JayEmm LIVE Q&A - June 21st @ 8PM BST

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hello everybody I hope you're okay hope you're having a good day good afternoon good evening a good morning wherever it is whenever it is I guess wherever around the world you are you are gay I'd love that I love that that the the beep from my computer is to tell me that I've gone live thank you computer you're so helpful without you I wouldn't know what I was doing so we'll let everybody sort of mosey on in cuz it always takes a little while for everyone to sort of appear I say goodie unity everyone let's join us already - Taylor - George - Neal - Gus hello all welcome very much always a bit of a bit of gossip and questions coming through already Otto ISM Europe you're a bit behind I haven't had a Lotus excel for quite some time sold a couple years ago one of my automative regrets would have yeah would have liked to have kept onto that one if I could great car but unfortunately at the time I just didn't have the money to do with it what it deserved so evening Malky evening Jason evening Simeon evening - the Cadbury Creme Egg bit early type of Mo's bit late yeah bit late a few now I suppose even Clive Stewart and 1904 in - Dan yeah okay so let's start answering some questions shall we I will start off with a couple of Ferrari related ones because that's still the still the topic of the week so Taylor asked me about maintenance and servicing there is going to be an entire video dedicated to maintenance and servicing and he's asked if there's any particular items on the car that have to be replaced on us of age basis rather than a mileage basis um there's nothing particularly frightening on it and luckily the car has been well looked after by all of its previous owners nice history folder with it it doesn't have to say like the fuel bladders like something like an f40 does there's a few big jobs on a 550 you need to occasionally do if you keep on top of it that's kind of the thing with these old cars I think don't let stuff just pile up then you'll get a large bill which the previous owner had but yeah it's some it's not actually a I'm not gonna try and pretend for a second that owning a 20 year old Ferrari is going to be cheap or that I expect it to be cheap but I think if you're if you're clever and you're careful it's manageable shall we say okay all right so I've been up gossip from oh and it says that the the chassis number Exige chassis number 1 XE seems to have sold and yeah oh and thanks for that gossip I know you went to look at that car thanks Gus on the 100k subscribers congratulations that yeah that is a major achievement and not too long ago like 18 months ago I was at like 25k as a huge thing there's a huge huge thing for me still that is as equally exciting as the Ferrari to be perfectly honest still can't grasp either of them the fact that it is has happened I have to wait a little bit to get my silver play button so when I do that maybe I'll maybe I'll do the obligatory unboxing video with that one so see Malky has put out a fad I'm sporting very trendy lock down here do ya normally I'll do my hair for you guys actually did my hair this morning but I ran out of hair gel I've been going through it quite a rate so yeah apologies I also very red today it just partly the shirt that I'm wearing and partly the fact I've been outside quite a bit today I've been doing and filming and whatnot so all right close it just to see how I get on with the reality of Ferrari ownership versus the myth a Ferrari ownership I am also excited to find out about that as well as you can imagine and as time goes on I'm hopefully gonna be able to do the you know obligatory six months 12 months to year type update videos with decent mileage on them as well so that's the that's the idea okay do I have any friends locally that I can go for a drive with yeah a few a few well unfortunately most of them are quite busy at the moment which is a shame all right am I going to be tracking the s2000 and that's asked by Carl I mean I might but I'm just not sure it's just not I mean definitely not in its current state it's not it needs things done to it the problem is by the time I finish doing the mods and things to it either thing is gonna pass noise test and most circuits once it's got the ITBS on I think it's not gonna pass so yeah okay cloudy boy says that he thinks there should be more exotic something proper mileage on it and I absolutely agree and it's a real shame because actually the whole not driving them bit is actually something that contributes to this idea of Ferraris as being unreliable cars and it's actually very similar to say British stuff Astin's TBR's Lotus that kind of thing when these cars just sit around doing nothing for months on end you know half the year sometimes it's not good for them it's just not there is you know no amount of engineering in the world will be able to change what happens to these rubber hoses and things when they're just sat still with a modern fuel in particular is not very good on hoses can dry them out all sorts of stuff so it's not yeah it's not that sort of thing do I have any plans for an Aston week well I guess at some point I do have a v12 Vantage video coming up at the end of the month that's coming out in a week tomorrow because that was one of the cars I considered rather than the Ferrari something I looked at and gave some very serious consideration to have I have any buyer's remorse with the 550 no no not in the least in actual fact if anything the kind of the bond with the car has gotten stronger the reaction it gets I've been out driving it most of the day to be honest the reaction he gets from people is amazing people really really love it I don't really get any grief from it I think cuz it's not a shouty or sort of aggressive like a modern Ferrari you know something like a four five eight four eight something like that and yeah I just yeah look it's not the fastest car in the world but it's plenty quick enough it's about the interaction is about the noise is about the feedback it's about the feel everything else and it's just it excels in all those departments so so very much yeah absolutely love it okay what is an interesting one what I think that the rotary gear knobs in the in Jags so the little ones and Ranger I've had as well they rise up and turn there are pain I hate those I had one in the Jaguar XF a press car that I had and it was a real pain because when you were trying to maneuver so you sort of you know for drive to reverse start to reverse was really easy just to go from Drive to park there wasn't anything really stopping you going straight to park so that was an annoyance that was a real real pain okay what do we got here my tobacco of choice I don't smoke there's a there's a there's a joke there isn't you don't remember that song I don't smoke and even a pipe pipe pipe I'm showing my age there okay when it alright actually Michael's asked a question when is the 5:50 review and the quirks and features stuff coming out well as it happens the 5:50 review is coming out tomorrow because I am absolutely awful I'm utterly terrible at reviewing my own cars so often I have them and I do little videos and bits on them but I don't actually do a review so I wanted to make sure to do a proper review with the 550 so that has already happened that is coming out tomorrow that's gonna be part of a sort of little Ferrari week looking at the front engine b12 so I'll be a 550 a 599 and an f12 and I also have I have filmed a Doug de Mayo style quirks and features video on the car which will probably come out at the end of the end of next week okey dokey alright Oh more gossip from Owen someone as someone is selling an immaculate Ferrari 348 TB a 38 grand I want to try a three for eight but I'm struggling to reconcile the idea of spending them our money on one day just I can see three five five prices going up three Oh a three for a all that's our three two eight and three 60s and I can see that