Jeff Foxworthy's Top 10 Questions Husbands Should Never Answer

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hi everybody is Jeff Foxworthy and I'm taking a break in filming and as a guy that has been married to the same wonderful incredibly attractive woman for the past 22 years I said sure why not now the segment is the top 10 questions husbands should never answer number 10 do I look like my mother zip it number 9 how old do you think I look I don't know what the state laws are right now but I'm thinking 18 is probably always a good answer what are you thinking right now men are pretty much thinking the same thing all the time number seven do you think she's pretty guys I think the appropriate answer to that is no I think I'm gonna throw up right now number six don't you think I'm worth it yeah honey four and a half years pay you're worth it we'll eat dirt but you need that bracelet number five how do you feel about our folks moving in with us good answer for that one is how do you feel about me moving out number four who's cooking do you like better mine are my mother's and before you answer this realize you are going to have to eat for many years to come and do you want to drive to your mom's house every night number three if you could change one thing about me what would it be I can't think of anything why mess with perfection number two do you remember what today is you know I've often said I don't have a tattoo but if I did it would be right next to my watch and it would say your wife's birthday is August 2nd your anniversary is September 18th don't let Ron White borrow your car again some things you need to remember and number one do you think these pants make my butt look fat guys I don't care if she's knocking lamps off the table there is one answer to this question it's honey your butt is so small I can barely see it in this light thank you good luck god bless you you
Channel: marriedpeoplemedia
Views: 172,911
Rating: 4.8466668 out of 5
Keywords: marriage, married, married life, married people, marriedpeople, MarriedPeople, marriage ministry, communication, family
Id: FS7C0qeg4KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 40sec (160 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2011
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