Jason Reynolds: "Write. Right. Rite.": Create an Award for Yourself

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>> Hello, hello, hello. Say, say, say what's good, what's good, what's good. It's Jason Reynolds. Welcome back to another addition of Write, Write, Write. All right. So, this thing is the National Ambassador of Young People's Literature Medal. Boom, there it is. This is my jewelry, you know what I mean? I don't wear it very often, but this is my jewelry. And the reality is that they gave this to me basically because I love children, I love young people. And they were like, yo, this dude loves young people so much, he deserves an honor. All right? We should give him a position, where his job, a national position, is just to love on young people, especially as it pertains to literature. I mean, that's technically what it's about. So, today, what I want you all to do is, make up an award for yourself, an honor for yourself. Make up a medal, right? Now, it can't actually exist in real life yet. So, you can't be like, yo, I got like a Nobel Peace Prize. Well, we know that that already exists. But you get to make up your own award, and you are given that award. And what I need you to do is figure out what the award is, what it's called, what's the criteria to receive this award, and why you feel like you deserve to get one. Make up your own jewelry, your own award, your own honor, and see what you come up with. Me, I'm probably going to make up a new one, like, yo, I get some kind of award for being the best like couch napper. I'm nice on the couch. I'm like the illest couch napper ever. Bed sleeper -- uh. But couch napper -- yo. You're looking at the king. You feel me? So, do that, and let me know how it goes. And I'll see you all next time. Oh -- and by the way, tell your brother I need my sneakers back. I'm going to holler at you. Peace.
Channel: Library of Congress
Views: 37,836
Rating: 4.7673378 out of 5
Keywords: Library of Congress
Id: ZOLaHL7tlTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 55sec (115 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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