Jeffrey Epstein workers tell ALL about his rich, perverted life!

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one of the perks of being rich is being able to pay people to do things for you right well jeffrey epstein seems like one of those rich perverts who didn't notice the help but they saw they heard and now they're talking and speaking of talking if we haven't met i'm amy with true crime recaps every sunday and wednesday we're here recapping crimes in half the time so you can get caught up without being sucked in and when it comes to jeffrey epstein and galen maxwell there is no end to the rabbit hole you can go down every day it seems some new awful detail comes out about this case that just makes my jaw drop and today you're going to hear a few of the most jaw-dropping confessions from epstein's pilots his butler the chef and those people unlucky enough to find their way onto his private island the lolita express that's what those in the know called epstein's infamous boeing 727 now according to reports it was packed for his pleasure the floors were padded it was stocked with monogrammed tissues wet wipes and bottles of baby lotion it could hold up to 29 passengers some of the more well-known people to fly its friendly skies include bill clinton prince andrew kevin spacey chris tucker and naomi campbell but of course none of them say they knew anything about any underage girls prosecutors allege the plane was used to fly sex trafficking victims between his mansions in new york new mexico paris the u.s virgin islands and palm beach surprisingly one of epstein's longtime pilots his chief pilot admits he did know there were miners on board but he insists he didn't know what was happening to them while he was in the cockpit now back in 2009 epstein's other pilot his second in command testified that he saw epstein prince andrew and a 17 year old virginia roberts flying to epstein's private island it's also been revealed that bill clinton earned quite a few more frequent flyer points than was previously reported it was known that he'd taken 11 trips on the private jet but according to new records found by that number is actually closer to 26. five of those may have been without a secret service detail but the 2009 flight logs as detailed and incriminating as they were those didn't even include flights piloted by his chief pilot according to what the victim's lawyers told the mirror that guy flew epstein around the world for 20 years so you know he has seen some [ __ ] the u.s virgin islands attorney general denise george yeah she knows that too in mid-september she sued epstein's estate saying the lolita express was a critical part of epstein's sex trafficking ring and it led to 22 counts of aggravated rape child abuse neglect human trafficking forced labor and prostitution on the island he owned to support those allegations she subpoenaed flight logs from jet aviation holdings from 1998 until epstein's suicide in 2019 and here's the request that's really sparking panic she wants all complaints or reports of potentially suspicious conduct and any personal notes written by the pilots plus names and contact information for all of those who interacted with or observed epstein or any passengers connected to him that's according to the mirror this new subpoena will get logs from that chief pilot and those will make the documents provided by the second in command look like a post-it note there is a panic among many of the rich and famous says an unnamed legal source interviewed by the mirror today the infamous lolita express it's abandoned beside a runway in georgia the carpet bedding furniture appliances and wet wipes are molding inside the owner of the ramp it's sitting on said this to the daily mail as a father of two daughters i'm not real thrilled with having it here but i guess an airplane is just an airplane somebody needs to come and do something with it or it needs to be scrapped because it's just gonna sit here and keep deteriorating welcome to epstein's island this 75 75-acre private island in the u.s virgin islands is known by a few other less pleasant names pedophile island orgy island sin island it's so isolated there's only two ways on and off helicopter or boat and if you were one of the unlucky little girls to find yourself there you couldn't even call for help epstein had his own cell network installed so he could monitor communications even shutting it down and cutting you off completely if he wanted to one victim tried to swim off the island she claimed she'd been raped three times a day for five months she said a shark would have been my best friend at this point i didn't even think about it it was just get get me away but his security team caught her immediately which led to her believing that she's probably being monitored 24 hours a day which is right in line with what virginia roberts has said about the cameras in his other houses monitoring the bathrooms the bedrooms the toilets the showers literally everything the entire operation was a blackmail scheme and there's no reason to suspect that the island was any different it had a main house three guest cottages a caretaker's cottage a helipad a dock and over 70 employees every single one of them paid to stay quiet about what went on there get this alongside the normal buildings you might expect the island has a lot of stranger features there's an underground movie theater he could get to from his living room girls gone wild was a favorite there was a separate library with 90 000 books a japanese bath house god if that thing could talk secluded outdoor massage tables and a bizarre temple that no one has said what exactly