Jason Downie | Crimes That Shook Australia | S1E04

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in November 2010 a small town On The Fringe of the famous Barossa Valley is the scene of the most gruesome multiple murders people in kapunda were scared they were afraid that there was a killer in their midst and they wanted to know who it was why it was family savagely murdered in their own home I can tell you with that word of a lie I have never heard anything as bad the kapunda triple murder that there is simply no comparison I mean like they were just good people I just don't understand why someone would do this destroying a family one after the other in front of their eyes in their own home there's no greater evil than that on his left utterly stunned whilst detectives struggle to find a motive what we had here was just a tragedy of Epic Proportion he's sitting there skinny weedy and weak and I just could not believe that this was the person that had perpetrated three murders no emotion no sorrow no grief no nothing and just a very cold cold individual as three people lie dead the killer would be tracked down in one of the most unlikely places making this a crime That Shook Australia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 80 kilometers north of Adelaide is a small town once home to a bustling mining community kapanda and the metal mine here is Australia's first commercial metal mine it's now it's a tourist attraction there are mines that you can still walk through there are tours that you can go on and to everybody else in South Australia kapunda is a low-level tourist destination a little bit isolated as a result and living that very stereotypical Aussie Country Life you grow up with the group that you grow up with you know them from birth through death you take over a farm or you take over a business on rare occasions you actually get out of the town and do something else but you've always got that tie back there and the bonds that form in communities like kapunda are lifelong sometimes whether you like it or not but the scene that is to unfold in Harriet Street on the morning of the 8th of November 2010 is one that the quaint tourist town has never seen before in my office going through a variety of files and uh senior Sergeant Steve Kinsman came into the office and said that they had three bodies had been found in the house at kapunda someone else had found the crime scene they'd contacted the local police and there's only two police officers in that town one of them attended and saw the scene he had an ambulance at arrive he entered the house with an ambulance officer to determine that all those people in the house were beyond help and they were deceased the biggest crime prior to this as far as anyone was aware of was that someone set fire to map The Miner which was a a symbol there an unprecedented scene confronted Emergency Services as the three victims sadly could not be saved those hearing sporadic bits and pieces of information coming through from our investigative reporters our police reporters all of whom were trying to get information what emerged very quickly was that police were keeping a very tight lid on the situation they either knew completely what they were dealing with or had no idea whatsoever were trying to keep things as tight as they possibly could while they sorted it out it's fair to say that that crime scene was very confronting there's been some criticism by the media on that day that I didn't declare that it was a triple murder well to be honest until you get in and have a really good look that can be a big call to make if you're going to tell a community that three people have been murdered and you don't know who is responsible for it you better be sure that that's what you're telling them you don't want it to turn out that it was a murder suicide later on information on the circumstances of the deaths were sporadic but Grant Moyle and his colleagues needed to process the extent of the crime scene and uncover exactly what had happened first and foremost who have we got in the house who lives there and who's died in that house at that particular time are there any outstanding people early information was the names of the people involved and that their son was away in Queensland at that particular time the three victims are eventually identified as Rose and Andrew Rowe and their 16 year old daughter Chantal their older son Christopher is on holiday on the Gold Coast while Christopher and his fiance were up there news broke of the murders Christopher saw in the news coverage he's straight posted a message on Facebook can somebody check on my parents that's my straight and they're talking about people being killed there he got to reply back very early in the piece saying all's good so he relaxed but unfortunately that was misinformation that person had mistaken which house it was and in their effort to help Christopher they'd given him the wrong the wrong information Christopher then found out it was his parents and his sister so of course it went from being the dream holiday to the absolute nightmare question obviously we had to clarify exactly when he'd left and when we're satisfied that he certainly couldn't be connected to this and try to get some background from him did he know of any people who might be responsible for this were there any other issues with the family that we that we weren't aware of I was just absolutely devastated for the family because they were friends of mine and then Christopher remains a very very dear friend and and I will support him as long as I can as the only surviving immediate relative tries to take in the news the police search for a motive what I will say is that yes there's certainly a frenzied attack because of the nature of the scene it was I think it was a very personal attack and so I don't think it was just someone random but that doesn't allow Community fears and certainly some fears from from the beginning that was did they have a murder on the loose in the town the Roe family moved to kapunda just a few years earlier with Andrew running his own carpet cleaning business and by all accounts had settled well into the community now viciously attacked in their home and left for dead the police need to alleviate growing fears within the small town [Music] I was just devastated but then I had to take a deep breath and say right we've got a we've got something on our hands here that we've got to manage and make sure our people are are feeling safe there's more details started to emerge about Andrew Rose and Chantel Rowe questions started being asked and rumors started coming out and they were as is typical for Adelaide unfortunate and unfair rumors some information was coming in about the family people were ringing up and that information had to be followed up a variety of different lines of inquiry and for example there was Andrew owned a large motorcycle that looked like a Harley Davidson so there was some speculation was is it bikey or drug related well those things had to be ruled out it wasn't even a Harley so we ruled that out but it took a number of hours to do that there was a sense of you know of angst in the town I think there's no doubt about that and like any smaller Community you're going to get the Chinese Whispers and all of that so that had to be managed also of course then we were talking to the local police and the local the neighbors Etc to try to get some of that other information that was done through door knocks of the area as house to house inquiries begin and friends and relatives are questioned an anonymous phone call is to reveal some alarming news some information came in through Crime Stoppers that a person had read a post on Facebook where a person had written that they had done something terrible didn't know how they could live with themselves they were very sorry and words to that effect and that person lived very close to this crime scene and also we could establish a connection with the family and we thought is this the man is he is he confessing on Facebook [Music] three members of a family have been brutally murdered in the rural town of kapunda South Australia Rose Andrew and Chantel Rowe have suffered horrific injuries in a brutal and sustained attack now police have discovered a message on a social network site that could lead them straight to the Killer a person had written that they had done something terrible didn't know how they could live with themselves also we could establish a connection with the family and we thought is this the man is he confessing on Facebook so we very quickly then had to gather the troops [Music] it says race to question the man about his message on the social networking site we were all hoping that this was the answer but you're never that lucky as it turned out yes we did have a team go to the house he was spoken to and it was clear that what he was talking about was a domestic argument dispute that he'd had and so we ruled him out foreign as news filters back that this isn't their man Grand Moyle learns the true extent to the victim's Dreadful injuries Andrew and rosemary have fought with the killer from the front of the house through to the back and I would suggest fought valiantly during the attack Chantal has suffered significant injuries Chantelle was stabbed 33 times Andrew 29. in Rosemary um 50 or more [Music] density of the violence is hard to process and more details will come to the fore just days after the triple murders the team focus on people who could determine the Family's last movements Rosemary and Andrew had gone away down to Adelaide Saturday night to a party Chantelle had had a party and at that party several friends had attended and things had been going well [Music] I understand it wasn't a a big party by any stretched the imagination but more a case of some friends over a few drinks watching TV watching movies we went and followed up and found those friends and interviewed those now all of them were were helpful we didn't have any issues with any of them they told us what we wanted to to know and gave us some access to Facebook sites to have a look and clarify some points and get some more background we did that the party is to provide South Australia police with vital links to chantal's partner and closest friends we spoke the majority of those on the Tuesday so the second day during that process a uniform officer was speaking to one of the many friends that the name Jason Downey came up Jason Downey is an 18 year old Scottish teenager who emigrated to kapunda with his mother and brother six years before having once attended the same school as Chantelle he knows her and her boyfriend a statement was taken from him that day that is the first time his name came up but it came up no different from anyone else's at that particular time police are also Keen to track the last movements of chantal's partner chantelle's boyfriend had sent her a text message at 5 30 a.m on the Monday morning to her phone asking how she was because she'd been ill the day before and he said he didn't receive a reply but our inquiry showed that a return message was sent from that phone but Chantelle was out of credit on her phone so the message went off into ether space and we've never been able to retrieve it but we know the reply was sent it could not have been sent by Chantelle it had to be sent by the Killer and so we had a look at chantelle's boyfriend in regards so that was he telling us the truth but we were able to rule him out as chantal's boyfriend is eliminated as a suspect four days on Grant Moyle addresses the growing media well obviously the offender is still outstanding and and I would suggest the offender or offenders are should be considered dangerous if anyone does know who they are or has suspicions about individuals please contact police immediately and the forensics team discovers something crucial at the crime scene the fingerprint Specialists move through the house to take fingerprints they were spraying a substance called Amino black that brings up fingerprints on different surfaces and they were spraying that on the back of the bedroom door of chantelle's bedroom and they were targeting a certain area and happened to pick up one fingerprint on the edge of the door and that was quite detailed this is potentially a significant breakthrough a fingerprint that does not match the victims could narrow their search for a suspect obviously we were hopeful that that would get an identification and we got the word back the next day that unfortunately no it wasn't on the National Database and so we had no match at that particular time so that told us certainly well certainly it told us that it wasn't any of the Rowe family [Music] the lack of a match on their system could simply mean the person has no criminal record a frustrating result but the officers Press On meanwhile friends colleagues and residents continue to try and help with the investigation as the hunt for the cold-blooded killer intensifies at the end of that first week sadness overtook the gossip and the speculation foreign people started to realize that what we had here was just a tragedy of Epic Proportions an innocent family who had been absolutely slaughtered for no discernible reason almost seven days after the multiple stabbings residents still fear a killer is on the loose and detectives are desperate to find the culprit when forensic officers provide another potential breakthrough on the 13th of November we're advised that a DNA profile had been obtained from the semen that was found on Chantal and they had loaded that to the database and unfortunately there was no match to it again same with the fingerprint it's it's great news but just not quite what we needed at that time but it certainly confirmed our thoughts that most likely Chantelle was the key to this investigation and your relationships she had with other people the team now realize that this sexually motivated attack could be Central to the Killer's intention and start to focus on people associated with Chantal who could have any compulsion to murder a 16 year old girl and her parents we had to then go about taking some samples from her male friends and to eliminate those of them having that DNA profile as samples are collected one of the statements taken from a friend sets alarm bells ringing we were sitting in the command post and John was reading one of the states and said all this and look at this it's just something not quite right about that he started to give an alibi when he wasn't asked for one he made some comments about uh not being invited to the party on Saturday night of not having a girlfriend and really trying to come up with an alibi without being asked for one trying to paint a picture and we thought yeah we'll do a bit more work on this that included ringing his place of employment to say you know what do you know about this individual [Music] he was visited on Sunday and a DNA sample and fingerprints were taken from him and he volunteered that without any problems this young man is Jason Downey he freely offers to help with inquiries but officers also noticed something unusual police officers envisited him and seen the cuts on his hands because of the nature of the attack inside the house it would not be unusual for the offender to suffer some sort of injury as well Pete said that he'd at the relevant times he was elsewhere he was in freeling he was in Gala he was with another person he had sustained the injuries to his left hand as a result of falling off a push bike [Music] with Downey's relaxed attitude and willingness to help could the cuts be the result of a fall or something far more sinister officers have to wait less than 48 hours to find out at 9 30 a.m on Tuesday morning I got the phone call that the sample was a match to Downey in the old mining town of kapunda just outside Adelaide a vicious killer is yet to be caught almost one week after a family has been slain in their home the investigation team has just received their biggest breakthrough so far the sample was taken from Downey on the Sunday and at 9 30 a.m on Tuesday morning I got the phone call that the sample was a match to Downey which was just fantastic for us this is the turning point in the triple murder inquiry the swab taken from Jason Downey matches DNA found on Chantal I felt that then was the time to move we couldn't wait any longer we're on very very good ground and so we made the decision uh well I made the decision that day that we would arrest him that evening this apparently unassuming 18 year old has potentially broken into a family home and attacked three defenseless people with a knife inflicting over 100 wounds officers realize they must take their next step with caution we could March into his workplace and arrest him there but there's other people that work there he's a mechanic he's in a workshop what weapons or other things were there if he ran off what might be the consequences of that if we went to his home to arrest him there might he if his mother was home and other there was another woman who lived there as well Mighty take them hostage I didn't want to alert him that we were that were about to take that step because we didn't want to endanger anyone else set about planning a way to get to their number one suspect we had asked a number of people to come in and sign their statements throughout this investigation he had one there unsigned so we decided we'd ask him through his manager to drop in on his way home and signed the statement he was dropped off at the station and informed he was under arrest armed with the DNA results of the testing of the semen and of the fingerprint eight days on from the violent murder of Rose Andrew and Chantal Rowe South Australian police urgently questioned one teenager who might be the key to it all with this powerful forensic evidence what would Jason Downey reveal he said