James "Bubba" Stewart ESPN E:60 BLUEFOOT

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what would you guys say is the most dominant athlete are the most dominant athletes in sports today Tiger Woods Michael Phelps LeBron James Kobe Bryant who seemed bolt but I got a guy who's not a household name but he is as dominant if not more dominant than any athlete in any sport he's been breaking records breaking barriers and making history since he was a little boy I know you're talking about my son has his poster on the wall all right I mean with that generation he is a household name in town various houses that's right okay James about the Stewart right now yes sir this is a guy who makes his living on the dirt he's the fastest man on two wheels I don't route with fear nobody can go around the track faster not you letting up I want to win are you the most dominant performer in any sport yeah in the 85-year history of motocross no one has ever seen anything like James Stewart James Stewart seems to be from another world Stewart is he's an 11-time amateur champion youngest supercross champion winner of 40 of his last 46 races and the first african-american to win a major Motorsports championship the 23 year old steward is often compared to another dominant groundbreaking athlete and just like Tiger Woods the driving force behind Stewart success is his father my dad used to race when I was younger so he didn't put a basketball in front of me to put a motorcycle the day that James came home from the hospital before I ever took him in the house I cranked up my kx250 and I give him a ride on the bike he was three days old when I kind of ease off the clutch and took off and then I was one handing it holding him and riding the bike Stewart grew up in an all-black neighborhood in Winter Haven Florida his father worked at a packaging plant his mother at a fast food restaurant Stewart's parents bought him his first motorbike when he was four for Christmas father and son would often race at the all-white motocross track a few towns over he would come home from school he would get on that bike and he would ride it and he ride it to dark I would have to make him get off of it so why are you writing so much I gotta beat those guys I gotta practice and that's what he did to support his son's passion Stewart's father would work 70 hours a week on the graveyard shift so he and his son could ride in the afternoon to help pay for used racing gear track fees and fueled James senior resorted to collecting bottles and cans for extra money my dad always wanted to be you know superstar racing you know that was something he loved dude but when I got started we couldn't afford the race you know so he had to pick and choose and you know he chose to take a son and make him young James Stewart jr. a rider we're seeing and hearing from more and more lately was there any tight times out there for you Parker know what he can do the third moto grin while his son was breaking records as an amateur James senior says he shielded him from the reality that they weren't always welcome in a predominantly white sport I face it a lot I remember we went to this track up in Alabama the guy looked at me and he said we don't race here and I said I good but I've come here to race the motorcycle James he was lit he said dad what that man says I don't worry about it son that's all good let's go ahead kick their button we'd go home it didn't hit me until my first year in pro that I was different from everybody else I mean if you ask me I probably said I was white you know people would boo me you know forgetting second and you know cheering third place guy you know he didn't register me that I'm black and they're white and I never paid attention because at the end of the day I was just trying to keep them but at a race in 2007 Stewart couldn't ignore the racist taunts of some spectators who's up in you know stayed up north and you know I hear people coming in where gay was hanging over the fence flicking me off every time I came around the track every lap I would come through and give him the thumbs-up he would get even more pissed off and hang over the fence and flicked me off even more I didn't care was there any part of you that was hurt by hearing that you know I feel like me getting mad at them and me doing some of them it's only what's what they want so for me to get a thumbs up to show down I'm a bigger person and and to me you don't even matter but it's not only Stuart's race that makes them stand out it's the way he races you know I get scared every time I race I get on the gate i freak out scared I hate doing this I don't want to do this every time we started Louis I mean I say again this is what I loved it this is why I come here just watch me cuz I love to have this feel as scared feeling not knowing where it's gonna happen I guess in a sense I'm so afraid of losing that I scared myself to win he's shot out of that starting gate like a bullet out of the gun looks like James Stewart is blown everyone away here triple triple triple guy James is the fastest guy for sure that's ever raced a motocross bike Ricky Carmichael is widely considered the greatest motocross rider of all time Carmichael competed against Stewart before retiring in 2007 and says that Stewart takes risks most other riders don't would scare me because he's just going so fast there's so many races he could have won just by backing it off but I don't think he cares I'm just willing to push it today I said it before I said again I've died trying to win Stewart's aggressive style has led either to dominating victories or spectacular Falls almost 99% of the time steward races he wins or crashes an all-out approach that has sent Stuart to the hospital with seven concussions and a broken on leg collarbone and wrist Oh James Stewart has just launched off his fight this is every time I get hurt I like man I don't want to do this anymore but I still come back in 2008 just three months after tearing his left ACL Stuart returned to racing and became only the second rider to complete a perfect motocross season when he won all 24 races I'm perfect 24 Moto's and 24 wins we had a point now that I never even dream of being James senior doesn't have to collect bottles and cans anymore today he maintains the family's private motocross track on his son's 100 Acre estate in Central Florida counting his prize money and major endorsement deals Stewart says that last year alone he made 10 million dollars racing pays good let me erase the good racing witty food winning pays good winning pays good I tell you that and I don't feel bad of anything I've ever done that ten million dollars whatever it is I don't I don't care because I know where I came from I earned every penny of that and for me it's been good I've been blessed to be in a situation where I can turn this and you know I like it although Stewart is more successful than he ever imagined changing the complexion of his sport may be his greatest achievement definitely I see a lot more black people come to races a lot more then it was in the past and I see a lot more kids that's trying to race and stuff so I feel like I had an impact that way games dude we saw anybody it's got three heroes and Mickey Mouse is one or the other James you know being african-american I mean it just it brought in a whole slew of different people it's positive for our sport it's huge for our sport he's broken down the walls I think it's important for me to tell my story that man you can do whatever you want to do it doesn't matter what color race I feel like I'm gonna live in a sample of that Michael how is Stuart doing this season he crashed a couple times early on and it really put him in jeopardy of not being able to contend for the Supercross Championship but he's rallied to take the overall points elite and should claim the 2009 Supercross championships still to come on 60 the onion is back-breaking big news on the New York Giants touchdown giant and he is a fashion faux pas she is a model and cover girl Maria Sharapova a makeover for the NFL's number one pick next
Channel: BluefootEntertain
Views: 1,034,159
Rating: 4.8006992 out of 5
Keywords: James Bubba Stewart, james stewart, ESPN, E:60, BLUEFOOT, golf major, television, michael smith, voice over, narration, tim horgan
Id: VpAt4qMtLnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2009
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