Japanese Lucky Bag Compilation | Disney Store | McDonald's | Mister Donut | Pokemon

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hey guys and a happy new year it is 2019 here in japan it may still be a few more hours for some of you but this is it guys it's 2019. and to start the year off i thought it would be appropriate to open a lucky bag now this year i'm not gonna go crazy and buy a bunch of lucky bags but this is one that i was really interested in so i thought we could check it out together as you can see from the logo and i'm sure the title of the video is from mcdonald's and this costs 3000 yen which is about 30 us dollars give or take some and so the bag itself is actually a little kind of craft bag they called it it's made out of like durable paper i guess i'm not really sure but there's actually not a lot in here but there are a lot of cool items so first item a cup now i saw on the website there were a few different designs i think maybe like fry's burger i can't remember but looks like we got the happy set cup that's cute little smile and i feel like this is kind of like a bathroom cup that you keep your toothbrush in and gargle with kind of looks like that don't you think and the next item actually look at this bag guys it's like a cooler bag so that's really cool i guess you can keep your mcdonald's in it the next item was something that i was really excited about it is a mcdonald's clip magnet i think this will probably go on my fridge but i'm really into clips right now for journaling and i've been collecting them because they're pretty cheap to collect but anyway look at this it's full of fries must be an l size next item is a warning sheet for the craft clutch bag it says please do not wash here we have a calendar let's take a look at this mr panda my husband might run off with this he loves mcdonald's actually we both do fries april and june are the same oh does it just repeat may's the teriyaki burger more fries big mac more fries yeah it just kind of repeats so it's a simple calendar but it's cute obviously mcdonald's oh and this is very important so i said the lucky bag cost 3000 yen it comes with 3 000 yen's worth of coupons i thought they would actually be vouchers but it looks like you get potatoes nuggets chicken and apple pie so i wasn't expecting that maybe i just didn't read the fine print enough but that's still cool and they're good until march so that's quite a short period but i'm sure we'll make use of it next we have the last item and this is what i was most excited about this is what made me decide to buy this lucky bag french fries shape playing cards i'm really into board games and stuff right now guys so i'm like i need to add that to my collection here they are they're so cute so the back design is fries of course and then spades are soft serve clubs are burgers hearts or drinks and diamonds are potatoes and the joker is the mcdonald's logo that's so cute this is my new favorite deck of playing cards i think it's totally worth it because you get the 30 worth of food tickets though i mean not necessarily the stuff i might get every time i go but still kind of like free food or you think of it as you bought the food tickets and you got the merch for free and you know it's stuff that's not going to be for sale so i kind of think it's worth it and you know they're just fun to get it wasn't a super expensive lucky bag and i'm happy with this i especially love this guy too so let me know if you got any lucky bags this year and i may get the one from mr donut if i can it's pokemon themed so i kind of want it but we'll see anyway i'm gonna have lots of fun videos this year so i hope you will subscribe and hit that bell and leave me a comment down below because it means a lot to me and i will see you guys next time bye hey guys and a happy new year if it is the first where you are i have a massive box here it will not fit in the frame it is from the disney store and i'm sure you guys saw the title but it is my lucky bag we're gonna check out the contents together and see what kind of goodness is in here here is the inside of the box apparently it doesn't come in a bag it is just kind of loose in the box when i realized that it was in here just like this i decided not to peek so i don't know what's in here either so without further ado judges as you can see the box isn't jam-packed full but i would say there's quite a bit of goodness in here let's start with this pack here is the first packet the first item is a set of little zipper bags they are beauty and the beast themed and there are five bags in here it says this was 400 yen plus tax this whole box was 5 000 yen including shipping i believe so let's see how it adds up that's the first item here's the second item it's a keychain it looks like it's ariel on a card ace of spades and it says this is not for sale so i don't know if it's exclusive to this bag or if it was an extra for something else but that's pretty cool so this is priceless apparently next i have a lady in the pin we call them can badges here and this was 200 yen plus attacks so so far we're at 600 yen i'd seen these pins at the disney store and i thought they were so cool they had heart shapes i think they had star-shaped ones and i'd only seen the round ones before so i thought this was really cool next item is a pooh bear tajiki and this is a plastic sheet that you put in your notebook when you're writing so like the pen and pencil doesn't go through like the other pages this year i do want to study more but