JAWS BREAKDOWN: Steven Spielberg Details You Missed! | Deep Dive

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I can go slow ahead come on down and jump some of this shark still looks fake Steven Spielberg's Jaws was infamously plagued by production woes and at the top of that list was Bruce here a mechanical shark that broke down so often and looked so fake that Spielberg restructured his film on the Fly slashing Bruce's screen time and making Jaws a paranoid classic but Marty McFly's cynicism would prove to be unfounded in my opinion Spielberg's practical Creations will always be scarier than his digital ones why is that well it's because this film was so successful 10 times more of us have seen this thing doing seen an actual great white shark like when we think shark we think of this shot the Bruce is loose I'm Eric Boss and this is the Deep dive a channel that dives deep into the films you love to dredge up new treasures and Horrors that you may have never realized Jaws is one of my favorite films a film that when I was growing up my dad and I would watch together every summer reenacting scenes humming the John Williams theme as we swam around in the pool and just now after dozens of times watching this I discovered one two detail as to why I consider this the ultimate father-son movie I'm gonna get to that in a ton of other cool things about this movie so let's dive in over black we hear John Williams iconic score yep just two notes there F and F sharp the notes are so low you barely register the first two as if they're Two Steps From the Shadows that you might have just hallucinated then after that there are two sets dude and then a long pause then four now it's a Sprint it started subtle now it's inescapable John Williams uses a tuba for these notes even though normally for this pitch you'd use a French horn but it's because Williams wanted it to sound more menacing and Primal the two notes are intended to be the shark's heartbeat we can advertise the shark's presence or his attitude by how we manage these notes just very few notes now in the skinny dippy chat with Chrissy Spielberg shot this opening scene in day for night lighting which means filming in the daytime and coloring and shading it later to look like early Dawn so Chrissy's silhouette is perfectly visible the shots of the drunk guy on the beach meanwhile are shot at a different time of the day when the sun was low in the sky horror directors like Jordan peel what do you stay for night filming to great effect in movies like nope we see Chrissy swimming from below the shark's point of view creating a sense of dread which Spielberg Drew from the underwater point of view shots from the Creature from the Black Lagoon but yes Spielberg famously struggled shooting all the water scenes because rather than shooting in a tank in North Hollywood he insisted on shooting in the open ocean off the coast of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts since training live sharks would be impossible he built three prop sharks powered by pressurized air hoses these sharks nicknamed Bruce after Spielberg's lawyer Bruce Ramer put the saltwater damaged the shark's mechanisms so that it wouldn't move properly and often they couldn't shoot more than just four hours out of a 12-hour shoot day now Spielberg has attributed these struggles to his own perfectionism and it's about the ocean and trying to control nature essentially the hubris mayor Bond suffers from but Spielberg also considered it a blessing in disguise because he came up with ways to avoid showing the shark point of view shots actors getting dragged underwater by something the dorsal fin by itself and of course the yellow Barrels in fact it shifted this film from a Cheesy monster movie to a hitchcocky and suspense horror and impressive stunt performer Susan baclani self dunks she hyperventilates flails she screams Bloody Murder She prays and then the music cuts out and she's gone we don't see Percy just a few unsettling shots of Chrissy drags side to side by something below and by heightening the naturalism of the performance this lives on as one of the most frightening movie Death Scenes the dead quiet Horizon dissolves into the point of view of Chief Martin Brody played by Roy Scheider Brody has a fear of water and so just this Horizon in the reminder that he is on an island is a chilling sight to wake up to every morning I guess it's a childhood thing it's a it's a clinical name for it isn't it drowning and Brody is disoriented By the Light coming in from a different angle now that it's summertime after they bought this house in the fall the brodies are from New York making them Outsiders to Amity Island a source attention with the locals but also making Brody untethered to the business interests of the town and concerned only with safety the cocker spaniel sitting on their bed is