it was used for although yeah there have been a few guesses and i'm sure you've got a theory i know i do according to a piano tuner was in the building and thought it must be a music room because epstein was a classically trained pianist penis other staff thought it might be a recording studio because it had sound proof walls horrifying but then why is it so far away from all the other buildings according to the builder it locks from the outside not the inside it's a very disturbing feature don't you agree because that means people can't get in unless they have a key but people also can't get out then two guys from we are snuck onto the island to get a better look the door is painted on um and i have to say about the temple you know he was a billionaire i say was he probably still alive but he is or was a billionaire that seemed like the cheapest little temple i've ever seen like why would you just paint like i could have built that myself for about five thousand bucks i think and the dome flew off and there was no hole underneath the dome which is what you would have if you had a true dome so it almost looked like a hollywood set uh actually that's exactly what it looked like yeah uh and it's important to note that the dome flew off during a recent hurricane here so so the situation here has definitely been changing the most interesting things that i personally found were these like little satanic gargoyles uh with horns on their heads that were all over the property that were very creepy i also found a chair that was completely made out of horns and looked like some kind of animal hide that was very creepy and kind of very weird to look at and as if it couldn't get any weirder along with all the creepy statues on the island there are sculptures of life-sized cows and the staff were ordered to move them to new random places every day in 2017 epstein paid 17 million to buy the nearest island it's called greater st james he said he was planning to build another compound there which you know he probably was but insiders say he bought the island to keep little saint james even more secluded in private authorities couldn't use greater saint james to spy on him if he owned it and his victims couldn't try swimming there to escape horrifying attorney general denise george filed lawsuits trying to seize both islands and other assats saying that the island was the main headquarters if you will for an international sex trafficking scheme according to the complaint between 2001 and 2019 epstein landed his private jet on the main islands and then took a private helicopter or boat to his island airport workers say they often saw him surrounded by girls some that looked as young as 11 many of them often dressed to look like flight attendants or you know flight crew to disguise them but he was a generous tipper which helped convince a lot of people to stay quiet it's shocking and also like not shocking what he was able to get away with and remember epstein was a registered sex offender in florida but he was still free to fly anywhere live where he wanted he had multiple passports some under different names according to buzzfeed epstein renewed his sex offender registration with the virgin islands government every year but authorities couldn't really check in on him the article says that at his last verification in july 2018 he allegedly refused to permit investigators and u.s marshals to get past the dock because he claimed that that was his front door epstein trusted his butler to keep his secrets for 15 years but you know what they say two can keep a secret if one of them is dead on august 10th 2019 epstein the biggest secret keeper of them all suddenly ended up committing suicide i'm sorry i can't say it without i can't say it without rolling my eyes and his butler has plenty to share in an interview with amir he claims prince andrew was a regular guest at epstein's palm beach house of sin and he absolutely got daily massages from epstein's underage terror as the new york post called them the butler wasn't just an eyewitness but he says he personally set up andrew's massage tables and he agrees with the fbi that the prince needs to stop trying to deny it and start talking he said quote maybe he has something to hide i don't know i don't know prince andrew's people says of course the prince got daily massages it's a luxury yeah who doesn't love a daily massage you were staying at the house a convicted sex offender it was a convenient place to stay and i admit fully that that that my judgment was probably colored by my um tendency to be too honorable okay and your strengths but that definitely wasn't you getting a foot massage from a russian girl in geoffrey epstein's no no thanks i don't want to be part of your sex festival it might seem a funny way to break off a friendship a four-day house party of sorts with a dinner it's an odd way to break it's a difficult way of putting is that that's a very um stark way of putting it yes you're absolutely right she was very specific about that night she described dancing with you and you profusely sweating and that she went on to have baths possibly there's a slight problem with with with the sweating um because uh i i have a peculiar medical condition which is that i don't sweat that's that's bollocks um or i didn't sweat at the time and that was oh machine yes i didn't sweat at the time because i um had suffered what i would describe as an overdose of adrenaline in the falklands war when i was shot at uh and i simply it was it was it was it was it was it was almost impossible for me to sweat she provided a photo of the two of you together yes your arm was around her waist