Jason Bonham Remembers His Late Father, John Bonham of Led Zeppelin

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Jason this drum thing you're using which is the size I said of an iPad is this it sounds to me like you could do a whole concert just with that little piece of equipment you if you really pushed yeah and I notice you take your drumstick and you hit the side of that thing when you're playing ambient mics in Hague you could listen to that field this guy is a real drummer I'm serious is that because like your dad you hit the drums hard is that why the sound is a certain awesome right it's a technique there's quite a lot that about my father they got kind of he was the heavy hitter he was this if you watched the 69 the Albert Hall he owns the stick really fire in his hand so it's he's not getting a big a lot of throw it's just the technique of where he hit the drum and how he's shooting the drums but my dad he could play his kit it sounds like his kit then he would play my toy kit at home and it still sounded like him before your dad died did he teach you how to play drums was he your teacher he was the guy that would and funny I got to work with Bill Collins a few years ago right the beginning of us working together and I told him a funny story because Phil loved my dad and he said he saw him before he was in Zeppelin and he said I said well when you'd released Duke and the tourney onigen came out and you just beat my dad in the Melody Maker drum awards poll so he got me he got me to learn turn it on again by Genesis it's a 12 year old kid right so I'm 12 and he's on the drum kit he's put it on the jukebox and didn't think Tintin so I'm playing along with it so I do about three times do it again do it again about third time you got it you guys I don't know what the big fuss is about my 12 year old boy could play that song you know what was great I got you Robert Plant a while ago and I always wanted to ask him this I love that Kennedy Center Honor it's Jimmy Page Robert Plant there stands there sitting next to each other and you you Jason came out with heart and Anna Nancy Wilson and you were playing what song did you do stay away yeah did stay away and Robert Plant is sitting there crying and I was like GI if I ever get to interview Robert Plant I gotta ask him why he was crying and and he said I was crying because I was watching Jason you know my you know yeah these buddies kid what it was what his boy was playing drums yes Jason yes I thought all those years later you know it was just one ridiculous loss he was really thinking about you and and and the performance was great they did a great job with that tire you see that was the that I surprised them that's why there was such a reaction they didn't know I was gonna be there oh they were really cause usually I can't keep my mouth shut right so I literally yet that when I walked out and Robert said to me after he goes I literally just said to Jimmy man cuz well their family was there or their kids were there he said we should have invited Jason to experience this he goes then on you walk with your bowler hat you got him because the guy wasn't the guy was in tears yeah and that's what he was crying about there was gonna be a Zeppelin tour there was rumors of it after that but you went up to Robert you said hey we gonna do a Zeppelin tour and he said to you no way because not no insult to you he said at the time it was literally a few months after and you know you in my mind people were going it's gonna happen it's gonna happen so I was like um can I just get this out of the way I said is he gonna happen he went well listen no no disrespect to you because what you know of your father is amazing he goes but what he said all those years ago we would be idiotic to continue on and not stand with what we said we've done this we did the show we don't have to do it again let's just leave it at that you know your father was such a huge part in round you know Robert Plant's for but seems like just on that one story he seems like a very loving guy like you like he the way he handled you yeah it was very delicate he's the one who told you he came to your house to tell you your father was dead right I mean he was yeah hon yeah and with his wife yeah Maureen yep they were pals they were best buddies Oh
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Views: 1,508,896
Rating: 4.9027925 out of 5
Keywords: The Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern, Robin Quivers, Fred Norris, Gary Dell'Abate, Baba Booey, SiriusXM, HSS, htvod, Jason Bonham, John Bonham, Led Zeppelin, Sammy Hagar, Robert Plant, Van Halen, Sammy Hagar and the Circle, Drums, Music, Technique, Kennedy Center Honors, Heart
Id: lmV4vGeoIXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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