my work please follow the links below the channel would not be possible without you guys I wish you all a beautiful 2023 keep it cool and stay away from the tower like a pregnant woman your bellies are swelled to the Limit
Channel: ExJW Panda Tower
Views: 39,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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