Japan Shinkansen Bullet Train FIRST Class VS. ECONOMY Class

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hey guys it's Sunday December 25th in Tokyo Merry Christmas just walking to a Christmas tree lighting or some sort of lighting and look at this see these kids with a school uniform they went to school today not only was today Sunday today was Christian stuff yeah thanks for be on my video see ya okay get some rest it's Sunday just looking for Tokyo business market Dolph has a really festive tons of people and listen add a lot of German food or some reason I don't know why and this is a typical skin this is a typical line look at it this is the line is it keeps going it keeps going not over yet no keeps going keep going keep going keep going all the way here not out there you see that sign right there that's the end of the line every single stall is like this the place it's not that big I think there's about 30-40 installs around here so my recommendation if it is not come here officially giving up on that Christmas market it's really small and it seems like every booth sells the same thing but it was still packed starving and I heard that Tokyo and specializes in tempura I'm going to go find it important place this is supposed to be a really great place tempura T Nietzsche let's go eat whoa Bill Clinton ate here I'm sure the tempura here is really awesome I'm not going to be able to find out because a person that the course is run from 150 to 200 dollars so I don't make as much as Clinton that's why I can't eat here just walk past and just come my ID welcome I was just a little guy in the window a little adorable little guy in the window and there's plain cookies everywhere puppies everywhere you know how adorable this is real no well how is the pesto okay that makes sense but uh I gotta get a table okay oh my guys are go oh okay oh yeah thank you well was he home I know hey can I take home on my luggage [Music] that was really hard to come because the place was so quiet every time I spoke everybody in the restaurant was looking at me and also the shrimp in front of me yes go watch the go watch the video in Tripoli something the shrimp were for me like they literally they were sitting in front of me fresh shrimp about to be you know show for my eating pleasure and they leapt into the air right in front of me I kid you not leap off the plate about maybe a half a foot into the air yeah okay my logical response was I scream like a little girl which I did and of course they're normal to me again so it was just like I mean I didn't want to disturb other people's meal so it's kind of hard to film Tom but that meal was really really good I never really liked him Perot before I started coming Sagi right shrimp put in too low and when it's when you take it out as a zone that he's actually quite like everything was very flavorful I think the natural flavors of the food was up that has to highlight which definitely it's not the case for temper I feel like in the state also it's incredibly expensive I had a 12 tours and for a meal and that came out to be about seventy dollars but now because it's Christmas I'm going to see some Christmas light I want to feel festive and see Santa maybe maybe cut a ring gear that Tokyo Tower right there and it's all lit up for Christmas it's pretty cool Ashley reminds me of the Eiffel Tower it's pretty similar I mean in in size and the way it's structured well I wanted to see Santa and their Santa but so Santa and the reindeer Rudolph you're missing six more reindeers there's a special snack item kind of Tokyo banana Kate I really want to take one of these things back to the US but they expire on the 6th I get back on the 4th this might be the coolest ballpoint pen ever this ninja is about to attempt a backflip there we go okay so he was already showed it again home quite recently people and the whole is getting ready to get out of Tokyo and it is going to be so exciting today my first inconstant ride this is one of the fastest trains in a world boy from Tokyo to KO Bay where I will be staying at a real car which is like a ancient were really traditional Japanese hotel hot spring hotel really enjoyed this little hotel the family in psycho it's a bit out of the way kind of in the middle of nowhere but I find this neighborhood really charming I enjoy walking through it and I loved and they give it give me this little silver nice little origami box with candy inside it's always good I love art and I love candy one more thing right outside of the hotel right across from hotel is a little shrine and there are these little shrines all around the neighborhood you know looking at this it just it makes me feel like I am indeed inside of an anime I can't say enough about that awesome service at that hotel like literally here oh she's not just waited outside I was up there for about 10 minutes and I had my jacket on and he wasn't wearing much at all he just stood outside with me waiting for the taxi that's kind of like the level of service I experienced in most places in Japan restaurants even convenience stores I don't know exactly what Tommy Lee Jones is looking at over here maybe the aliens came back this is really exciting I'm at the Shinagawa station about to board ashin constant which is a super fat shrink I'm away from Tokyo over the cold air in the Turing of fat it has an operational speed of over 200 miles per hour and I think it'd travel upwards of over 300 miles an hour and I'm situated on the right side of the train which means that I can see Fuji mountain for the first time from my train window but before I get on the train there's a prerequisite you've got to go get yourself a bento box this is a key bond and they got a wide variety of bento boxes that I can try out this place behind me so especially made only there'd be a triangle rice balls wrapped with seaweed and this is also a great very convenient food item to take with you on a train so let me go ahead and get some them [Music] this is my seat um your luggages go up sir I'm gonna play my legs on the farm and show me has a weight like Big Town and this is the first-class cabin so I think the difference is these are a little bigger and you got the footstool you have these a little table then pull down that rules or nothing okay this is kind of weird is that you can see into the bathroom Wow and there's no foot so if you need to go number two I don't know what you will do maybe here toilet the toilet and if you want more privacy and this is a urinal where people can see you these these are really really flying light and oh these are heated he or she dancing they go there's an outlet and they have Wi-Fi it's not a secret partners on this [Music] which way if you're working or getting here place your drink [Music] all sobbing [Music] got little plastic cover on top take that off and looks like some tomato fried rice and some egg some peas and little hair it looks like a little sausage yeah a little cottage and it was the fried chicken and what it looks like I think this is a egg salad yeah we're potato salad right here and the peas 1 [Music] it comes with a little wet nap it's like a work of art - like appearing on a beautiful painting steps I can eat this and I'll get that color Oh still young you looking to start off with the chicken and the chicken obviously hot cold fried chicken not something I love I could tell the flavor is really good but I'll manage again so called let's try the little sausage on the bag that's awesome couple actually it's not helpful as cheese not that it's not good when him but when you're in expecting some things than when you put into your mouth it'll be completely opposite and just throws you for a loop this bento was only 850 and all about eighteen US dollars and if this was I do not select this would have been a good deal because all the ingredients are even tell they're really fresh their quality ingredients intercept cold fried chickens not my things this is by far by far the prettiest bento box I've ever seen my life it's red is bringing is brown and oranges pink a few more colors and you got yourself a rainbow before out with a nice kind of beef and grab some rice as well the beef is not tender but its flavor really really well I have an eye with really pretty pink mochi for a while and my guess is it's going to be ready and on the inside especially the best thing out of that metal box was really really they've got a clear almost jelly-like motion skin feeling soft creamy killing Colleen and Jilly and mochi everything down but they were so clean best item out of those two pencil boxes [Music] Kyoto the only thing I know about heel-toe is that it's got a lot of ancient architecture also tension and she-she'll had an epic battle here people behind these left in the syllabus Rekha line all the way what is difficult thing about the training st. measuring everything microphone I just asked if my stop the college table from stop out Kyoto and they responded by saying 22 which was at exactly 222 that's what myself [Music] now the last time I written on a train was back in China so compared to dad this is like heavenly so when you're buying tickets for the sitcom that you guys are off with a regular holiday war you get the first class because I wanted to jump up this in the future I'm already on my way not to Tokyo but I'm sitting in economy that what I scheduled a week equation comes in first class if she comes in economy class this is the economy class and on the right side of the Train is 15 left side versus cutie isn't if you like an airline you kontiki accept that from the lake space penalty it is pretty wide you can pretty much scroll down there's a tray table and I'm thinking this thing's so fat quite a bit so the biggest difference between this in the first class because that first I've seen it's bigger but I don't feel like it's much bigger there's no foot pan if you remember the first class see there's a nice progression on your site all breasts dispatch seasons and I have that event also there's no cup holders as an outlet as well especially in fact what a figure and oxo we can do is you can turn your eco round so that you have like four people or six people in a player speed around in space that might pose a question mark there so having sat in both sleeves honestly the biggest benefit I see for the first class see is that you get an assigned seat if you can want to see the state Mount Fuji you want to wait in line they can have that at sign tape but keep in mind that's about a hundred dollars more than the economy see which is quite comfortable I mean if you still on the left side a kilt sit on the backside or you know get stuck in the middle somewhere the really spacious and comfortable so I don't really see how the first-class seat is worth a hundred dollars more than ten darwinian signing like 20 minute an infection addictions which started a trend you want to be on in you stable hoggonomics also visited if you're coming from Tokyo to Osaka or Cobain the general right side of the track and vice-versa people back to Tokyo from Osaka or called adenosine on the left side and this is something that's really important is that mr. subway was coming here if you have your window shade close you might miss nothing so when I would suggest this packed the conductor at what time you're passing by now who do you sociable know one more thing I want to add about the Shinkansen economy class I took the train from Osaka to Tokyo and it was the empty train to start out with but I did see that in the middle scoffs especially its course the ended there were people getting on and not being able to find any any comedy so some of them have to stand up for over an hour I would say that if you're taking the train and you know it's in the empty what arrives at your station definitely go for the economy like a measure before it's the difference between the economy and first-class team is really not worth a hundred dollars but if you're getting on during one of those middle-sized where you know that there might be a lot of people on the train and you want to avoid the possibility of having to stand there for maybe an hour they try to go for the first-class seat all right guys I hope this review has been helpful thank you all so much for watching
Channel: Mikey Chen
Views: 1,012,660
Rating: 4.8400383 out of 5
Keywords: mike chen, mikey chen, Shinkansen, japan Shinkansen, japanese Shinkansen, Shinkansen train, Shinkansen bullet train, japan train, japan bullet train, bullet train, japanese bullet train, japanese train, train, trains, bullet trains, fastest train, fastest trains, first class, economy class, Shinkansen first class, first class Shinkansen, Shinkansen ticket, Shinkansen tickets, tokyo japan, japan, japanese
Id: ESgdw4ePTiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2017
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