Janet Jackson Revealed The SHOCKING TRUTH About Michael Jackson After 15 Yrs Of Silence

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Michael Jackson's life was characterized by Relentless media scrutiny inundated with a barrage of allegations and rumors about his personal affairs among those deeply impacted by his passing was his sister Janet Jackson with whom he shared a profound Bond Michael's death inflicted a profound pain upon her intensifying the need to uncover the truth now after 15 years Janet Jackson has decided to unveil the startling Revelations about her brother's life join us as we delve into Janet Jackson's Revelations about Michael Jackson exploring the shocking truths that lie beneath the surface Michael said music was always his family's Destiny just 25 miles away from downtown Chicago lies Gary where Joseph Joe Jackson settled at the age of 18 it was in Gary that he met and courted his future wife Katherine screws the KLA Mar in 1949 and went on to have 10 children over a span of 16 years Reby Jackie Tito Germaine Latoya Marlon Brandon Marlon's twin who died shortly after birth Michael Randy and Janet reflecting on their early days Katherine fondly recalled her first encounter with Joe during an interview with ABC News in 2019 saying I just had a feeling that he would be my husband the first time I saw him him I fell in love with him really he was so nice he tries to be T now after tying the knot Joe and Catherine settled into a modest two-bedroom house at the corner of Jackson Street and 23 Avenue despite his aspirations in boxing and music Joe prioritized providing for his family and worked tirelessly as a welder and crane operator at us steel often juggling multiple jobs simultaneously Catherine a devoted Jehovah's Witness dedicated herself to homemaking and nurturing her children's musical talents recalling their upbringing in Gary Michael reminisced we were a family that sang all the time we would take the furniture out of the living room and dance we would have a songwriting competition while we washed the dishes while we were cleaning music was our destiny from an early age Michael discovered that his childhood differed from that of other kids in germain's Memoir You Are Not Alone Michael threw a Brother's eyes he recounts an incident when he was eight and Michael was four peering out from their house at the festive homes across the street we observed all this from inside a house with no tree no lights no nothing our tiny house was the only one without decoration we felt it was the only one in Gary Indiana but mother assured us that no there were other homes and other Jehovah's Witnesses who did not not celebrate Christmas but that knowledge did nothing to clear our confusion we could see something that made us feel good yet we were told it wasn't good for us the Jackson family's musical Journey began when Tito against his father's wishes secretly tinkered with Joe's guitar according to Michael's 1988 autobiography moonwalk Joe had safeguarded this guitar from his own days as a musician strictly forbidding his children from touching it however one day Tito dared to defy this rule inadvertently breaking a guitar string in the process terrified of Joe's wrath Tito hid but when their father demanded to see what he could do with the guitar Tito stepped up astonishing his father and planting the seed for a musical Venture involving his siblings the Jackson brothers in 1963 the Jackson brothers was born consisting of Jackie Tito and Germaine they began participating in local talent shows and competitions and by 1965 Joe had Incorporated younger brothers Marlon and Michael into the lineup rechristening them as the Jackson 5 in 1966 thus Joe transitioned from being a father to a manager guiding his children's musical careers Joe Jackson was known for his strict discipline enforcing lengthy and rigorous rehearsals to ensure his son's songs and routines were polished however this approach to their upbringing would later become a source of regret for Michael throughout his life Michael lamented the loss of his childhood feeling as though he grew up too quickly in an adult World in a 2002 interview with gold magazine he reflected I grew up on stage I grew up in nightclubs when I was seven 8 years old I was in nightclubs I saw strip te's girls take off all their clothes I saw fights break out I saw people throw up on each other I saw adults act like pigs the Jackson girls also experienced their father's demanding expectations and emotional distance Janet recalled a moment when her father corrected her for calling him dad insisting you call me Joseph I'm Joseph to you Joe was known to swiftly discipline any child who stepped out of line Michael once confited to Oprah Winfrey that he was so fearful of his father that it would make him physically ill physical punishment was not uncommon with Michael recalling during a 2003 TV interview I just remember hearing my mother scream Joe you're going to kill him you're going to kill him stop it I was so fast he couldn't catch me half the time but when he would catch me oh my God it was bad it was really bad Michael remembered his father sitting in a chair with a belt in hand observing his son's rehearsals and poised to reprimand them for any mistakes he also recounted instances of verbal abuse particularly his father