i'm not sure if i'll be using a notebook this big i may pass this on to my nieces this was 350 and plus tax here's the next packet looks like some cosmetics this is a stitch lip cream it says it's mixed berry scent i'm not a huge berry person but i might make an exception for stitch this was 650 yen it kind of looks like a little cupcake i wonder if he's supposed to look like ice cream because the ice cream there the next item is little mermaid themed let me take a look at this it's elegant flower scent and it's neddy coolsy which i think means like a cream-based perfume i'm guessing like a hand cream kind of not sure why they call it perfume maybe the smell is a little bit stronger than hand cream this was 800 yen plus tax that's a little expensive but i guess perfumes are expensive aren't they i'm gonna open this one up and give it a sniff because i am curious this one smells a little bit like soap and it is a solid cream i guess it's not a cream cream interesting i used to have something like this in chapstick form and i just like put it on my wrist it was actually pretty handy next we have a plush packet here looks like there's a symptom and then two cats let's take the big cat out it's tom o'malley i believe it's so soft he looks a little sad doesn't he but he's so soft look at his tail he was 2 000 yen plus tax so that bumps the price up quite a bit he's adorable and then we have a symptom i think symptoms are usually what 600 yen you have 600 yen plus tax it is classic mini is that what this is it's from minnie mouse day march 2nd this is from almost a year ago not quite i don't have the sim though so that's good i will add her to my collection this looks really cute in her polka dot dress and finally we have another aristocat and this was a thousand five hundred yen for this little keychain oh but the tail is so soft i'm sure you guys have noticed i love anything soft i feel like his nose is a little crooked but other than that this is really cute i kind of wish they would have given me a whole set of the siblings that would have been cool there is still more to go it looks like this is a little stationary set and it is pixar themed i see toy story and monsters inc this was a thousand eight hundred yen plus tax here are the contents i believe this is a memo pad some sticky notes or post-it notes monsters inc theme ball there's some toy story actually here too a stationary set would not be complete without some stickers and this was called like a multi-case so you can probably put pens and stuff in it let's look and see this one's totally toy story themed and the inside looks like this this is actually really cool i want to try journaling this year so it'll be good to keep like some washi tape some stickers you know for on the go maybe this might be a good travel case for journaling let's put all of that back and check out the last packet here's the last packet it's a little bit bulky they call it a mug bottle it's you know it's a thermos bottle i remember that they had three options and i think i got ariel it's kind of a cartoony design but i just love how simple it is it's really pretty so there's the design and then let's open it up that's interesting so i guess you drink directly out of here does this come off it has to come off right to be able to clean it it looks like there's an extra um rubber band in there in case this one goes bad that's nice i've been drinking a lot of tea lately so this will be good for keeping my teeth warm i forgot to look at the price this was 3 000 yen so it's getting up there the last item is a bit of a mystery to me it is called a paper humidifier i have never seen one of these before i'm gonna open it up looks like i got the bell design i think there were multiples of this too the instructions say to soak it in water for two to three hours and then i think you put water in the cup and it works as a humidifier i don't have too much faith in this but i know that they have like aroma diffusers like this so maybe it works more than i think i mean i'll give it a try i don't mind putting this on my desk so hopefully i won't spill it but yeah if any of you have tried one of these before let me know the price on this was 2 300 yen plus tax now that you guys have seen everything what do you think was this worth 5 000 yen or not let me know in the comments down below and also let me know what your favorite item was from this lucky bag mine is probably the thermos bottle i think it's really pretty and it's definitely useful some of these items probably will get re-gifted but value-wise i think it was really good so now i'm going to send you over to my friend shiroson in japan's channel because she got the same lucky bag but stay with me as i mentioned earlier they have different options for some of the items and it was all totally random and some of the items they didn't even show on the website like what you could get so you need to check out her video and see what she got anyway that is all for today i will be back with more lucky bags and more fun toy videos so i hope to see you then please subscribe and give this video a thumbs up i'll see you next time bye hey guys i am back with a new lucky bag or lucky box this is a remount lucky bag and i got it a few weeks ago i found it on nakten and i think i bought the last one i got four i think they're four in here remember and they are all a mystery to me apparently they're all character themed i think or maybe some of them are i'm not sure but it was a thousand two hundred yen including