Jaws vs the Lyon 25
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Channel: ThrasherMagazine
Views: 15,793,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thrasher, Magazine, Thrasher Magazine, King Of The Road, Firing Line, Double Rock, Skateboarding, Skate, Kickflip, Hall of Meat, Full Part, Jaws, Aaron Homoki, Ali Boulala, Mike Burnett, French Fred, Clint Walker, Clive Dixon, Mike Gilbert, Kevin Barnett, Lyon, France
Id: 4GFIXrybfKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2016
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If you don't know much about skating, there's a bit of a story behind this video. This stairset was made famous by Ali Boulala's part in a classic skateboarding video called "Sorry". Sorry was utterly legendary, and pretty much every skater from a certain generation has seen it. It's like, oh I dunno, it's like Halo in the gaming community - that one piece of media that everyone has been exposed to.
Skate companies have teams of sponsored pros. In a skate video - like Sorry - each member of the team will have a 5-10min "part" where they showcase their skills, invariably with music in the background. The last trick of a part is called the "ender" and is usually the best one - something massive, insane, highly technical, whatever. It's where the skater shows off what they can do.
Ali Boulala's ender in Sorry was him attempting to ollie this very stairset. I dunno if this spot was completely unknown when he attempted it, but I sure as hell had never seen it before. Watching him even attempt it was unbelievable - nothing like that had ever been done. Boulala is a bit of a nutter, but this was insane even for him. The video showed him making several attempts at it, and just fucking himself up. Ripping clothes, breaking boards, slamming himself into the ground over and over. It was gob-smacking to watch.
Finally, his part ends with an attempt which looks like it's good; it looks like he's gonna make it. It's in slow-mo, and just as he's about to land it, the screen fades to black. In skating, if you don't roll away, the trick doesn't count. The video left it a bit ambiguous but everyone knew that he didn't make it. Since then, people have attempted it, failed many times, and some people have got badly hurt. This stairset has attained legendary status, because of Sorry.
Boulala is actually in this video - he's the guy with stubble and big frizzy hair. He has sort of hinted that, because Jaws grabbed his board rather than straight ollied it (without touching the board), it's not quite as impressive - which is true, grabbing does make it easier. He also pointed out that he was hungover and high during his attempts, while Jaws apparently was wearing armour or some shit under his clothes, and totally sober.
But yeah, this is a momentous video. That legendary stairset has finally been tamed. Now someone just needs to ollie it without grabbing...
Wow, I was really impressed with that fall. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised that professional skaters understand how to fall. But his rolls from the jumps are great, but that straight fall onto hard concrete at that height is really kind of amazing. Is that just raw experience, or do they have to actually train how to take a fall that size.
Based on 4 different attempts he had an average hang time of 1.06575 seconds. Disregarding the fact that he had upwards velocity at the top of the stairs, he approximately fell (at2 /2) 5.57 meters (18.27 feet), reaching a maximum velocity of ((2a(5.57))0.5) 10.46m/s (23.39 miles per hour). From that height, assuming the guy is around 68kg (150 pounds) he exerted 3716 Joules of energy (mgh). The G-force he encountered is a bit more iffy to calculate, however if his body didn't compress he would experience 5.57 G's (3716 N/(9.81*68Kg)), 9G's do damage to the body, and astronauts usually experience 3G's on take off.
Ive been waiting for someone to do this ever since Ali Boulala went for it and got slightly injured in the 50 Stairs in a Day video.
Well it's a melon but yeah.
He finally nails it at 9:33.
That's gotta be doing permanent damage to his knees, right?
Does anyone know how high this is compared to leap of faith?
The dude jumps off big shit for a living. Bonus videos: