Jason Cundy gives emotional speech to Andy Goldstein as they do their LAST ever SportsBar together ๐Ÿ˜ข

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oh boy yeah you are and you have been like a coiled spring all day all down the telephone I've been all consuming today matey all consuming you know what's interesting is I know now exactly what you would have been like as a teammate in the dressing room and you probably know what I would have been like in the dress room as well yeah it's interesting how everyone's different including of course Billy one with Billy and Ruth as well the whole gang in there it's uh it's gonna be an interesting show tonight emotional stinks it's going to be emotional Mateo for you more so than me well look I am emotional thing yes you think big thing yeah bald thing whatever you want to say yeah um yeah and it's got I've been I've been looking forward to it and dreading it an equal measure today in fact over the last 72 hours have you really yeah has it been affecting you yeah oh God yeah oh my God it's been yeah it's been all consuming do you know what he's mad right it is um by the way you can phone up and talk about whatever you want all right not I don't mean from a midnight training perspective we'll do that later on but if you want to talk football you want to talk about moments from the show you're more than welcome to oh three seven one seven double two double three to four here's the thing so I was I was thinking today of just because you and I worked together for 14 years right and that will continue so I'm obviously doing drive now but that will continue so probably on Friday I shouldn't even be doing this show I didn't even want it was in the contract I didn't have to do it here we go was who who got who got less than 10 minutes who won that Bingo who got it how do you drive from now on a popular show but what what so you and I will be working together Friday my point is Friday but the journey that we've been on is quite nuts when you think about it so the first time we ever did a show right you were married to someone else and I'd oh thank you honestly why is that your first point and I had no children I don't even know if I was married was I married yo but I was just married you're married and has no children right I mean do you want to do that do you want to go do you want to go back into where personally you were no but well I'm just saying I just think it's yeah I I did a show where my first was born yes you phoned us from the husband you live from the hospital with my wife was just about to give birth yes and when I'm with Jay do you want to do it no you try to put it on the phone yeah yeah they're not trying to get the Midwife on there and she looked at me like what this is real stuff the baby come on spoke more sense than half of the callers by the way give her a contract um but yeah the stuff that we've gone through the covert Madness of the world that when we work from home we we did all that it's just been it's just been nuts when you're with someone for 14 years I'm so glad I'm getting a divorce now I'm going on to a better looking model so 14 years there are people listening to this that have been married less than 14 years and got divorced I don't know what that says I know well people you know you and I have hung around together sorry do you want to just come up with your first opening Gambit no people have what was it okay have you been if you've been married okay since the sports bar if you've met someone no no don't do no don't do that that's what he's mad but if someone was if someone's listening to this it's 20. when we started broadcasting there were only six yes that's right that's a bit nuts what about baby candy a little bad you've had a little baby as well he works here now so when I first so in the middle one yeah so when I when we first started work it was eight he now he now does the uh the talksport daily with you yeah he works and writes it like an eight-year-old um so yes I'm sure there'll be a few tears over the next three hours no I I know should I just do it now oh wow what's that do what do I just do it I mean there's a okay I'm gonna do it right I don't know if you know about this no no so so this is so this is me to you now right so this is where I'm gonna absolutely now okay right so look um oh gee where do I go for the okay I'm gonna try and do this help me out so we're gonna have a quick break no no no no no no no so let's look so so you and I have been together 14 years you and I we didn't know one another at all mostly threw us together right and some he saw something and you and saw something in me that he thought this would work the sports bar most don't often get things if Moz is listening right you don't often get things right Moz right he's probably trying to tune in he's got LBC that's how badly you've got this one right Moz so thank you very much I'm sure he's listed for you um and you and I have worked together and it it has grown and I can't think of anyone better or no honestly you you've you've absolutely guided me and helped me through just being in a in this studio and we I know we've grown together right I know we have right I know how with the show has grown how you and I have grown and what we went through but you've been you've been there all encompassing whether it be a presenter a mate um I'm going to tell a story now I've never told it before I think you probably know what's coming but no I don't know I tell you the story so you've been there through the best and the worst times of my life and there was a the lowest point in my life ever ever was when I was going through my divorce and um I turned up a talksport and I'd spent the afternoon in a pub which probably not the best idea in the world bearing when you're going to do a radio show in the evening and I turned up and uh I hadn't I wasn't eating I was you know it was I there was all sorts going in my mind I was it was the lowest point in my life and when I turned up a talksport I turned up and I literally when I say I was on my knees literally and metaphorically I couldn't walk right I was in a bad way you remember this day yeah and it was they narrow it down it's most days but I couldn't no I was in a bad way right I remember and you you got rid of me at the studio out the office you took me away you took me in a dark room and you put me you got me coffee and you sobered me up into a situation I was gonna do a radio luckily I got to the studio early enough that you could actually get your hands on me and say come on you sort your life out um and you did and somehow I did the show that night I sobered up it was uh but you but you were there for me at that particular moment and it was the lowest without question without any doubt in my without any doubt it was the lowest point of my life tell you now the lowest point in my life and you that day I won't forget it that day you you know you dragged me out of that mess and I've done a show that night and I don't know how I'd love to hear it now again but I I'd love to hear what that show sounded like but I was in a you know and anyway so so you've been there you've been there for the best times the best the the biggest laughs I've ever had in my life I've been shared with you in a box in the studio where no one else is sitting with us I have cried and I've cried I don't think I've laughed with in fact I've not I've not laughed with anyone the way I've laughed for you I have I I come to work this is what this is my job right it's my job my job is coming to coming to work with one of my best mates watching football laughing coming on air taking calls and laughing even more and getting paid for it and it's one of the best jobs in the world and I would not want to have done it with anyone in the world anyone other than you you have absolutely been my the the light that helped me just and somehow we just together with it we just formed like a little little thing that just worked together and we wiggled and we may we and we come up some of the things we've done and got away with what did we how do we get away with what we got away with don't imagine them now I can't do it now um I have to say I love you I genuinely love you what you've done and what you've what we've done and what we've achieved and how we've done it for 14 years we've done this I've come to work think about this right this is what I've done for 14 years I've come to work with my best mates I've sat in a room and I've laughed for 14 years that's mental and I love you and I love you too and thank you very much mate honestly I do it's I know I know I get close I'm holding it together I'm holding it you did a good job you nearly got me going as well yeah well just you know the good thing is that because we don't have a running order because he's so useless to putting one together that's filled a good 15 minutes up so could you do that three more times in this hour when we come back for the break yeah I've got a surprise for you oh you haven't you filthy pig not that kind of honestly why have you always got to do have you got a surprise for me I do yep where is he is he gonna she said okay um oh just is that what has happened I've got your surprises thanks you don't need to get me surprise but I can't wait to find out what it is so it's too late I've done it so yeah so okay you all right yeah let's go for a little break all right and then when we come back we'll take some calls and we'll take a trip down memory lane and Bobby Gold's gonna be join us as well in this hour all right the sad thing is tomorrow when we wake up you'll remember that speech we'll be good
Channel: talkSPORT
Views: 157,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talksport, sport, football, funny, soccer, simon jordan, laura woods, simon jordan talksport, talksport callers, funny callers, talksport funny, talksport rant, talksport laura woods, premierleague, futbol, aftv, arsenal, mancity, manunited, chelsea, liverpool, tottenham
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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