Jason Williams Highlights (pt 1)

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crowd is still filing in here at the charleston civic center coliseum for the triple-a championship game between dupont and martinsburg the bulldogs and the panthers for the panthers that's six one and a half a senior number 33 jason williams sport sullivan's three not there the return from gilmore to moss ahead wide what you have to do about do that is exactly what logan did and that's a tack it off the dribble this is jason williams with moss you can see the spread here's jason has already read him drops it back and that's a familiar play to the sutton early on struggling with his shot this is jason williams for keith mouton there he is and he approached the one-minute mark williams with the steal he'll take it all the way behind the back and the bucket and pittsburgh has the lead on the scoreboard but dupont has the style points he's off to a cold shooting start this is jason williams three on two mullen scores his first two of the game and exactly five minutes to play in the opening half williams with a three got it yeah big they zoned martinsburg get out of the out of bounds came rather than too far underneath moss clears to jason williams great look for keith fout takes it for the panthers eight turnovers now jay for martinsburg yeah a little bit too many because they're really not trying to push the ball jason williams again for three time facing the basket and jason williams distributing the ball very nicely here to keith falcon away that time going down the left-hand side of the court logan's three not there down the floor timmy floyd is jason williams with a good sense of vision on a basketball court immediately stolen away by mullins williams for moss here's that full-court pressure williams on the steel and the basket wants dave rogers to time out here quickly because they floyd rebounds moss is ahead of the pack williams will hang on for now got it 12 points for jason williams floyd down for jason williams grantham in pursuit the basket and a foul well i'll tell you dave rogers really concerned his club is really starting to fall apart here they're not doing the things credit jim foul we're going to a man-to-man defense here's williams in the open court and he read beautifully the man on his back laid it up soft the long pass this time it's williams on the receiver look at him look back then he lays it right up and he draws the foul bad decision by kirk grantham in that he was going for the off hand and williams was shooting it with his right the contact was with the left williams makes the three-point play deflected pass sutherland with it nice look down low but a steal for williams ahead for moss dupont is to within 1. martinsburg answers back taking a three-point lead but williams ties it we've got one going here for johnson nice handling of the press that time kept it off the floor martinsburg takes the lead back with inside of one minute to play williams gives him the lead 54-53 dupont to try to feed it back to johnson quickly comes the panthers jason williams for randy moss fourth quarter nice look billy gilmore has it his first two of the night jones corrals the rebound sends it back up top to jason williams williams makes it a two-point game as he scores his 23rd point that is a score record but unless they win here tonight that school record will not be fondly remembered williams got it two-point game it up and over the ramp now the big guy that's gonna carry dupont if they're gonna make it is right here he's hit the three all night he feels a rhythm tonight it's vancouver british columbia and the home of the grizzlies general motors place backstage in the so-called green room weighed 14 expected first rounders countless others are gathered around tv sets back home waiting to hear their names called it is a night when hopes and dreams and butterflies are found it's draft night 1998. seventh pick in the 1998 nba draft the sacramento kings select jason williams from the university of florida jason williams not in attendance here tonight at gm place in vancouver but this is a guy who can play some ball for the florida gator 6-180 pounds he's had some problems off the court which have hampered him there but talent wise when you're looking at what this kid does with a basketball not bad now you're talking a guy 6-1-190 who has great speed the ability to get to anywhere on the court that he would like he has three-point range and he has a real feel for the game he can distribute in either transition or the half court game in his tryouts around the league he has been eye-opening and uh sacramento was one of the stops he has a lateral witness to he has a lateral witness to keep a guy in front of him he can really move his feet and that's the prerequisite for being a good point guard he can get a driving line and get that ball out of the middle of the floor and he can keep pressure on it he's like strickland and that like i like what hubie said he can get the ball where he wants he's like rod strickland that way and then when he gets it there he has a skill to make any type of pass he wants let me tell you this guys we're in contact with nba scouts throughout the year who are looking at players we won't name the scout but here was his report on jason williams the first time he saw him play one of the most exciting players i've seen in some time 61190 innocent looking kid with an ugly tattoo on each shoulder and he can play creative wild he's going to have some big turnover games but unbelievable jumps dunks in traffic jims of the university of florida was picked by the sacramento kings with the number seven pick in the first round tonight he is in orlando and right now he's with brian burwell i can't wait to hear what he's got to say here brian thank you very much ernie we had to pull him out of a restaurant here he was enjoying the celebration with his family considering all your off-court problems were you surprised that you uh went at seven as high as seven no not really you know i just after my off-court problems at school you know i just came down to orlando and just tried to put it behind me and start working for my goal that i've always wanted to achieve since i was a kid and you know i just been doing hard work and doing what i can do how much did teams drill you about your past well you know they wanted to know what really happened you know i let them know that that you know i owned