Jeep Cherokee XJ Build V2

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so really A lot has actually changed with the Jeep despite it doesn't really look like it to be truthfully honest it uh yeah so I'm going to go over and just kind of show what I did to it recently and looks like I'm have to pick up something when I'm done here that's great thank you Maddie all right I want to go over some stuff that it had before changing it so before this lift I had a 3-in rough Country lift and honestly I did not hate it people give Rough Country so much but honestly $300 for a 3in lift kit where that's why I paid at the time I think it's like 350 now but like for $300 it was a good lift kit other than it riding like total garbage it handled good it performed with good it was a good ass lift kit so yeah that's why I change I changed it because uh I just didn't like how it rode and this is my daily driver and I just wanted something that was a lot more comfortable so as you can see in here I went with a lot more of expensive uh setup I have a 4 and 1 half in lift kit from Zone with their Fox shocks uh option and so far I I love the lift kit it's rides really nice the I did the F Le instead the add leaf and also the fox shocks back here and I removed a rear sway bar like the UpCountry model on these and honestly it rides so good it Flex is awesome and honestly I think it's the best lift kit you can get your bang for your buck I might have to check but I think the lift kit only costed me like uh I think it was like $800 to $1,000 but of course when I was down there I had to do some other things is brake lines I guess you can't really see them here but I got some Rough Country uh stainless steel brake lines I said do drop down bracket some disconnect sway bars and if you uh look under here see how beefy that is this is a rough country uh one ton steering kit so far no complaints on this either I thought that this was going to be a really bad purchase after buying it after reading reviews but honestly for being the cheapest one out there it's pretty good I don't hate it it's tough and also I recommend doing a pitman arm drop and that made this thing Drive pretty much perfectly as I Spit on my phone so yeah that's pretty much with all the suspension it rides beautiful and it's perfect in every way but the run you use CLA track uh whatever cheap ass rims they are they're like 50 bucks a pop I had to to run a inch and a half spacer that was going to originally be for my Mustang but they fit on here and they work perfect and it kind of gives it a pretty decent stance as you can see sticks out a good like half an inch to an inch and usually I'm not a fan of it and I'm still not a fan of it to be honest I kind of like myself tucked in allows it to flex without hitting uh like your fenders and stuff well your outer fenders and the newest purchase are these I bought some cheap fender flares off cuz I rein stocked the matte and textured finish and see how this one is a textured finish and this one's not and a part of me I was just going to be like well I should probably return these and get ones I actually wanted but then I decided it's I need to stop worrying about making this thing perfect and start worrying about having fun adventures with it so that's kind of what I end up doing also some more things I did brand new tires ko2s so far they're way better than the too Open Country quieter on the road they wear a lot nicer and they're just a good they're like the best tire for an allterrain in my personal experience and honestly too the too at3s they AR a bad tire they are just kind of loud after like 30ish Thousand Miles so I can't complain there and really that's all that's happened and yes I should have recorded at least some of it but life gone in the way in the process of moving restating restating doing a rest oh my God I cannot pronounce that restoration on our house and yeah that's kind of my YouTube channel took a back burner now if you're new to the channel I'll go through some of the stuff that's been on there for quite a while like these uh truck light LEDs should probably get the camera poin at them and they're they're good I don't recommend spending the amount of money if you're going to spend the amount of money on LEDs I'd go with the Retro brights by Holly and I'm thinking about doing that instead uh I used to have a light bar took that off cuz the wind noise was just unbearable for after a while got these hood vents from Rod uh missim mot inter intercooler radiator and that's really it it's a really Simply Built truck I'll pop the hood real quick and I'll show you guys the radiator and all that I forgot to go over the interior not lies change excuse the mess I've been having fun with it so I got 6 and 1 half speakers all the way around from kicker and that's all it with the interior other than WeatherTech but I think that was in there from the last videos and the CB but yeah there's nothing else kind of going on in here I want to get an aftermarket radio but uh I don't want to spend $300 on a good one yet and mine works so why change it what are you doing oh you're exploring okay I'll leave you be what was I doing oh yeah all right GNA oh that's something I should mention some of y'all in their the last Channel I got like messages talking about oh it's so perfect like this ain't perfect but yeah I got X2 power battery it's it's all right I got a broken battery tied down something I should get and I've been thinking about getting the jcr one but oh my god look how Majestic this animal is uh I'll get away from the edge there bud mie come on that's not let's not stand on the edge like that I don't trust you I know you're smart and all but no uh one second so uh engine pretty much bone stock stock air box I don't know why people change out their airbox with a K&N just I just don't think the extra 2 and a half horsepower is worth it cuz it just protects your air filter with a lot more dust and all that but yeah this is the only proof I got em mission mode radiator and also you can kind of see it peing through there and yeah that's that's it I did the thermostat many times and a few water pumps but otherwise this thing's been bulletproof and uh what is it like 130ish th000 miles I think is what I have now oh yeah want to see something funny when I cut these holes I tore that one up but yeah there's not not a whole lot going on anymore and I got a crack right here but I made a Reddit post uh in videos you want to see I got some really stupid ones that were hilarious and then I got something that I think I want to do so one guy was talking about doing a storage bin back here or like a storage system well I want to do kind of a camper setup but see I'm 6' 4ish 6' 3 6'4 around there and I want to somehow make it where I can sleep in here and somehow where I can make my toolbox and my gear wrench toolbox fit underneath the platform while fitting a spare tire in here cuz I don't really want a spare tire carrier all them I just don't really like the looks of them but you know if I was doing like a full out like exterior build like you see with like the flat fenders and all that I think they look good but when you just have other than like the factory dealer option ones I think they look out of place cuz it gets rid of these endcaps here and the endcaps kind of make it look nice so I'm going to kind of figure out how to do that and hopefully it's not too hard but if you guys have any any sort of video ideas please please send it in the comments or go down to my Instagram and even message me I'm a lonely dude so I'll probably respond this is why I live in Colorado and for some reason Colorado's been really nice with the weather lately like it's 50° and it's January like I'm wearing a t-shirt this shouldn't be a thing even up in the High Country like in the San mountains which I'm only like 20 miles away right now it's it's beautiful I'm glad I decided to move to a small town out here though but yeah sorry I got sidetracked with the beauty excuse my shitty hair but yeah if you guys have any ideas just let me know and I'll probably do them cuz I have nothing better to do well I think I'm going to enjoy my view for a little bit walk around and explore a little bit and then uh I'll let you guys
Channel: Normie_Productions
Views: 6,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9VSl6l_bAzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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