Spielberg's real dog Elmer and like any dog in any movie and TV show you often see him looking back at Papa behind the camera and I love it Brody's son Michael comes in with his hand cut the first actual blood we see in the movie since we didn't see any blood with Chrissy foreshadowing the threat to Michael that will finally mobilize Brody to venture out into this aquatic nightmare in the second half of the film but here Brody is still out of his element Spielberg emphasizes this chaos with some subtle details I think you're gonna live in my life yeah a classic Spielberg divisive over talking because that's just how people talk and also I love how Brody picks up the wrong phone initially they have a household phone and an emergency police phone he doesn't know which ring is which yet all this showing Brody's struggle to adapt to Island life Brody's Deputy fine Chrissy's body and as we see Brody and the college kid react in the foreground the deputy in shock plays in the sand the Carnage caused by the shark reducing all these men to boys as birdie reacts to the corpse notice Spielberg frames him with the Horizon at the top of the frame an example of the fundamental cinematography advice he learned from John Ford depicted in the final scene of the Fable mids when the Horizons in the middle it's boring as Brody's secretary goes on about the trivial local problems it seems that the nine-year-olds from the school have been karate the picket fences and later as birdie passes the fence we do see those posts are all broken Brody asks them where they keep the beach close signs and his staff just stares at him blankly because it's a summer Town Amity literally has never closed the beaches they don't have signs for it Brody passes the medical examiner's office and that guy hurries out and The Amity Gazette office where the editor Meadows passes him Meadows is played by this movie's principal screenwriter Carl Gottlieb later we see the editor the medical examiner and the town business leader Gavin it up behind mayor Vaughn as Brody drives awake yes we see see how within seconds this town's power Brokers are scurrying the block Brody this corruption is the central conflict in the first half of the film and makes sense that Gottlieb would play a role in this conspiracy this film was based on the best-selling novel by Peter benchley after the rights were quickly brought up by Universal's producers they hired a 26 year old Steven Spielberg he was up baby and he had just directed his theatrical debut the Sugarland Express Spielberg was attracted to the project because it reminded him of his work and his TV movie Duel but instead of an inhuman Unstoppable semi truck the evil force of nature here would be the shark Peter eventually wrote the first drafts of the screenplay and he cameos in this movie as the beach reporter later but Carl Gottlieb did the final revisions he actually had to rewrite nearly every scene the night before they shot each one one of my favorite shots in this film is this Spielberg Warner on the ferry and it's very subtle for nearly two minutes Spielberg stays in one continuous shot showing Brody on the ferry with the car filled with mayor Vaughn Meadows medical examiner the business leader and the deputy driving onto that ferry to Corner Brody to pressure him to keep the beach open in that car by the way reads Vaughn Realty this is the mayor's company car so in addition to his political power this guy's also the point man for the real estate he's the one who put the brodies in the house where the sunlight blinds him in the morning in the summertime he screwed them over I literally just put that together this time watching the movie but back to this Warner rather than moving the camera Spielberg plants the camera on the ferry so that the background changes around them and then he moves the actors around first it's the mayor of the medical examiner and the News man ganging up on Brody the medical examiner says his piece and then he turns away in shame so now it's two on one and they move closer to the camera really the editor was brought on the ferry to appeal to the town's history and their lack of shark attacks but you know of course they were just never reported and then in the last shift mayor Von it takes Brody one-on-one closes the camera and he worries him about inciting a panic and Brody as someone afraid of water is literally trapped on a moving Island the word panic hits him because he is panicking and sovon successful in its Mission shows his dickishness with the hilarious punchline to this Wonder okay you can take us back now yeah the fairy Captain's pissed because they were practically at the other side now what follows is a master class in suspense filmmaking the Alex kittner attack Spielberg throws us off with red herrings and yellow herrings the guy with a dog wearing the yellow shirt Mrs