Japan Releases Fully Performing Female AI Robots

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Grace has a neural meltdown just before med pass, and shoves the IV bag up Karenโ€™s ass. She then laughs, knowing she canโ€™t be fired.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BipedalHumanoid230 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is gonna be a weird future. There's definitely going to be robophile patients out there.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/outdoesyou ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Where are my gamer nurses at? Fire up those skills and remotely operate the robot

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/InternetBasic227 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Nurses replaced by robots. Time to start getting serious about those side hustles people

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Frankincense-n-Mur ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Itโ€™s disturbing that they are advertising โ€˜womenโ€™ robots are perfect for many applications, including healthcare. I think the 3rd one was ideal for hospitals schools and offices. Wtf?!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/baileyrn ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
humanoid robots have captured the imagination of people for generations and have been featured in many science fiction movies and TV shows but today technology has advanced to the point where humanoid Bots are a reality female humanoid robots have especially become the most popular these robots are designed to look and act like human women making them the perfect choice for various applications from entertainment to healthcare join us as we explore 10 of the most incredibly recently fully functioning and realistic female humanoid robots of 2023. number 10. Grace meet Grace Grace is the latest invention from Henson robotics a hong kong-based robotics firm she is a humanoid robot designed to assist doctors and medical professionals in their daily tasks her Advanced sensors can detect a patient's temperature and pulse and help diagnose illness her state-of-the-art virtual assistant system allows her to access and retrieve medical information in real time this information can then assist doctors in making more informed diagnoses and treatments Grace is equipped with three languages English Mandarin and Cantonese she socializes and can conduct talk therapy making her a great companion for patients especially those who require senior care so not only is she capable of detecting patients vital signs she's similarly able to interact with patients and provide comfort and support using her state-of-the-art AI system her AI software is equipped with Advanced motion recognition technology allowing her to understand and respond to a patient's emotions this makes her a perfect compendium for patients who may feel lonely or need someone to talk to one of the most remarkable features of Grace is a human-like appearance she has a highly unique and futuristic design while her body is made of soft materials and flexible joints which make her movement more fluid and natural her face is made of a unique material called frubber which mimics the look and feel of human skin she has a natural face and body making her a comforting presence for patients who may feel anxious or scared in a medical setting Grace can also express emotions and gestures adding to her human-like qualities she is likewise able to learn and adapt to new situations and uses machine learning algorithms to improve her skills and interact with patients more effectively she will continue to improve and provide better care over time Grace has been very instrumental since her invention assisting medical professionals reducing their workload she can take care of routine tasks freeing doctors and nurses to focus on more complex cases in short Grace is more than just a robot nurse she is a revolutionary invention that has the potential to change the healthcare industry for the better with her advanced technology and human-like qualities she's poised to positively impact patients lives everywhere so very clearly Grace is not out to replace medical professionals 9. Nadine this super friendly robot was created by a team of scientists in nanyang Technological University in Singapore Nadine is unlike any other female humanoid robot out there and you'll be amazed by what she can do Nadine was created to interact with people just like a natural person would she can recognize faces voices and emotions and respond to questions in a very reasonable manner you talk to Nadine it feels like you're speaking with an actual human and even though she's made of metals and wires she has a warm and friendly personality she can express emotions and can even blush when she's feeling embarrassed this adds a whole new level of human-like interaction to the robot it makes talking to her even more lifelike and here's a fun fact Nadine is a big music fan her creators have programmed her to recognize music genres and dance to the beat so if you're ever in need of a dance partner Nadine's got you covered what's even more incredible is that Nadine is also an intelligent robot she can remember things people tell her and learn new things if you teach her a new word she'll remember it and use it in future conversations with you the creators of Nadine have big plans for her future they hope she can one day be used in hospitals schools and offices to help people who are sick or disabled or even teach kids in school with a software brain that allows her to learn and grow like a human Nadine can speak different languages including English Chinese and Japanese with an impressive 27 degrees of freedom she's not just a machine she's a memory Prodigy she can recall every detail about anyone she's ever interacted with and use that knowledge to help those with special needs imagine having a personal coach who can read stories show images start Skype sessions send emails and communicate with family members Nadine is