the three four eight I've just never ever lusted for I'm actually getting quite a thing for the 308 more than the three to it I think watching Jack from number twenty-seven s videos if you haven't seen those please to go check out his channel he bought a really nice early 308 sight unseen from an auction during the pandemic and that car looks magnificent and I will be doing a video on that car soon we're gonna go and meet up with him and do some stuff so yeah okay so Marcin asked me a question which is am I gonna do a review of the series three loaders at least with the one point six in it which is the the slowest version that they ever did it's been discontinued now and you know I've tried on so many occasions to do a review of that specific car and the problem is they're very rare they don't come up for sale very often so by the time a dealer gets one in we have to organize the data review that usually takes three or four weeks to organize and often by the time the days I come around the car sells they sell really quickly there's certain there's not a big market for them but the people that want them want only one of those so whenever they come up for sale they just go so I really want to try one but I haven't um Paul what's tonight iseman I'm gonna review his 340 are drop me another email Paul and we'll organize that well organize that okay ah Nix Nix had a couple of spots and Nick's air supply to cover the cost of the channel as well so good evening Nick a new Bullitt Mustang or a 70s Esprit in full jump layer special colors what do we think is cooler the the a bullet a new Bullitt Mustang or old spray I think I know what you go for also this is probably gonna be my second-to-last regular live stream there will be another one next Sunday and then after that because I'm kind of getting back to work on a pretty full-time basis now I am gonna be moving to I think a monthly format and the format that I've settled on after the the incredible success would just still blow me away of last week's videos what I'm gonna do is we're gonna have a mystery movie night so I'm gonna do a mystery movie night on the channel something that I love doing go into the cinema on seeing a film and you have no idea what it is so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna pick something weird something unusual something forgotten or something a little bit different and so on a Sunday and we're gonna work out what time of the month on a Sunday evening we're gonna have a mystery movie premiere of a review and then we're gonna have a and then we're gonna have a livestream afterwards to discuss it a bit like an automotive kind of book club I guess so that's that's gonna be the yeah that's gonna be the format going forward so I hope everybody is looking forward to that Sparky you don't worry about being late you can catch up later so yeah okay Oh Duncan want some advice on our small car a proper mini a Fiat 1 to 6 or a kei car even though I haven't driven one I'm kind of gravitating towards 1 to 6 for some reason there don't know why so yeah my thoughts on the 98 7.1 Cayman I love those cars I haven't really reviewed one on the channel which is a shame because I want to but the s in particular is a fantastic sports car I think they're a great looking car and in many ways I prefer them over the 981 and then there are or some bit of kit and they're really good value for money just get it checked out and make sure the boys are fine and they are great they are absolutely awesome ok Michael remembers the video where me and Lori replaced the headliner in my Subaru which was fun and he wasn't gonna do more stuff on my cars or if I have done much more stuff on my god I haven't really cuz to be honest the amount of time I spent doing the reviews and filming and stuff I have very little time left afterwards that being said there is a video coming out soon of me working on one of my cars which is most unusual but given the amount of free time I recently had it seemed worthwhile doing do I think the BMW z4 M will rise in value if nobody stops making as it falls no I don't everybody kept saying that there's air for ends ibrahim Kupe were gonna go up in value years ago when I owned one and they've got a VIN value by the smallest amount but I mean not even enough to cover the servicing costs on them so maybe one day people will look at them as a classic but it's a long way away I think really to be quite honest Tom congratulations on the one I think you very much yeah so any idea on my trip to the Netherlands or Germany is gonna happen yeah I would like to make it this year the problem is I'm sort of running out of time because I still have a big trip to Japan planned at the end of September I need to get up to Scotland to do a whole bunch of stuff and that's gonna probably take a couple of weeks and I need to work out where to fit everything in and then of course also do a whole bunch of editing as well so it's all getting a little bit crazy now everything's kind of getting crammed in I wish I could sort of push my Japan trip back by like a week or two but it's currently booked and as far as I'm aware it's still going ahead so yeah are there any American cars I would consider owning yeah there are I mean I I wish the c7 had come in right-hand drive the Corvette I love that I also had a hell of a time so I've been driving some American classics recently so and a lot of people have spoken about doing more classic reviews on the channel and there are there's about seven or eight classic car reviews all coming out in July July is gonna be a great month for classic car fans so you're on Class A Car content there's gonna be loads of that coming up on the channel so please do tune in for it because a lot of people don't and I wouldn't I'm not gonna say that I'm gonna stop doing classic reviews if the if they don't get watched cuz I just review what I like to review and that's always been my policy and always will be but if more people watch it it's great because it makes it much easier to justify doing that sort of stuff okey dokey so Michael spotted Laurie in my new intro is he gonna be in videos regularly now no probably not but I thought it very fitting to put him in the intro considering the major contribution that he's made to the channel in its early days and it's a great picture and I really like it so I wanted I wanted the the pictures in the channel intro to kind of represent some of the progression that I've made over the years so I thought I was a fitting thing to put in there okay alright so my thoughts on the clear of these six well as it happens in about two weeks time if things go to plan I will be driving a clearer v6 and I will be reviewing it so watch this space clear v6 is gonna happen phase two I think I think okay what do we got here oh and also points out that you can now get a late r8 v10 plus for less than eighty thousand pounds I know it's another car I thought about rather than getting the Ferrari but it's just not there especially not as a special it's still a little lovely thing of course okay if I could head off in the 550 tomorrow for a last-minute long-distance roadtrip where would I go hmmm I would like to go to Scotland in it oh no I am gonna take it to Scotland because it's just born to go out there it really is okey dokey alright here's a good one from Thanos did I think that revealing the friar would change the way people would see the channel or me umm I worried that it would like that's why I kind of took pains to try and point out the fact that having the Ferrari isn't gonna change what the channel is or what the channel is about or anything else it's just an extra thing I mean if anything it's a motivator you know it's got finance on it so I need to keep making those payments and you know I've got to work for it and I got to feed it and all that stuff and drunker I feel today to be fair but you know that's part of the enjoyment right no I'm worrying about fuel driving it you've got to just enjoy it that's that's the