kittner's yellow hat the yellow raft and Alex kittner's red swim trunks so we're looking around who's gonna be in the scene we come back to Brody and with each passing beachgoer the camera Cuts closer to him editor Verna Fields does an amazing job in this movie using passing people again to cut back and forth from birdie to Brody's point of view of the water and the effect is we feel like we are sitting on this crowded beach too scanning the water for any red flag I love how Spielberg defies the John Ford Horizon rule in the shot of the floating woman where what we think is a shark is actually Harry's swim cap that's some bad hat Harry and the Horizon is down the middle of the frame a clue that this is actually borrowing a and we don't need to worry about it we just see Spielberg using all of his visual tools here he uses split focus of the man bugging him in the foreground while the couple screams playfully in the background just showing how Brody is struggling to keep his eyes everywhere and then his wife Ellen calms him down but we see more boys including Brody's Sons heading into the water they're creating splashes that trigger the shark and then we know what happens nom nom nom nom nom Spielberg uses the deepest Dolly zoom on Brody a dolly Zoom is where he Dolly the camera in One Direction while adjusting the zoom lands in the opposite direction it's a technique used by Alfred Hitchcock and vertigo and it's come to convey the sensation of your stomach just dropping from dread Miss kittner calls for Alex her voice breaking and that shredded yellow raft washing up in the bloody water it's just the saddest movie image ever another little detail showing Brody's disorientation and Amity he bumps his head on the town accountant sign and as they enter the room notice that Blackboard is initially empty later when Quinn scratches it a doodle of a shark eating people has been drawn so I think Quint Drew this during the meeting biddingly he's gonna die from being eaten by a shark I love how Spielberg stays on Robert Shaw for a solid 43 seconds as Quentin goes from a Heckler in the back of the room to the only person everyone's looking at they'll find the shark for three but I'll catch it and kill it for 10 for that you get the head the tail the whole damn thing yeah so Robert Shaw was reportedly drunk and irritable for much of the production he picked fights with Richard Dreyfus he would leave set for Canada to avoid the IRS Shaw bases mannerisms on the local fisherman named Lynn Murphy who helped the production after being annoyed that their spray paint floated up on his boats so imagine that all these Outsiders from the city come to the island with their boats to work on their big project it Formed exactly the character of Quint who's annoyed with all the outsiders moving to Amity the character of Quint though is based on Captain Ahab for Moby Dick an unhinged sea captain obsessed with the elusive catch quint's original introduction to this story was going to be in a cinema as he watched Gregory Peck's 1956 Moby Dick film and laughed so loud that he drove everyone else out of the theater but Gregory Peck wouldn't release the rights to the film because he didn't like his performance in it but this introduction to Quint is way cooler and this town meeting really just shows Brody's emasculation in the face of the crisis because it's still being characterized as more of a societal and economic threat than an existential one first this movie asks the question what is the threat now it's asking is the threat serious the next question is gonna be how do we stop the threat to this day Jaws remains a classic case study of human nature during a crisis mayor Vaughn would go on to be memed at the height of kovid as a government leader insisting on keeping the beaches open bowing to local political and economic pressures but in this film Spielberg's solution to the crisis and most of the crises in his films it takes a father now I totally would say it takes a parent that's my feeling on it but nope from this 1975 film we just can't extract gender from it like we'll get to it takes a mom when we talk about aliens but with jaws it's Spielberg's specific fixation with fatherhood the Defiance to phallic bravado and the brooding nerd sitting out of Macho pissing contests that ends up elevating Brody not the other men but Brody to Victory Brody's nerdy dad research is critical there's a brief shot of a photo in a book of a shark with a pressurized tank in its mouth check on its tank later Spielberg will remind us of these you screw around with these tanks and they're gonna blow up and we meet Matt Hooper the oceanographer played by Richard Dreyfuss don't race sale you're just gonna love it you got a paddle on the road yeah it's just some nice characterization Hooper grew up around sailboats he's a wealthy kid who uses crew terms like