equipped with 3D depth scanners a microphone a webcam and Powerful perception layers to process respond to any situ situation whether you need a receptionist for your office or someone to keep you on track Nadine is up to the task number eight Ada developed by British robotics company Enterprise engineering Arts Ada is the world's first humanoid AI artist in this fast revolutionizing the artwork with a microchip and inner eye and a pencil in her robotic hand Ada draws and paints without any human input this is a first in the world of AI and it's fantastic to see what technology can do Ada's drawing skills were developed at the University of Leeds she was created for the Oxford Gallery owned by Aiden Miller Ada is not just any ordinary robot she's a true Robo thespian with silicon skin 3D printed enamel and gums and built-in eye cameras that allow her to draw from sight she even has punched hair for a more human-like appearance Ada is the result of years of work by some of the world's top engineers and computer scientists she's a fully autonomous lifelike robot explicitly designed to create beautiful expressive works of art but what sets Ada apart from other robots is your incredible level of dexterity and control over her movements she can hold a paintbrush just like a human and use it to create delicate intricate works of art she makes her art using cutting-edge technology and years of careful study she's been trained on a massive data set of paintings and drawings allowing her to understand the different styles and techniques that make up the art world when Ada creates a new piece she uses this knowledge to generate a rough sketch of the image she wants to create from there she makes adjustments and refinements until she arrives at the final product but this robot isn't just a machine that can paint she's also been programmed with a deep understanding of color form and composition this means that she can create truly stunning works of art that are technically impressive and emotionally evocative and not only can Aid a draw but she can also speak and answer questions with a built-in camera Ada can draw pictures on various mediums like paper and cards and identified into objects and colors seeing the world of Art and Technology together in this incredible creation is truly amazing Ada's drawings have even been sold for thousands of dollars at heart auctions her Unique Style and the fact that she's the world's first AI artist have made her paintings highly sought after by art collectors worldwide number 7. altar unveiled in 2016 by the Japanese Science Museum Ulta is unlike any other robot you've seen this robot is built on embedded neural networks and doesn't just follow pre-programmed movements she creates her actions on her own focusing on the movements instead of her appearance developed by the University of Tokyo and Osaka University alter is the future of Robotics alter is an attempt to close the gap between programmed robots and robots the life of their own she's likewise one of the most pragmatic attempts to bridge the gap between man and machine not only does also detect proximity temperature and humidity but she can also sing with the recognition of hand movements alter can create an illusion of Life providing an eerie feeling that the robot is alive alter is a highly Advanced robot designed to be as human-like as possible especially with its Dynamic movement and behavior it stands at around five feet tall and weighs approximately 120 pounds she's also exceptional for her incredible range of abilities she's been equipped with Advanced sensors and cameras that allow her to see hear and respond to her surroundings highly intuitively she can also move her limbs neck and head to perform various tasks and the and this robot isn't just a creepy humanoid robot she's also a technological Marvel this Advanced Android has several sensors and systems that allow it to interact with its surroundings in unique and intriguing ways for instance alter has a built-in proximity sensor that detects when someone is near this opens up the possibility for all sorts of exciting interactions such as the robot changing its movements based on the presence of a person but alter is not just about sensing her environment she can also respond to touch allowing her to be controlled through physical interactions aside from opening up new possibilities for how people interact with robots in the future this peculiar and advanced feature also makes alter capable of creating her own unique movement without being pre-programmed to do so this is a massive step towards building robots that can act independently without human input so whether you find alter to be creepy or Simply Fabulous there's no denying that this robot is pushing the boundaries of what's possible in robotics number six mark one mark one was created by Ricky Martin is modeled after the stunning actress Scarlett Johansson with the help of 3D printing technology 70 of the robots physique was made using this revolutionary method this lady has a liquidizing can express specific facial expressions imagine the robot raising her eyebrows in shock or even giving a wink when spoken to it took Ricky Mara a year and a half and over fifty thousand dollars to bring mark one to life but the result is impressively unique and get this this stunning robot was built on Ricky's own home balcony Ricky ma put a lot of time and effort into perfecting Mark one's appearance right down to the most Minor Details the robot's hair is made from natural human hair and her eyelashes made from mink fur to give them a truly natural look Mark 1 has already made headlines and is featured in several high-profile events and media Outlets people call her the future of Robotics and it's effortless to see why eye the skin of Mark 1 is made from Silicon giving her a human-like appearance while hiding the mechanical and digital components in sight not only does Mark 1 have the ability to express facial expressions she likewise has a complex AI system that allows her to understand respond