tax and shipping so i think that's a pretty good deal here's the inside of the box there's some newspaper here and oh there are five riemanns okay it looks like we have some gudetama nirakuma gudetama random animals and something hamster themed let's start with this animal one because i have no clue what this is i don't know the exact details about this series but they are animals doing modern things i can say for sure that i have never opened one of these there's the gum and it's a frog looks like a bunny dressed up for halloween it is cosplay not quite halloween but pretty much the same thing i mean that's that's halloween i love the ones where they're taking a selfie and this one texting while walking i'm amused this is actually a pretty fun series i've never seen it before though so it's new to me i wonder if it's older on the box it says 2016. so it's from last two years ago i guess now that's 2018 but it's still pretty recent that's pretty cool i don't know if i would say it's cute but the detail level on this as always is amazing so this is a frog cosplaying as a jk a high school student and a bunny cosplaying as a jack-o-lantern i guess it's pretty funny let's move on to the next one though let's go ahead and open the hamster one next then we can open the character ones it says this is a hamster cake shop series so all these sets have to do with baking of some sort or making desserts of some sort i think they're all gonna be cute so i'll just pull it out and i see a rolling pin it kind of looks like bread oh my goodness guys this is so cute okay hold on here's the oven rack plate whatever you call it it's hamster shaped and then the rolling pin can you guys see there are little hamsters on the end here and they have chubby chubby cheeks can you see it's kind of hard to see and then here's some dough and then the rolling pin goes on here and you can pretend you're rolling it out there are some paw prints i really hope my camera can pick up this detail that's amazing and then here's a loaf of hamster butt bread that's pretty amazing oh my goodness guys look at this title in japanese it just says let's bake bread but then in english oh there's a little comic that's kind of funny and a little awkward let's open the gudetama sweet series there are some fancy sweets here i think i've opened one of these before because that one looks really familiar i feel like i saw it when i was doing my d stash but i'm not 100 sure i hope i get the parfait that one's pretty cool or the macaron tower that would be fun let's see oh here is the board textured and painted to look like wood and the roll cake that is getting rolled up has a good gudetama face gudetama custard getting rolled into there and a little bit of custard and fruit has a gudetama face as well this set is adorable i love this this is my favorite so far next is the dreamy sweet series and it is the rakama actually i think korirakuma is the star of this one though they both are featured here i don't think i've opened any of these before i remember seeing the series last year at the tokyo toy show before it came out and i remember thinking it was adorable so i'm super happy to be opening one now if this one's really cute maybe i'll go get some more oh it's it's actually the kind of boring one but that's okay i swear this box is put together to make me want to buy more anyway here's the parfait cup or sundae cup here is the jelly mousse i don't know we have quiroitori here bobbing on some grapes maybe i'm gonna assume this is like a grape jelly he sits on there he's holding a little spoon and i almost missed a little sprig of mint that is too cute final one guys it is gudetama in different foods look at the crepe that's cute i also really enjoy eating yakitori so i kind of want that one oh look at the roast beef bowl too anyway let's open it we'll see what i get and oh what is it wait what is this it's kind of hard to see but i think it's a champagne tower they come with these three glasses the japanese name says potty people party people and the english titles red eye is that a drink i don't drink much alcohol guys so i don't really know but that is the cup on top it is and gudetama as party people with an afro and sunglasses not the one i would have picked but still pretty cool so guys what were your thoughts on this remat lucky bag i'm i'm pretty pleased this set is definitely my favorite i love sweets and this set is just perfect the other sets are fun to open because i got some remits that i normally wouldn't have picked especially this one it's really fun to open stuff that you wouldn't you know normally choose but end up really enjoying anyway let me know in the comments down below which set was your favorite and if you like these unboxing videos please subscribe because i do blind box and re-ment unboxing almost every week so i hope you'll stick around and check out my other videos and i will see you next time bye happy new year guys happy new year guys i am back with a new lucky bag this one is ginormous i have a clip of mr panda holding it so you can you can see how big it is and it seems to be packed pretty full this is from village vanguard and it was 3 500 yen expensive a little expensive so i'm hoping for some good stuff here's the inside of the bag i don't know what that is but let's start going through i pulled out the strange item what do you think guys i'm pretty sure it's a wig afro hair and orange is there a price tag on it no just as village vanguard corporation how much do you think this is worth