Jamie Foxx Wins Best Actor | 77th Oscars (2005)

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probably, i looked up the lyrics and couldn’t find any matches besides his performance

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/yo-itsyourboymaxb 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Its possible, but speaking from talking to other people and personal experience, it seems very common to have reoccurring dreams about a deceased family member.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LimesforDimes 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
their performances were all outstanding year the nominees for Best Performance by an actor in a leading role Don Cheadle in Hotel Rwanda Johnny Depp in Finding Neverland they are Nardo DiCaprio in the Aviator Clint Eastwood and Million Dollar Baby Jamie Foxx in ray and the Oscar goes to Jamie Foxx and this is the first Academy Award and second nomination for Jamie five the 10th person to be nominated in both acting categories in the same year I guess we got to do it again Oh oh yeah you're ready that's the Ray Charles give it up for Ray Charles and his beautiful legacy and thank you Ray Charles for living I got so many people to thank tonight and first time I started out with Taylor Hackford Taylor you took a chance man I mean that love for Ray Charles was deep down in the earth stone when you open it up and it's cracked open and the spilling and everybody is drowning in this love and I thank you for taking a chance on this film and thank you for waiting 15 years to get me to do it uh I want to thank you want to thank crusader I want to thank I want to thank my agents I want to thank Rick Kurtzman I want to thank Kim Hodge I don't thank us Steve schmuck I want to thank my managers Jamie King and Marcus King let's uh let's live this African American dream that's beautiful I'm glad I'm with you and I ain't never leaving you so I love you uh I got a chance to meet a whole lot of people experiencing this and other people don't want to think I want to thank my sister for foot 11 of nothing but pure love I want to thank my daughter for telling me just before I got up here if you don't win dad you're still good I'm just see Oprah and I see hailey I just want to say your names I want to talk to you later both of you because Oprah gotta allowed me to meet somebody by the name of Sidney Poitier and uh yes Sidney Poitier said I saw you once and I looked in your eyes and there was a connection and he says I give to you responsibility so I'm taking that responsibility tonight and Thank You Sidney this is the this is probably gonna be the toughest part of this speech my daughter shares my grandmother's name Marie my grandmother's name is Estelle Marie Talley and she's not here tonight and this is gonna be the toughest part but she was my first acting teacher she told me stand up straight put your shoulders back act like you got some sense we would go places and I would wile out and she says act like you've been somewhere uh and then when I would act a fool she would she would beat me she would whip me and she could get an Oscar for the way she whupped me because she was great at it and after she whipped me she would talk to me and tell me why she whipped me said I want you to be a Southern gentleman and she still talks to me now only now she talks to me in my dreams and I can't wait to go to sleep tonight because we got a lot to talk about I love you
Channel: Oscars
Views: 6,104,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 77, 77th, academy, awards, oscar, oscars, lead, actor, jamie, foxx, ray, charles
Id: y2a1nzAciMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2009
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