JAYNE MANSFIELD Feature on "Inside Edition" (1992)

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Jean Mansfield is a legend in Hollywood even though she died tragically 25 years ago after making just a few movies Jane and Marilyn Monroe were in competition for the sexiest woman in the world and today for the first time Jane's family breaks their silence and talks about her life and death Bonnie Strauss with our report Jane Mansfield a heartthrob of the 50s was a store created in Marilyn Monroe's shadow and for a brief moment she made it big and like Marilyn she died in early tragic death but Jane's death may have been woven into a satanic curse she was born very Jane Palmer in 1933 and by age six she announced she wanted to be a star that's when she wanted to be a movie star she you know I didn't I didn't really take her seriously we had a lot of fun about it just talking about it she secretly Wed Paul Mansfield a college student when she was 16 and pregnant these old home movies show Jane's domesticated side not long after the birth of their daughter Jane Marie the Mansfield's moved to Hollywood so Jane could seek fame and fortune for the first time Paul Mansfield publicly discusses his ex-wife within about three or four weeks she had called City Hall told him she was good-looking and within five weeks after our coming here Jane dyed her hair blonde and became a publicity hound no assignment was too small at one point the top of the bikini conveniently fell off or Jane untied and who knows but anyhow the photographer's got a shot I was heard around the world what do you think would have happened to Jane Mansfield had she been flat-chested never never would have made it because in the 50s was the era of the big bosom in Hollywood by now Paul was fed up and headed back to Texas they divorced but she kept his name I decided that I just didn't want to be mr. Jane E Mansfield the rest of my life and that's the way it looked like it was going to as a koel daughter Jane Marie stayed in California with her mom now 41 she agreed to talk to us in this exclusive interview she was very ambitious and she loved to be in front of the people I mean she loved it she wasn't so private that way I mean she enjoyed going to supermarket openings or whatever it was and being this close to the people her fans two years after arriving in Hollywood Jane snagged her first film role after watching herself on camera she said it was love at first sight while Jane got good reviews it was her astonishing measurements forty 1836 and her willingness to put her best trust her word that made her famous [Music] thanks again it was lovely having you here not wanted everybody thank you ladies and gentlemen I would like to announce if you will please look at me while Jane verse quickly onto the scene her fame was not limited to home when she visited the troops overseas with Bob Hope the guys went crazy Jay marked her territory well when sophia loren made her US debut jane refused to be upstaged the photographers are going nuts they wanted sofia alone but every time sophia posed Jane was right there and it became you know Sophia couldn't tell her to get the hell out because she couldn't speak English Jay made a series of movies along the way falling madly in love with Mickey Hargitay a former mr. universe they wear the bodies beautiful they lived in a heart-shaped world a pink palace filled with babies but the marriage unraveled after Jane publicly announced she was bored she told the press before she told Mickey what about her determination she seemed to have fierce determination when you were in her presence she ruled a presence and she didn't you didn't infringe on that she kind of ruled with an iron it was her life and we all were along for the ride I think not long after Jane's divorce from Mickey her career began to slide she married and divorced again and could no longer get the good roles she was not a good actress and she depended on her physical appearance to give her credibility and that's when that goes the whole thing goes stepfather Harry Pierce saw it coming these slides show the good old days well III always felt that Janey would have been better off if she did gotten married and settle down on a farm that's why all the little animals and everything cuz that's what she loved but that was not to be after three divorces Jane would sometimes hook up with the wrong men men like Sam Brody a Beverly Hills lawyer Mamie Van Doren a fellow sex siren from that era remembers seeing Brody and Jane at a party both she says were drunk she had her Chihuahuas in her bosom and a couple of them jumped out and she was trying to run chasing him if she fell she tripped and uh what a mess so I helped her up and so anyway she got up and she was got in the car and the last word she said to me she said maybe Jane maybe Marilyn was lucky Jane was obviously referring to Marilyn Monroe not long after that Sam Brody James boyfriend took her to meet this man Anton LaVey the head of the Church of Satan what the world needs is a good whipping Levay put a curse on Brody telling him he would die in a car crash within a year he did when his car going 80 miles an hour hit a stationary truck tragically Jane was in the car she died instantly how did you find out about her death my aunt just walked up and handed me the headlines that's how I found out I would hit say said Jayne Mansfield decapitated that's how I found out good years kind of hard Jane's mother talked publicly for the first time about a dream she had the night Jane died Jane II was talking to me she was screaming and I got out of bed at that time 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and I said Harry something awful has happened and the police came shortly after that the newspaper headlines Jayne Mansfield killed afraid of wrinkles and growing old Jayne Mansfield had talked about dying very young she did four days short of her 34th birthday well Jane Murray says she wanted to go on camera to let the world know that despite the ups and downs of her mother's life Jayne Mansfield had a good heart
Channel: primativo7
Views: 390,124
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Keywords: jayne mansfield, the girl can't help it, paul mansfield, jayne marie mansfield, anton la vey, anton lavey, harry peers, vera peers, mariska hargitay, kiss them for me, will success spoil rock hunter?, promises promises, marilyn monroe, female jungle, mickey rooney, jack benny, bob hope, sophia loren, mickey hargitay, pink palace, irving swifty lazar, swifty lazar, sam brody, mamie van doren
Id: -Q-tKlBAS60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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