repeatedly criticizing his fat nose in a 2009 interview with ABC News Joe defended his parenting style stating Michael was never beat as they call it and everyone spanked their kids when they did wrong but not beat Katherine spanked Michael more than I did cuz I was working too jobs and she was at home with him the most during a 2013 CNN interview Joe expressed pride in his tough approach saying I was glad I was tough because look what I came out with I came out with some kids that everybody loved all over the world and they treated everybody right leaving Gary and relocating to Los Angeles after the Jackson 5 gained momentum the family made the decision to leave Gary and relocate to LA Angeles the pivotal moment came in 1967 when the Jackson 5 won an amateur Talent competition at New York's Apollo Theater recognizing their potential Joe made the Bold move to transition the group into the professional sphere two years later he secured a contract with mtown records for his sons joining esteemed acts such as Stevie Wonder The Supremes and Smokey Robinson on the label with iconic hit like I Want You Back Never Can Say Goodbye I'll be there and ABC The Jackson 5 dominated the late 60s and early 7s Airwaves selling over 100 million records worldwide following their signing to mtown Joe decided it was time to uproot the family from Gary to Los Angeles reflecting on their upbringing during a 2011 interview with ABC News Germaine expressed gratitude for their father's tough but supportive approach saying we wouldn't want to be raised any other way it's hard raising nine kids bringing them from Indiana out here to Los Angeles that was his whole thing wanting to keep his family together and if he didn't do anything else he brought us out he taught us everything we knew about becoming what we became Janet Jackson's strained relationship with her brother Michael Jackson in her new documentary for Lifetime and a and e Janet candidly delves into the complexities of her relationship with her legendary brother she reveals that Michael used to Fat shame her and as they grew older they drifted apart Janet disclosed that their Dynamic shifted significantly after Michael achieved super stardom with the release of his album Thriller in 1982 there were times when Mike used to tease me and call me names Pig horse slaughter hog cow he would laugh about it and I'd laugh too but deep down it would hurt when someone says you're too heavy it affects you Janet shared the turning point in their relationship occurred after the release of the Thriller album Janet reminisced I remember really loving the Thriller album but for the first time I felt a difference between the two of us like a shift was happening he would always come into my room and we'd talk but this time he came in and neither of us said a word then he got up and left that's when Mike and I started drifting apart he just wasn't as fun as he used to be additionally Janet discussed collaborating with Michael on the song Scream in 1995 but they often found themselves distanced during the music video shoot Michael shot at night I shot during the day his record company would block off his set so I couldn't see what was going on they didn't want me on set that really hurt me because I felt I was there fighting the fight with him not battling him I wanted it to feel like old times between us but it didn't those times had long passed Janet expressed Janet Jackson finally gets over her brother's death Michael Jackson passed away in June 2009 due to Cardiac Arrest induced by an overdose of the anesthetic propa fall since her brother's tragic death pop star Janet Jackson has been grappling with her grief initially suppressing her emotions to cope with the loss however Janet acknowledges that she is now beginning to confront her brother's death and work towards healing her broken heart I was finally able to start grieving I was in Paris and it was one of those moments Janet reveals at some point you have to move on and I'm trying to do that but it is really difficult there's not a day that goes by where I don't think about him not one day not one day acknowledging the importance of processing her emotions Janet admits I'm kind of pushing myself forcing myself to a certain degree to get over this because it's not the healthiest I just spent the night in Paris watching all his videos and listening to his music there were moments when I cried and moments that made me laugh it was good for me I needed it propo fall and my Jackson's death Michael Jackson's death is still a mystery Michael Jackson had requested the anesthetic propl to Aid his sleep at least 10 years before his death from an overdose of the drug Dr Christine Quinn recounted that Jackson had called her to a Beverly Hills Hotel around 1998 or 1999 requesting propal after they met during his dental procedures Quinn declined the request explaining to Jackson that anesthesia wasn't suitable for sleep I told him that the sleep you get with anesthesia is not real sleep not restful sleep Quinn recalled Jackson insisted that his time under anesthesia was the best sleep he had experienced however Quinn stated she administered anesthesia for subsequent procedures but never gave propo fall post their meeting and Jackson never requested it again or asked to be kept under longer than necessary another testimony