that it had consensual intercourse with Chantelle some months beforehand it was explained to him that that couldn't account for the way we'd found the DNA sample but that seemed to just be dismissed by him he offered an explanation that he had been at chantelle's boyfriend's place for a while had left there and driven down to gawler to McDonald's had done a number of different things visited different people and came back he'd come back home he'd had an argument with his mother his mother locked him out of the house so he had to sleep in the car that night and it was shortly after 11 pm as I understand it that he was had that argument and was forced out of the house chantelle's boyfriend informed Jason that he wouldn't be staying over at chantelle's house that night she was Ill she wasn't going to be going to work the next day she had a bit of a cold Downey knew that he was not going to be there that night but he came up with an excuse that he'd at the relevant times he was elsewhere he'd sustained the injuries to his left hand as a result of falling off a push bike first and then later he told someone else it was falling off a motorbike [Music] Downey's Alibi isn't adding up and he has no real explanation for his DNA being found on one of the victim's bodies as they press for more answers detectives are Keen to let Christopher Rowe know of the latest developments as soon as Danny had been arrested I went around to his home with our victim contact officer and informed him that someone had been arrested and what charges were laid [Applause] as the slightly built teenager faces serious charges Christopher Rowe now has to brace himself for seeing the alleged killer of his family in court the Elizabeth magistrates Court's interesting because it's home to a lot of low-level crime I thought they brought up the wrong person I thought they'd brought up some skinny little drug dealer that had been caught on a street corner selling meth to some kids but no that was him I turned around I looked at the faces of the family members of the Rose who had come to the court case and I knew it was him the hatred and malevolence and grief pouring out of their expressions told the whole story they knew who he was and already they had some sense of what was going on CE that person was arrested for the crime I think that's when the community started to get back to some type of normality I mean there's probably many that didn't but I think by and large I think you know most people thought right that's it Jason Downey maintains his innocence during a number of appearances in court it was supposed to be six weeks it took over a year part of the reason it was blowing out was because the police were continuing their investigations they wanted to make sure they had everything locked down tight the other part was Downey himself what we didn't know at the time was that Downey had started calling his mother and calling his brother from jail writing them letters and talking about the fact that he didn't do it the police had come across that correspondence with Downey's mother without his brother where he blamed a man in the dark clothing with the green shopping bag where he claimed oh I [ __ ] up mum I was in the house and I cradled Chantelle as she died but I didn't do it and I should have told the cops I'm so sorry from my understanding what the police were trying to do was make sure they had DNA evidence locked down they had fingerprint evidence locked down footprint evidence any circumstantial evidence that could put Jason at the house at that time talking to Witnesses about his attitude talking to people about his obsession with Chateau scouring his Facebook page his bibo page his internet usage for connections to Chantelle his text messages his use of his phone all of those pieces of evidence that would paint the picture of someone that would do anything to be in a romantic relationship with Chantel to eliminate these ridiculous claims that he was making of a man wearing dark clothes carrying a green shopping bag running out of the house to counteract his claims of I was there and Chantelle died in my arms but I didn't do the murder anything that could put those knives in his hands at those times and that was a lot of pressure for them and they had to get that locked down tight whilst trying to prove Downey's claims are false South Australia police also uncover more damning evidence against him what we did recover from the scene was a um a digital camera on the kitchen table I think it was and We examined that and found the photos of a family lunch that they'd had together the Rose had had together on Sunday afternoon those photos proved great evidence because Chantelle was holding a USB stick at that time we will Define the USB stick in his bedroom at his home address and the lanyard to it in his vehicle I believe we also found some blood staining on the console of his car that was to be Rosemary and Andrew Rose we were able to determine through the examination of the laptop that there'd been a failed login on chantelle's laptop sometime after she was murdered and that there was some blood staining on the keyboard but unfortunately not sufficient enough for us to get a DNA profile from and the Bloody fingerprint found on chantelle's door has finally come back as a match to Downey and one year on from the tragedy comes one of the biggest turning points in the case so far he finally pleaded goody I think it came as quarter a shock to the system in one of the most horrific cases to hit South Australia Jason Downey has been under the microscope as damning evidence links him to three of the most brutal murders ever witnessed in the country it's something that I think everyone's going to have nightmares over for many years to come now in a revelation the suspected murderer who has claimed his innocence all along shocks the court he finally pleaded guilty and as as it would transpire that he pleaded guilty one year and one day after the actual