Jason Whitlock EXPOSED!

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This guy is one of the worst people on the planet. I remember when he trashed LeBron for having fun with high schoolers during a basketball game.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Milla4Prez66 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

Skip to 1:30 for the actual start of the discussion of Whitlock

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/22797 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

If you want to give yourself aids, sort by new in this videos comment section.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Pennywise-Wu-Ha 📅︎︎ May 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] before this video starts if you enjoyed this video there are many more like it already on the channel with many more like it to come in the future so subscribe i'm trying to hit 125 000 subscribers by the end of the year so i would really appreciate it i upload six to seven days a week on this channel so if you're looking for some consistent basketball talk this is the place for it also drop a like on this video it only takes one second it makes a massive difference also there's a new episode of the rusty and mojo show out right now i'm not going to show a clip because this video is long enough as it is but it should be out now if it's not it's going to be soon but it's a good episode go give that a watch when you're done with this video so i have been pretty public and blatant about my distaste for traditional nba media and its members the likes of stephen a smith nick wright colin cowherd kendrick perkins the list goes on i do not like any of those people that i just mentioned in fact i can't stand most of them but the thing is i get it at the end of the day i understand it i get why these guys have the jobs that they do and i am very much in the pro secure the bag camp so even though i don't respect the profession i understand and as a result i do not hate anyone that i just mentioned in fact i'm very careful about who i say that i hate because to me that is a very strong word it's why i cannot stand when people accuse me of hating russell westbrook or lebron james just because i'm critical of them as basketball players don't hate those guys not even close however somebody that i hate and i mean hate is jason [ __ ] ass whitlock see while i don't have any respect for what the likes of nick wright and colin cowherd do i don't think they are bad people by any stretch and i don't think what they do is damaging to the game of basketball or just society in general jason whitlock on the other hand is a bad person and what he does is dangerous to basketball and society in general you won't see me accusing folks of being bad people around here at least not all that often i try to keep things generally light-hearted or at the very least not antagonistic on this channel however i am so tired of this guy's [ __ ] so i'm gonna talk about why jason whitlock sucks ass roll the intro absolutely incredible [Music] all right so just a heads up the reason why i hate jason whitlock is not because he has dumb basketball takes all the other analysts have bad basketball takes including myself the reason i hate jason whitlock is because of the [ __ ] that he says in regards to the players lives as well as what he says about social justice in sports he also just says some offhand horrible [ __ ] all the time with no real narrative behind it so if you have a problem with let's say black people not being innocently shot in the street by cops or women being treated as equals in the workplace or if you're just a general piece of [ __ ] then you're probably not going to like what i have to say because pieces of [ __ ] are jason whitlock's target demographic the reason i finally decided to make this video is the most recent clownery on the part of jason whitlock for no reason other than him being a piece of [ __ ] whitlock released an article attacking katie nolan and maria taylor both very prominent women in sports media now i am not someone who consumes sports media generally which i understand is ironic because i could kind of be considered in that category however what i have learned from a good amount of research is that both katie nolan and maria taylor are very good at their jobs very talented and good people who do not deserve to be attacked completely out of the blue and as for why they were it's pretty much just because they were women jason released this hateful hateful article a couple of days ago saying that nolan and taylor only got their jobs because they were attractive when taylor played college basketball and gradually moved up the ladder of sports media through hard work for nolan whitlock said that she went from a bartender to a seven-figure sports show host because she's attractive when she got her start by making a [ __ ] blog that's how she got there not because she's attractive she worked to get to where she is today and after this [ __ ] article came out many women in sports came out and told their stories about katie nolan and how she supported them this one tweet in particular from another woman in the field saying katie let her shadow her when she had no reason outside of her own kindness and desire to help women in sports but even then nolan and maria do not have to be saints in order for them to not deserve this attack jason attacking these women because of beauty privilege is the same crack of [ __ ] that women in sports media and media in general get all the [ __ ] time look jason i get it i'm not a particularly good looking dude either i mean i don't look like bubble bass from spongebob but i'm no chris evans either so i do understand that yeah there are a couple of privileges that come from being more attractive as i do not get those privileges however that is well balanced out by the fact that looks are a huge factor in how