up to it it was my fault my mistake and it's behind me and i'm trying to move on now what was the mistake you know i just i i had some off-court problems just some some discipline rules and i'm trying to move on now now you're going to sacramento and you're unusual you actually wanted to go to sacramento why well you know i want to go to sacramento but wherever whoever drafts me i want to go there you know i just want to bring my hard work and my work ethic and just try to help my team win all right thank you very much his first round pick jason williams the rookie from florida is creating such a stir that the media relations department has dubbed him white chocolate first quarter and there he is caffeine the king's up by four against the warriors kicks it out to williams in white chocolate the ill-freaky knockout mission season opener and golden state played like they were still locked out former warrior chris webber scored 19 points in his king's debut and watch antoine jameson looking a little nervous in his first nba game somebody tell the warriors the lockout is over final score 89-84 the fourth quarter when the kings pull away great pass here from kings rookie jason williams to chris webber weber received plenty of booze from the warriors fans but the kings receive the 89-85 the team's top draft pick guard jason williams you know i just come out and play hard every night welcome to san antonio and there's a look at the alamo one of the top tourist attractions in south texas and speaking of attractions 20 000 plus expected inside the alamo dome as the sacramento kings take on the san antonio spurs question about it kings fans are excited about the new man at the point jason williams he is a rookie talk about his development well i really like jason williams i just had a talk with him in the locker room and just told him you know you're going to get your minutes uh you just don't want to get too up and down we have to just keep working through this thing learn about the leg learn about the people you're going to play with but i want him to be aggressive i'm not i don't want him to worry about mistakes i want him to you know you learn from your mistakes this game is a game of mistakes in basketball and he's got creativity a lot of people that they don't have so i want him to go out i want him to be very aggressive with the ball but a night in the middle of vladivos chris weber and cordless williamson one of the best front lines in the league they are rookie jason williams and tarek abdul ahead and i abdullah ahead with the steal kings with numbers back to the way williams looking to fill the lane gets the feed and the kings have the lead now that's a super two on one that and look out here come the kings with numbers now williams stops pops free yes jason williams from downtown that is pretty he saw the floor and again took what the defense gave him and that's one of the best times to be up all over the lake shooting percentages are going to start down oh look at williams not afraid at all his first game and it looks like he's been on the floor for five so much we heard the coaching staff say defense is going to be the key for this king oh williams with another three jason williams he's got 10 points let's see if he can capitalize down by nine williams yes oh jason williams that was dandy that was great move by a 7-1 guy who's playing like a guard at times 47-38 williams another three his third of the game jason williams wow he's got 15 points sacramento within six hanging around grant he said just hanging williams robertson gets back and williams able to finish it beating the animal down the floor they list them at six four williams stops pops yes jason williams will tell you if they didn't know who he was before the game people around the nba know who he is now jason williams on fire here in the third and the kings have cut it to two a 20 second timeout called by the san antonio spurs but good things can happen and it's all jason williams first with the poke away now he's got a hustle he knows he's got a 7-1 coming use the body in the wind and here's what sets it up a little push fake there boom now steps up timing dribble hits the outside shot what helped create that was his early oh williams takes it away from robinson oh if you didn't like that you don't like nba basketball weber with us back to the basket now williams with the running one-hander jason williams what a debut for williams he's got 21 points 101 kings 83 for jim cosamo a great eighth here to see the nba back friday night but the kings couldn't have been too excited to see tim duncan who scored 19 as the spurs cruised to the opening night victory chris webber made a strong debut with 20 points and 12 rebounds but most encouraging was this man the player rookie jason williams who scored a game-high 21. the kings just may have their point guard of the future williams will be put to the test tonight as mike bibby and the vancouver grizzlies come to town it's the two young guns williams and bibby they'll duel it out next welcome to arco arena tonight they're expecting 17 000 plus to see the vancouver grizzlies take on the kings in their home opener ticket of the trap mike phibi boy this one's going to be a lot of fun and something we'll want to see for the next 10 years in the western conference but it's big jason williams the king's rookie point guard 21 points and perhaps the most surprising thing about jason williams game no nerves no fear i asked him about that about 45 minutes ago yeah you know i just had to go out and have fun and just try to help my team get a win but we came up short you know we're just going to keep working hard i think future's bright for us i think so you didn't even seem to be nervous i mean your first game ever in the nba but you kept the nerves in check how did you do that yeah that's what a lot of people been asking me you know i just it's what i do for a living you know no need to be nervous so just go out and play ball this is a whole new experience for you and i know the other night when we were playing the warriors in the preseason you had said you'd never seen san francisco you got to look at the city from the bus you had never been to san antonio so not only is it playing in the nba that's new for you but all these new cities all these new buildings yeah you know i'm from a small town in west virginia i just get out and see the world a little bit now yeah let's talk about the ball club