James Mcavoy and Michael Fassbender clips I think about as I feed my dog

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yeah man you wrote a vessel too soon away it's so cool yeah i know first time uh i met james was uh on band of brothers uh he was in a ditch and uh i remember seeing this sort of cheeky sort of scottish chappy jeffy golfers i almost got hit by a golf ball on the head when i was a caddy and the guy that i was caddying with did get hit by the golf ball it was one of the funniest things i've ever seen no it shouldn't be so we're going to find positions behind trees and he was like i'm going for a piss if the ball comes my way let me know so anyway he was over there standing taking this and the ball you know got hit but basically he cowered out stuck around like that and the ball just kind of like a laser found him went through the trees and popped off his back and he went jesus christ he's like jesus christ do you see that and i was like crying behind the tree laughing i was having so hard i think you see something different sometimes when you go that sounds like hugh jackman to me oh it's gotta be yeah i've had you know a friend and james in terms of like well i started taking to sort of stealing the caddy carts and the gators or whatever i could get my hands on that was four wheels of the steering wheel and sorry you know ripping around set and ripping in between sort of studios and then james sort of cutting down to that idea pretty quickly as well so we we sort of took turns uh driving the little caddy cars around set one day james got to the steering wheel before me which is fine so i decided to jump on the back of the carry cart and counter balance in the back and uh we went screeching into the the caravan village at the full 10 mile an hour in those days i think it was being restricted i think it probably was at that point they definitely restricted the engines after this incident but my access yeah well james sort of came screeching into the uh caravan village and slap bang into the back of a lexus he went flying into the screen on the ground i went flying over the back seat bang my head off the steering wheel and ended up in the driver's seat and consequently got the blame uh and and that is sort of uh that remains like my fondest memory on x-men i actually have the scar to prove it if we can get in there that's uh a scar that sort of dates back to october now i would say that's mine i'm really sorry and i have that little momentum and actually the funny part of the story was like the golfers they were english and he was like oh my god that's terrible because i was laughing for the whole night and the golfer's like what's so funny like when i told them the story and they're like oh my god it's lucky it didn't hit you in the head and he goes he goes just lucky it didn't hit me in the knob he's here from the future and i was like i like this guy's style i just thought you know there was a there was an element of mischief there and self-confidence and uh and i i thought i was very impressed thank you very much yeah sort of the weirdest thing was like i was in the front he was kind of balancing we were really pulling some lovely lines and um and i remember you saying at the time you saw you thought wow man this guy is just like he's good he's really good but as we were coming around the corner the tires just caught traction and pulled us in at a right angle in the back of this lexus like i said i hit my head off the screen and i flew about 10 feet i got up immediately looked up at the carry car and michael was sitting in the driver's seat i was really worried about you and you just started laughing like maniacally just full of life i thought jesus i think he might be slightly cracked and then and then all the assembled crew were standing there kind of shaking their heads and going you guys are so bad and blaming him and then you ran away i ran away i just sort of went like in a real sort of i'm not even like i'm not even exaggerating but it was a it was a real charlie chapman moment but uh you know that's the you know getting back to it i was like god this guy is really good you know fine precise driving i actually just realized you're crazy and uh and that was that was uh that was interesting that helped us know what we were in exactly what it was all about looking back before you'd started the x-men thing was there any advice maybe that you'd give enjoy yourself more ask for more money um is the only way i can get him like up well he was almost sleeping before wake up boys come on okay we're good thanks for that perfect well your weapon i mean your uh your powers are pretty awesome as well safety on oh okay
Channel: TheCoolSquirrel
Views: 55,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9GdtmeR6KvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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