Jean Baudrillard. Violence of the Image. 2004

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so we will speak about the violence of the image violence code with the image first will point at three forms of violence the primary form is that of aggression of oppression of rape and spoiling the unit or violence of the most power another form is that of the historical critical violence the violence of the negative and the transgression of revolt and revolution including maybe the violence of analysis and interpretation but determined forms of vitamins effects that are related to specific causes into whatever form of transcendence be that the power of history or me this I would say the violence of the first type and of a secret type but now we have to deal with the violence of a third time a very different one more radical Inceptor the violence of deterrence of consensus and control of hyper regulation and deregulation together the violence of the visual in meta bionics in some way the violence of forced consensus and interaction which are like plastic surgery or social therapeutic genetic communication and information environments but first of all the violence of transparency which spend to an erotic age by the way of prophylaxis of physical and regulation that the rules of evil of negativity and singularity including the ultimate form of singularity which is death itself violence of a general extradition of confident of days violence which are toxic Allah puts an end to the violence itself and which therefore cannot be balanced except with radical delegation with pure a production to the world state of things a pure violence without object anymore without determination this is a typical violence of informants of media of images of a spectacular connected to a total visibility a total elimination of secrecy beat of psychological or mental all of a neurological biological or genetic border soon we shall discover the chain of rewards the center of violence in the brain perhaps even the chain of resistance against sending manipulation biological brainwashing brainstorming brain lifting with nothing left but recycled white post lobotomized evil as in Clockwork Orange at this point we should not speak of violence anymore but rather of violence investments that it does not work frontally men mechanically but by contiguity contamination along chain reactions breaking our secret immunities and operating not just by a negative effect like the class but optical travail in excess of the positive just as a cancerous cellular protein fillets buy medicines by Restless reproduction in an excess of paternity that is the points in the controversy about violence or screens and the impact of images on people's mind the fact is but the media itself as in neutralizing power counterbalancing the direct effect of the violence of the imagination I would say the violence of a third type Anita it's the violence of the first and second time but at the price of a more violent intrusion in the deep cells of our mental world the same as for antibiotics then eradicate the agents of disease by reducing reasonable level of fatality when the medium becomes the message then violence as a medium because its own message and messenger of itself so the violence of a message cannot be compared with the violence of the medium as cells with the violence emanating from the confusion between medium and misses it is the same with viruses the virus also is information but of a very special kind it is measurement message attendant action at the same time this is that is a very origin of its vibrance of it's uncontrollable correlation in fact in all actual biological social or mental processes violence as substituted violence with virginal violence of alienation of power and oppression has been by something more violent vampire insisted the violent day the violence and what it was an historical and individual subject of violence there is no subject no personal agent of violence of contamination no chain reaction and then no possibility be confronted efficiently the classical violence was still haunted by the specter of the evil it was still visible the violence or the trance appears it is of the order of transparency and its logic is that of the transparency of the deal the image and marginal in the sphere of information is violence because what happens later is a murder of the real the vanishing points of reality everything must be seen must be visible and the images recite facts loss of this visibly but at the same time it's a site of its disappearance and that something in it has disappeared has returned to nowhere makes very fascination of the image particularly in the case of all professional images of price images which testify of rail events making the reality even the most violent emails to the visible it makes the resistance disappear it's like the mists of diabetes when obvious turns around to look at her she vanishes and returns to heaven that is why the more exponential the marketing of images is growing the more fantastic the more fantastic later always be indifferent who was the real world finally the real world becomes a useless function the collection of phantom shallots and ghost penis we are not far from this she wears on the walls of the cave a wonderful mother for this false visibility was the big Rosa and our signal prophets reality shows doctor swords and so on just that sits there where everything is given to be seen there is nothing left to be see it is the mirror of gratitude of banality of the zero degree of everyday life there is a place of the fake society in visual social the wealthy order is discouraged out of reach this very fact illuminating perhaps fundamental truths but the human being is not perhaps not the social behavior