uh you scored but divats paysia tarek chris had a nice ballgame with 20 points good looks but the ball just wasn't falling it seemed like yeah you know i think we've got we got what we wanted you know except maybe on the defensive end but but on the offensive end we got a lot of open shots we just wasn't putting the ball in the hole and that's going to happen sometimes what about you running the ball club obviously you showed the other night that you can score but how important is it to get the ball you have so many guys out there now that can score yeah that's something coach and i talked about you know just sometimes i try to push it a little too fast and i'm out ball by myself i got to slow down and wait on the guys to come down jason everybody wants to talk about the match-up tonight with mike bibby you were taking seventh he was taken number two of course led his alma mater arizona to a national championship his freshman year what about that matchup tonight you got to be looking forward to it yeah i'm looking forward to it but i'm not going to get into like a jason vs mike show you know it's it's vancouver versus sacramento we're just going to go out and try to get a win but is there more to that i know it's not you against mike bibby but still you you're probably very curious about what type of game he has yeah you know i'm anxious to play against him i'm sure his anxious play against me but like i said we're just gonna go out and just play hard as a team and try to get a win first time in front of the hometown fans for real this place will be packed tonight you're looking forward to it yeah you know i hope the hope is really packed and i know they get loud cause that's a boost for us all right the king's being introduced to 17 000 people here at arco arena we'll get you to tonight's starting lineups and the lineups brought to you by budweiser we start with sacramento bloody devops in the middle corliss williamson chris webber at the forwards and the backcourt the man we just heard from jason williams and tarak abdullah jacob the festivities the lights off every member of the kings being introduced jerome james the second round pick florida a m who showed us some nice offense in the fourth quarter friday night against the spurs coming up and now the king's starting lineup being introduced for the first time exciting time right now for everyone in sacramento grant no question about it you can feel the pulse inside here now i wasn't here in sacramento when the playoff year was but i can tell you there's an anticipation here that i haven't felt in previous trips to sacramento this is a time to be to have fun and be strong on your team the sacramento kings and i think these fans are going to get a dandy tonight corliss williamson looking to rebound from a friday night performance where he was just two of 10 from the field and here comes bonnie dibots already a very popular figure with the sacramento kings for the next man introduced they look like they're ready for this one having fun getting ready to take on vancouver in the home opener and the fireworks and slams it on the motorcycle in midcourt and we're about 60 seconds away from starting starting uh 35 games last year starts here tonight for brian hill's grizzlies williams off the crossover wow that's pretty and a great way to start it these fans wanted williams jason williams taking at the left of the floor and using the off hand and the kings again come up with a turnover williams with a full head of steam jason williams the excitement is back here at alco and the fans come to their feet 20 second timeout oh how about jason williams execution but this is just special off the break the defense has to say what's going on their head should be on the planet spinning around 360. because when 55 has it you don't know if he's going to go behind his head behind his back through his legs look you off and take it to the rim now he would stand on tarik if he can hit that shot that little layup there he's gonna force the defense to come out on him which will give him that chance to use his creativity and athletic abilities by jason williams to identify as he sees everything up as abdullah had set that screen and that's what enabled him to get loose so many times guys set picks not able to connect williams with the step jason williams he's got six and the kings go back up by 12. how about that outlet best teams playing well as a as a full club and that's a good job by chris webber with identification he knows where his teammates are and everyone on the kings is looking for the point guard right away jason seems to know weber finishing it off for is this team fun to watch in the open court outside numbers the other way williams to finish jason williams and the kings up by 21. george williams and the rookies right at one another williams stops pops yes do you believe that just happened out there he skipped about three feet in the air lifted his legs kicked him out and came back there all i can say is enjoy standing ovation jason williams a shot clock williams way outside jason williams clock winding down they've played defense for 20 seconds and then a guy's about 26 feet out i'm telling you he was a jay in 10th when he loaded that trigger up and fired it home and boy that other teams are going to look at the game film of this thing and say who is this number 55 and how do we stop them half court and the kings win their home opener they go to one up and one down in convincing fashion chris webber the player of the game chris webber splendid and we understand he's gonna be coming over and we'll be talking with chris webber 109 87 the final we'll put a headset on webb have him come around we'll sit between us and while we get set up you'll see the final 109 87. welcome to phoenix temperatures in the mid 70s today giving way to a gorgeous evening as you look at america west arena and inside this gorgeous venue they are expecting their 391st consecutive sellout as the kings and the suns hook up for the first time 67 tom googly got a one of two on that trip jason williams and he hits the three and the kings have the lead back good point lead 8 20 left here in the opening quarter jason kidd whoever changed the shot there and here come the kings again but that was three on one williams filling the hole and the kings are flying just like they were good movement a left corner three yes his second triple for jason williams with a pull-up three oh my jason