James Webb's 13 Billion Year Old Picture

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We're all familiar with the sound of a car passing by.   This distinctive drop in Pitch is known as the Doppler effect If light moved slow enough, we would also see the  car change color as it passed us by. The reality is, light moves far too fast for us to notice anything like this But take a look at this image of Galaxy GS z13   it should look something like this, but its  color has been changed all the way to Red. In fact, the light from this galaxy has been changed so  much, that it isn't even visible to the human eye.   This is the Doppler effect in action or for light, it's known as redshift. In this video we're going to look at this newly discovered Galaxy and how we are able to see almost right back to the start of our Universe. We'll also be giving away this awesome space shuttle Lego set, so stick around to the end of the video to see how you could win. Although it may not look like much, this tiny red blob is the most distant thing anyone has ever seen. With this picture we are looking back 13.6 billion years into the past when the universe was only two percent of its current age. But the Galaxy itself is over 33 billion lightyears away. How does this make sense? We know that a lightyear is the distance light travels in a year, so if it took the light 13 billion years to reach us  it should be 13 billion lightyears away. Well it's not quite as simple as that. In the time that  light has spent traveling toward us, space itself has been constantly expanding and the galaxy has been moving further away from us.   Because of this, the Galaxy in 2023 is now over 33 billion lightyears away   but its light from 13 billion lightyears away has only just reached us. But how could we possibly measure this distance?  The answer lies within the color of the Galaxy.   All of the light we see is just a small fraction of the light that actually exists. Every form of light can be thought of as a wave  and the length of that wave can be smaller or longer; this is what determines the colors that we see.  But our eyes are very limited, and so there is much more light bouncing around us that we simply can't see. So when we discover a Galaxy that has changed color, something must have happened to it.  Just like the moving car, the light from this Galaxy is being changed or redshifted   but there are two kinds of redshift;  Doppler redshift and cosmological redshift.  In the Doppler scenario, the Galaxy is moving  through space, but with cosmological redshift   the Galaxy is both moving and stationary at the  same time - we'll get to that one later. First, let's imagine the Galaxy as if it was stationary. The light leaves the Galaxy in every direction at a constant speed. When the Galaxy moves through space  the waves at the front get slightly compressed   and the waves at the back get stretched out. Since  it's traveling away from us, we are receiving the   stretched light which has a longer wavelength and  therefore a different color. But why is the galaxy moving in the first place?  The planets in our solar system have movement, our solar system has movement   and our galaxy itself is also moving through space,  but this isn't enough to see a dramatic effect in redshift since this relative movement is nowhere  near the speed of light. But remember that this   galaxy has gone from 13 billion lightyears to  over 33 billion lightyears away - a distance only possible if it was going considerably faster  than the speed of light. Understanding how this happened is pretty complicated but understanding the basics of our solar system, is really easy thanks to KiwiCo, the sponsor of today's video. This is their Kiwi Crate Solar System project. A great way to introduce your kids to our fascinating  world, and teach them how our planets orbit the Sun.   KiwiCo makes learning about space, science,  engineering and more topics super fun with their   awesome monthly crates. Each crate is designed by  experts and tested by kids, and with nine different   lines to choose from, there's something for every  age and interest. All the supplies needed for each   project come inside the crate, so there's no  need for extra runs to the store. KiwiCo also   offers individual crates for purchase online in  the KiwiCo store. KiwiCo is the best way to get   your kids away from the screen and learning about  the wonders of Space and Science, while having fun.   Click the link in the description, or use code  PRIMALSPACE to get 50 off your first month.  Since the Big Bang nearly 14 billion years ago,  our universe has been constantly expanding but understanding what this actually means is pretty  difficult. We Imagine the Big Bang is an explosion   that radiates out from a central point, but in  reality there is no center of the universe and no single point where space expands from. If you take any point in the universe, everything will appear   to be expanding away from it at the same rate. It's  not that planets, stars, or galaxies are getting bigger but the space between those galaxies  is getting bigger. The rate of this expansion   is around 70 kilometers per second for every  3 million lightyears of distance, so an object   at that distance will be 70 kilometers further  away after a second, an object 3 million lightyears   further down the line will be 140 kilometers  further away, and so on. If we extrapolate that out   to Galaxy GS z13, it will be moving away from us  at around 7 hundred thousand kilometers per second   but we're told that objects can't