main thing so no I'm sure there'll always be some people that are sort of judge me harshly for having a Ferrari but that's a shame that you know I know that the people that have been here on the channel for a long time will hopefully know by now that the what I own doesn't really influence the channel all that much to be perfectly honest okay would I ever buy a Tesla or another energy car yeah I would yeah it's a decent runabout I would I mean the model three performance was an incredible things seriously crazy fast car I like the Kia near that was a nice car and I do have another I've got a Kia Soul Eevee which is gonna be the second generation Sol the first electric car I ever drove was the original sole so it's gonna be interesting to see how far forward that has come so Gabe or asks what Alfa Romeo would I own if you were going to make me buy an alpha again Julia Quadrifoglio really like those they're cool cars which is best there any mx-5 or a Mach 3 mr2 also have I tried a clear 197 no I haven't tried a clear one and seven I've got a clear 200 coming up for a review at some point in the near future I really like the mx-5 I wasn't a huge fan of the mark 3 mr2 when I drove it it has to be said but I would like to drive another so I think it deserves reevaluating the modified mr2 that I drove was fun but then it's I mean it had a v6 in it so it's so so different for a mobile I think it's not necessarily fair to judge it Duncan asked would I be interested in trying a Zoe yes I very much would and I have actually already booked in a review of a Zoe so that's that's happening that's happening already so climbing actually Chloe's gone shopping for an esprit and twice bought something else and actually clothi I'm with you on that one I have gone looking for an Esprit i-i-i found years ago i managed to save up some money so i had about 15 grand or so which was way more than I'd ever spent on a car before my dream car was turbo Esprit like early 80s grr turbo spray and you could get on for about 15 grand then and I had this money and I was like I could buy that or I could buy as if for him and my stepmom was selling as a trim so there's a really nice different coupe a for sale and I was like that would be the sensible thing to buy but I should also try out the Esprit because my dream car I phoned this carriage up was a cool car wasn't probably the spirit of bought but it looked nice it was silver with red wheels and it had been owned by one guy I've liked seventeen years and they'd got it in I phoned them up on it the Monday and said all can I come down on Thursday and drive the car they said yeah sure but it's just having some work done wallet you know and I thought well that's surprising minutes having work done because they've already had this car for like six months that I know of and they are then throwing them up on Wednesday evening just to check that I could still come down in the morning they were like yeah sorry the car's still being worked on and I thought well hang in a minute you've had this car for six months and it's being worked on all week by what is wrong with this car and I just decided like look this is no I can't afford it something's gonna go wrong it's gonna cost me a fortune no Carl is popping to open with to Spa in November with open track yeah if I could I will come along I don't know if I will be though I will see a good one from Ian am I still a hundred percent a one-man band or do I have an assistant help them with any aspects on my channel with this usually somebody helping so if I'm filming a review there'll be somebody helping either it'll be the owner of the car or have a couple of people that I uses camera people my girlfriend's been helping a lot recently as well because you know that's kind of been the easiest way to do things and you know stick with the rules and why jazz she's done a little bit of editing as well I would say it's not a hundred percent one-man band it's like 80 percent kind of me doing stuff but that I need help a lot of time you know because to get all these drive-bys and things like you have help so usually it's the owner of the car but yes sometimes it's not if it's a Carl I've got from a dealer from a manufacturer or whatever it'll either be a friend of mine driving or it'll be me driving with my girlfriend filming or something like that so yeah okay do I think I could get it do you think I could get a decent comfortable ride if you went from an eighteen-inch hours to a 20 and trying to drag your ex see that's quite a specific question Ian it's not gonna improve the ride and the XE is quite stiff as it is so I would try and stay with the 18s if you can which is more thrilling the Lotus Exige 410 or 430 or 91.1 gt3 that is easy that is the Lotus the 91.1 gt3 is an incredible car brilliant fantastic and compared to nearly anything else it's a phenomenally engaging exciting car but the Lotus is just that much more thrilling it really really is Clive I'm glad you're coming around to the idea of me being a Ferrari owner what am i thoughts on the Aston signal whatever of you want and yeah definitely review a signet bizarre car strange idea and yeah ridiculously expensive really really crazy expensive okay what's my guilty pleasure cat Oh car okay I'll tell you something I drove a bunch of old American stuff recently and I drove this Oldsmobile which I really should hate thumping great big engine no power no speed loads of noise slushy magical automatic gearbox and it was great just so lazy so wobbly so soft it was just a nice thing to just poodle about and it was hilarious I loved it so that reviews coming out soon welcome Ben Zeena recognized you from a lot of the comments so yeah thanks for thanks for joining would ever defect to a car magazine like car Wow it's unlikely I don't think they want me I'm a bit of a diva okay I am Freya are thinking of getting Mercedes AMG GT are have I reviewed it no I haven't reviewed an AMG GTR but I have driven one very briefly my thoughts were that it was an incredibly fast car felt quicker even than them suggests they're very agile very dirty but very very stiff as a track car I'm sure it's incredible as a road car it felt to compromised for me how was my might my takeaway of it yeah yeah I me and hoovy do have some degree of crossover it would seem it's quite funny like sometimes I've bought cars like the 7 Series for example I think he bought his annoyingly I hadn't revealed that I'd bought mine by the time that he revealed that he bought his so you know would have looked like I was kind of copying here when actually it's just coincidence silly minds think alike evidently so how am i interested in driving the new Ford Puma hmm not not especially must be said I want to drive an old Ford Puma and somebody has emailed me about doing that so that's what I'm hoping to do when do I think the 911 will go hybrid that is a good question I suspect in the next five years I think we're gonna start seeing the first hybrid 911s in the third in the next sort of five years pretty much that that I think would be likely okay now somebody asked a good-ass tomato question oh it's about dv7 Vantage yellow mile db7 or high mile v8 Vantage I was about to say I haven't driven a tv7 I actually have but it was so long ago that I don't think I can remember anything with any degree of accuracy the v8 Vantage is a hell of a lot of value for money my buddy Steve is really enjoying his I keep getting updates on it he loves that and I love it too it's a cracking car I would happily happily have one to dart about in how come I had the veto 7-series for such a long time but I've only done one video there are some more videos coming out on it and it is gonna be in a for sale soon because I need it I need it out the way yeah I need it absolutely out of the way do I think the UK should have a raised speed limit um yes I do yes I do I think the motorway speed limit is horrendously low it should be 80 in line with most of the rest of Europe because that's what everyone