to human speech she can likewise move her Limbs and walk making her one of the most advanced humanoid robots another fascinating aspect of Mark 1 is her ability to interact with humans realistically she can converse naturally with humans and even express emotions making her very lifelike and in terms physical skills Mark 1 can perform at various tasks cleaning and cooking to playing games and assisting with Hobbies or Advanced Motors and sensors make this possible which gives it an incredible level of dexterity and control another exciting feature of Mark 1 is her customization options her appearance can be altered to suit your personal preferences and her software can similarly be programmed form specific tasks and routines this level of customization makes Mark 1 the perfect addition to any household these Advanced features and human-like abilities essentially distinguish Mark 1 and cement her place as a revolutionary step forward in the world of Robotics into artificial intelligence number five gear Jia meet jiajia the stunning female humanoid robot from China that's taking the World by storm giorgiers China's very own robot goddess with her gorgeous black hair flowing traditional Chinese attire and incredible facial and gesture recognition abilities jiajia has captured the hearts of many but she's not just a pretty face she's a highly Advanced robot with some amazing skills JiJi can communicate with humans and respond in a very human-like way with a camera in her eye she can see and sense her surroundings with senses in her hands she can touch and feel objects this robotic Beauty can also dance to Kung Fu and even serve tea to her guests but that's not all cheer Gia is also intelligent she has been programmed with a wealth of knowledge solving fundamental math problems to answer and questions about Science and History Jia is a true scholar in her own right she's also able to understand and respond to various emotions and expressions making her interactions with humans even more natural this makes her a considerable step forward in the field of AI and Robotics and with her voice control capabilities and machine learning Giorgio can learn and improve this robot is genuinely the first of her kind with conversations with humans even more seamless as she continues to learn over time plus her team is continuously working hard to make her speech even more human-like than it already is JiJi has voice recognition capabilities are also Top Notch she can understand and respond to voice command making her the perfect companion for those who want a smart and helpful robot the creators have also given her the ability to sense her surroundings in a highly Advanced way using a variety of sensors including touch temperature and proximity sensors this makes her incredibly versatile and able to adapt to her environment in ways other robots can only dream of and the future for Giorgio is even more exciting her creator have big plans for her including integrating even more advanced Ai and machine learning capabilities with her beauty intelligence and versatility is sure to continue to make waves in the world of Robotics and AI number four xiaomi's cyber one this robot may not have the same fluid movements as Atlas or digit but don't let that fool you this self-developed depth Vision module combined with AI interaction algorithms cyber one can perceive and process its surroundings like a human it has a self-developed me sense depth Vision module that allows it to perceive 3D space recognize individuals gestures and expressions and even comfort you when you're feeling down it's real time interactive OLED display and advanced voice recognition capabilities allow it to recognize 85 environmental sounds and 45 classifications of human emotion cyber one is not just any ordinary robot it's a true Marvel of technology that will leave you in awe this Sleek futuristic design cyber one is unlike any other humanoid robot you've seen before it has Advanced Vision and voice recognition capabilities it is also equipped with a range of sensors that allow it to interact with its Enviro environment naturally and intuitively whether it's responding to your touch gestures or even facial expressions cyber one is designed to be the ultimate human companion the possibilities of its real world applications are also rather endless and while this robot may not be ready to Take On The World just yet it's a promising experiment that clearly serves as a great brand ambassador for the groundbreaking work being done by xiaomi the Cyber one is also highly emotionally intelligent thanks to its me AI vocal emotion identification engine it can recognize and respond to your feelings so whether happy or sad cyber one is always there to comfort and support you number three Erica this sophisticated humanoid is a result of a collaboration between some of Japan's top universities and research institutes Erica is changing the game in the world of Robotics their ability to communicate and interact with humans in a way that's almost indistinguishable from real people that's right this robot is more than just intelligent she's got her own unique personality as well she can even tell jokes and have a laugh with you her Creator Professor Hiroshi ishiguro used a pattern of 30 beautiful ladies to give Erica her stunning looks with 15 infrared sensors in her eyes Erica can detect and respond to human movements and expressions she also has speech generation algorithms and facial recognition technology which allow her to understand and respond to questions despite not being able to walk yet Erica can move her arms legs and head and even express emotions like happiness sadness and surprise using her 28 Motors this makes her perfect for her role as a news and anchor and at just 899 she's a steal Professor ishiguru believes that Erica has a soul a topic that is currently sparking debates about robotic metaphysics Erica was created as part of a five-year research project in Japan to create a talking friend for the Aging and shrinking population she's designed