Java Programming Tutorial - 3 - Downloading Eclipse

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what's up everyone it's Bucky and welcome to your third java tutorial now in this story only showing you guys how to download something called a IDE where we're going to be writing our Java code so again there's one more last thing I need you guys download I promise and then we're actually going to be start program in Java so I'm in the less it's order I showed you guys how to create a program in any notepad or any text editor and how you can run it from your command line but the only problem with this and it's kind of a big problem whenever you have program like this in a regular text editor and say you have like a thousand line program whenever you try to compile it and run it if something is wrong with it you have no idea what's wrong and you don't even know where to look therefore it's sometimes useful to get a better editor just for Java made specifically so that's why we need to down something download something called I de and I'm going to show you guys how to do that right now go ahead and open up your internet browser and go ahead and click in eclipse is pretty much a special text editor for only Java so once this loads go ahead and on the main page you're going to see something called downloads go ahead and click downloads now this is going to give you a couple on downloads to click from what you want is either the first one or the second one I got the first one just because it includes a little more and go ahead and if you're on Windows go ahead and click Windows and what this is going to do is it's going to download um an Eclipse IDE and that's pretty much arm pretty much the text editor for Java I'll show you guys what it is in a little bit but where it's going to be is if you go to computer and then go to whatever wherever your downloads are you're going to have something called a zip folder what you need to do is extract you're going to have a folder like this right here we need to do is right-click it and press extract all then once you click extract all it's going give you a little wizard once you extract all that information you're going to get a regular folder like this this is pretty much like a compressed stuff and get all the information that you need to extract it that's what you do with any zip folder by the way now once you have your regular folder you can double click it and now your Eclipse program is in this and it's the little one that says application with a little Eclipse logo next to it and what I did is I right clicked it and I created a shortcut or you can press send a desktop and this gives you instead of having to go through your computer hard drive you have a nice little shortcut on your computer right here where you can just click it and start writing Java programs so again it's just a basic download I just want to show you guys walk you through a little bit but once you do all that you have the Eclipse program on your computer so double click that and your Eclipse program starts running just select a default workspace anyone is fine and what this program does is allow you to edit code so in another cool thing about this it has a compiler built right into it so we can just run our code right from the same program you don't have to mess around in the command line so what we need to do first is go ahead and press file new project or Java project doesn't matter one go ahead and press a Java project now you need a project name I'm going to name my Bucky and go ahead and press next and then go ahead and press finish you probably could press finish but now you have a project named Bucky and it just puts everything into a project so you can if you're working on like a different Java thing for a different company but for here we're only going to be working with one project so we only needed to do that once next you have a project called Bucky on the left hand side of your screen and go ahead and press this little arrow and it D collapses or expands this little pain and you're going to see something called a JRE system library and a source we want to work with the source file so go ahead and right click this and press new class since we want to create if you remember everything is in class in Java so go ahead and click this and you got a neighbor class something go ahead and I'm going to name mine apples and go ahead and press finish now as you can see it already starts writing the code for us public class now I'm not going to be teaching you how to write code in this tutorial I already have a class named apples from last tutorial so I'm just pretty much I just wanted to eat you guys set up an eclipse in this tutorial so um let me go ahead and paste a program I already wrote it's the same program I wrote in the last tutorial and now once you have a program I'm just going to show you guys how to run it and then next story I'm showing you how to write a thing how to run programs in Eclipse what you do is press this little circle with a triangle in it and that says run and if you go ahead and press that what your program does is just go ahead and run as java application go ahead and click OK ok and down here it just runs your program so that saves you a ton of time from saving it finding the path going in command line this is about eight thousand times easier than using a command line so again follow those instructions and I want to show you guys one more reason why this is useful in the command line in notepad if we had an error then it would just mess up in a wouldn't tell us what's wrong in this one say instead a system where you wrote cysts something like that that isn't a valid code so whenever we try to run this and press ok it says error error exists and then down here it says all right where does it exist on line three right here so you go one two three here's where your error is BAM you know exactly where is and what you need to fix so again eclipse is a really powerful tool and that's the last thing I wanted to teach you guys and now we are finally ready to learn the java language so now that you have done all that make sure to check out my next tutorial or i'm going to be teaching you all this crap finally means and finally how to write the Java of language in syntax so again I want to thank you guys for watching I thank you guys for sticking with me running all of these programs and getting java set up I know it's pain in the butt but thank you guys and again make sure to subscribe my channel thanks for watching I'll see you next tutorial
Channel: thenewboston
Views: 2,150,548
Rating: 4.9430919 out of 5
Keywords: install, download, jdk, se, ee, java, development, kit, new, beginner, tutorials, eclipse
Id: CE8UIbb_4iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2009
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