more in always scenery the televisual public is mobilized as a spectator and search it has become itself big problem the power of control and Trust is worth the safety to the silent majority is themselves we are far beyond the panopticon defence panopticon well there was still a source of power and visibility it was so so saved a panics optical things were made visible to an external I wavers here this new form they are made transparent to themselves a pennant of thus erasing the traces of control and making the Opera render himself transparent the power of contour is internalized so see and people are no more victims of the image the transform themselves into images the only exists are screens or in a superficial dimension both of these visualized is really in the population be frozen and so of is pure virtual reality insensitive emails of the penalty predicted it as in a computer to the equivalent of a ready-made a given transcription of everyday life which is in itself already recycled by our current patterns the question is either an asexual wire ism not at all almost no sexual cinerea that people don't want that what is secretly one to see is a spectacle of the penalty which is from now our real pornography our true love Cindy but of the nerdy J of insignificance and platitude that would be the next frame reverse of the theater of Cruelty but maybe in the vaccine lysis certain form of Cruelty to at least of the affiliate or one at the same at a time when mania and television are more and more unable to give an image of the evidence of the world then the discovery everyday life will exist inshallah poverty as the most criminal events as the most violent in actuality has the very greatest of the perfect crime and vanity is free and people are fascinating terrifying and fascinating at the same time by this indifference of the nothing to see often nothing to say by the Indian of their own life as a 2-0 degree of living the palliative and the consumption of banana team have now become an affordability supplier of our time last fall of the experiences of the leads in fact this leads within I think person to be nothing and to comfort oneself in this nothingness sanctioned by the right to be nothing and to reconsidered and respected as such something like a struggle for nothing and for virtual days the perfect opposites to a basic anthropological posture of a struggle for life at least it seems that we are all about to change our basic humanistic goes there are two ways of disappearing of being in the integral we need a everything must logically want to disappear automatic out reaction to the orbitals of reality there are two ways either to be hidden and to insist on the right not to be seen that's the actual difference of private life oh one shifts to eat delicious exhibitionism of his own platitude and insignificance the ultimate protection against the surge hood of being and of being himself hence the absolute obligation to be seen to make oneself visible any price everyone deals on both levels at the same time then we are in a double bind not to be seen and to be no cases no legislation can solve this dilemma and the world current polemic about to arrive to information or missed farming is useless maximal information maximal disability now part of the human rights and of human duties policy and the decision of the image is trapped between the unconditional right to be see to see and wealth unconditional as well doctors this means that people has basically labor at every moment over exposed to the light of information and addicted to their own image driven to express themselves at any time self-expression easily as the human form of confession as opposed to become an image one has to be with visual objects of the world every day life of his possibilities of his feelings and desires he has to keep no secrets and to interact permanently just here is the deepest violence in violence down to the deepest curve to the heart of indeed of the individual and at the same time to the language because it's also like this roses it's symbolic originality being nothing more than the operator of Rizzoli it loses its ionic dimension it's conceptual distance its autonomous dimension where language is more important than what it signifies the image too is more important than what it speaks that we forget usually again and again and that is a source of violence though to the image today everything there is the root of the image then all pretend that the real has disappeared and the oppression and the profusion of images what is totally neglected and forgotten is but the image also disappears and the globe and the impact of reality the images usually spoil of its own existence has been devoted to a shameful complicity with the real the violence exercised by the image is larger balanced by the violence tone to the image it's exploitation as a pure vector of documentation of testimony of message including from the set of misery and violence its allegiance to Maura pedagogy politics do publicity then the magic of image versus fatale and the sweet illusion is fading away the Byzantine I can class wanted to destroy images in order to publish meaning and the representation of God today we are still in trusts but in an opposite way we keep the images by an overdose of meaning but his favor on the evil of the mirror is an illustration he gives the processes that behind each view of resemblance and there is a bug missed enemy a defeated singularity hit the event and we got across clearly understood our my calls were the best way of letting God disappear perhaps God himself had chosen to disappear behind the images and no burdens anyway today is know both a matter of God we our images not sensible that our images are stolen from us that