Japan Back Stamp

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hello everyone welcome to my channel i and the willow guy and this is japanese backstamp video in today's video we're going to be going over japanese backstamp you hear a lot about it and people they tell you not to collect it they say it's not worth anything is it well it's quite old actually i consider 60 years 50 60 years that's kind of getting up there now in the 80s when some of these people said you know don't collect that well it was only a couple years old 30 years old or something whatever it was so we're going to go over a few styles of uh japanese backstab and uh by the way i would say collect them all grab any type of will you can find and sort it out later as long as you're only paying five dollars or so so all right so in japan which a lot of people will tell you that is is the newest stuff because it's uh stamped after japan was occupied after the war uh which would put it around maybe 50 but probably 1960s so here's an example of a japanese made in japan stamp it's a sticker you've probably seen them a lot on all kinds of things in the goodwill and by the way if you get one of these don't wash this plate don't remove that unless you tell yourself like re not remind yourself a little sticker somewhere that tells you that that's a japanese uh back stamp with a sticker maybe it was gold there's all kinds of colors which can tell you uh a trail to lead you what what year it is uh so don't remove them as you can see with the glue it's migrated through the years everybody's touched it and it's moved and moved and moved um but yeah this one is appears like it's kind of red orange um it's a really cartoonish looking um pattern uh it's emulating the boost willow center uh center pattern two temples one um it comes with a little cup and the cup doesn't have the stamp but it had yellowing on the bottom so you knew the stamp was there just like the other one uh so like i said that's about 1960. now you'll see uh a lot of oh this is another backstab uh it says made in japan and it's blue would they be the same acres uh maybe not uh it could be any type of maker and but most generally after the war definitely um this pattern is kind of a strange little pattern uh again it's cartoonish which kind of every time i see these patterns i think it's it's later because of its fine lining and such it's just yeah it's kind of fake looking if you ask me okay so then you have at the actual words made in japan now some some will say that these words signify whether or not it's made after the war or not and i'll show you in my video here that that's not necessarily true and you can't count on that so here's my first example uh it says made in japan very clear words and it's very large now this will tell you what type i'm sorry this will tell you what year it came from what era if by how large it is if it's really large then it's probably after the war if it's really small i'll show you example here it's a lot smaller and it says made in japan then it's earlier now the makers themselves had the right to to put made in japan in it on it and they were before the war so that's why it's not necessarily always the case of what year it is here's the the bottom matching plate for the cup um that emulated the boost willow you see how this one it almost doesn't match the two stamps but it definitely matches the plate matches each other one is really light and one is really kind of blurred a little bit but that's okay um but that that'll show you it doesn't mean that they're different years of on that one all right let's move to the actual word japan just back stamp just japan you'll find different colors um all of them are collectible all of them are worth keeping uh any plate that you'll find or any really porcelain item that has the back stamp japan is gonna be definitely before the war you're talking about at least 1940s or before in the 30s and if it's a different color stamp i've seen blue red uh green um those are even signs that it's even further i'd say even in the 20s or 30s they've been stamping like that so here's a good example of these these four plates here these two are matched and they are from the same set same back stamp and same era these two are same back stamp but not the same pattern and i'll show you the difference in a second um the these two are black back stamp and these two are blue backstab it's my belief that these blue back stamps i believe these are newer than the ones on the left there because of by by their their their condition of the plate uh there's there's hardly any crazing on this plate there's a few cracks and stuff from age which will tell you too that this is you're not going to get cracks like this unless it's like past the 60s before the 60s um also this this little edge here if you got a double edge then it's a sign that you're getting to to the past the 40s okay so that's the blue japan backstab now here's the black one we've seen a lot of this stuff and a lot of people just pay no mind because oh that's just a pan but these are the plates that are the most collectible right now um now they look at the edge the edge of the bottom plate the bottom ring doesn't have any glazing on it whatsoever it's almost crude looking compared to this one that's almost the same size and everything but there's extreme discoloration in this plate on the bottom which is another sign now imperfections i think are are signs of the plate being older because they're from a well a pottery company that took it over and started transferring and trying to copy uh boost willow and copying spod copeland and suppose the first one now on this plate you can see extreme drips i think from the glazing which is just really bad it's shoddy i could have been on the bottom of the stack maybe and then there's some transfer color from maybe the plate that it set on and it wasn't quite dry yet which is another sign that it's it's a bad potter company um is the plate still collectible of course because this plate is definitely before the war which has got to be before the 40s and so now you're talking about a plate that's 70 years old almost and so it's definitely collect all of them they all have neat patterns really pretty colors and um good pattern actual pattern now this plate i believe i believe is older than this one and again if you look at the bottom ring the bottom ring compared to this bottom ring is quite different um you probably can't see it on camera but this one has a curved actual curved little flat piece and this one has a flat flat base this one is severely crazed and uh has the discoloration damage from crazy well you know moisture gets inside there and through the years it just discolors uh it's not a sign that it's worth the same amount as a plate that was it um and it's still very collectible now let me show you the difference between these two that i found it and so let me show you um so the boat is a different style of boat the willow tree is uh there's four branches on the top right there and there's three on that one the pagodas are slightly different they look very similar to just at first glance now this tree all the way to the right here this tree here look at the difference between the two but a big difference between those two patterns of that bush um but also the the difference between the guys crossing the bridge uh the guy in the back the number three man doesn't have a pole but this one number three man has a scroll um also you could always see a difference between this uh this pathway and it's actually different in every one of these plates except for these two that are the same more of a these two are more of a zigzag back and forth kind of strange um i threw this one in because yeah it's made in japan too it's i got this at a garage sale it's made in japan it's a great example of flow blue for one and a great example of made in japan that's obviously older than the wall uh this plate is starting to craze and crack but not in any major way this border in case you guys didn't know everything here has got a standard border uh this border is called the butterfly border i don't know if you can see this yeah i think you can um so every uh what top and bottom left and right is this this this symbol here and it kind of looks like a little butterfly with its antenna sticking out i'll show you another one right there antennas and the butterfly and i don't see the butterfly pattern very often in fact i've only seen it in this one you know what flow blue was uh it's when they mix in uh cobalt into the transfer and it gives it this really blue um this one's actually a pretty good uh clear transfer um i read an article of an interview with actual robert copeland in the 1800s and he said that he would never see straight lines um on a really good transfer that has cobalt he said it's supposed to be blurry and the better it is the more cobalt they used and that's why copeland or spods is so blurry because they use a lot of cobalt so guys thanks for watching my video this is japanese backstamp i'm the willow guy watch my next video about tiny willow does it exist little tiny ones probably so thank you bye
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Id: a6bTUXmH4Qk
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Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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