does anyway though yeah so Clive yes there are more classic reviews coming yes I loved that Citroen - yes that Citroen ds4 fan favourite it would seem not a lot of people watched the video but the people who watched it absolutely loved it and I there's a chap as well got in touch me has got an SM so I hope that I'm gonna be doing that at some point and yeah I yeah adored it okie dokie am I going to be doing a few twin tests with the 550 yes I am I am already making plans to do 550 versus the first-generation vanquish and yeah are you do want to do against a nine and six turbo although I'd really like to do it against a 993 turbo but 903 turbo values are obscene so I think the chances of finding one of those is is a bit nuts yeah is the 2020 rs6 of ample worth the money that is a question that is explored in more detail in my rs6 Avant review what I think of Ferraris that are not raw so course I think Ferraris that are not raw so of course are even cooler than Ferraris that are Rosso Corsa it depends very much on the Ferrari as well because some Ferraris I think don't suit Rosso Corsa some absolutely do for example a 308 to me has to be Rosso Corsa that's kind of the toads got to be a 550 looks good even brainy in very many different colors and the 550 is a GT car as well really suits some of the more subtle colors the Tour de France blue it looks gorgeous in Green's it looks stunning as well and it can work with the wilder hues as well the rustic or so there's a few giallo more than the ones out there the yellow all that sort of stuff so you know say something like three five five so wheelers wheels have just mentioned that you know they look amazing in yellow I've got a soft spot for those again they look good in their sort of different colors to black I don't think sees them so much because you lose the lines of the car they look pretty good in red but red is not my favorite color for a 355 at all it really really varies depending on the car Portofino again actually I originally was kind of annoyed that I was getting a silver one but actually the silver color really really grew on me yeah do I still have my Honda s2000 yes I do yes I did so why used-car so cheap in the UK that's a great question isn't it we're a pretty throwaway culture really we have this obsession with always having new stuff and we're also we quite stupid people actually the number of people that I know that will spend thousands and thousands of pounds to save hundreds and hundreds of pounds is absolutely staggering the number of people that all change into the the latest thing all makes silly decisions based on saving a couple of hundred quid of tax a year or a few mpg when they don't even do the miles is just absolute madness so yeah I find it very very obvious and we always want stuff that's quite new so it's a very unfortunate I I would much rather see and I think it'll be better and for the environment as well actually if we had cars that lasted generally a lot longer I think that would legitimately be a better way about to do things okay so Matt what I think about the EU being able to control the speed of the car in future I mean I don't really care as long as you can turn the speed limiter off that's fine by me Marcus I've been out enjoying this Fiat coupe a there's a weird car isn't there the Fiat coupe I still need to review on a couple of people haven't got to touch me with about doing what I do really try and get a ruler while I was good odd car I got a lot of fond memories of the Fiat coupe a but I had a sick my dad had three of them but the one I remember was a 16-valve turbo that he had chipped you know it was a crazy weird thing to do and I had a stereo with a remote in it and I loved that stereo stereo where I'm working in a car I mean pointless completely pointless but cool I loved it Owen doesn't like look at the Portofino so yeah so am i planning any long trips on the 550 yes yes I am and yeah absolutely 100% a lifetime goal is going to be to take my Ferrari to the factory especially when the model is called that Maranello I think it has to be taken back to Maranello obviously you'll all be invited to join me for that one way or another and I want to try and make it as special as I can and I really want to try and do something nice like get a couple of people out there would say other models of different years so see if we can get like you know a few different Ferraris out there try make a bit of a convoy of it if I can persuade for our UK to maybe lend me an 8 12 I know a couple of people with a 599 so we could do a little trip you know 555 - 9 8 12 I think would make a really really good good lineup yeah have you ever thought about reviewing a Time Attack car or a track I mean I'm I mean I would it will be interesting to do I mean I'm not the best track driver so I don't know what I could say about it but it would be fine it will be an experience for sure do I like the idea that in a few decades will be driven around in cars on autonomously um I like the idea of being able to drive a car when I want to drive it but I'll be completely honest I have done so many journeys in my life where if someone said to me I can press a button and the car will just do it for me and I can have a bit of an Apple watch some TV I would completely do that I would just 100% I would I would go for that there are so many journeys that are not exciting I would rather not drive them at all it's as simple as that so you see what we got quite a few people have a bit of love for the Fiat coupe a hour out of the three Renault spot weekends which is the one that I've driven that was my favorite it would be the new one actually Carl the the I mean I keep calling it the Renault Sport three but it's knit every one keeps telling me that I'm wrong then the new one the one point a that was the one it was the steering that sold it really and the the the the one I really didn't like the 252 65 to 75 even though I owned one of them was probably a while I didn't but yeah I I liked your one the old one there are 26 shaped one that was kind of fun and they're really good value for money even if they're not the best built things but yeah the new one was quite special quite different and I hoot to drive absolutely wheeler-dealers what do I think of it it's an interesting program I much prefer the much folk RSOs for my for my car TV is Lotus going to make a 2021 Evora yeah probably probably who knows what platforms are used for editing a good question I've been playing around with editing software a lot recently actually seeing for a change I'm currently using Adobe Premiere Pro and as flawed as it is it still seems to offer the best blend of all the things that I need so I tried DaVinci Resolve and I got angry with that after about 20 minutes I tried going back to avid and that didn't want to work with the footage that I had so yeah that's yeah that's that's what I'm using at the moment how old brexit increase the prices of cars for us I don't think it's gonna be that that dramatic to be honest okay and Xena Paul thank you for your offer I will almost certainly take you up on that try and organize some stuff around modern do I have any plans to review and r34 GTR yes I do I have plans to review and our 32 33 34 and a 35 and I'd like to try and do that all in the same week and in fact that's a good reminder I need to get in touch with the guy with the 33 because they're the same person as a 32 34 to 35 and 32 in the 34 are incredibly special cars so I need to I need to sort that out I'm very excited about that because there's a real childhood dream cars as well okay how about a Nissan 300zx twin-turbo near review yeah if I could get a hold of one I would simple as that do I rate the current m3 competition no easy rhinos made a reference it do I fancy buying a cheap damaged but repairable Diablo which I suspect is a reference to the recent incident on Top Gear where Perry McGinnis crashed a Diablo driving in his words at 35 mile an hour on the North York roads now I was on