came from Carolyn Lee a nurse practitioner who revealed that in April 2009 just over 2 months before his death Jackson told her he needed propop fall to sleep despite her warnings about its dangers Jackson insisted claiming doctors assured him it was safe as long as he was monitored his demeanor was I have to have this I have to have this to sleep you don't understand I have not had a good night's sleep Lee recounted Jackson did not receive propa fall from Lee an expert hired by the company Dr Petros lunus suggested Jackson was a doctor shopping for opioid medications however attorneys representing Jackson's mother acknowledged his struggles with prescription drugs but emphasized he primarily received anesthesia and medications during medical and dental procedures refuting claims that he was an addict Michael Jackson's death was a setup who truly Bears responsibility for Michael Jackson's death and why was he seemingly targeted for years his family members are still grappling with these questions seeking answers and a thorough understanding of what transpired Paris Jackson the 18-year-old daughter of the late pop icon Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson have made startling claims suggesting that her father was murdered in her first ever in-depth interview she shared her conviction that Jackson's death was not accidental but rather a premeditated act Paris asserted that her family and genuine fans are aware of this belief stating all arrows point to that it sounds like a total conspiracy theory and it sounds like [ __ ] but all real fans and everybody in the family knows it it was a setup it was [ __ ] Janet Jackson shares a sentiment that Michael Jackson's death might have been orchestrated a suspicion echoed by other family members Latoya Michael Jackson's sister expressed doubts about the circumstances surrounding her brother's demise I truly feel that Conrad Murray is simply the scapegoat it seems like a premeditated plan to take my brother out something he repeatedly warned me about according to Latoya Michael believed someone coveted his catalogues explaining it's because of my catalog which is my publishing and they after it and they want it and they want their hands on it and they want to take it away from me this wasn't the first time Latoya had mentioned Michael Jackson's apprehensions in an interview with CNN she revealed Michael's fears of being murdered stating he was afraid he was afraid Latoya recounted the ominous atmosphere on the Fateful night of his passing where Michael sensed his end was near after his passing individuals he had expressed suspicions about took control of his estate Latoya didn't shy away from naming Dr Tom who managed Michael's Affairs toward the end of his life with Tom's influence key figures close to Michael were ousted allowing him to steer Michael towards Ventures beneficial to him and his associates it appears someone had a hidden agenda the consensus among Michael Jackson's family members that his death was orchestrated suggests there's substance to their claims in addition to assertions Kanye West has openly hinted at Foul Play known for his controversial Twitter rants in one instance he cryptically referenced Michael Jackson's warnings about someone named Tommy before his demise amidst a flurry of other statements Kanye's mention of Tommy likely refers to Michael Jackson's strained relationship with former Sony CEO Tommy matah spanning from his Dangerous album in 1991 to Invincible a decade later Michael Jackson publicly criticized Mota accusing him and the record companies of conspiring against artists particularly black ones Michael Jackson's ownership of Sony's publishing rights further escalated tensions leading to his denouncement of mota as devilish given Mota's contentious history with Michael Jackson and his alleged manipulative Behavior suspicious linger that he may have played a role in Michael Jackson's death Beyond personal vendettas theories also exist implicating the Illuminati fueled by Michael Jackson's acquisition of significant publishing rights which allegedly made him a target for elimination these speculations shed light on the multifaceted motives and potential players behind Michael Jackson's untimely demise the feud between Michael Jackson and Tommy matah in his recent Twitter ter raade Kanye West pointed fingers at former Sony Music Entertainment CEO and chairman Tommy Mata insinuating his involvement in Michael Jackson's demise West's tweet though now deleted stirred interest among fans prompting questions about the purported conflict between the late pop icon and Mata the Riff between Jackson and Mata dates back to 2002 when Jackson publicly criticized Sony and Mata his then label during a press conference with Reverend Al Sharpton accusing the music industry of racial discrimination Jackson singled out modah as a central figure orchestrating unfair treatment toward black artists Jackson's condemnation of Mah wasn't subtly he held up a poster portraying Mah with devilish imagery and brandish shared a picket sign reading Sony Music kills his scathing remarks coupled with visual symbolism highlighted his deep-seated animosity towards Mota and the alleged injustices Within the Music Industry Jackson's passing in 2009 attributed to a propo fall overdose administered by his Dr Conrad Murray marked