guys a thousand it's you know super expensive it sucks it sucks not worth it to us you never know when the opportunity is going to arise okay that was the first item next item to go with the wig i need corner it's a helmet what so there were different lucky bags i got the blue one and they had random colors pink yellow purple i think they were all like different themes but i couldn't figure it out but apparently this is my theme oh you look really good panda guys there was more with the helmet we forgot the headpiece the most important part the feathers are sticky there it is below guys tell us does it okay i think you may be right it might be i don't know there's no photos on the packaging oh look at mr panda to go with your helmet you have another accessory it's actually you know painted really well for being a plastic sword i don't know guys this is pretty crazy if you had kids it might be pretty exciting the next item jelly snow these are definitely intended for kids this was really popular it's kind of like slime but it's jelly it's not slime it turns out water into realistic fluffy snow it's from england there are red feathers all over my table guys sprinkle play throw away i mean it's simple we have a mystery box within the mystery bag guys it's really heavy okay let's save this to the end whoa what is this this is kim aduba i think i remember this this was popular a few years years ago she had like quotes oh wow so this alone makes up for over half of the bag i'm sure the helmet is worth like 6 000 yen it's just an album you can put your photos in is it a birthday album or yeah are they saying just use it for that is that in there i don't think it is i think you're supposed to do this yourself it says sold separately album pop-up and kim album stickers of course are you ready to open the last item 3500 yen i should have gotten the one that was household items that might have been more useful this is really really heavy guys i have no clue what this is i hope it's you know gold a gold bar bar i kind of don't want to wreck the box but at the same time i also don't really care oh what is it a table oh is it a clock yes what it's a skillet and it's greasy do you need this we can cook with it at least it's practical okay well well then yeah i'm i'm okay with this so let's put them back on the table and everyone can see what we got wait before that i want to show you guys mr panda's favorite item the 15 off coupon no and oh it's not your favorite this is your favorite the little laminate candies that they put on the bag at the very end because somehow putting them on the bag is better than putting them in the bag this is probably my favorite item i feel like i'll actually use this well i must say i usually don't participate in lucky bag shopping because well this is the result but this year i had a friend to go shopping and she wanted to get one of these so i thought why not i'll get one we'll see what's inside maybe we'll get something extra special i don't know what do you guys think is this worth 3500 yen or not so we know the album was 2500 yen i would say this is probably a thousand yen at least this is what maybe five six hundred yen maybe it's more expensive because it's imported i have no clue what this helmet's worth for me i would say probably not gonna buy again next year unless we have a lot of money lying around like extra money lucky bag sometimes has you know just uh leftovers yeah sometimes it's really really good stuff too like super sales but let me know in the comments down below what you think and check out my friend's video her channel is shiro-san in japan she got one of these bags but in a different color so i'm thinking the contents will be totally different so go see if she got something extra special and i will see you guys in the next video i have some more lucky bag videos so i hope you will come back and check them out please subscribe and i will see you next time next time bye so so hey guys i'm abby and lorien is my dog and ella's here too today she is chewing on my table legs so if you can hear that that is l anyway today is kind of an overdue video it is the miss dough mr donut pokemon lucky bag back from january and i'm posting it now because first off i couldn't buy it on the first it sold out at my mall instantly but my friend happened to be able to grab me one when she went lucky bag shopping in tokyo so a big thank you to her and this is just i think it's the thousand yen bag and it came with 10 doughnuts but it could only be used at the shop where you purchase the lucky bag so i gave that back to her and hopefully she enjoyed the donuts so i kind of set this aside and forgot about it it also only has like three items in it so i kind of put it off and then forgot about it but i thought we could look together it's just gonna be a quick video but here is the first item it is a clear file you can never have too many of these and it is pokemon themed of course with the donuts i thought this collab was the cutest thing ever i really really wanted the box because i got a snoopy box years ago someone gifted it to me and i still use the box but unfortunately it was not meant to be anyway here we have three starters and evie that seems to be like the common pairing grouping and i approve oh my goodness look at the donut ferris wheel i love that so there is that the next item oh it's the calendar which needs to be put up it's already march guys and it's the misto pokemon calendar 2019 last year's was kana hey and i loved that calendar so here