the North York Moors how we can a bit ago and I I was driving and I wasn't driving at 35 and there was no oil on the road anywhere and I find it very difficult to believe that he would have just completely slid off the road at 35 even if you hit some oil that I find a little bit difficult to believe personal or you don't about you all but that's my take on it evey Elise will it happen in the next five years well it happened 10 years ago didn't it Tesla roadsters just Annalise wouldn't electric motor in it what did I shoot in mark what do you mean what did I shoot in TV camera for at wise I'm not quite sure I've read that correctly what do I think of air called Porsches they are overpriced they are definitely I enjoy them they're very cool the very relaxing goal they're the sort of car that you know I drive one and I'd be like yeah I'd happily own one of these until I realize that I mean so there was a 993 turbo s on collecting cars and it was up the last time I checked I don't know if he even made its reserve but it was a two hundred and seventy thousand pounds which is why like quadruple more than quadruple what I paid my 550 which is like what I I mean yeah just okay like sure if you say so all right any interesting things I found when looking through the history of my 550 um not really nothing crazy the seats have only been refurbished like the once I think and which is kind of amazing all right [Music] okay so Sparky reason point says he was also driving when the next day 2:22 NER 41 of those dropped the oil yeah I got an email from a producer last few months ago actually it must be maybe maybe earlier asking if I could put them in touch with the owner of the xj220 that I featured on on my channel and seeing the xj220 on top gear I can't help wonder if that guy was then working for Top Gear working for the Beeb because that seems quite likely doesn't it have I driven any nobles no I haven't I really want to but I yeah I would like to but I haven't yet as something a really box I need to take off because when I was at school you know about 15 years ago nobles were who really cool what do I think of beers for build getting so this is channel in the States could be as we build the guy rebuild stuff and he was doing a very interesting project where he was creating an Eleanor the car from gone in 60 seconds and he was basically taking the body of a classic Mustang and put it onto a modern Mustang which is quite interesting and all the videos got taken down and the studio took the car back and I think he's very silly because he should have done his research and he should have known that Eleanor is a piece of intellectual property and that you know if you're gonna do something you need to pay people money because there are other companies out there that pay a lot of money to license these things you know like a Bullitt Mustang that sort of stuff you know it's a licensed thing so you know he's American and you should know how much they like to sue the hell out of each other over there so yeah you should have known about that okay mark what format was my shooting in the early days I shot a lot of HD cam and then it was all digital stuff after that okay would I do a TV I'll grab the review yes I absolutely would if I could I won't always want to do a TV are of you always happy to do TVR reviews okay do people look at me more in the Ferrari or in other stuff that I've owned I think maybe they looked at me more in the in the Lotus than the Ferrari prick is bright yellow it's a bit loud and sort of stuff but the Ferrari gets the Ferrari gets a lot of looks okay so the question here is not a controversial question from wheelers wheels are the r8 or gt3 supercars I would say the r8 is and I would say the gt3 is not okay for 20 grand ish for an f-type would I get a low mile v6 or a v8 or Maserati GranTurismo 4.2 I wouldn't get the Maserati I think the 4.2 is gonna be a disappointment I would get a high mile v8 f-type the v6 f-type is pointless don't understand it at all okay as I'm a 550 driver now and it's not very good on you do I Drive it as a daily you know could I could I justify it as a daily I mean I use it when I want to the 550 I drive it like a did the Lotus if I'm going to enjoy the journey if it's going to be an enjoyable Drive I will drive the 550 but in all fairness with the weather being so nice at the moment I am just as happy if not happier to take the Honda route because why wouldn't you it's a great lovely car hi Dan welcome have I driven a ditomasso no I haven't demystify is thinking of getting in pb-7 is they're very cheap well I gave her a 6 under 12 a manual or an auto well I definitely gave her a manual and although my initial feeling would be to go for the v12 I actually I kind of think that the did straight-6 the supercharged one would be kind of fun to try I really want to get a DB 7 on the channel at some point and I'm fortunate the prices of them have gone up quite a lot but yeah my temptation would be for the for the straight-6 which is what it was originally designed as an ian callum I think really did prefer that what's my favorite kit car I I did enjoy the gt40 gt40 is a lot of fun Dan any plans review Alexis LC 500 yes I have reviewed Alexis LC 500 search on youtube you'll find it ok have I seen soap car restoration yes I have yeah yeah great guy his name escapes me but yeah really talented amazing high quality productions are very cool guy ok alright so you see f150 lightnings honestly I I can't comment I can't comment I know nothing nothing Michael have I ever been screwed over by a car dealer or garage yes several times opinion on older Lamborghinis like the diablo i yet diablo is still one of my dream cars I desperately want to drive one Countach does nothing for me the Miura I think is very very beautiful but the prices people want now are just stupid yeah Diablo I really really lost after but I do worry that would be a dummy Tijeras moment that does worry me how did I convinced my wife to let me buy a Ferrari easy don't have a wife teeps oh thank you thank you very much thank you very much yeah that's and as you the fact you have patience would imply the UM factor one of our our lovely emergency services or whatever all right you know at key workers wherever in the world you are so so thank you very much okay try to get my hands on an Opel Ascona four hundred I wouldn't I wouldn't even know where to start with that one to be quite honest the atleast heritage good value in what color what to be fair any Elise is always good value the special editions do tend to hold their money Lotus haven't done a special edition in a while and there is a chance that the Heritage might be some of the last special editions to come out on the Elise and I think I would be tempted right now to to be looking at buying in lease because they are you are going to be getting one of the last you really are race very special thing so Matthew has just bought himself an old Citroen c2 as his first car I think that is a great choice for a first car I spent a lot of miles the first car I sort of did real miles in was my mom bought a Citroen c4 2007 one that was again I loved it the c2 is a good car nothing wrong with c2 at all well it's pretty loads wrong with the c2 to be fair but as first car great choice good man is there an alternative to the Elise the 4c or the Alpine a110 no not really there's not a lot of stuff it's a very small category that I mean you'd have to sort of go back really to stuff that's not for sale anymore stuff like the Renault Sport Spyder those sort of weird things Rob what's done my top three classic buys I still think that the Lotus excel is criminally undervalued the Esprit seems to quite good buy at the minute and in fairness you know actually having just done a load of reviews of classic American stuff from a European perspective in particular those classic American cars actually quite good value compared to like the European equivalents like you're paying silly money now for old Jags and