skull Hooper confirms from the autopsy that Chrissy actually died from a shark attack meanwhile the fishermen catch a shark tiger shark a what a what I love it it might be my favorite line read of a non-iconic line but Mrs kittner arrives and she slaps Brody for leaving the beaches open my boy is dead I wanted you to know that oh my god let's take a moment to appreciate this heartbreaking performance from the actress lethiero who died at the age of 91 in April 2020 due to covid her absolute grief makes this one of the most important scenes of the movie Brody doesn't turn and point to the mayor and say he made me do it he knows that as police chief he should have pressed harder and he just let a few local Goose on a ferry bully him with claustrophobia and Hydrophobia and Brody needs the sting on his face to sober him to the realities of the threat he's facing there's no word in the English language for a parent who loses their child it's that Unthinkable and this movie needs Brody to carry this pain with him like armor this sets up my favorite scene in the movie when Brody mopes at the dinner table while his younger son Sean mimics his gestures playing this little game with his dad saving Brody from his own Doom spiral bringing him back to the simple joys of fatherhood so uh my dad and I would do this all the time I would copy him like this at the dinner table and he would see me doing it and do it back and we would it just to reference this movie that we like to watch together but only as I've gotten older did I realize how hard it was for my dad to have to deal with the stresses of his career and deal with the constant fear that something could happen to his kids so when Spielberg lingered on Hooper's face as he watched Brody walk away from Mrs kittner it was his way of showing that despite Hooper's academic superiority he's too young to understand the responsibilities of being a father and that fear of losing a child and becoming something we do not even have a word for remember Spielberg was 26 when he directed Jaws and he probably saw himself as Hooper indeed Spielberg's next movie would be Close Encounters of the Third Kind when he casts Richard Dreyfus as an obsessed father who abandons his family and Spielberg later said that he would have directed that movie completely different if he had kids during it so after this sweet game with Sean Spielberg buttons it with give us a kiss why because I need it gas Sean kisses the face that just got slapped by Mrs kittner and it's this need for the kiss that Brody uses to fuel his coming battle Hooper arrives I really like to talk to him oh yes so would I yeah in benchley's novel Brody's wife Ellen has an affair with Hooper but they smartly omitted this subplot for the film Brody pours a full glass of red wine and I just noticed that he pours it in a glass that already had some ice and something else in it yuck on Hooper's boat a drunk Brody now drinking for the bottle of white wine that Hooper brought he rants about how a New York crime was so bad that he couldn't make a dent but an Amity one man can make a difference yeah he's right one father can make a difference and only one does in this movie now it's tough to watch Jaws or any movie from the 70s without noticing how much hair everybody has it's also thick and Lush if you want healthier thicker hair try MD hair MD hair uses AI to analyze photos of your scalp 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scare gets me every time now the next team with Brody Hooper in the mayor is actually the longest unbroken take of the movie over two and a half minutes of the two appealing to Mayor Vaughn begging him to close the beach and Roy Scheider Richard Dreyfus are constantly moving around the Mare trying to get his attention until the camera follows them back to the sight gag of a vandalized Amity welcome sign the one thing the mayor cares about now remember based on quint's Doodle on the Blackboard my theory is that Quint was the one who defaced this billboard to heighten public anxiety and to force everyone to contract him to kill the shark now there's a detail I think we all missed the 20 times we watched this and the mayor stubbornly says but those beaches will be open for this weekend and as he sits in his car perfectly above his head is the one-way sign because marivan can only see things one way money actually in the original version of the story marivan was pressured to keep the beaches open by organized crime who wanted those profits from the beachgoers but another smart Omission from this movie so the Fourth of July arrives and Spielberg gradually shows more and more beachgoers going into the water and then uh oh another underwater point of view shot the sharks there he makes us so paranoid with sightings of a dorsal fin first the cardboard one the kids use but actually right before that there was one