we have january and and the week starts with monday growing up i feel like i always use sunday starting calendars but the monday starting ones are more common so i think i've adjusted and here's february so the art itself is very simple just little drawings in the corner here some room to write little notes and then you can fill in the calendar if you want i kind of like that it's two months at a time so you can see ahead i mean once you get to the bottom month you can only use one month's worth but still and the final item this was what i was most excited about a mr donut blanket i think there were two different ones i honestly don't remember what designs the kanahi lucky bag from last year did not have a blanket but for some reason they gave us a my melody blanket and i think they were just kind of getting rid of back stock i'm not quite sure but it was the softest blanket ever so i was hoping this one would be it's soft but it's not the same the other one was like magic this one is adorable it is very yellow i'm not a huge yellow person but i don't have to wear this so it is fine it says misto pokemon and then it has basically the same art as the calendar and the clear file are there any pokemon on here oh yeah here we have eevee and pikachu there they are oh it is very soft though this will be very nice i'm sure my little dog l will run off with this as soon as she can so i'm gonna have to put this away anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this video it was just a little quick short video but i thought you guys might be interested you may have already seen this with all the lucky bag videos that go up but i just wanted to share this with you and check it out myself because this has been sitting in my like two film area forever so that's all for today and i'll see you guys next time bye hey guys today i have something very very cool i had quite a few points left over from shopping that i do and i did quite a lot of that and i went ahead and spent it all on washi tape i actually don't know what exactly is in here now i did choose some of the things but a few of them were kind of like washi tape um lucky bags like scuba good and so we're gonna take a look together i apologize if my voice sounds weird because i'm still getting over a cold but i'm feeling much better looks like we have some bgm washes in here the skinny ones i am obsessed with skinny washi tape for some reason and some pastel mt and some world craft washi tape i love this brand their designs are so cute and another world craft tape these may have been the blind bags so i'm going to take a look at my order and we'll see i see an mt washi on here but i'm not sure what brand these are there's still more guys a hundred dollars worth of washi is a lot of washi i got two mtex blind bags so i'm hoping they're not gonna be doubled but i'm taking a peek and i can't really tell so we'll look together and this is another set of world craft washi well here is the lineup and apparently i have 69 washi tapes here and i guess we can go through them one packet at a time first let's look at the non-blind bag stuff here are the washes that i ordered as singles apparently these five are from a company called nichiban i'm not familiar with them the brand or the washi line is called petite chowa which means small joy i think i don't speak french guys i don't know and here is one single mtex that i ordered this was 145 yen and these were 172 yen each now i think i did see this in the mtex blind bag so that was a mistake on my part but it is very cute and i'm sure that my friend will love it if she doesn't have it already here is my washi book and it is very magical i have swatched all my washes in here but we're not going to look at that today maybe i will show you someday today we're just going to look at the ones that i purchased so here are the puchi joa the nichiban washis and i must say they are very pretty now this is not white paper so when swatched they do look a little different than they would of course they don't white paper but i think you can get a good idea of what the design looks like so we have lemon coffee pansy margaret and cherry i believe were the names and i did mention that they were 172 yen each the packaging said 180 yen but take a look at that it's an 18 meter roll and i believe most mt tapes are 10 meters so there is not quite double the amount but a decent amount of washi on there for the price i believe i'm actually holding it upside down i have never had the pleasure of owning one of these washes before but i'm excited to look into what other designs they have now next we have the pastels i'm slowly trying to build up my basics collection you know the single colors the dots the stripes when i'm out shopping i tend to go for the more flashy tapes so slowly going to try to build up my basics anyway i got 12 of these for 1400 yen and i believe if you buy them well on the online shop anyway they are 140 yen now you may be able to find them cheaper at stationery shops here are the pastel washi tapes all swatched i for one love this pastel line and i feel like i will be using it quite often next we have the bgm skinny tapes and i believe i got these 12 for 972 yen on the back here it says they retail for adn plus tax and tax is eight percent right now in japan so i basically paid 81 yen per roll so it's about the same with like five yen different i mean a penny saved is a penny earned right these are my first bgm skinny tapes except for one that i received from a friend thankfully it