things so yeah what I think of the styling of the new c8 Corvette I am I am Not sure I'm not sure it works I think as a styling exercise much prefer the c7 but I haven't seen one in the flesh yet so that could change everything okay have I ever driven and reviewed a concept car well technically yes I did the Audi q7 v12 which was a production car but the one that I drove was owned by Audi UK and it was what they called the exclusive concept so it had loads and loads of leather in it and it had like a wooden boot floor so it's done like a speedboat like a Riva type thing and it even had wood on the back of the seats it was in a four-seater configuration so there's no middle seat in the back and I was like a 50,000 pound option it was gonna be and I don't think they actually sold any because it was gonna be like one hundred and fifty five thousand pound car like 13 years ago so that was a yeah that was officially a concept car and that was quite cool views on the month one Scirocco I haven't driven one so I couldn't say but they look nice what's gonna happen with a with move McLaren who can say who can say okay my thoughts on French cars in general are they all as bad and unreliable as Top Gear says well no they you have to take each one on a case-by-case basis there's loads of French cars that are pretty good pretty robust to me even stuff like I mean I did a sort of jokey video on it like that the the Peugeot 307 like stuff falls apart on them but they're overall pretty unkillable like if someone came to me being like I want a cheap car it's a muck about a night 3:07 is like you could do a lot worse you could do a hell of a lot worse than the 307 Oh Julian Aston Vantage or Maserati for 200 grand sport if the agent price are the same I've not done the Grand Sport all the for 200 my initial my initial thought would be to say the Aston give me more of an event but there's a lot to be said for the Grand Sport I have to say okay all right here's a good one steady red after 9/11 week he's thinking about buying a 907 dot - carrera - but is he gonna be disappointed duck driving turbo cars for the last 10 years or so are the maintenance costs going to [ __ ] me well steady red what are the turbo cars that you've been driving over the last 10 years so then I can tell you what's you know what your expectations should be with visibly performance running costs and and all that sort of stuff thoughts on an original 2.5 Boxster yeah if you get it cheap enough it'll be it'll be a fun car because it's got a five-speed gearbox and as well just like I'm killable gearbox I think and yeah if you're not fussed about going fast cuz you're not going to go fast in the original Boxster it can be a support for not a lot of money at all so I should get it make sure it doesn't need anything big doing and just drive it into the ground yeah okay so my thought one of my thoughts on the low production number in Lamborghinis such as the gal per the Espada knows that the apsara a weird car I don't like the look at the Espada at all it's I mean I've been really fascinated watching Harry's garages series on the engine rebuild all that sort of stuff but the gel / I think is an interesting car the Urraco is an interesting car I would love to try a gel / in particular I'd love to have a go out so yeah did I ever go to Top Gear filming no I didn't know I didn't a chap I know who's got a channel Gamila corner he did go and he I think he did a video on what it was like so yeah what is the worst color interior ever my opinions on interiors have changed quite a bit in the last few years it must be said because I used to just be like I just want just want black you know however I think I really don't like some of the fabric stuff like like brown velour yeah that's make of 70s isn't there brown velour interior that'll be awful that's pretty bad ah aftermarket warranties worth it yeah if they're good ones if there's a legit decent company yes they can be why is it the in UK we see a lot of fast versions of normal cars when in the Netherlands they don't get many is it just the price I think that's a big part of it I think I think that's a very big part of it Matt is loving the channel thank you very much and he's just unsubscribed from Archie's channel I tell you the last video I watched of Archie's I was really disappointed out because it was a video where his dad had a 550 and really nice 550 with a decent pedigree to it it was Ross bronze car and then Rod Stewart owned him and I yeah I watched the video hoping I would learn something interesting because they're so few videos out there on 550's am I learned nothing when I was a bit disappointed about that I know he was being very gentle on the car because it was up for sale but I hoped and glean some information from him about it Bo it was not to be okay have I driven a 512 TR no I haven't would love to drive no Testarossa or TR or even an M but yeah what cars do I remember as being ubiquitous once but now nowhere to be seen I mean ol Viesturs surely used to see those everywhere Vauxhall cavalier the world was covered in Vauxhall cavalier as it seemed like and now I can remember the last time I saw one okay so here we go are there over 45 reliable cheap cars there probably are by now or to be fair they probably are and if something breaks on it probably going to be quite cheap do I have any recommendations for a sub 3000 pound first car get something French at 307 me go a 307 Bay you're done hmm have I driven the Lotus Carlton yes I have there is a review on it go and check it out if you want to know more about it okay until actually cloudy's just mentioned something and it's sent me on a completely different tangent people were talking about interiors does anybody remember the baseball glove interior that Audi did on earth was it a 2nd gen TT it may be the first gen TT yeah that was crazy with the big stitching and stuff and it was designed to look kind of like a baseball glove that was mad that was the Germans going a bit strange that really was odd okay so who is my least favorite youtuber that I'm not going to say that I'm not going to say for obvious reasons yeah the Sousa V across oh my there are some really odd cars on there the there's one on the top gear the Mitsubishi use at the Pajero pin in the built by Pininfarina yeah although that being said the 456 the first four five six then pre modificator version was also built by Pininfarina and built them quite well i think so there were decent cars do I want a reviewer 1.2 Fiat Panda I kind of do I kind of do a Vectra GSI oh yeah that was yeah I mean you to be fair let's be honest here like a voxel saloon car the Ford voxel saloon cars they were the mainstay of Britain for so so long and now they're just they're just gone I mean saloon cars was so good for so many reasons I mean the boots on some of these cars they were cavernous fantastic things and now you just you just don't see them I mean I did the Accord review which which I put out today and yeah I did the Honda Accord review and that was the sort of car you used to see a lot of and now you don't I just noticed a comment here from from Nick the the poor bastard who changed my s-class spark plugs yeah sorry Nick sorry well hey the guys Alex Crowe are really nice and he looked after my car really well so yeah I would love to do a c-32 AMG review because it's one of the gaps so I've done the C 43 and I've done the C 55 and I've done the the see the w204 with the 6.2 the c63 so I need to do the c32 to sort of fill the gap as it were and I've even done the 190e which I guess you could sort of see as the predecessor and I then need to do the modern c63 with the 4 litre so yeah I'd love to I just need to find one Sierra Cosworth Stewart asks any chance of a menorah review yes have already well I I did a vxr8 review so I haven't done a Holden I would love to but yeah if I was gonna mod a BMW m135i what would I do besides a remap I would take it to birds and I would get their suspension kit on it that is that is