we must give up our secrets because we no longer part me that is at the same time the sign of our ultimate monitor and of our total of see there is a deep misunderstanding of the process of meaning most images and photographs today reflect the misery and the violence of human condition but all these effects are less and less just because it is over signified in order for the meaning from a message to affect us the image us to exist on its own to impose its original language in order for the real to be transferred to our imagination and our for our imagination transfer to Tory it must be countertransference above the image and this countertransference has to be resubmitted in terms of today we see misery and violence becoming a LED motive of publicity just by the way of manages the scanning for example is right integrating sites and aids world days into fashion and why not to believe in add images notice of seen from the pessimistic works at one condition to solve the violence of the visited beset the violence of fashion the violence of the mininum what actually publishers are not even however fashion and I society are sensors a kind of spectacle of days the world's misery is quite so visible quite so transparent in the line in the face of any top model as on the skeletal body of an African volume the same where there is to be perceived everywhere if what only knows art illuminates this realistic image our does not touch at all what really is but what should not be there's a misery but should not exist from our modern humanistic point of view and at the same time making an aesthetic and commercial perfectly immobile use and abuse of this misery images that actually testified behind there can be the objectivity of the deep the area of the rail and of an equal denial of the image a science to present was does not even wants to be represented assigned to a rave of the real by para murder of the image crushed by other information of acidification of our reference murder of a secret of the image proud by our visibility but unconditional transparency in a film in leaving Las Vegas we look and the very charming blonde girl kissing and talking and then on perfectly indifferent to what she's saying and doing it perfectly useless sinner II but we suppose sensibly testified but nothing when escape from the mission mixture of the fiction and the reality but always assigned to it ready to see read it worked ready to enjoy that is transparency to force all the way in the orbit of the visual not even representation pure visual thing and this is boxing obscene is or what is unnecessary visible without desire and without effect or what preserves the so rare and so precious space of appearance last the violence done to the image the very final violence is the technological one electronic and computerized synthetic images issued from miracle combination combine and rework of the surface of the screen it is repented of the imagination of the image itself of its fundamental resolution because in the synthetic operation that reference no longer exists and the way has not even time to take place as it is immediately produce as well with no direct capture of the picture anymore no presence of a real object in a irrevocable moments and face face which gossiped use the magic of photography for example and of the image generic as acting as singular events last glimmer of reality in a world devoted to high nothing left in the synthetic image of this Punk's world exactitude of this book tome as all about say this protamine time which is characteristic of the analogous image while the photo according to our balance and testify of an absence but something really took place but now when the way however today the photo the genuine analogous photograph would rather testify of the presence of an immediate presence of a subject to the object was does not happen anymore the computerizing of images ultimate silence to the synthetic order which is now overwhelming the relation of the image to its reference place already a lot of problems was of representation but when the referent is out of the field and there is absolutely no representation anymore when the real object has disappeared into a technical programming of the image when the image as pure artifact does not reflect anyone or anything it does not even go to solve affairs of the negative canvassed if speak of an image in fact the American virtual images other images at all our real world of images will soon cease to exist in our consumption of images itself will be virtual if the image as Plato says is the confluence of the light emanating from the object and of the light emanating from the eye then we will soon either have an object no an eye and best no images in MO same problem is for thinking in the field of artificial intelligence the sword does not even have time to formulate itself medieval computerization of the image is the perfect mode of the image and just the same the computerization of salt absol intelligence would be the achievement of thinking but just because of this it is at the same time the total dedication in the very perfection lies in the violence of synthetic images and artificial intelligence a perfect exercise as a system of the real as an infant malady of the insanity just the same perfect exorcism of thoughts as infant malady of brain and signal and the perfect with autism of the image as infants melody of the this world that's a bad felt for the image and for thinking it for the real in general but at the same time good chance for the genuine photographic image of a positive services as it happens now of an artificial resurrection as for an animal specialist about to disappear maybe it is in this work matter of the image and I recall the balance of the murder of the