crimes on each occasion Christopher had attended quite a number of the other relatives and friends that attended those court cases it's very hard for all of both both families to have um live with this moment we're all getting through it we hope he gets what he deserves it was a long process for them and a traumatic process for them Downey pleads guilty to the three murder charges shortly following the anniversary of the tragedy the family and friends of the victims must now listen to the harrowing details coming out in court when a person pleads guilty in a South Australian Court the role of the judge changes to a finder of fact because a judge must determine a penalty appropriate to that exact crime the prosecution had no choice but to go through the evidence and pardon the pardon below by blow and that was when everybody concerned with the case got an idea of just what had happened in that house that night for the first time the circumstances surrounding that horrific night are laid bare for all to hear he gave an account through his lawyer about what happened that night I don't accept everything that he said uh he is certainly stood in the bath in the uh at some stage before the attacks have taken place because of the nature of the shoe print that was there whether he actually came in through that window or not I'm not 100 convinced but nonetheless he certainly has been in there at some stage he gave an account of Chantelle being an attack first and then having to murder the parents as a result so that he wouldn't get found out one of the knives from the Rowe family kitchen became involved and Andrew was stabbed in excess of 20 times he was stabbed so many times and with such force that pieces of the knife broke off in his body there was then a confrontation according to the Court's accepted version of events with rose and again another knife was introduced she was stabbed multiple times she would go on to be stabbed in excess of 50 times by the time that the murder had concluded but this was sadly the first set of stabbings for her after they fell the Court ruled that Downey moved into the bedroom [Music] the poor girl was underneath her bed bleeding from what's been described as a free-flowing wound and has been dragged back out from under the bed and and further attacks [Music] he placed her on top of the bed [Music] he then continued to stab her in the end it was 33 different wounds then stripped her of her clothing redressed her left her on the bed [Music] after a frenzied and prolonged attack Downey feebly attempts to cover his tracks and then decides to continue his merciless Rampage [Music] the thing that has always struck me the most about this is that at least two members of that family knew someone they loved was being murdered while they were there and she died having listened to both of her parents be killed and then undergoing that Insidious torture herself it just defies belief after an initial attack he is tempted to clean up some of the crime scene and he and he's attacked them again and we know that by the nature of the crime scene he tried to mop around Andrew and pause to stab him several more times it's believed that he then noticed that Rose was still alive and was trying to make her way to the door and he proceeded to deliver the last of the 55 stab wounds that she would receive until she was dead at that point Jason gave up on trying to clean up and left bloody sock prints as he ran out of the house nobody saw him leave all that anybody heard was Rose screaming help three times and a noise like something falling over prior to him being sentenced he threw his solicitor gave directions on where the shoes he was wearing could be found and it was the local police officer who followed those directions and eventually found them and which wasn't far from the murder scene then he tried to give directions on where he'd hidden his clothing the weapons and some cleanup items because he cleaned up and took those items with him we took him out of custody just before he was sentenced and spent a day traveling around that area we were only ever able to recover some clothing of his we never found the knives things this detailed account of the level of violence has to be released for the court to hear family and friends also have to endure information about Downey's unbelievable actions after he has murdered Andrew Rose and Chantal he's never shown any remorse throughout this whole process and if you look at his actions after the murder of the night he's left the scene he's gone off his dispose of his shoes he's disposed of some clothing he slept in his car that night he's attended work the next day he'll be at slightly late pretended he didn't know anything about it until supposedly hearing it on the news that afternoon then feigning grief having to go home early and then not being able to work the next day because of his grief [Music] and the cover-up doesn't stop there Downey is also filmed attempting to show his alleged grief in a very public manner he's laid a card and teddy bear at the back gate of the house where a lot of people laid their tributes and he's just played the normal local in grief about what has happened he is a way of people paying him attention but I've got an excuse that I can go with to get me out of it so that you don't think really that I'm the killer but maybe you'll talk about me a little more buy a little gray teddy bear one of the friends forever brand take it stop pause look longingly at the memorial make sure you know that the camera's filming you at that point it's like out of a movie scene he was composing this in his head that was his dramatic moment and he was taking full advantage of it but also it's an excuse because if I went back there and left a memorial clearly I didn't do it he's mixed with these people during that whole week even with chantelle's boyfriend I just don't know how he could do that [Music] this window into Downey's psyche is also evident from