in the distance and even before that there was a shadow on the horizon that totally looks like a shark fin it's just really great horror heightening because after the Panic we realized oh it's just a couple pranksters we breathe a sigh of relief but it's followed immediately by a real shark in the pond the pond where Brody just sent his son thinking to be safer there we see the shark's dorsal and tail framed with Brody's youngest Sean followed by the boater capsizing and we see this film's first glimpse of the shark's full form beneath the surface followed by a quick shot of its massive head eating the boater it's quick but effective proving that you're not even safe on a boat now in an earlier version of the scene the boater was actually going to throw himself in front of Michael to sacrifice himself but here Michael goes in a shock he's otherwise okay but Brody glares out at the Horizon this is the exact moment he gets activated to overcome his fear of the water because the shark is coming for his family and so his next line is to tell Ellen to take Sean home back to New York no home here I love it Brody is now a true Islander Amity doesn't mean friendship it means you whereas before it was mayor Vaughn pushing Brody around now Brody is the alpha he goads the stammering mayor into signing the contract for Quint much like Brody's Deputy reverting to his boy's behavior when he played in the sand the mayor has been rendered a helpless Child by this shark and so from here forward this movie stops being a story for boys and townsfolk and starts being a story of men and everything's stupid and Reckless about men Quint just takes over the movie he starts judging Hooper by his hands and yet City hands Mr Hooper I've been cutting money all your life all right all right I mean what is Quinn a palm reader Quint mocks Hooper's underwater cage singing ladies of Spain a tune that comes back throughout the film's second half like when Quince sings along with the whales before the shark Rams their ship and when Quint just goes unhinged trying to drown the shark by luring it into the shallows and then later from John Williams score as it plays when the Orca boat gets immobilized really this song is like The Pirate Song of Doom and as the Orca departs in Marine know Spielberg frames it and one of the many boiled shark jawbones around quint's Shack a foreboding image showing how they are navigated directly into the mouth of the beast but on the bow of the Orca is an even bigger shark Jawbone as if Quint wants to get the first bite or gazar after all the one known natural enemy to the great white shark as they go underway on this hunt Hooper and Quint seem more interested in each other than they are in the shark Quint downs and crushes his beer can Hooper absolutely obliterates his water cup like yeah they're more interested in proving themselves than they are on the mission but only Brody knows the weight of the task Quinn teaches Brody how to tie a bowline knot this is a basic knot that we and boy scouts had to learn to hit the rank of second class meanwhile the shark gradually ticks Quince fishing line until hey I got it yeah it's like the shark was waiting for Brody to cross this Maritime rite of passage before presenting himself the shark swims under the boat and bites through the piano wire right as super tries to hook it while the boys bicker the shark is just toying with them and then back to the jump scare we open this analysis with I can go slow ahead come on down and jump some of this works so well because Verner Fields times the edit perfectly cutting to Brody popping up followed by the iconic ad-lib line by Roy Scheider you're gonna need a bigger boat now in the HBO Spielberg documentary you see they stayed on Bruce for a second longer and this robot awkwardly shutters from side to side like an amusement park attraction so really the realism is in the cut but still a practical mechanical shark to me looks better than most of the CGI creation Spielberg's digital Revolution starting with the Jurassic Park would lead to because CGI will always look dated five years later but these practical effects whether or not it's real Bruce's gaping maw is actually there splashing in the water jumping up at Roy Scheider and he just can't replace that feeling by the way I love a good Spielberg face like all three of these men have when they first set eyes on the shark specifically Hooper's point of view as he looks down from the higher decks we could take it the full length of the shark Brody and Quint serve as scale which is exactly what Hooper tries to create later probably echoing something Spielberg himself has said I need to have something in the foreground to give it some scale you always love it you can always tell the character that Spielberg sees himself as in these movies but actually he does make a vocal Cameo from the