williams again from downtown they got to add williams jason williams again with a triple and danny's doing it offensively 45 points already kos well this special rookie right here is opening an awful lot of eyes and you'd think you learned once you'll fool me one shame on me fool me twice shame on you or whatever that saying is well shaming everyone is jason williams this kid is special from way outside sooner or later the suns are going to have to start picking up and the kings will look to run jason williams eyes up weber alley-oop coming yes oh you didn't like that you don't like nba basketball you and i both saw it at the same time and it's such good eye contact with his teammates but he knows how to pass the type of speed to put on the ball see just beyond the outstretched arm of the defense but right softly toward the cylinder wherever all he had to do was kept weber wants to work on robinson through the lakes williams unbelievable let's look at this again okay a super pass by weber now all of a sudden we've gone from seeing an nba game to a globetrotter game shot clock at eight williams another three his fifth jason williams and the kings of 1988 after 24 straight defeats in the valley of the sun the kings have finally won the first ever victory in this building once well to 95 and it was never close no it wasn't i'll tell you this team came out quick they did some very good things they were impressive and instead of seeing these good things for short spurts grant they continued with it and give rick adam in credit did a very good job of keeping his guys into the ball game keeping him fresh keeping him into a defensive mode that's what this team always needs to stay on that defensive side here's a guy who i think is going to be a regular isn't he i think so i think he's going to be with us a lot the uh kings their first win since the 30th of january 1988 it's the first time that this king's team has ever won in america west arena and one of the big reasons why is chris webber was sensational in this is rookie season the king's jason williams has emerged as a dynamic point guard and he's been inspired by the competition he's faced you're going down the court and you see all these great players like penny and stefan and jason kidd and all these guys but you know it's fun going against these guys because i've learned so much from them and watched them and tried to emulate them when i was a kid and now going at them it's just so exciting when you see him play he just has a flare he has creativity that a lot of guys don't have kings break four on three jason with a hesitation drive no look pass weber power rip for the right hand i love jason you know i love his game he's the best shooting point guard i think that i know that i've ever played with but i think in the game right now unbelievable but savvy williams has a knack for making the incredible seem routine a style reminiscent of a former nba star his flair reminds me of a guy i played with briefly with pete maravich i mean pete had the same type of flare that you know other guys might make a crossover dribble but he does a different you can't make shots like that when you're a rookie can you you want a pet yeah jason's desert fans around the league and the comparisons to marovich are sure to continue as williams makes even more amazing plays he's got a little that pistol pete maravich in him that do the way he goes up in the air like that he's got a lot of it in him even one of the league's best defenders gary payton had a tough time containing williams i came down to the time before i hit a j jason williams comes down and man he just let go of a hopper i guess he thought that he wasn't going to give me the j no more and he came up and i just i saw opportunity and i took it williams crosses over loses gary drives into the lane irks the hyman off the window up and in what a move by jason williams though he's just a rookie jason's looking to earn his own place in nba history my goal one day maybe is to have people comparing the next kid to jason winning what a great star he's gonna be jason williams who at times is taking over the game and right now is one of those times the baseline last month the kings ended a bitter streak they won in phoenix for the first time in 11 years a span of 24 games not only did they win they dominated chris webber was awesome as usual with 28 points and 20 rebounds jason williams woe the fans with moves like this on the way to 22 points tonight the kings are again in the valley of the sun and they want to prove their last one here against the suns was no fluke oh there's a good look at downtown phoenix and quite a sports complex america west wheat in the foreground and above that the home of the diamondbacks the bank one ballpark and inside they are expecting a capacity crowd as for the second time this year it's the kings and the suns heading would be would it be the return of white chocolate or the revenge of the kid you look at the numbers the first time around good numbers but williams got the best of it the last four a point garden doing it on the other side williams has to get beyond the arc when jason starts hitting those one here last month jason williams 22 points five three-pointers and i asked him about you know going against jason kidd and the fact that he knows that these funny phoenix sons will be coming at him tonight yeah you know we just got to go out and play hard as a team and do whatever we can to help our team win what about playing up against jason kidd though it's a lot of fun you know because i grew up watching him admiring his game and i see a lot of myself in him the way he works he's got a big heart and he plays hard and does whatever he can to help his team win you have been the talk of the nba across the country this week alone peter vesey of nbc david aldridge of espn how are you able to keep it all in perspective and stay level-headed well you know i just those guys just want to talk to me i guess to see where where i come from and all those things but you know i just go out on the court and just play my game play hard and how much do the veterans i know you're vernon maxwell chris webber bloody divots how do they help you in that regard they help me out because you know they've all been through it they've all been around so you know whatever advice they have to give i'm ready to accept it all right what about you now this is your first slump you're shooting about 30 percent