women and sports succeed regardless of if they are attractive or not whether or not nolan or taylor are attractive or not has [ __ ] all to do with the hard work that they've done to get into the positions that they have and overall looks being a factor is not a good thing for women in sports because it can hold them back just as much as it props them up the fact that whether or not a woman is attractive or not is one of the first things that's talked about with female sports personalities is a huge problem and it sure is [ __ ] not a positive for nolan or maria or anyone in that area it's not a positive for women in sports media that you deem not attractive do you think whatever the god-awful female version of jason whitlock is would have any level of success like you have jason because i don't think she'd be allowed on tv because if you're not attractive you're not allowed on tv if you're a woman that's literally a running joke with women in media even family guy made a joke about that and they're [ __ ] family guy it's the most surface level [ __ ] ever so you get it if there was a female version of jason whitlock she would not be allowed on tv because she's not a supermodel so her opinion just doesn't matter that's how that works in that field and that's disgusting and it sure is [ __ ] not a positive do you want to attack shannon sharp jason and say that he is illegitimate because he has some nice biceps no you don't because you don't think of that when it's not a woman because he's a man he's already perfectly valid to you and doesn't have to pass some sort of test in order to get your approval because you're a sexist piece of [ __ ] jason whitlock katie had to protect her twitter account because of all the hate that came her way because of this [ __ ] so if you think jason is harmless he definitely is not because his clowns of supporters went and harassed her so after all that i'm gonna issue my first [ __ ] you jason whitlock and for the few hopefully few bitch-ass people that are gonna reply i hope she sees this or simp a grow the [ __ ] up b i don't set for anybody except for jeremy grant and also maybe zendaya honestly i'm only saying maybe because i'm playing hard to get also you know it's possible to support women in anything without trying to sleep with them right it's just called being a decent person i don't know if that's a high bar for some of you guys but i don't know so what garbage do we have next well roll the clip this is all pretty much standard operating procedure for lebron at his son's games i'm sure someone has convinced lebron that the subsequent viral videos are a good thing in his mind lebron is making fatherhood cool and fun again i disagree lebron is making a spectacle of himself a circus of his son's early playing days and using his son's game as yet another platform to build the lebron social media brand it's inappropriate it points to how much fame has inevitably changed lebron over the past decade okay so if you have been around for a while which most of you haven't been around for this long i released a video a while ago titled a reminder that nba players are human on both jeremy lin crying about no longer having an nba career as well as this and basically all i had to say at the time about this was do you really think that lebron [ __ ] james is trying to get internet clout do you think he's dunking at his son's high school games to get social media brand attention he's lebron james dude he's like one of the 10 most famous people on the planet there's a short list of people who are more famous than lebron james the guy doesn't need to dunk at his son's high school game in order to get attention from the media lebron gets more just attention in general in one day then 99.9 percent of people will get in their entire [ __ ] lives this assertion that lebron was doing this for attention is not only stupid but also incredibly hypocritical coming from the biggest [ __ ] attention [ __ ] that exists in the media jason whitlock so that was dumb and after that take i'm going to give my second [ __ ] you jason whitlock but this is not the first time that he has had some stupid [ __ ] to say about lebron james in fact he has made a career on the latter end of attacking lebron the guy actually said that lebron is a bigot lebron see whitlock is what some would call a bootlicker not me actually yes me i would definitely call him that i don't know why i said that he's definitely a bootlicker now this is gonna dip into a little bit more serious of a conversation so just be forewarned and it's not a conversation i'm particularly comfortable having but it is relevant in regards to jason whitlock i do not know what it is like to be black in america obviously i am whiter than [ __ ] casper however i try to sympathize and understand the best i can what black people go through in america which is something that i can never personally experience and generally speaking i look to the consensus on said topics to get the general opinion and that general opinion is black people are terrified of cops in america because of police brutality because what happened to jacob blake george floyd brianna taylor tamir rice philando castile eric garner and michael brown it's happened to many others and is probably going to continue to happen until something is eventually done that's where that fear comes from it's a fear that i have the privilege to not have to deal with at any point in my life and will never have to deal with lebron about a month ago expressed this same fear after jacob blake was shot in the back eight times quite frankly he's just [ __ ] up in our community and i said that i know people get tired of hearing me say it but we are scared as black people in america black men black women black kids we are we are terrified powerful at least to me but apparently not to jason whitlock he said i'm black i'm not scared i'm not terrified neither