radio caller I have Mrs Martin Brody here we see a close-up of Brody's galoshes slipping yikes followed by Hooper's shoes sticking yeah we're just feeling super anxious someone's gonna fall in here but when Brody tries to go back in the cabin he's chased back outside to the Pow by some phallic imagery from Quint from the head of the Harpoon we see why Quint tested Hooper earlier to make him quickly tie a knot it was to test him for this precise moment of having to tie on the barrel to the Harpoon wire in time for Quinn to shoot the shark but the shark just pulls the barrel down Hooper and Quint finally Bond over their scars to this day I don't know how Richard Dreyfuss didn't cramp up sitting that way and as they laughed Brody shyly looks down at his appendectomy scar but it also kind of looks like he's looking down his pants a bit feeling emasculated again this is all a dumb pissing contest he's the one with two kids his works I like how you can see their dinner plates Quint and Hopper ate everything but Brody barely touched his food but overall the laughter Quint shuts up Hooper so that's the USS Indianapolis yeah you won the Indianapolis yeah I love how Hooper goes silent suddenly back to being a kid realizing he's talking to a real life ghost story so in June 1945 the Indianapolis Heavy Cruiser delivered the little boy atomic bomb to the north Mariana Islands and was torpedo by a Japanese submarine of 1195 crewmen 300 or so went down with a ship and the remaining ones went into the water and ultimately only 316 survived it's considered the greatest loss of life at Sea from a single ship in the history of the U.S Navy this idea to make Quint a survivor of the Indianapolis came from writing contributions by Howard Sackler but who actually wrote quint's monologue has been disputed Sackler definitely wrote three quarters of a page at least co-writer John Milius reportedly turned into a monologue an actor Robert Shaw who is also a playwright reportedly improvised his own version of it Story Goes he was drunk and rambling for the first night of shooting and then he sobered up and he begged Spielberg to do the take again and then he nailed it in one take that's the take we see in the film throughout this monologue notice that Quint doesn't even look at Hooper he focuses the entire story on Brody he tags every other sentence with Chief he's sharing this as a cautionary tale for the Lawman that he knows deep down in his drunken stupor will need to fire that kill shot for him because Quint is just too haunted by what he experienced when he comes at you doesn't seem to be living okay he's talking about an animal as if it's a ghost Quinn talks about bumping into a friend that he thought was sleeping bobbed up and down like a top upended he'd been bitten in half below the waist yeah Quinn for Shadows his own death by the shark being bitten at the waist and he describes how he felt as they were being rescued oh that was the time I was most frightened waiting for my turn oof you get the sense that Quint is still waiting for his turn waiting for his turn to get eaten by shark now in real life the sailors from the USS Indianapolis were not really attacked by sharks the Sharks only ate the bodies that were already dead and the surviving Sailors were able to kick and thrash and scare the Sharks away but I always love how this film suggests this interesting mythology this ghost story where the historical sin of delivering the Hiroshima bomb cursed these Sailors now Quint carries that curse with one of these sharks being a shark that chased him all the way to New England and now it's his turn or at least that might be what's in his head they saying show me the way to go home and the shark uses is their Newfound camaraderie as the moment to strike I like how Quint hears the shark bumping first and he stops singing followed by Hooper and Then followed finally by Brody leading to the final showdown interesting shot as Brody loads his handgun a shooting star streaks across the sky there was a myth that Spielberg caught this by accident but no it was actually confirmed to be a visual effect especially since Spielberg adds a second shooting star to the wide shot of the Orca and the shooting star has become a director trademark we saw it in Temple of Doom and in Joseph McBride's biographies Spielberg shared a story about his dad waking him up at night to drive him out to a meteor shower which both amazed and freaked him out so this star is really a symbol of a father diving into a Heart of Darkness to fight for his kids it takes a father Quinn plugs in another barrel and we see another Spielberg director trademark Reflections on glass as characters look through it to get it all in one shot they get another Barrel in and the shark takes both barrels under so they tie the ropes to the stern cleats and the whole damn boat gets turned