a tragic end to the iconic musician's life in a twist of fate Sony's acquisition of a 60% stake in Emi music publishing in 2018 granted the label control over Jack 's estate following Kanye West's assertions implicating Jackson's former record label in his demise some Twitter users echoed his sentiments entertaining conspiracy theories suggesting mata's involvement in orchestrating Jackson's death these theories speculated about Mata dispatching doctors to Jackson's Neverland Ranch with Sinister intentions however none of these claims have been substantiated with concrete evidence Michael Jackson life revolved around a series of scandals yet let's delve deeper into the achievements of a musical prodigy is Michael Jackson truly a genius with innate talents his exceptional vocal abilities including a remarkable four octave vocal range and one of the finest falsettos in music history led to speculation that he may have undergone chemical castration as a child despite lacking any formal dance training Michael Jackson showcased dance skills that surpassed even legendary Masters like Fred aair and Bob FY aair praised Jackson's exceptional moves calling him the best dancer of the century and emphasizing his phenomenal Talent similarly FY marveled at Jackson's speed and precision declaring him the best dancer since a stair despite his lack of formal training Jackson's innate ability to execute every movement with completeness and swiftness earned him recognition as a dance genius his extraordinary Talent was further acknowledged when he became the only pop and rock artist ever to be inducted into the dance hall of fame Michael Jackson had a remarkable ability to compose songs purely through intuition despite lacking the ability to read or write music additionally he was proficient in playing multiple musical instruments including the drums Guitar and piano it was not uncommon for him to create a complete song within a mere five minutes Michael Jackson possessed an incredibly versatile vocal range that allowed him to effortlessly cover a wide array of musical genres including pop rock disco Soul R&B hip hop and Funk his adaptability across various Styles showcased his immense talent and versatility as a vocalist Michael Jackson displayed remarkable skill in both dancing and singing simultaneously excelling in both disciplines with equal proficiency he had the ability to create espon new dance moves on the spot often introducing iconic and signature dance moves that became synonymous with his performances Michael Jackson had the remarkable Talent of mimicking every musical instrument with his voice and was also an exceptional beatboxer at just 6 years old Michael Jackson sang challenging soul songs like who's loving you and ain't no sunshine all without a single singing lesson his talent was evident from an early age as he performed Climb Every Mountain at his first school performance when he was only 5 years old by the age of nine Rolling Stone recognized his prodigious Talent cementing his status as a musical prodigy at the age of two Michael Jackson displayed remarkable coordination by dancing to the rhythm of his mother's washing machine While most toddlers are just learning to walk at that age Michael was already demonstrating his innate talent for dance with synchronized movements Michael Jackson was a Visionary who revolutionized the music industry by transforming the music video genre from a mere promotional tool into an art form his Innovative approach reshaped how music was presented visually leaving an indelible mark on the industry Michael Jackson is a crossover artist whose appeal transcends boundaries of race culture and age captivating audiences worldwide his repertoire includes Timeless Classics such as Don't Stop Till You Get Enough Billy Jean Beat It Smooth Criminal We Are the World black or white and will you be there these iconic songs penned 3540 years ago continue to resonate with audiences standing the test of time in recognition of his songwriting prowess Jackson has been rightfully inducted into the songwriters Hall of Fame Michael Jackson's influence extends far beyond his own era shaping the Artistry of numerous contemporary artists renowned figures such as Bruno Mars Lady Gaga Justin Timberlake Beyonce Usher and Britney Spears among many others have drawn inspiration from his groundbreaking work in closing Janet Jackson's recent Revelations about her brother Michael Jackson's life have ignited widespread debate and contemplation regarding the intricacies of his legacy as we navigate through the startling truths that have emerged after 15 years of Silence it's crucial to engage in discussions with empathy comprehension and a dedication to uncovering Justice and Truth what do you make of Janet's disclosures do you feel they provide fresh insights into Michael's life or do they contribute further to the ongoing speculation share your thoughts in the comment section below also 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Channel: Top Exploration
Views: 82,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Janet Jackson story, Janet Jackson reveals, Janet Jackson secrets, Janet Jackson documentary, Janet Jackson bio, Janet Jackson truth
Id: gl3b8JZINkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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