precisely what I would do that is what it needs Marc have a lovely evening what do I think will happen to jlr well the land rover bit of it I think is going to be okay for a while the Jianghu a bit seems to be in a bit of trouble and I don't know what they're going to do they desperately desperately need that straight-6 to get in more cars an f-type with that straight-6 in it I think would be an awesome piece of kit and that would be really really cool how I ever driven the car of somebody famous that's a good question and I'm not sure that I have yeah not sure that I have um strugglin thing no don't think so don't think so however driven a manual f-type no I haven't sadly annoyingly they didn't really do any exciting specs with the manual which seemed to defeat the point entirely of offering the manual at all they've done a v8 manual f-type laughs would be exciting but they didn't so yeah always gone what cars did my parents drive while I was growing up there's a real mixed bag actually my mum had some estates I recall there was a there was a Mercedes ML there was a horrible car there was an a-class the first gen a-class the long-wheelbase one he was in a 170 diesel dad had a bunch of different things there was a couple of nine eleven thousand nine nines at 99 996 c4 there was a 997 c2 s in about 2005 there was some Jags that had an S type and he had an ex Kor it's been a mix of cars really some vans mom had a Boxster for a little bit 96 yeah there's been a variety different things really I've been quite lucky my parents are quite better IT people okay so David likes the affordable car of use and don't worry David I am gonna continue doing affordable car reviews all the time because I love doing them as well okay so do I think the new defender will be a success probably yeah probably people seem to be buying these things on mass anyway so yeah I I mean it probably would have been a bit more success if it was launched than a different time but there's not really much Jaguar and Land Rover could have done to predict you know all of this stuff from happening so not really their fault okay benzy Nepal thing so you do a 4x4 week that would be quite interesting the the really unnecessary you know 4x4 was that that would be quite fun so yeah okay Jeff thank you glad glad you're enjoying watching I do love doing the live chats though I mean they there are some questions that keep today it's been good today's been good actually I haven't been too many questions cropped up like where's the silica and all I guess I know someone's going to ask that now are they just to be difficult yeah Sparky oh yeah my dad definitely have more interesting cars than Oh 1934 cadet although my dad's dad my granddad had some really odd cars had a load of voxels because they did live in Luton at the time and I'm pretty sure my granddad when he was in America had a Renault Fuego turbo of all things so yeah midlife crisis doesn't really like Lambos Island the early stuff uh what's my favorite Batmobile Oh the Tim Burton one I think yeah the 1989 Batman one yeah David yeah sleek AST yeah honestly I mean that the Subarus are much faster car than the sleek is but I don't buy the cars for their speed anymore because I mean I I was driving an Audi s1 earlier this earlier this afternoon and honestly on a back road way faster than my Ferrari and that's completely not the point but that's just you know that's the way it is so mods would like to see the Yaris gr4 compared with the sleeker GT for I would love to do that would I review a Dodge Ram srt10 yes yes I would yes I absolutely would okay Anthony is thinking of buying a 430 cup if you're thinking of buying a 430 cup if you're in the UK can you please buy my friends off of him because it's a very good car and it means he'll get another car which means I can I can get something else to review concern about noise on track though which is a very valid concern the best fix for it yes so there's two fixes for it you could either get Lotus do now do I found out they do an official track exhaust for the cars which is about 2,000 quid and that will get you on any track like it's really quiet I'll get you on track or coma tech are working on a like a little pipe to fit to the back and exhaust is not available yet from the titanium exhaust but they're working on something so that I would use and then the car on track is going to be incredible absolutely awesome what could I directly compared to the silicon well what the Ford have been at the time because there I remember that the salika was a really expensive car in the UK you had the impress the turbo 2000 and that was like 20 grand and then I think was it the escort RS escort cosworth was about 25 and the sleeker was like 30 grand so those would be that the cars to compare with how's my s2000 getting on s2000 is great why do movies get car physics so wrong what what's been on grass well because they get all of physics wrong in films at TVs it is I think here's a thought view completely not car related right so there's a whole bunch of stuff in movies that happens that's just part of like movie physics in a movie world and a lot of it we just kind of take for granted and some of it I can understand why they think they would they would get away from it or get away with it because how would you know like for example I didn't realize until my friend told me that with a train or anything like that you know there's always that scene in the film where they uncoupled the train and then it you know the carriage goes away on its own down a cliff or something you like well actually the minute you uncouple a train or anything the brakes automatically applies so that wouldn't work but I wouldn't know that cuz I haven't driven trains and it's only because I've got a friend who drives trains and H TVs that I know that buy here's the thing there's always a scene in a film normally an action film or a horror film or something where there's someone's trying to get away from the killer or they're trying to chase the killer or something and there's a you know there's a lift and and the lift doors close and and someone gets to the bungee they just miss it now I don't know about you whenever you get in the lift if the doors are just closed and someone presses the button the doors just open again the doors just open again so I'm like [Music] so the really annoying car film is NEPA speed because they spent all this time doing so much stuff for real and then they did some really really unrealistic stuff like they're like we got a modified Ford Mustang 230 mile an hour on a track what you're like yeah that's not gonna happen and also they the guy he has this idea that the fastest way to get around any corner must be to drift and it's like not though is it it's not okay so yeah here we go what are the questions regards me going on a going on a rant favorite driving road I don't say what roads I enjoy driving because that's what I do all favourite car chase in a Bond film I mean it's my favorite Bond film so I have to say Goldeneye and you got to to choose from there because if you want the action you've got the tank chase which is quite spectacular or you've got the 355 and db5 at the start I mean a to like amazing cars like if you know that's that's pretty pretty cool will I ever okay so well Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul you need you need to do some research here good sir I have indeed driven a Renault Alpine GTA and I have done a review on it and I have driven a venturi atlantique 300 I'm very proud of that video because I was pretty much I believe and I haven't found anything to the contrary I was the first person to do a video review on a very in English for 20 years the last video the most recent video I could find on a venturi its a mix between Vicki Butler Henderson when she was still Top Gear or Richard Hammond when he was still on men and motors yeah oh do I have any particular favorite driving music yeah it has been hours before but I will do individual