move faster  than the speed of light, but that is only true   for objects moving through space - this is where  cosmological redshift comes in. If we look at an unbaked cookie we have a random scattering of  chocolate chips which we can think of as galaxies   When the cookie gets baked, the dough expands and  the chips end up further away from each other but it's not that the chips have moved relative to  the dough, but the dough in between the chips has   expanded just like our universe. The galaxies in  our universe can't move through space faster than   the speed of light, but there is no limit to how  fast the universe can expand. This means that the light currently being emitted from this galaxy  will never reach us since the expansion of the universe at this distance is out- racing the speed .of light but how do we know all of this? How do we know how far away this galaxy is?  Well, although our planets and galaxies don't grow with the expansion of space   light waves do. As the light  from the galaxy has been traveling through space   the expansion of space itself has stretched this  wave of light to a much longer wavelength, and so   by the time the light reached James Webb it had  been stretched well outside of our normal viewing range. But the James Webb Telescope was designed  to view light in the infrared range, so it was   just capable of picking up this light. The trick  to measuring how old and distant the light is   lies within measuring how much that light has been  shifted. So James Webb looked for galaxies whose  light had been shifted the most. It first focused on a tiny area of our night sky called the Ultra Deep Field.  This area is the equivalent of a coin placed 18 meters away, but it features over 100,000 galaxies   many of which have gone through a  large amount of redshift, but the problem is that   James Webb's time is precious and it would take  forever to survey every little dot in the galaxy.   So, in order to choose which galaxies to study  it used something known as the Lyman technique.  Light with a wavelength below 90 nanometers gets  completely absorbed by hydrogen - this shows up as   a dramatic drop-off at around here on the Spectrum.  So below this, no light should reach us. For that has been redshifted, that drop-off point will  appear much further up the spectrum and so by doing a relatively quick spectroscopy measurement, Webb found four galaxies that all had a drop-off point that had been shifted all the way into the mid-infrared range  One of these was Galaxy Gsz13.   This galaxy had the highest amount of redshift  that scientists had ever seen. But calculating the exact redshift amount is what allows us to find out how old and distant this galaxy is.   We can use the spectrum of light as a reference  point. Light gets absorbed by various elements at   different wavelengths creating a signature on  the spectrum - a recognizable pattern that will   be the same for all light. As the light from the  galaxy gets redshifted, that signature will also be   shifted by the same amount. And so, with the light  from Galaxy GS z13 we should see this signature   appear further up in the spectrum. By taking specific points and measuring how much they have been shifted  divided by the original wavelength,  we get an exact redshift value. This alone doesn't   tell us much, but after some complex calculations  that are too long for this video, we can arrive at   the travel time - this is how long the light we  see has been traveling through space to get to us. We can calculate this because we already know  some important characteristics about the universe.   We know that the universe is expanding and the  rate at which it expands, and although this rate   is constant, galaxies actually accelerate away from  us. This is because the rate at which galaxies move   away from us changes over distance and not time.  When Galaxy GS z13 was much closer to us there was   less space in between us, therefore less space to  expand. Now the space between us is much larger and   so there is much more expansion going on. And so  by understanding how this expansion changes over time we can calculate the light from this galaxy  to be around 13.6 billion years old. What is most shocking about all of this is just how much we can't see and will never see. We talk about if  there is life on Mars, but looking at the sheer scale of the universe we can't even see, it seems   completely inevitable that life exists somewhere  out there. And now for the Primal space giveaway.   The winner of the previous giveaway is Kirk  Bryson. Congratulations! In the next video we'll   be giving away this awesome space shuttle Lego  set. All you need to do is sign up at the link below,  leave a like on the video, post a comment  with your thoughts on the possibility of life in our universe.  Thank you very much for watching  and I'll see you in the next video. [Music]
Channel: Primal Space
Views: 137,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: James Webb, James Webb Telescope, James Webb Telescope 13 Billion Year Old Photo, james webb space telescope, hubble telescope, 13.5 billion year old galaxy, james webb space telescope images, billion year old photo, hubble telescope images, james webb telescope discovery, Galaxy GS-Z13, Doppler effect, Nasa, Nasa James Webb, Doppler redshift, cosmological redshift, redshift explained, James Webb Primal Space, James Webb's Oldest Photo, James Webb Oldest Photo
Id: t5eL9Wuj2fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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