is not a double isn't this one cute and i have this one i think this is a five millimeter two but there's a lot more on the roll i'm not sure what the difference is and i'm actually going to go ahead and go through the other washes because i'm filming with the air conditioning off and it is pretty hot so i'm gonna go ahead and film this bit and then i'm gonna go swatch with the air conditioning on and i'll be back to show you what they look like these are the 30 millimeter world craft washi tapes and i have this in a skinny tape so it's kind of interesting to see it like that these were 2 32 yen for 10. you know they are thicker so they will cost more but these retail for 240 and a piece so it's a little bit cheaper next i have my two mtex blind bags and they were seven in a pack and these retail for about 162 yen that's tax included and i did the math these were 142 yen a piece so that's 20 n saved on each roll so there's the double roll that i just had to order and funny story i ordered these before i went on vacation and that was so i wouldn't buy washi while on vacation because i didn't know what was coming but i had to be greedy and i got this one while i was on vacation and look at that it's in there and now i have an extra one here are the world craft blind bags i believe there are 10 each and it was 1080 yen per pack so basically 108 yen per roll and it says these retail for 120 yen so that's a good deal as well it's kind of hard to see the designs on these but i will swatch them and i'll keep them separate so you can see what was in each set anyway that was a lot of talking i'll be back in a second i am back guys and here are all the washi's i got let's take a look at them these are the skinny bgm washi's and they are all very cute i really like this it's not even a gradient it's kind of like color blocks but i like that one i think it comes in different colors too so i may keep my eyes open for that and i like these with the little designs the raindrops buttons and dots they're all very very cute and of course a rainbow one i have a rainbow one from world craft uh that one but it's a little different this one's a little more vibrant and this one's a little more kind of subtle in a way a little more faded maybe next i have my first pack of world craft washi's there were 10 in a pack and surprisingly 10 designs fit on one page so that's really cool and i must say that i really really love how vibrant and colorful these are especially that one i really like the flower one and then here are the remaining ten there's the overview and we'll start at the top here some constellations sky flowers makeup dots but also hexagons flowers banner and then some little thank you stamps some raindrops i really like these and some rainbow stripes these are really fun as well next let's look at the ex mtex so there were seven in a pack and this was the first pack sakura the dots that i got doubles of and then cute shapes flowers flowers that look like embroidery i think and then some more flowers and some more flowers the remaining seven some more embroidered flowers let me say that right embroidered it sounds weird to me now more flowers flowers cherries lace stripes and what are these called i had a tool you know that little toy that you can make them with i can't remember now and finally we have the big world craft washi the 30 millimeters i believe so you have yellow stars blue stars and then some pretty designs some yellow triangles and then on this side we have chocolate donuts and then some vintage looking tickets coupons and more banners i feel like this is a very popular washi design i have a few of them from different companies and a gradient now i think this goes all the way to like green blue purple so it'll be very pretty to use as a border let me know in the comments down below which washi set which washi tape was your favorite i really really like the world craft ones they're super pretty and i'm super happy with my basics and actually all of these so let me know if you like these washi swatch videos because i have a bunch more but anyway i will see you guys next time bye hey guys today i have two lucky bags because they're both fairly simple but they actually may be my favorite lucky bags this is the first one it says happy bag and it is from the sock shop and there are seven pairs in here and i got it for a thousand eighty yen i think that's a really good deal so let's take a look i'm gonna pull them out one pair at a time oh this is the one that i kind of saw from the outside of the bag it is a pair of socks with little houses on them it says mighty sockser just right for you and you can never have too many pairs of socks so this is a three pairs for a thousand yen set and that is what it looks like that's cute i like that one i usually don't wear yellow but i'm not too picky about sock colors let's grab the next one oh this is cute this is a mighty sockser as well looks like it has four leaf clovers on it in teal and orange that's cute and this is a three for a thousand pair as well i like these longer socks because i keep my ankles warm let me pull the next one out oh these are really thin socks oh they're long i wouldn't call them knee socks but they're quite long this is weird the fabric from here up is kind of like tights kind of like stockings that's interesting i've never seen that before i wonder if they stay up better or something and apparently this pair of socks is 900 yen so that is three pairs of socks we should still have four more to go oh here's