Javelin Throw - Two Tips for More Distance

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welcome back so today i'm gonna go over two tips to increase the distance of your javelin throw let's get started [Music] all right so here we go we're going to get two tips to increase the distance of your javelin throw first tip you want to increase the length of pull on the jab second tip want to increase the hip rotation in front of that that right arm so uh let's go over the length of pull first so what is it length of pull to me is how far back you're creating tension through your body in particular in this case we're looking at shoulder um extension so we're looking at how far back can you initiate your javelin throw so from way back here under tension and moving towards your throw i'm looking for an increased range why because an increased range of motion typically means an increased opportunity to accelerate the javelin so the analogy i like to use with my kids is so i've got this football field out here and if i were to say let's get a car out there and we're gonna go how fast can you get up to if you start at one end zone drive to the other end zone now i have no idea how fast you could go but maybe we'll just say 40 miles an hour if we increased that range of motion that distance to two football fields now how fast do you think you could go probably a lot faster right so in the javelin that's what we're trying to do is we're trying to increase the range of motion hopefully increasing the opportunity to accelerate within that particular range all right so let's go over that that range of motion so what i'm looking for is tension that to me means all of these muscle groups here are stretched back okay they're not under tension because i'm contracting those muscles i'm loosening them and lengthening them so the goal is how far back can i get to way back here under tension okay that means i can't have my arm here it means i can't have my arm shortened up here i need to be loose and long all right so i'm going to just take you through the um the ranges so the first range i'm just going to start off pretty short just kind of set up here i'm just going to step and throw and it goes you know i'm not very far i'm going to increase the range now so instead of starting from here i'm going to move it back and now i've got a little bit more stretch in the shoulder bigger range of motion bigger distances okay now and do the same thing but increase it even more so start from that first there's the second there's the third and i can get a lot more out of that all right here's the last one so again i'm going to start off that first my second there's my third okay the last one i'm gonna actually get my body to lean into it but i'm gonna roll that armpit up so i'm gonna lean and i'm gonna roll it up i'm gonna step and throw and again and that was a heavier jab that went a lot farther i'm getting my body moving into it but i'm getting that tension in the shoulder through my core much earlier in the throwing process all right so tip number two we need to get our hips moving into the throat so the hips are super important because the hips generate way more stretching motions it's like the the engine that drives the throw when your hips move your core moves when your core moves your shoulder moves when your shoulder moves the arm moves and your arm moves the hand moves and of course when the hand moves the javelin moves so there's a sequence to all this so the the hips are a great place to focus because you can start moving the mass of your body and start that chain reaction that ends up accelerating the javelin all right a little tip here for you actually i'm going to grab some white tape a little bit on my hip that way you can kind of see that my hips are actually moving during the throw so let's start it off here and you should be able to see it as i start moving into the throw all right something basic we'll just start off with a standing throw and my goal is to get my hips to travel into the throw before my shoulder goes [Applause] all right so uh well let's just go over how we do this so what we're going to do is i just want to sort of isolate um this side of my body i want to eliminate the distractions of the rest i just want to isolate from my toe to my hip so i'm going to restrict my shoulders by holding on to the back of the leechers here i'm going to get on the the ball of my foot notice i'm kind of leaning back to my weight sort of back here i want to start turning my heel okay and then i turn my knee and then i'm just going to allow my hip to travel forward i'm trying to get the hips to go independently of my upper body i don't want to open up here i just want to keep my shoulders back so isolate foot the knee and then the hip foot knee and hip now the sequence needs to start from the toe it can't start from the knee if the foot is down and you're trying to turn your knee you're going to hurt your knee okay so we got to get up on the ball of our foot we're going to turn the foot the knee and the hips foot knee hit okay now as we start getting used to this we start increasing the speed instead of making it so isolated we're going to start moving more and more into it i can feel it as soon as my hip starts to move i can feel the tension through my core okay now i'm just going to lean back lift my front foot off the ground and i'm going to try and make this a little bit more dynamic so i'm going