is lebron james he's lying now first of all you do not get to decide what someone else's thoughts and feelings are that's between them and how they express them you can't say someone is lying about how they're feeling unless you have them hooked up to a lie detector test lebron saying he is terrified in america because he's black is not some objective statement that can be false or true that's what he feels that's not how that works you cannot just say he is lying whether or not lebron is telling the truth about how he feels is between he and himself you can disagree and say you don't have that same feeling as you did however you cannot say that he is lying that's just simply not how that works and as for why whitlock believes that lebron james is lying about feeling fear because of his race well apparently he thinks lebron can't feel racism if he's rich racism is an issue in america but it is primarily an issue for the poor it's not lebron james's issue lebron james whether he likes it or not or whether people close to him or telling him or not he has removed himself from the damages and the ravages of real racism oh my god you [ __ ] idiot i mean lebron did have the n-word written on the gate of his house a few years ago but i guess that word means something different if you have three commas in your bank account but back to the first part of his statement i'm black and i am not scared that's your own experience and i'm not gonna say that you're lying as you did lebron james because that's your experience and i actually don't think he is lying granted jason whitlock is also rich so it seems a little bit [ __ ] hypocritical but that's besides the point i'm not gonna accuse him of lying especially because i cannot speak from experience but you cannot invalidate someone else's experience because of your own experience they are not the same just because you feel differently does not mean lebron is not valid to feel the way he does once again that's not how that works whitlock goes on to say that he and the political activist controlling him him being lebron want black people to immerse themselves in fear and fear is a tool used to control people there are a few problems with that first of all there are a lot of things you can accuse lebron james of being but not being himself is not one of those things if you think there are politicians behind lebron james and he's just a facade you're a [ __ ] idiot just straight up second of all lebron james's comments is not what has black people in america scared it's police brutality and the system that allows that to pass it's not like lebron single-handedly made black americans scared that's once again it's [ __ ] stupid he essentially in this article accuses lebron james of fear-mongering and that fear-mongering is a tool used to control people and the last half of that statement is correct however there is a difference between fear-mongering and expressing a legitimate fear for example look no further than the dumbass comparison that whitlock made in this article the reason he thinks lebron is a bigot is because he is using fear-mongering in the same way that the clan does which hall of fame stretch which is funny because kobe's saying that he was saying that in relation to something jason whitlock said but those two things are interchangeable they're not the same thing he tries to correlate the statement of and you all wonder why we say what we say about police with the same phrase with police substituted with black people okay so a black people are a race cop is a profession they're not the same thing white people are not all cops i am not a cop b it is not fear-mongering if the fear is legitimate the clan was wrong and still is wrong because they somehow still [ __ ] exist for saying that black people are evil i know hot take trying not to be controversial over here lebron saying that black people in america are scared of the police was not wrong he is right as the massive protests across not only the country but the [ __ ] planet made very clear whitlock later goes on to say that essentially blake deserved what he got because he was likely a sexual predator and he resisted arrest i got this same [ __ ] argument when i made my video on nba players protesting and i expressed my support of their protest based on what happened to jacob blake the thing is regardless of whether or not blake did what whitlock and many others accuse him of doing is not even slightly correlated to whether or not what happened to him is justifiable black people do not have to be good or even decent or even just not evil to be treated as equals and not be gunned down in the street that's not how the justice system works or at least it's not how it's supposed to work because it doesn't seem like that's how it works based on what happened with brianna taylor the people on the side of the black lives matter movement both black people and their allies did not choose jacob blake as a martyr the cop that shot him in the back eight times did same goes for brianna taylor same goes for george floyd same goes for philando castile same goes for tamira rice same goes for all of them it wasn't their choice it was the police but what is ironic about whitlock calling lebron a bigot is if anything whitlock is a whole lot closer to being a bigot than lebron is he said after a lin's sanity game back in 2012 that some lucky lady in nyc is going to get a couple inches of pain now first of all gross second of all while i don't believe this comment makes whitlock a bigot there is no comment like that that exists with lebron james so please shut the [ __ ] up jason whitlock because you're a lot closer to a bigot than lebron james is he expressed a legitimate fear and you're an idiot there is the third [ __ ] you jason whitlock but back to jacob blake jason whitlock is not done spewing [ __ ] about him and the nba back when the protest happened the milwaukee