the last five games well you know it's just something i i i guess i can't make a basket of these last couple games but you know tonight i'm gonna come out and just play my game if shots fall they fall they don't oh well here you are a month in the books you've played a lot of basketball games just give me some random thoughts about your first month in the nba well you know it's been fun it's been interesting you know just going these all these different cities are new to me and seeing meeting a lot of different people you know i just can't wait to continue on you're playing a lot of minutes what about getting your rest so that you're fresh for each and every ball game well yeah that's really important especially on the road when we get in late you know you got to get to bed you got to eat right take care of yourselves be ready for the next game when you guys win you score over 100 points and you get off to a quick start how important is that tonight against this phoenix suns ball club who looked very good the other night up in seattle i think it's very important you know we're coming in here we beat them here last time i think they're ready for some revenge so we just got to come out play hard and hopefully get on them early you and chris webb hooking up again is is he your first option when you have the basketball or you just look for guys that are open well you know whoever's open i'm gonna try to get on the ball no matter who it is but you know i like finding chris on the break because he can finish real good and he did not shoot the ball well but he's been on fire especially second half of the last game and there's jason williams and the king's back on top that's good and diebots poked it away goose thought he was fouled no whistle tarek numbers four on three williams he'll try to get into the scoring act from outside jason williams and the kings now lead by 12. kobe bayley the young man out of ucla in williams stomps pops and hits well so much for the scoring slump jason williams looking very they're able to run with this unit and get some open shots speaking of open shots jason williams he's now got eight points and nixon jason williams putting on a show yeah when he gets going on the jumper and has that confidence it means so much to this kings ball club and he's doing it from the outside that means it's going to extend the defense out jason kidd has to force to play bad huh confidence williams wide open good luck oh jason williams his second three you know he had five threes when he got a little one on him jason williams wow that's nice that's real nice you know what they're out for cordless right here he's got jason kidgarden oh enough of that another three-point bomb by the rookie sons a second chance and now you have a chance pull up three oh my gosh williams with another bomb 20 points that is and just in the little half court set give him a step all right i'll take that jump shot see how chapman has to get up on him but he knows it if he gets up on him sister king's rookie jason williams who connected tonight eight to 14th floor 4-4 line he had six assists with 24 points you and i talked before the ball game good to see you come out of that shooting slump no shooting slump tonight and you got it going right away well you know even just like i told you i'm gonna come out shooting just like i always do and you know they were falling tonight so i just tried to get my team going how important was it for this club to get the win tonight jason after the tough week you guys had a tough loss to seattle and portland in overtime this was a big game yeah it was real big you know every road game was really a big game for us but this one especially since we come off some tough losses two at home you know we just had to come out and play hard and do what we had to do to win and again the match up with jason kidd what respect you have for him another great game by kid tonight although on a losing course 21 11-9 almost another triple-double he's got to be tough to defend yeah he's really strong he's really fast you know i really respect his game and you know it's just really fun playing against a guy that i admire so much what do you learn from someone like adjacent kids the guy that you admire so much just the way he plays you know he's always trying to get his teammates involved and he's always on the glass as his point guard and you know he's just running up and down the court causing havoc hey how important was it to get a couple of days off where you could rest your legs a little bit and then come out a little more fresh tonight for phoenix i think it's pretty important you know just like when we get on the road long road trips we need to get in the hotel get our sleep get our rest you know and take care of our body all right i'm just so impressed with the way the ball club came out tonight brutal loss monday at home tough loss against the portland trail blazers wednesday young ball club on the road and in years past in sacramento i'm telling you it would have been uh-oh but you guys came out and had so much confidence tonight well you know we just got to take it one game at a time the good thing about this league we don't only got to wait 24 hours to get revenge so we just go out and play hard and have fun now we got a highlight package to show you here jason let's take a look at some of the things you can do and it's part of it is uh what you do defensively a strip how about this lap to tark at what point did you think you could thread this needle uh you know a tarp on the wing you throw it anywhere near the basket he'll go get it he's a great athlete the other thing you had going again was the outside shot this time the defender gives you a little step here yeah i mean if if you back up on me you know i'm always ready to shoot the ball so let's give me an inch i like going with confidence no you know i missed a couple shots last couple games but you miss 100 of the shots you don't take i like that i like the way you think that way absolutely and it forces the defense to think about you which is going to create for your teammates right you know they're worried about me outside that leaves chris and vladi and corliss those guys one on one in the post hey for the people that weren't with us at the beginning of the game uh you know i mean come on you're on the highlight shows every night uh nbc was in town this week espn was in town you're on front page sports sections across the country and