stories of his behavior whilst in custody he considered himself the big man chest puffed up walking around I did the kapunda triple murders I did those killings that was me I was in court today bignoting himself now I'm sure some of that was fear because again 52 kilograms in a South Australian prison filled with pedophiles bikers and Killers you'd want to be looking out for yourself very quickly the family was stealing themselves for a long trial so were the police and so were the media [Music] after a grueling process lasting more than a year with all the facts scrutinized the judge finally delivers his long-awaited sentencing in one of the biggest criminal cases to hit South Australia he calculated the Downey deserved a sentence of 35 years one of the highest in South Australian history Downey barely reacted again it wasn't that he didn't care I think he just didn't understand I don't think he has the intelligence needed and the Insight needed to understand how long 35 years really is that it's longer again than he's been alive and that when 35 years expires he's not necessarily going to get out for closure for the family and everything else it needs to be and he was obviously guilty there's no question in my mind about that the sentence provokes an emotional reaction from the victim's family please explain to me the Justice in this this is not a justifiable offense he cannot return my family to me so why should he have the right to any definition of life he pleaded guilty on this occasion and strung it out as long as he could because he knew the evidence against him was overwhelming not because he felt bad for what he did but he knew what's the point now if I plead guilty now I'll get a discount to some degree which he did as the family tried to process the outcome of the sentence Sean Fuster learns of another rumor that threatens to cause even more pain my editor said to me Sean was Chantelle pregnant no was it ever suggested she was pregnant no not in court there was a rumor way back at the very beginning in an ugly rumor but the cops knocked that down within the first weight boss why newspaper just splashed all over their website that she was killed and she was pregnant I couldn't believe it I thought this family has dealt with enough and I went tracking down the Stringer that had written it and I said to him where do you get off it's been publicly knocked down it wasn't mentioned once in court how could you possibly attach that Oh I thought it would be interesting what I said to him next is unrepeatable it's undoubtable that Jason Downey is extremely immature he was raised with no male perspective on his life no Father Figure he had a stepfather but that was much later in life after he and his mother and brother moved to Australia from Scotland leaving his older sister behind foreign begins his sentence of more than three decades without his freedom he decides to write a letter attempting to apologize for his crimes the biggest sign of Jason's immaturity was the letter that he wrote which to my mind is the single most inexplicably inadequate apology that's ever been committed to paper it's juvenile the handwriting is juvenile there are Loops For Eyes there are missing words there are random capitalizations there are spelling mistakes all through it and he apologizes for my recent actions and how sad he is that he no longer has a car and a career there's no perspective there's no Insight he may very well be sorry in a limited way but he doesn't understand fully what he's done just that incredibly blinked narrow understanding of what he's done and the tragedy that he's perpetrated I think you know in in due respect there's a lot of hurt out there that we didn't know about a lot of people probably grieving a lot more than we suspect and probably still are and that's why we have this ongoing you know respect and and uh we're careful in in how we go about talking to anybody in relation to it now the lives of Chantal Rose and Andrew Rowe have been taken in the most cowardly and unimaginable way the murderer is to serve the majority of his adult life in prison but for those Left Behind the main question still lingers why did Downey go to the length of killing a mother father and their young daughter his goal was to have Chantelle whether that was emotionally whether it was physically whatever it took being confronted by Andrew probably being told something along the lines of get out you little freak or what the hell are you doing in my house being questioned cause the snap I don't think this was premeditated in the sense that he went there with the intent to kill but he was prepared to do whatever it took to make Chantal his that night up to and including murder in a way that he hadn't prepared for consciously that something in him was clearly prepared to do his lawyer said to the court I can't give your honor an explanation for what happened my client doesn't remember it he snapped into a huge State and the court has to ask itself how a person of his size of his nature with no criminal record could possibly do something like this prosecution had a very easy answer for it it's a very simple you're honor he's a liar he's a liar and he's a coward and he's a vicious brute that's it the motives as old as time itself simple jealousy and he snapped [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Australian Crime
Views: 37,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Australian Crime, Australian crime documentary, Australian crime series, Gangs & Mobs, Psychology of Crime, Stalkers, child crime, con artists, crime, crime documentary, crime series, disappearances, family crime, murder, police, serial killer, true crime, true crime documentary, true crime series, Jason Downie, Crimes That Shook Australia, True Crime Central
Id: QvxDeQIJ0eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 19sec (2719 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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