James Clapper, "Facts and Fears" (w/ Dana Bash)
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Channel: Politics and Prose
Views: 9,417
Rating: 4.2660551 out of 5
Keywords: James Clapper, James R. Clapper, Jim Clapper, Director Clapper, Dana Bash, Dana Bash CNN, CNN, Facts and Fears, Donald Trump, President Trump, Trump, Trump and Clapper, Michael Flynn, Mike Flynn, Edward Snowden, Snowden, North Korea, Kim Jong Un, North Korea and Trump, Director of National Intelligence, Barack Obama, President Obama, Russian Interference, Russian collusion, Trump Russia, Trump Putin, Vladimir Putin, James Clapper book, Politics and Prose, Robert Mueller
Id: 9qsJOq8sm68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 57sec (4557 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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