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Jesse must be upstairs is probably sleeping Jesse [Music] I just closed this select a skipper now who made happy okay every gesture I don't want that guy Jesse must be upstairs is probably sleeping I'm gonna go up there Chester I'm coming for you Oh your friends can't save you this time Oh stores go so see if he is asleep [Music] the young Jesse oh he's got a little puppy hello there I hate puppies [Music] well it looks like your master is about to say good night and a knife that I have is about to go inside your favorite master Jessie Oh Jesse what okay I'm coming in better not be naked don't give me away Jesse brought wake up Oh puppy wake up dude Jesse Jesse come on Ross time to film what already mm-hmm just ten minutes no dude dude it's like pretty much three up I am yeah time to get up where do you film it we're gonna fill me ah it's a surprise I'll tell you when you get down here Omar you ready to rock yeah you're well arrested yep to a certain extent I mean yeah but as soon as you can get at time right some coffee device for sure it looks like if they're both gonna be I'm gonna have to take them both out all right it's time for Chester guys back to the channel I have something for you guys for you guys what oh yeah I know he sticks around to speak I can tell you that house is paranormal right bro oh hello so here's does the many stars challenge hello it's not here it's not cool locking rings I don't think no well she's wrong somebody's here hello just in their hole what the hell is not cool you know I'm putting this down I'm gonna get weapons I don't know we're using this promise all the screwdriver okay well we just find wonder how that is right any sense okay oh whoa okay fingers just split up well I mean it's gonna be this like this room right just close that light it's a Claddagh be kick your I'll go check the kitchen you go check just let me know if you see and yeah yeah cool hello [Music] get my garage yes jester yeah it sounds like he's in kitchen yo yo dudes I hear he's going me over here hello did you go downstairs bro yo ass off 20 minutes like there's fluid coming out of mine kick okay no problem Nick where are you Jeff you better not get him out of here no family bro go come in coming out we're going going after you hey hey calm down Jenner I'm done with you how did you get in my house [Music] you you don't know why I'm here don't you humiliating me sorry sign down gesture what lookit we don't play with knives oh really now you want to enter my house and break in move war games with me men don't know don't know I'm not down grab next you're next well it's not funny men yeah what could you have done with him guys what could just a cook you know Jeff went around guys Jeff went around I gotta be very careful okay be very very careful 300 my god dude whose shoe is this you look I got nothing now how did you get out of it how did you have it wrong don't be the crushed or being my job bro dude my killer was here hi-yah here how do I get my camera in the first two guys I don't even know how to explain what the hell just happened but Jeff the killer was literally holding my camera I don't know how long he's been recording for dude but this is actually insane guys he had a knife to graph Nick's end me and she seemed to want to get revenge from the last viewers that I've done with him guys but I guess for some reason he seemed to have film an entire video I think I'm just gonna end it here if you guys enjoyed go down below and smash 15,000 likes and I won't actually get revenge on Jeff the killer again there's no more playing mr. nice guy with this guy he's actually insane you could tell he is out to get us guys so subscribe if you guys have not already I post every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday a massive shout out to my boy gravity I mean for actually staying near and helping with this I still don't have any clue at all how he actually got in her house and got my camera guys but I'm just gonna end it here I love you guys so much and until next time jester's Oh [Music]
Channel: Jester
Views: 1,733,789
Rating: 4.7805395 out of 5
Keywords: JESTER 3 AM, JESTER, JESTER 3AM, jeff the killer, jeff the killer 3am, jeff the killer took my camera, jeff the killer took my camera and recorded me, jeff the killer recorded me, jester jeff, jester jeff the killer, jeff the killer recorded, jeff the killer jester, jeff jester, took my camera, recorded me, jester recorded me
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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