another oh my goodness a mighty sock sir looks like we have a cute bear and then the heel is kind of a rough fabric thicker fabric it's the same for the toes and then here it says happy lucky they are red socks and this is another three four thousand pair so there's one thing here that i keep like feeling in the bag and i'm gonna pull it out i think it's yeah i was gonna say tight and i'm actually not too excited about this i do wear tights but definitely not tights like this these are gold sparkly tights and they're actually a thousand two hundred yen so that's a good deal but not what i was looking for from this lucky bag and i know that my friend shiro-san in japan got two of these bags i'm kind of wishing i'd gotten two now too i took a peek at her video because it's already up you guys should check it out after this but i don't think she got tight so that's a little upsetting to me because i wanted socks here's the next pair oh they are toe socks and they are yellow stripy and it's three for a thousand yen so we have four of those now and i should have one more pair in here let's see oh these look cute oh these are interesting these are kind of more for spring i've seen these before where like the top is lace or see-through fabric like this that's cute i don't really know what kind of shoes to pair this with but i usually wear jeans anyway so i'm sure i'll just end up hiding them under my jeans as far as socks go they're gonna be really good so i have one two three four five six pairs of socks and then the pair of tights for a thousand yen i'm not mad i'm actually pretty happy with this deal i really love these two socks actually i like my bare socks too these three are probably my favorite let's move on to the next one next is the mr donut lucky bag and this year was a collaboration with kanahe so i had to get it but i usually get this every year just because it's such a good deal first of all this lucky bag was 1080 yen and i got a card for 20 donuts now i kind of think they may have given me the wrong card i actually didn't check on the website i was gonna do that but i think i'm supposed to get 10 donuts but i think i got 20. so either way 10 or 20 donuts that's a good deal and this card's good through march so i have a few months to eat my 20 donuts actually before i pull anything else out look at the other side of the bag it's a piece gift but then look at the bottom of the bag it's upside down right now but there's there's a little piece again usagi and ponder lion at the bottom there that's so cute i just love the attention to detail i actually don't remember what the lineup was supposed to be but after we paid they handed us this blanket and you can never have too many little lap throw blankets the colors look really pretty i'm gonna go ahead and open it up it's really really soft in the past i've gotten blankets from their lucky bags but they were usually like kind of the cheap fleece but this is really soft and fluffy let's look at the design it's my melody and kirami i think this is from halloween it says my melody and kuromi i think this was when they did their collab back in the fall this is so soft and it's actually decently big i'm definitely using this for like when i edit and stuff i'll put it on my computer chair i love this next is the kind of hey item number one this is a clear file there's usagi pisket and ponder i think this was the art that was on the bottom of the bag they had another lucky bag that was 2000 yen and it had more stuff in it but i didn't really need a bunch of clear files so this is good what i really really wanted was this tote and they had two designs both of them were super cute so i'm happy with this one look at that it's so adorable i love that he's wearing the donut as a hat and then pc is wearing it as like an inner tube it's a good sized tote and it's a nice sturdy canvas so i will be using this for sure and remember guys all of this was 1 000 yen or 1080 yen and then the calendar now i usually don't put calendars up on my wall just because i forget to you know change the calendar and stuff but this one i feel like i will use mainly because it's peacekeeping and use huggy and i love them very very much it's a simple calendar but it'll be good for keeping track of like you know my work schedule garbage days you know stuff like that and just you know something to have up by my computer maybe i like that it's two months at a time actually that's really good so there's that i really like this so what do you guys think worth it for a thousand yen i mean just the fact that i get donuts makes it worth it then the calendar the tote bag and then the clear file and then i think the blanket may have been an extra i don't even know but i love this blanket it's so soft and the colors are so so pretty i'm gonna say this is my favorite lucky bag so far and by so far i mean this is my favorite one because this was my last lucky bag i hope you guys enjoyed this week i had so much fun opening up all these different lucky bags if you haven't seen my previous ones they are in the description box down below i hope you'll check them out and let me know in the comments which one was your favorite would you pick socks or mr donut i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Lorien's Toy Box
Views: 32,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StudioLorien, LorienSpree, Lorien's Toy Box, Japan, Japanese
Id: AA5DYPymqjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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