here you are a rookie in the nba how do you handle it all and keep such an even keel well you know it's just just this i don't know i'm just in the papers i've been in the papers all my life really you know i just try to go out do whatever i can to help my team win and let that other stuff take care of it are you a little amazed though with the attention uh uh you know here you are a month into the league and everybody is talking about you well you know what really amazes me is my team you know they're not getting enough attention and without those guys i wouldn't be getting attention i'm getting so i think they deserve a lot more attention than they're getting now there you go hey buddy anybody teasing you because you're getting all this pub not really you know i just try to stay focused on what i got to do out on the court and your teammates giving you a little something a little raspberry sometimes maybe some of them might you know like i said i hope they get a lot more attention than they're getting yeah we got to get the don't the first year guys carry bags is that what they do all the time you score 24 points on the road then you'll have people carrying your bags off yeah you better believe it jason thanks for coming out we've got a tower gift certificate we'll give to you on the airplane and congratulations on another road victory in phoenix thank you guys all right that's jason williams of the kings and uh he helps the kings win it 111 to 999. comes to town the grizzlies try to make it a rare double bibby with a near steal but weber all alone and weber with the flesh in the past from williams oh a sweet little one head underhand pass they don't teach here comes the old bowling ball pass meadow king felipe lopez oh what a pass by williams man gotta take a timeout here and regroup this game slipping away on vancouver 19-7 is the advantage as mike phibby calls timeout the grizzlies down 12. sacramento fired up because of the play of jason williams 10 straight points for the sacramento kings to open up their biggest advantage of 12 points but boyle williams always exciting and that's as you say you love to play with a guy like that because he livens everybody up but what a look this one well great look but why did it happen felipe lopez with a turnover down at this end and grizzly's going to be very careful taking the ball inside off dribbles because they got one of the best shot blockers in the league and man when you run the wing with a guy like that you better have your hands up but he'll start throwing them off your face if you don't jason williams again by a little juke through the key and knocks down the jump shot weber finds williams who will pull up for the three looked off balance but hey that's what jason williams is made of he knocks down the three-pointer how many good everyone's gonna stay at home in the shooters four seconds three seconds williams has to launch along three and oh what a dart that was harder than they've had so far gonna come up fired up ready to place them deep shreef's gotta be the man they're gonna get him isolated another turtle all alone it's dragovich and all both just about to say good foul on sharif by sharif but it is converted has infused the kings with flair and showmanship teaming with vlade divots and chris webber to turn them into one of the league's more exciting teams while pushing them to the brink of the playoffs the jazz take on the kings next on tnt no mistakes math game is along with reggie theis and sheryl miller this is bob neal welcoming you to arco arena in sacramento california they're having another sell out here and that's because this is one of the most exciting and surprising teams in this shortened nba season and tonight the red hot jazz come calling on the sacramento kings playing very well in the last 10 games jason williams long three off the glass head comes away with it typically the center jason williams has four triples in this game third quarter has corliss jason williams thought about the three there's that behind the back dribble oh the crowd wanted divots to get it but weber's back and that's okay i tell you what he gave him the same hand crossover and then put it behind his back and then still found time to put it behind his ear nobody illegal i tell you what he puts it on a string right there shows it to him that puts it behind his back then finds a way to get behind the ear to vladi doesn't go but the second effort chris weber putting it in the hole and cheryl is with welcome to sacramento california tonight the seattle supersonics were in the midst of the second game of three in a row after the disappointing loss last night to the phoenix suns the sonics have dropped to 18 and 19 on the year tonight are here at arco arena to take on the kings who are 17 and then this young man white chocolate as they called him earlier in the year very exciting the entertainer but also understanding the game a little bit better from that position an assist guy a great rebounder just very very active with a lot of energy and he's been very successful for the sacramento kings bringing that west virginia game west to the head to the baseline trying to whirl a pass back into play intercepted by vladi releasing jason three on two look at him go in the hole now you see it now you know jason very entertaining right here he's freezes the defense douglas swift just for a second i thought he was going to pass it double team out to jason pump fakes the three nice pass in low to weber for the hook off the window and there were the spin trying to draw kratty off his feet a little scoop pass inside thunderbird one dribble enough for the two-hand thunderjab no soul to the hole that time oh no here's peyton spinning into the lane with the left hand that's erased by weber outside to jason on the run out the look away from the layout we've been there stepping up in the front corn williams hard blast into the laner running right-hander but here's jason williams going through the hole hershey hawkins does a great job of coming back look at that wow that's just a shot maker right there there's nothing you can do to defend time for the kings to close a three-game home stand in which they have already lost two straights so kings fans thank goodness for the nuggets who just have a single road win today second quarter kings up nine chris webber gives the ball to jason williams williams gives it back to weather for the stuff kings up 41-30 still second