real but the image the word dimension of technical economical aesthetic values fashion market and speculation are drawn in the image under the fruit this specificity of the image is that it is in some way a parallel universe end of the world another scene in two dimensions doctor confuse with our universe in three dimensions our whale universe a world of representation this dimensionless makes its magic and its power of illusion or what brain take let's reimagine the third dimension is a potential violence dog to the image not only with special dimension of relief and starers could be relieved in the therapy but even that of movement of time in the movie a lot of meaning and message alpha Pro integrate Lee imagine our world and destroying it as a parallel world even worse in the absorption that image in what we would call the false dementia but of the virtual and cybernetics we usually believe that every additional dimension is a truce but on the contrary every additional dimension and he laid the former ones in their singularity the third one a nearest recede with two-dimensional world that of the image as forward force when the analyst or the other included with three-dimensional world of representation it's a strange game the new world the brain you are the world is a world of integral reality as a world of internal very day and develop it economy has no place for our deliverance like that of the image then here is the final solution amazing imagination something else very dangerous for the image as it Balan universe is a fact that our world actually the university self is becoming image we have to do with a general conversion of our real world image the most pure form of visibility and then how is any other universe to be distinguished at all how can the image service singularity in a world and Thailand turn into image another question crucial question is is there still a chance a real transforming image to escape his double violence the one who exerts and the one with the tools in order to find the original power of the image again the evil genius of the image images but resists the violence of information and communication to recover beyond all signification and aesthetic value the pure even of the image resists the noise the perpetual winner of the world for the silence of image resists movement flow and acceleration saw his penis image resistant moral imperative of meaning to a silence of signification and above all resist this automatic overflow of images and their perpetual succession recover the remnant detail of the object the bottom but also the moment of acting of taking the picture immediately past and always nostalgic opposite to the flow of images produce in real-time indifferent to his of the dimension of the becoming image of the object the tiny self the visual fruits of actuality does not know thing but change in Destin no the concept of becoming which is radically different from change in this fruits the image does not even have time to become image as in the spell information thought or even as other good sense to become in order for the image and for the object to immerse a search it has to be put in suspense in suspense of meaning in suspense of the tumultuous operation of the world must be captured in a single fantastic moment which is the first encounter the surprising moment when since have not yet aware that we are here when they have not yet been arranged by analytical order when our absence is not that very anyway but this instant is ephemeral we should not we should not be present to see it and vendors in sensible photographer hidden behind his reins himself vanishing himself disappear for this is the price making objects adhere the prices with disappearance in the school of disappearance and transparency as a secret world loving image this one has a close connection to theory it is the silent consecration for that which having achieved itself in with discounts must now metamorphose itself in something else and the image is the most beautiful of the metamorphosis of disgust it has basically nothing to do with it but it is as if it had preceded it in an earlier life anyway but already itself when it reaches it experiment has no open face anymore it becomes its own mask it gives without group of analyzes between us Socratic transfuse to the outside to a side of the phenomena of which there is nothing to say anymore in this moment the image appears with all its finnerman phenomenological power which phenomenon the photographic image is born out of this phenomenon intuition of the world following the analytical intuition not as transcription but as transmutation of theory that is at least by own experiences with photographic image as a trans theoretical object not as an artist of realistic activity that as a becoming image of the object as becoming image on the soul it's symbolic terminal for the analytic process toget up with its resolution into an object existing flow for in spoken neither rain nor objective as soon as it as becomes an image the object raises no problems in the world it is the imminent solution to what is perfect it's herbal from the point of view of analyzers so it would be mutation metamorphosis animal forces may be poetic transference of the analytical situation but pom pom which is as a core of the image because they come
Channel: European Graduate School Video Lectures
Views: 36,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jean, Baudrillard, violence, image, virtual, real, Philosophy, egs, european, graduate, school, culture, america, symbolic, Jean Baudrillard (Author), University, European Graduate School (College/University)
Id: vB3baRqDbyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2015
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