Japanese Curry- Family Favorite!

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Ohio gai Moss so today I'm going to be making Curry Japanese style Curry which is a childhood favorite of mine and the kids favorite and also Judy's favorite frankly um so I'm going to make it I'm going to make a ground beef version it's awesome going to shop for the ingredients and then start cooking okay first thing is potatoes I'm going to do these organic rusted potatoes which are perfect and then you can obviously use this for so many other dishes next ingredient carrots I personally prefer these ones that are on the bunch uh more flavorful sweeter I just use yellow onions there's really only two more ingredients I get ground beef which I already have at home it's thong out because I I buy ground beef and bulk and then soup stock or bone stock all right so I said bone broth you can totally use chicken stock I prefer beef bone broth so I learned this technique from uh a chef Ivan runs a ramen restaurant in New York City I've been to it and he adds chicken stock which is smart because normally you just add water but this is an easy way to get something wholesome into your meal for your kids and beef bone broth they make this from Bones really good for you so hides all the kind of funkiness of it just being a soup it's just good last but not least leap and lemur organic peanut butter and chocolate cereal special request this is not for curry this is for Leo time to head home Grand toll that was 44 bucks but that includes uh 18 organic eggs from our favorite company vital Farms as well as a gallon of organic milk normally we get it from Costco but we ran out of milk believe it or not so you nice going back home time to cook all right I'm here I'm about to prep all my ingredients this is the ground beef I use this is from sweet grass farms it's grass-fed so even uh even the meat has good stuff for the kids this is a brand of Curry use Vermont Curry and you can get this at any Asian grocery store I'm going to go ahead and chop up everything get it all prepped for a side dish I'm going to be doing some asparagus with this garlic olive oil that I made yesterday so the olive oil has been soaking up all that garlic goodness and I will put this into the oven and just roast it all right let's cook some Curry all right so I prepped everything and I want to explain exactly why I did everything so I break this up or chop it up so that it dissolves a little bit quicker and this is the curry bricks this is what it looks like if you've never made it potatoes pretty basic basic you want it uniform so they all cook together this will be last because I don't want to overcook these and then they become mushy um put them in water so they don't turn brown you know with the onions I try to dice it up to as small as possible not necessar mince it but if you mince it it would have been a bad thing carrots rough chop these I don't know if you noticed but um none of these none of these are the same size or shape I just like that something to do with Asia cookie I don't know where uh it comes from and then even with the beef I do open it up I break it apart and I salt and pepper it so that it's already got all that going on when I put it into the pot my liquids are ready I'm going to be using some clarified butter which I should probably do a video let me know if you're curious about me doing a video on this cuz it's so useful for so many things now it's time to cook over here I will be doing a half boiled egg but for right now I'm going to focus on the curry so I did Brown the meat that brings out a lot of the flavor because it's caramelizing that fat now I'm going to go ahead and remove this you don't have to do this uh Judy usually puts the onions right in there but I like to I'm going to turn off the heat actually so it doesn't splatter I like to remove it I use this uh Spider spoon or whatever it's called and then that way I can get the onions in there which is going to go in next and have a cleaner cook cooking surface while at the same time keeping all that goodness in there crank up the heat super high on the onions all right so I'm going to just sauté these uh till they soften up then I'm going to add the carrots and then the liquids I want to keep stirring constantly so that it doesn't burn don't worry about this right here this is all flavor we're going to get all that with the liquids I'm going to go ahead and add the carrots sauté them or cook them for a little bit now I'm going to go ahead and add the cooking liquid which is the beef stock the bone broth still the highest heat there we go so it wasn't enough liquid just the bone broth alone so I'm going to add a little more liquid here there we go all right so this has been cooking covered on a low heat for about I want to say 5 minutes it's not really bubbling that's okay I'm going to go ahead and crank up the heat so what I like to do is add the meat back in whatever meat you're using in this case ground beef then what I do is I add some of the Cy bricks not all of them just some of them to start incorporating them go ahead and stir and right now what I'm going to do is get these carrots just to the point where they're about done but not fully done they're going to take a little bit longer to cook than the potatoes so it's important that you try them to make sure they're not too soft and also that they're not so hard that it takes longer to cook these and those get mushy so other than this part cooking the carrots and the potatoes just to the right texture the right dness PR super easy it doesn't take very long this is a fancier Curry but you don't need the beef stock you don't need any chicken stock you don't need to separate the meat out if you don't want you can put the onions right in that's what Judy does she just kind of goes to town and she cooks it real quick all right so the girls do like their half-boiled eggs which is this just softboiled and this is a half-boiled method make sure you have your ice bath ready so I'm going to go ahead and place these in here this is super easy just 5 minutes in boiling water and then right into the ice bath after that and we're just about there I'm going to go ahead and take one of these out and feel it okay it's not quite cooked so I'm going to let that cook for about one more minute and then I will start adding the potatoes you know not always but sometimes I do skim off some of this stuff at the top why not I've got the tools and the time not absolutely necessary but get it all off oh don't grab any of the actual ingredients there you go okay to start adding some of the potatoes slowly cuz these are kind of cold just like before I am slowly incorporating more of those Curry bricks you don't want to put it in all at once I don't like to add the curry bricks until the very end when I know all the ingredients are just about ready all right so the timer just went off for these eggs simply just put them right into the ice bath immediately there we go this is going to shock them to stop the cooking process and I believe actually makes it easier to peel for me at least I'm going to go ahead and add almost all the rest of the curry bricks maybe just a few left cuz you're going to have to gauge it like I mentioned this this is such a crucial part you have to try it what do you mean crucial part crucial you don't want overcooked potatoes or undercooked carrots still need some time maybe like 5 more minutes sometimes you need extra Curry brick so I do have a spare box that I just use a couple bricks cuz I do like it to be a certain consistency in terms of thickness um but if it's too watered down or too soupy you want to add some extra bricks right now it seems to me it's going to turn out good one reason why it's important to always try your carrots and potatoes and why I can't tell you an exact time cuz different types of carrots different types of potatoes are going to have um different densities depending on the time of year the type of uh carrot or potato is so this why it's hard to tell you exact cooking is very much about the feel uh Mama one of the things that is so famous about her she doesn't measure anything dad Dad yeah did did Mom ever measure anything or did she do it all by memory I think by just memory yeah she never measured anything but it's the same with anything you got to get uh get in touch with your instincts there you go there you go all right so the eggs are just about done you don't want to leave them in there too long cuz you don't want them to get completely cold that was in there for a good 5 minutes sometimes they can still have a warmth to them but since we're not going to eat for a while anyways I'm just going to let them uh stay out and then peel them after the Curry's [Music] done [Music] Curry that looks good apple too just got this bowl [Music] today if you never tried this have a feeling most of you if not all will love it how do you like it you like it really
Channel: Benji Travis
Views: 42,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benji Travis, itsjudyslife, Japanese Curry- Filled With Flavor, japanese curry, how to make japanese curry, family meals
Id: QeVhqNjXmzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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