to step with the hip let me hit and trying to get that right side to start moving a little bit more with speed okay now obviously if you're wearing spikes you can't just crank that heel around because your spikes are supposed to be designed to keep your foot from slipping so instead what we're going to do is we're going to put our foot forward a little bit we want about 45 degrees towards your target up on the ball of your foot and it's pretty simple the knee starts to move the hip follows but because our foot is up on the ball of our foot and our heel is up we don't have to do a whole lot of twisting we just sort of roll the knee and the hip goes okay roll the knee and the hip goes still starting from the foot but we've already established the internal rotation of that foot without having to do it here in the grass all right so let's uh let's combine this a little bit so what i'm going to do is i'm going to try and get my hip to rotate and try and keep my shoulders back how do i do that well i can use the javelin a couple of different methods you can just use that left arm and try and keep the right arm back and again up on the ball of my right foot i'm going to rock back i'm going to turn that foot the knee the hip and every time i can feel the tension throughout my core i'm using my left arm trying to keep the shoulders closed putting the hip putting the hip knee hip now we can make this even more complicated because i don't want my hips to rotate around this direction instead i want to rotate my hips this direction over the top i need to get my upper body into the right position so i'm going to do the same thing but this time i'm going to set the javelin up as if it were kind of in a throwing position again using my left hand to kind of keep tension back i'm going to rock back foot in the hip so in the hip from the hip and i can definitely feel it now that uh that trunk rotation is starting to move up my body a little bit more when you're hunched over this direction you don't feel the same tension moving up towards the shoulder you kind of feel in a different spot down down towards the waist so for me as a javelin thor i want my throws to take place over the top so i need to start getting my posture in the right spot so if you're looking for really specific drills to help you with the the hip and the length of pulling go to my website coachella.com i've got drills up there you can peruse through and figure out which one's gonna benefit you the most so now i've gotten to the point where i want to sort of combine my hip and my shoulders i'm trying to increase the length of pull with the shoulders but i want to initiate it with the hips so again work through the isolation process work through each each area build comfort in that and then we start blending them in fact i like to blend from a drill so maybe i'll just grab jab create a little bit of tension through here hips okay so i'm trying to put foot knee hip okay find that tension and then i'm going to finish through over the top again i'm trying to get that that increased range of motion so again foot knee hip feeling the tension got the length of pull here and then i'm going to finish up through the throw putting your hip and over the top knee up and over the top and i can feel it i can definitely tell that my hip is going in front of my shoulders all right so now let's combine it into the throw i don't want to over complicate this by adding too many steps i just want to do a standing throw again i don't care how far the the throws are going i'm trying to isolate figure out what my body's doing paying attention to how it feels okay so there's my range of motion okay with my upper body rock back and start trying to fire off foot in the hip and then let the arm follow i felt pretty good hopefully you can see that that line on my hip hopefully you see that leading my shoulder certainly leading uh my hand i felt pretty good too all right i'm going to show you an example of shoulders and hips moving at the same time and i've got my nice range of motion with my upper body but i'm going to get the hips and the shoulders moving through at the same time all right um you can't see the distance here but that one definitely did not go the farthest so hips and shoulders create that separation creates all that tension through the core again it's a sequence from the foot through the knee the hip through the core through the shoulder into the arm off the fingertips and into your throat give you a little sample of a little bit longer approach try again get those hips move it in front of the shoulders all right so i'm gonna leave it at that hopefully you've enjoyed this video if you have questions or comments put them in the comments section below i appreciate that i'll do my best to address it if you want more information you go to my website coachella.com and until i see you next time have fun and far [Music]
Channel: Scott Halley
Views: 131,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Javelin Throw, javelin throw technique, javelin throw training, javelin throw practice, javelin throw for beginners, javelin throw pratice, javelin throw for begginers, Coach Halley, Scott Halley, Javelin form, Javelin Posture, Throw far, Throw farther, Jabelin, Jabelin throw, How to Throw Javelin, more distance, Longer Throws, track and field
Id: H0MiISHC2ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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