quarter nick van exel looking for danny fortune you know they both went to the university of cincinnati and they love the slam tied at 57 at the half third quarter kings come out on fire jason williams thriller vanilla that's a three king's up three more kings tarek abdul ahead gonna miss the jumper with the big nasty carlos williamson with the tip kings up 73-65 antonio mcdosh tries to keep the nuggets close the jumper from the wing nuggets down 81-67 sea webb responds though williams feeds weber who was hungry for the down low kings up 94-78 after three the kings get back on the winning track at home after dropping three of their previous four home games this season anaheim california has clippers basketball on kcal 9. tonight the los angeles clippers play host to the sacramento king chris webber they are the exciting young jason williams they have a lot of weapons a lot of guys that can make plays they push it up and down the court we're going to see some points put up on the scoreboard this evening for sure and i promise you two things we're going to see some razzle and we're going to see some dazzle and you're going to love this game so don't go away move to houston tonight the tap is controlled by the kings and this is jason williams with a basketball he doesn't care about the three-point line he gets across the mid-court line he's ready to shoot it the scoop and the score somehow got the proper english on quick jumpers but the jason williams show on full display last night corliss brother williams for the bucket what a play for the rook loose williams goes up to get it and a great no looker to depos for an easy score one point clipper lead come right back to him it's over the top the lob at the basket oh top of the key eric pienkowski is guarding wahad and as they start this play there is no body contact there's no visual contact with the ball wahad able to beat eric piankowski and chris ford livid at the quarter break at the team by hudson but no finish and williams comes the other way there's the lob there's the dunk well that young kid's exciting didn't they call a foul on lorenzo in transition nobody matching up with jason williams and rob there's been so much speculation on number two williams with a steal williams on the break williams with the bastards oncoming double team by chris webber he did not keep track of the length of this short six-footer that he's playing against jason williams that little left hand pokes it out there the creativity is this traveling i don't know it's about four steps that's legal in the end per game average of thirteen years three bingo says that uh maurice taylor is ready whenever you need him what a play by william what a move to the hoop williams watch out jason williams has 11. he's fun to watch knocked away from taylor here comes williams hello uh oh king but coming in to steal is williams williams shoots and scores williams having a big game 15 points they're having a double team rodney down low and he passes very well out of the post when doubled williams having a monster game 17 points and it's all over and the los angeles clippers come up short to the sacramento kings who get a very very big victory here indeed tonight the final score the kings come from five down late in the game to defeat the clippers 102-98 the race for the final playoff spot moves to the state's capital sacramento at arco arena where tonight the golden state warriors hit the roadways taking on the sacramento kings five to 58 at the half williams a good look from three dropped it down knock off and no matter what they're going to have the lead williams went all the way to the rim laid it in and was found got hit in the side of the head but where was the defense i think the warriors thought sacramento would play for one a little hesitation and then a burst of speed he waited till the defense got set on their men and the tall trees knocked away by weber leading ahead to a little quick pass to thunderbird sacramento's holding within two mills cummings and starts for the warriors sacramento up six williams trying to put it away a three is in sacramento's largest league had the answer in the fourth quarter a big win for the kings as they now own the tiebreaker sacramento stays in the eighth playoff spot tied with seattle the warriors dropped two games back of the eighth and final playoff spot we'll have tomorrow off and then play denver twice friday and saturday so it was not quite a laker hangover the warriors played very well for three quarters and ran out of gas in the fourth as the king's old serve and win on their home court 103.94 live from arco arena the timberwolves battle chris webber jason williams and the sacramento finish barry spins in behind them back to jason williams i don't know if that was pretty i don't know if it was out of control but i do know that that is sacramento kings basketball andre passing to break up the play but the wolves were late in transition to pick up the loose ball in the keys in 19 in the first quarter jason how does he do it how does he do it great control by the young man he lost control of the basket turns it over to john barry what a first half john barry has had jason williams got their game going watch jason williams korea see great hands by jason williams he's a talented individual he lost sight of the basketball for a split second but the great recovery because of the talent made the play happen and john berry along with vernon maxwell gave this team a huge spark off the bench to get the kings back into contention those are the hardy's highlights of the first half and has reached the first half he gives off to jason williams who will just fire it up terrell brandon got his arms down and jason williams will fire up on the second attempt to beat the screen brandon misses jason williams the showtime move pulls up third time a charm yes kevin jason williams looking to create grades for himself he comes and brandon continue to battle away from the ball williams fires up and over one thing you never do is leave the man with the basket can't get it to go and weber has his 15th rebound see dean garrett should have took that shot by his hesitation that broke down the world's offense there is no defense for a 35-foot jumper jason williams has four three-pointers here in the third quarter and sacramento who trailed by 19 in the first half at their largest lead of the night pickles they're off the nba game was made for jason williams and