and tilted we get another shot of checkoff's Tanks noticed by Brody in this moment and rather than Towing the shark and assure the shark tows them out to the Sea flooding the boat and with a third Barrel in the shark stuns Quint by going down with three barrels so with the Orca kaput they set up Hooper's cage and they give him one of the scuba tanks but Brody passes the other spare one he's clocking it for later now in this cage perhaps we get the most effective use of John Williams score because that's with every other instance the theme kicks in as the shark approaches louder and louder and louder and then Fades as the shark passes but then brilliantly they leave us in silence and because we don't hear the music we have no idea where the shark is and that's how he's able to get the drop on us by ramming Hooper from behind now there's actual footage of real sharks mixed in here as one thrashes the cage this was live shark footage shot by Ron and Valerie Taylor for the movie now the shark just leaps up on the stern and yeah here the shark does kind of look like a B-movie horror here but it's still also well edited and it's so goddamn big so it's still terrifying its monstrosity is truly sold by Robert Shaw's death performance and it's truly one of the most awful things to watch specifically how he spits up blood and this crazy shot I think this is my half a shot of this movie we actually see Robert Shaw the actor go underneath the water with Bruce and spirit continues to roll the camera for like five or six seconds which means that somehow Robert Shaw had to latch himself to this mechanical shark and hold his breath for that long all while pretending to be dead I mean it's so simple but it's just a crazy shot so now the shark comes from Brody and it's just a monster like its mouth is all red you know that's chunks of quint in there so Brody grossed out to stuffs an air tank in there remembering Hooper earlier saying that these are garbage disposals they'll eat anything so now Brody is just a badass hero he's got the rifle strapped at the back he's climbing the Mast he's got a spear in his hand his Jabs draw more blood from the shark than any of the others did Brody has truly transformed he's using Hooper's technology his warnings about the air tank he's using Quince Captain Ahab bloodthirst but really he's using his own nerdy dad inspiration from Reading textbooks and he channels Gregory Peck not Gregory Peck from Moby Dick but what AFI consider are the number one movie hero Gregory Peck's ultimate badass from To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus Finch when he surprises kids with his ability to shoot that rifle killing the rabbit dog that was threatening the kids and Brody does the same here with a one in a million shot [Music] it's awesome and Spielberg actually mixed in with the sound of the exploding shark the Roar of the truck engine from duel when that Beast was finally sleek and I love that the last bit of the shark we see sinking in that cloud of blood is its dorsal fin its most representative part so Hooper pops back up and they swim to the shore uttering the final exchange of this movie I used to hate the water I can't imagine why it's a pretty good joke but really I think what Hooper can't imagine is something that only comes with being a dad something that starts off as a curse for Brody in this movie but becomes his power fear the reason it takes a father in this movie is that nothing is more powerful a force than the fear that something will happen to your kid it's what makes people do crazy things Hooper is too young to imagine that feeling what does he have to fear but Brody's got kids and that scares the out of you you remember Mufasa and The Lion King it's the one thing that scared him for Brody that fear was activated by Ms kittner slap it was healed by Sean's kiss and it was baited by Michael's close call it takes a father because fathers will do the impossible to protect their young so Captain boss thanks for watching this movie with me every summer and I promise that if I ever have a son Someday I'm gonna do do the same thing with him we're in the middle of Spielberg's summer on the Deep dive and it's going to continue with E.T the Extraterrestrial he can support this Spielberg summer with an indie I love you shirt at nerdright.shop subscribe to all three channels in the new rockstars Network you can follow me at eavos and I'll see you next time my divers of the deep but don't dive too deep [Music] thank you
Channel: The Deep Dive
Views: 285,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaws, jaws analysis, jaws scene, jaws breakdown, jaws reaction, Steven Spielberg, jaws opening, jaws final battle, jaws deep dive, jaws monologue, jaws explained
Id: DTwZvrajS_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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