playlists for all the cars that I have it's a mix really between a bit of rock music and usually sort of 80s pop type stuff it varies depending on depending on what mood I'm in really so yeah am i tuner or do I prefer to keep it stock um I enjoy the odd tasteful modification that will enhance a car but it really I don't want to do anything crazy to a car really so let me see how many times did Brian shift in his Eclipse in the opening scene of fast and furious yeah all the times all the times Oh best bang for buck car sub 5 grand not Gary a GTO no way EP 3 is not a bad shout from the Accord I drove the other day you wouldn't get all this for 5 grand but you get something like it for 5 grand that was a hell of a lot of fun Subarus a great shout 5 grand but there are really high maintenance like something big is going to break on those so a Honda is gonna be a much safer bet in that regard what is my favorite movie of all time Robocop do I prefer to drive a stock car for review or a tuned one it doesn't matter really it's sometimes it's interesting to drive both if it's a particularly important car prefer to drive standard first where I can but yeah it's it varies it really really varies why is the exceed not the super cop that's a really good question it's a really really very good question so I think the Exige is not not expensive enough to be a supercar I don't think it's exotic enough the engine being relatively humdrum doesn't doesn't help it the numbers it produces although some of them are impressive although I think they're BS numbers are not good enough to be a supercar but there's a lots about it that is very supercar it's why I always used to say my Evora was like 2/3 supercar because it looks like a supercar it sounds like a supercar it drives like a supercar it's just not as fast as a supercar or as expensive and that really is kind of what stopped it from being a member of that Club yeah thoughts on a 9-9 11.2 c2s which which 911 you need to tell me which 911 there yes Simon points out that I did once have a very heavily modified m3 and and I enjoyed the m3 and it was set up for the track but I was always worried about you know some of the parts that were on it being very expensive and what if they broke they'd be difficult to replace and all this jazz so yeah yes 'muslim you find a tommy kaira Zed Zed I am on it ok so ok John George a John it's just Jay it's Jay Wilson is rebuilding an 8 valve into growley would I do a look-alike martini edition or just go factory original I I think I would probably go factory original with that that'll be my my my my guess did I watched Robocop as a kid yes I did I was partly traumatized by it but it's also an awesome film do I think in évora before the 400 is worth a Buy yeah I do especially so the sport racers because they were really well sorted cars by then an S Sport racer is a very good buy a very decent thing Lewis is looking for a half-decent first cars got a bit of poke but a semi practical would a v6 alpha 1 5 9 be a good choice no no no new [Music] they're not practical they're not fast they're heavy they're terrible on fuel and they have a lot of problems a lot of problems don't do it new I mean get if you can if you want to go for that sort of route monday OST 200 or 220 something that that would be where I have more more go what does the 600 LT like to drive obviously there is a video about that it's a great car to drive very exciting it's not the most planted it's better than the 570 the 570 has this really weird thing where you especially when you're getting at really high speeds like two triple digits the the rear of the car becomes very very uneasy and I'm surprised very few reviews I mentioned it and the car does not inspire confidence a normal Road speeds like below 6070 like it's fine it's super fun really responsive but yeah it just it gets unsettled and it's a not confidence-inspiring which is a shame the super series cars are much much better the 600 lt's more planted the single girl tease should sound better it's pretty one of the better sounding MacLaren's but all of them sound like garbage it's got some drama to it with the fire at the back not that it can do that much anymore and also with my buddies 600 LT it just does not steer as good as the 570 did that's a shame that's a real shame benzene appalled I am already on at least one of those cars so how am I paid to wear those shirts and no I'm not no I'm not BMW e60 m5 prices in the future I think ultimately they will go up but I don't anticipate them going up by much because they're always gonna be haunted by stories of the gearbox braking the rod bearings and the engines going and the they are obscenely thirsty there that's always going to haunt them dog or cat person I'm a cat person I used to hate dogs don't hate them anymore I judge dogs on a sort of dog by dog basis now so you know my default response used to be like dogs but now I'm much better now yeah okay so do I ever get recognized in public yeah not often not often buddy it does happen actually happened the other day I was at the supermarket and there was a guy they had an rx-8 and I was just admiring it and yeah he came up to me and he was like hey you're you're James Martin right no like yes yes that's me and actually I was at the supermarket on Friday and I parked next to an Alpine a110 the new one and I was looking in it and the guy came up and I was in the s2000 and he started talking about the s2000 he really liked that and I really liked his car and I was talking to him and he was like oh I've seen one of these cars because they're all there there's one there's another one that must live locally to me because I've seen it a few times he said oh well I've seen one online testing or something and I was like what do you mean and he's all those a review of it and I was on the roads locally and I was like yeah that's that was me reviewing it so so yeah yeah oh and I'm gonna look up that story about the McLaren yeah so okay all right thoughts on the transit trail I yeah I don't know I don't know anyway everyone I am quite tired because it has been a very very long day I am gonna go up I'm let's all go and look up this the Hayward McLaren incident although I did see pictures from from a chap his username is Mighty Mouse 24/7 on on Instagram and he was doing a top speed test day and a hare ran out in front of him at a hundred and ninety mile an hour not the hair wasn't the hair wasn't doing hundred ninety he was doing one hundred and ninety the hair not so much but he he hit the hair and it so the front of the McLaren you've got you know front nose cone and you've got the the the boot is like a plastic bin almost the hair went through the front of the car through through the front it went through the front of the boot it went through the back of the boot and yeah he was like a furry smoothie that kind of coated the battery like that was that made a mess like it was been armour-piercing yeah it was unreal like like firing a furry bowling ball your car and only to Jamal now as bad luck for him anyway thanks everyone for for joining me sorry it's been a shorter on this evening I'm gonna try and think of a theme for next week maybe I can even trial the whole mystery mystery review type thing because I've got some I've got an unusual car lined up that actually might be really really good so yeah so thanks everyone for joining in thanks for the donation and yeah stay safe everyone I've got a great Father's Day for those that are having Father's Day enlarged as and yeah Cheers
Channel: JayEmm on Cars
Views: 4,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JayEmm, Dream Garage, Ten Car Garage, Ferrari 550, TVR Tuscan, TVR Griffith, TVR Chimaera, Purple TVR, JayEmm's Garage, Live Stream, JayEmm Live, Classic Ferrari, Lotus Evora, Lotus Evora GT410 Sport
Id: fIBg9iy21m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 54sec (4674 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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