what's the area code in sacramento i don't know but neither does jason williams because those calls came from long distance i know it's 9-1-6 in this area but that shot came from a 4-1-5 area code and that's in the city by the but the legs of anthony pillar will they be strong enough to make shots from downtown that young man right there jason williams is on fire from downtown that ought to be worth four or five basketball game jason williams on the other end trying to protect the lead right now he's running three he's running loose he's gonna be tough to stop he's running free he's running loose he's going to the spots where he wants to go to get his shots away bad position here comes jason williams bracing the floor kicks it outside barry is open fires in here james hollywood robertson will be just saying 100 22 and 22 and the sacramento kings have taken a giant step towards the postseason john barry was brilliant 20 points in the ball game the fans here at arco arena may have more basketball to see in the week half the kings are within a game of 500 and the wolves will have to regroup side not inside game one sacramento utah saturday in salt lake first game of the playoffs and suddenly everything is bigger than life the delta center hosts the six seeds from sacramento new look kings chris weber the nba rebound champion rookie jason williams whose energy and creativity has brought excitement and hope to sacramento this is a a new thing for most of these men in purple today williams from almost out of bounds jason williams with the three makes it 12-5 jason williams for sacramento in that corner drifting drifting from vlade horn a sec late to run at him defense something that he doesn't want to do a lot williams another three oh my jason williams a rookie from florida he was a seventh player pick a lot of folks around the country didn't know him you know he was right back on the very next possession runs stockton off a screen set by weber drills his own three-pointer what elevation put it in the hole as well williams for three off the backboard how long was that backhanded pass and webber dances it in and jason williams so smooth so creative and imaginative jason jason williams with 11 points he's won the favor of fans and the respect of his teammates chris webber included he is like the ultimate gym rat he's the guy that you know you'll see at mcdonald's with the basketball and then you know he'll be walking he'll be in the car wash washing his car with the basketball like some of these guys you know that's really jason and and that's what i love about him is this is something that he loves to do he loves to try to trick you with it and he wants to learn guys who live the game of basketball jason williams has been seeing that ball in and out of his hands his entire life creative putting on the show non-stop very nice remarkable and so is the final score game one the utah 117 to 87 and the veterans led by malone made a solid statement i don't think it was starstruck i think they just jumped on us quickly and before we knew it we're down 17 points and now you're trying to come back against the championship caliber team that's a tough task and i just think you know we've got to put that behind us but understand you know what we did wrong and what we have to correct i don't think there's any way that you're going to go out and have a game like that they're too good a team and they they'll be right back in our face tonight i'm sure we don't have anything to lose you know i think the jazz got everything to lose and we got everything in the game so we just come out and just play our kind of ball along with reggie theis and sheryl miller bob neal with you from the delta center in salt lake city utah where the utah jazz got out to a commanding one-nothing lead of the jazz 11 points jason williams and the king to it jason williams had to make a nice play just to catch that pass pull up jumper for three jason williams and it's 1918 king williams gets past eisley for the short jumper larry miller yugoslavia and his worrying about his parents had only three hours sleep last night outlet to jason williams with a lay-in but it is fun jason williams gets it inside and a nice look to abdul ahead tariq abdul ahead 9.3 points 3.8 period he had 21 points and only three periods of play in game one jason williams hits the triple coming off the screen it is 63-61 jazz but he thought it was he should have did a lot more than just push uh carl in the chest divots with patience in the double team waited for jason williams to come around the screen and to go in the period hornacek all alone penetrated how about that block that came from abdullah ahead six six long arms jason williams behind the back weber trailer williamson wow oh the young fella got a little flavor in his game kings look at jason williams giving it up with the no look behind the back and then chris weber feeling it giving it over to cordless wilson to finish the game but look at that off the nose on the money passing three times on the inside that's good team battle and this is his kind of game this is what he lives for right there and of course c webb could have laid that up with a gamer's third assist but right there i think that's good sharing it's part of his game first one of his three threes well he gets it going he's feeling good he's got a lot of flavor making things happen all over the floor but just before we left the floor he ran a one-man weave and got fouled i mean he really puts the ball on the floor in the big time basketball game tonight for all sacramento kings jason williams has 18 points and the kings lead it by 10. the three this one is all over but the shouting the kings upsetting the jazz at home 101.90 taking the home court advantage away from utah and let's go to sheryl miller a rebounding champion and how about rebounding from his own personal problems his professional career chris webber the star the leader of the sacramento kings he had 20 points tonight devops 18 williams 18. great job off the bench it'll be a wild one in sacramento for reggie theis and sheryl miller this is bob neal saying so long from salt lake city coming up next ernie johnson in our studios in the atlanta on dnt tonight it's the nba on tnt tonight it's the nba and cheryl miller bob neal with you from sacramento
Channel: Aaron Lane
Views: 190,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2016
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