Jameson Rodgers, Luke Combs - Cold Beer Calling My Name (Lyric Video)
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Channel: JamesonRodgersVEVO
Views: 668,352
Rating: 4.9398055 out of 5
Keywords: Jameson Rodgers, cold beer calling my name, official lyric, luke combs, grew up in the country, series, interview, documentary, some girls, acoustic, stripped, live, country radio, cma, Nashville, missing one, performance, desert, jamison, official, lanco, midnight daydream, country music, cold case, make it easy on you, some girls never do, follow me back, new music, tik tok, I don’t know about you, florida Georgia line, Mississippi, Cold
Id: tc7hbpFJBPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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