James Harden's Best Plays Of The Decade
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Channel: NBA
Views: 2,855,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, highlights, basketball, plays, amazing, sports, hoops, games, game, best plays, james harden, 2010-2019, decade, the beard, game winner, dunk, dunks on, posterize, ankle breaker, falls down, breaks ankles, houston rockets, oklahoma city thunder, assist, behind the back, through the legs, clutch, buzzer beater, stares down, euro step, step back, jumper, three pointer, jump shot, crossover, crosses over
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I love this man. Will forever be one of my favorite players.
Unless youβre a rockets fan, you wonβt appreciate his greatness.
I want a ring but it doesnβt diminish anything in my eyes. One of the best to ever do it.
Never got his full due with media & non-Rockets fans.
Besides his 1 MVP season (which was BS...should've won also when Curry won & Westbrick won), to everyone he was just a foul drawing free throw shooter that traveled on stepback shots & that was that.
Now everyone copies his moves & they are just skilled players. Go figure.
His offensive peak was incredible, we're so lucky to have seen his dominance, few players can put the ball in the hoop as many times as he could during games
almost feels nostalgic, thanks for sharing this one. few takeaways: -the whole narrative that he wasnβt entertaining to watch is bullshit; haters never watched a game. - dude was really clutch. it never seemed like it at the time, but the games we didnβt blow teams out he kept us close or pulled some crazy shit off, often with double teams. - speaking of double teams, no one in the league got this much attention by defenses. lebron, giannis, nobody. dude consistently was the best offensive player in the league for a span. - is that a dunk over Gobert? - seeing how many different centers we had in this really puts into perspective how long his tenure as the guy was. Morey really tried to figure it out after seeing his potential and being right. so many centers, until finally, none. - odd but after seeing for the 100th time im just noticing iso Joe on the court in the Clippers all time ankle breaker. - there was a point where the euro step was for sure Hardens move, like he made it hot- what happened to that? feel like 2k added a button for that cause he was popping euros regularly. - same with the step back. heβs given a little more fame for that, but it still feels like everyone in the league does it, you see kids in the park try to pull it now (along w weird steph shots), and Luka :( - the dude was just unbelievable to watch and ill be the first to admit that i took the winning and the way he could just drop 40 or 50 any night or average 35 for a year for granted. sure, the way he left was rachet, but after being given the keys to something for so long, and then having things pulled out from under you, with a rookie Gm, head coach and owner and other weird Tilman shit, not getting that choice of coach, losing Morey- after reconnecting with Morey and his apparent devotion to winning this offseason, I could see that he truly did want to compete, and was following what he thought was right. meanwhile, setting us up nicely, screwing over the Nets, and getting back a lot of the old Rockets back on Philly (honestly pumped for them) kinda just shows me allegiance to his rocket years in an odd way. it of course remains to be seen what will actually come of all this, but i feel like weβre set up nicely, and he has a window for a championship. so maybe everyone wins.
Prolly the best player of all time if weβre being honest
Besides Hakeem...Harden is the 2nd most exciting player & best in Rockets history hands down
too bad he didnt go to the finals for us......
Hakeem and Harden Htown goats
The reason Iβm here :), it was nice 17-19 it was always nice seeing highlights from his new 50 point game