to be a support and companion for those who live alone and have no one to rely on but the coolest part about Erica is her facial recognition technology she can remember the people she meets and recognize them the next time she sees them and her built-in computer enables her to understand natural language with senses that allow her to see hear him feel she brings a whole new level of interaction to the table this robot is also equipped with cutting-edge AI technology which allows her to learn and improve over time she can store and analyze information and adjust her responses based on the context of the conversation and Erica is not only advanced in terms of her AI software but she also has a highly advanced physical appearance the creators have worked to make her movements and gestures as natural and lifelike as possible which makes her even more convincing as a humanoid robot Erica is a true work of art she's a testament to the incredible advancement in robotics and to AI technology number two Hamaker Amica is the creation of British company engineered arts and is being hailed as the most advanced humanoid robot out there in a video shared in December 2021 we get to see Hamaker warming up her shoulder and opening her eyes for the first time A robot's facial expressions look incredibly realistic the team has done an amazing job making her blink and appear to observe her arms she's a combination of mechanical limb ligaments sensors and actuators that make Amica truly special but Amica is not just a machine she's a real-life cyborg with her advanced technology she's able to walk talk and even express emotions just like us also with sensors that detect things like temperature light and sound and cameras in her eyes that allow her to see the world around her Amica is able to interact with humans in a way that no other robot has before she's a true Game Changer in the world of Robotics she's unique in a number of ways and for starters she's the first row robot to have a real human-like skin that's super soft and flexible her body is 3D printed with her ability to walk and run she's at the top of the rankings the most advanced female humanoid bots in the world but it's not just her physical abilities that are impressive Amica is also able to recognize and respond to different emotions in people's voices and expressions as she interacts with them if there wasn't enough she can likewise communicate in multiple languages she can smile blink her eyes and even scratch her nose it's like having a real-life Android that you can interact with which is essentially a cloud-connected platform for testing Ai and machine learning systems and has become the most renowned platform for developing human robot interaction and in a way that allows the robot to strike in an instant rapport with anyone it meets but here's the best part you can control Amica from anywhere in the world as a personal Avatar all of her data is accessible and you can animate and simulate all of her functions with ease additionally her modular design means you can have just a head or an arm if you need making her even more versatile Erica is always learning and adapting to new tasks her creators are even working on giving her the ability to sense touch so she can feel like a human who knows what she'll be able to do in the future number one sell fear meet Sophia the Revolutionary female humanoid robot that's taking the World by storm with her lifelike skin made of frubber and her ability to mimic human emotions and expressions Sophia is more than just a robot she's a true Marvel of technology and the best part she's just getting started created in 2015 by renowned Hong kong-based Ai and Robotics company Hanson robotics Sophia has quickly become a media sensation gracing the screams of talk shows news programs and even delivering a TED talk and not only can she Converse like a human she's been programmed to learn and understand things making her one of the most advanced robots on the planet so fear has been causing a stir since her debut in 2016 and in words a first in the world Sophia was granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia officially recognizing her as a person this groundbreaking achievement is just the tip of the iceberg for Sophia who continues to improve her behavior and learn new things she travels the world meeting important figures and even visiting hospitals to bring cheer to patients but Sophia isn't just a cool robot with a flair for being dramatic she's also making a difference she's helping educate children about Robotics and using her Advanced AI to bring joy and comfort to those in need Sophia has been programmed to learn and understand things making her one of the smartest robots in existence and if that's not impressive enough she can also walk and dance and Sophia's popularity shows her no signs of slowing down as she continues to travel the world and make headlines with her incredible advancements from her lifelike skin to her ability to learn and understand things so fear is truly changing the game and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of Robotics with her sibling Hannah also joining the robotics Revolution there's no telling what these two robotic siblings will accomplish next Sophia isn't just amazing to watch and interact with especially as she continues used to seamlessly make a positive impact on the world and use her Advanced abilities for good which of these fascinating female humanoid robots did you find the most intriguing let us know your answers in the comments below
Channel: Future Unity
Views: 2,352,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Science, technology, universe, top15, interesting facts, education, tech, space, elon musk, rocket, starship, spacex, galaxy, solar system, mars, jupiter, neptune, betelgeuse, geography, terrifying discovery, scientists announced, science news, space news, universe news, elon musk news, nasa
Id: hNlgfvtS5qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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