Java Keytool Tutorial: How to generate a Self-Signed certificate using the Java Keytool

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haider this is Starla Neil from Darrin's tech tutorials and Darin on the us-eu in this video I'm gonna show you how to generate a self-signed certificate using the java key tool so we're just gonna start from the very beginning and we're gonna download Java JDK to be sure that we have that on our machine so I have a link here which I'll leave a link below where you can get all the links that you need which will take us to the Oracle website and I am going to add download JDK for a windows 64-bit machine so I'm just going to accept the license agreement and I'm gonna click to download so what does this download in here I'll just actually save it and while this is downloading I'll pause the video for 2 seconds okay so the Downloads been successful so now I'm just gonna click run here to run the JDK installer soulfia's will pop up before us here and now in a second okay and it looks good so I'm gonna click Next I was gonna click Next and it should begin the install procedure for us here okay so I'm being prompted to add on to leave to default install folder so I do so I'll click Next and it will begin to install Java okay perfect and we can see it's been installed so I'm going to click close on this here to close ok so what we're going to do next is we're going to add the job of being folder to our path so we can access the key tool and command line from anywhere so I'm just gonna open up and Windows Explorer go to this PC I'll go to my C Drive I'll go into Program Files Java Isis check JDK and being perfect and what we'll do is I'm just going to copy this path and then I want a right-click on this PC I'll click properties I want to click advanced system sentence I want to click environment variables and I'm gonna click on my path down here in system variables I'll click Edit I wanna click new and I'm just going to paste in that part that I copied and once I have to I want to click OK ok and then I will click OK again okay so we're getting to the meat of this tutorial now so the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click start menu and I'm gonna open a command prompt and let's click and here it to get it open and there's a command I'm going to run so i'm gonna type this in its key tool space - Jan key and again I'll leave all these commands below so you just copy and paste them in I'm gonna type alias and I was gonna say Darren but you can say whatever you want there - key ALG and let's say or a space - key store and we'll just do see I'm gonna call it local da key store and you can see surrounded in quotes if you want and then I'll hit return and hopefully this will work for it's there now we have an error here so let's just have a look so we'll just click off parenting at the previous command oh and I have a typo so let's just crack that perfect so we're being prompted to enter key store passwords just type something in I'll make sure that you'll remember and just retype it there so what's your first and last name so this would usually be a your machine name bunch of the type in localhost here for the moment organizational unit so I'm going to say IT and name of my organization Daren City our locality Dublin and obviously you'd enter your own values in state or province Leinster and - city ie and it's gonna prompt me to say if that's okay and I'm gonna say yes that is cool so it's gonna ask us for a password for Dyer and I'm just gonna say leave it the same as my key store so I'll press enter and we can see it looks like it's working with the scan the war in the world - JK s form us so we can actually navigate and check to see if that keys in there now so what we can do is with a CD and we'll move back to our C Drive perfect and if we do a derp here we should see our local key store and we can now run a command to check what is in our key store so we can ruin key tool space - V space list - list space key store and we're gonna say local dot key store and we're being prompted for a password so pop in the password that you set and then we scroll up here we should see what we created perfect then we see alias named Aaron so that's a very short introduction to the driver key tool utility and how you can create a self-signed certificate and have it in the key store if you're on the issue follow along please do comment below and if I can help I certainly will thanks for watching
Channel: Darren's Tech Tutorials
Views: 81,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Java Keytool Tutorial, enerate a Self-Signed cert using Java Key tool, Java Keytool, ssl, keytool, java, keystore, certificate, java keytool keystore commands, Java Keytool Tutorial: How to generate a Self-Signed certificate using Java Keytool, How to generate a Self-Signed certificate, java keytool tutorial example, java keytool certificate tutorial, self-signed certificate, jks, java keytool self signed certificate tutorial, create a Java keystore, create a java keystore file
Id: 27Sesdc_g3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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