yes you've seen the photos i've seen the photograph how do you explain that i can't according to the butler prince andrew really liked daily massages he spent weeks as a guest in the palm beach house which as the butler described it had pictures of young naked girls objects and ornaments all over the house he also describes gillane as the devil and claims he was the one that had to clean up after her as he told the new york post i'd find sex toys in her sink i took it as a perversion not an abuse i used to put my gloves on and pick it up and wash it galain knows more than anyone whole days she spent recruiting girls i was driving i wish i had known what for i would stop at a massage parlor and she would go in and take business cards one time she had me drive to mar-a-lago looking for girls and that's when she found virginia that is virginia roberts-jufrey one of epstein and galen's most vocal accusers according to the housekeeper gillane often said she hated epstein but couldn't or wouldn't leave him now check out the recap chris did on galen's father and tell us if you think her daddy issues kept her with jeffrey now the butler says he was also the money man for the girls as he told the new york post i used to go to the bank withdraw ten thousand dollars i'd pay them out of petty cash and fill out a receipt i wish i'd known what they were really being paid for because jeffrey swore them to secrecy threatening them if they ever told today adam perry lang is a celebrity chef and owner of apl it's a hollywood restaurant funded by jimmy kimmel and joe mchale but 20 years ago he was cooking for jeffrey epstein and his guests according to an interview she did with the podcast broken seeking justice virginia dufrese says the girls were forced to stick to ridiculous extreme diets to stay skinny and underdeveloped like little girls a typical dinner was something like shaved salmon with vegetables but no carbs ever and if anyone broke the rules galain would punish them virginia and chef adam found that one out the hard way she says she and the chef were friends and they'd have secret late night pizza and beer parties until control freak galain caught them and they were both punished and banned from communicating after that adam is being named in court documents because he was a regular passenger on epstein's private jet between 2000 and 2001. i'm sure he was there cooking and adam says his role was limited to meal preparation he was unaware of the depraved behavior and has great sympathy and admiration for the brave women who have come forward the level of debauchery we have seen in this case that rich and powerful sense of entitlement that they have a right to use and abuse these girls and probably boys and that no one can or will stop them it's infuriating and every one of jeffrey epstein's workers has said they didn't know what was going on behind closed doors and maybe they didn't but there is one who says she did and she found out the hard way maria farmer met galaine and epstein 24 years ago when she was a graduate student at the new york academy of art epstein hired her to work for him as an art consultant and painter after buying this painting she did for her thesis project wonder why he liked it she's also his first accuser i'm painting these beautiful survivors these women maria farmer met jeffrey epstein and british socialite gulen maxwell in the mid-1990s when epstein asked the 25-year-old art student to work for him maria farmer in a lawsuit alleges while she was working the front door at epstein's town house she started seeing things that concerned her involving epstein and gallane maxwell gielen maxwell would go out on these drives to procure models she would say these are the new biles i need the new bots that was her word she would bring them to jeffrey epstein's mansion farmer says maxwell told her they were simply auditioning young girls for modeling jobs i knew something was wrong i didn't know what was wrong according to her lawsuit farmer says her experience with maxwell and epstein took a dark turn when they sexually assaulted her i remember being in a lot of pain i remember having some bruises they didn't get my clothes off they tried the way i had been treated made it very clear to me there is something else going on farmer says she was so alarmed that she reported epstein maxwell to the fbi if the fbi had listened to me in 1996 there would have been no more victims but if you ask virginia everybody who went into jeffrey's houses knew what was going on you couldn't even be a pizza delivery boy and walk into one of his places and not know what was going on there were naked pictures everywhere young girls everywhere as she said to the broken seeking justice podcast reporter julie k brown old dude not married it's not too hard to put two and two together thanks for letting me catch you up on this if you like getting all the crime in half the time please subscribe and come back wednesday to hang out with chris and see you soon
Channel: True Crime Recaps
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Keywords: true crime stories, true crime recaps, jeffrey epstein worker confession, jeffrey epstein, jeffrey epstein island victims, jeffrey epstein island stories, jeffrey epstein island we are change, jeffrey epstein island now, jeffrey epstein island drone, jeffrey epstein case, bill clinton, virginia roberts giuffre, ghislaine maxwell in court, ghislaine maxwell court audio, jeffrey epstein filthy rich documentary, prince andrew jeffrey epstein, prince andrew interview best bits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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