bucks were the first team to sit out a game so when they later over a week later lost in an upset to the miami heat jason whitlock said the reason why is because they were too focused on jacob blake no i am not kidding but the milwaukee bucks are down 0-2 after being the best team in the nba during the regular season to clear number one seed and if not for the officiating everybody would be talking about are the bucks distracted do they have a black lives matter hangover from canceling nba playoff games and basically canceling sports yes it wasn't bam autobio's great matchup on giannis it wasn't jimmy butler and goran drogic going off it wasn't a great scheme by eric spoelstra that exploited them on both ends and exposed the fact that they don't make any adjustments and mike budenholzer refused to make adjustments no it was because they were too focused on jacob lake it was the fact that they protested after jacob lake was unjustly shot not all those other factors because of course no other team in the league feels strongly about black lives matter no other team felt strongly about jacob blake no other team cares about this movement whatsoever no other team protested it was just the milwaukee bucks because apparently every other team in the league is made up of a bunch of white cops except that's not true the protest jacob blake the weight of that moment all had the same bearing on the shoulders of every other player that was in the bubble also if the rest of the league was made up of white cops the bucks would not have lost but on top of doing something that whitlock is one to accuse the nba of doing which is making everything about politics and black lives matter he's also just being dumb regardless of how you feel about the protests it is stupid as [ __ ] to suggest that the bucks lost for this reason just [ __ ] stupid and really i am just cracking the surface of the stupid [ __ ] that comes out of whitlock's mouth however all of that is just a symptom of whitlock and who he serves jason stands in the face of black lives matter and things like it in the past to pander to a certain crowd that i'm no longer watching the nba because it's too political crowd the i'm burning my nikes because colin kaepernick is a brand figurehead crowd you might have watched all of this and thought how does this guy have a career how does he make millions of dollars being a [ __ ] douchebag well look at the comments under his video about the bucks they [ __ ] love this guy to them he is the messiah the one guy in sports media standing up to the establishment same thing goes for his attacks against women specifically katie nolan and maria taylor he is pandering to those [ __ ] who do nothing with female sports personalities except complain about them or rank them based on their looks he is pandering to the people that hate women in sports and would love nothing more than to see his fat ass tear them down jason is essentially the one black friend of every racist and misogynistic sports fan out there he's that guy for them and jason has rid this way for his entire career at the cost of being hated by a majority of people who know about him now that did come at somewhat of a cost luckily after controversy after controversy whitlock was no longer able to continue his employment at fox sports so as the world anxiously waited to see where the great jason whitlock would work next we got the answer out kick which from what i can tell is essentially the bright part of sports media and that's not a compliment to say the least which makes sense because whitlock his entire career has pandered to the type of people that would enjoy this type of content so he's basically just going home and you know what for what it's worth whitlock has made quite a bit of coin off of this career path he has a net worth of 10 million dollars so he's doing pretty well by himself but was it worth it whitlock has been the mouthpiece for a whole lot of piece of [ __ ] arguments hence his target audience he is supposed to say disagreeable things and he gets attention and money as a result of it and that is nothing new in sports media however he takes it a step further a step beyond saying that james harden is better than stephen curry or ben simmons is a top 10 player he instead targets innocent people and shits on the idea of social justice all while counting every dollar he gets but you know what there's not enough money in the world that you could pay me to be jason whitlock maybe he's okay cashing these paychecks being the world's biggest douchebag but at the end of the day his legacy is going to be remember that fat [ __ ] that used to work at fox sports and you couldn't pay me to be that anyways with this more serious video out of the way tomorrow we're going to be talking about james harden and whether or not he should demand a trade and what a james harden trade might look like if he did something a little bit more lighthearted so i'd like to say one more [ __ ] you jason whitlock and that is the end of this video please be sure to like and subscribe for my video content like this and cue the outro music and like i said and going back to whitlock i don't think he can comment on anything but snacks [Music] you
Channel: Rusty Buckets
Views: 127,675
Rating: 4.4252067 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Whitlock, Jason Whitlock fired, Jason Whitlock lebron, Jason Whitlock tucker Carlson, Jason Whitlock allen Iverson, Jason Whitlock Breonna Taylor, Jason whitlock Katie Nolan, Jason Whitlock fired from fox, Jason Whitlock outkick, Jason whitlock kobe, Jason Whitlock gets owned, fox sports, nba media, ESPN, nba, NBA, basketball, nba playoffs, lebron James, giannis, Milwaukee bucks, Miami heat, lebron James highlights, lebron James mix, jimmy butler, khris Middleton
Id: n70R0Qrkdx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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