Jake Paul Ruins Los Angeles

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[Ethan] Alright, Hila make sure that you're covered head to toe in your Cringe-mat suit. This one's pretty hot and heavy. Are you okay? [Hila] I'm ready. [Ethan] So we haven't had anything like this to deal with in a long time [Ethan] So we haven't had anything like this to deal with in a long time And so I just want to make sure that you're fully prepared and you know what you're getting yourself into. [Hila] I can't see anything so I think that's good. [Ethan] Cringemas came early. And that's why we have our cringe-mat suits out. Jake Paul just keeps slamming those Bradberries and I tell you what, I-I don't wanna keep talking about the guy. And that's why I- We're all in this gear. I can't hear anything, I can't see anything. Monkey hear, monkey see, monkey do, Right? But the guy keeps coming so hard. with so much great stuff, i-it's impossible not to talk about it. And you guys are gonna want to hear about this one specifically. He's essentially gone from ruining YouTube, to ruining all of music, And now he is ruining all of Los Angeles. *Hila giggles* He is ruining an entire city. That's 5 million people, you guys. This is not a joking matter. We need to start giving out these Cringe-Mat suits on the streets of Los Angeles To contain this toxic spread. So Jake Paul is a member of the organization Team 10. Which is essentially a Fuccboi incubator. They come into the house as normal everyday teens, And they come out of the house as everyday bros. BROOOOO Logan Paul for life. *Fuccboi nazi heil* *Ethan choking* *more choking* You got to choke yourself harder. It's a silent choke. Okay, alright, it's an emotional choke. It's a spiritual choke. I got you. I'm choking. So the Paul brothers have this insatiable thirst for attention, and fame, and the sound of screaming little girls. Something...that I would only imagine in my nightmares. Thousands of little 12 year old girls screaming my name. They on the other hand, love it. For example, Logan Paul hides thousands of dollars wherever he goes. *Fans chanting Logan Paul's name* So that there is hordes of adoring fans wherever he is. Jake on the other hand has taken it to a new level. Most You Tubers hide their home address. They say: I prefer fans not come to my house, it's a breach of privacy. Jake, sets up his house as a location of business on Google Maps. If you Google "Team 10 House", it shows up as a business. It has 4.7 stars out of 5 and 1,300 Google reviews. So what happened? What sent Jake Paul back to the meme chamber? And we had to put on these hazmat suits to handle the cringe? Well, there was an article today on KTLA, a local LA news station, that ran this piece about Jake Paul. Let's have a watch. *Jake Paulars screaming.* *Automobile explosion.* KTLA presenter: "Social media and internet sensation Jake Paul, thrills his fans with wild stunts and antics." *Snobby laughter.* Presenter: "The 20-year-old Disney actor is a pop culture powerhouse, with 8.5 million followers on Instagram and YouTube!" "He rents a large house in an upscale west Hollywood neighbourhood, and this tight-knit community has become the new setting for many of his pranks and performances." Jake Paul: The neighbors hate me, but I'm totally going to flippin' send it. *obnoxious motorcycle engine noise* Presenter: "He apparently makes his address no secret and that - piece of information draws an endless stream of fans, mostly young girls" "The day we visited, and their parents, to the property" Do you feel like if you-, I mean I speak for myself but If I was being approached by just kids on the street I would feel like I was doing something wrong. [Hila]: I would definitely be freaked out. [Ethan]: It's a little freaky and you know these little girls wanna touch his ding-dong. And he loves that. Like, what's up with the parents? That's what I always wonder. Do the parents think it's cool? Well clearly if their kids are watching Jake Paul they have already failed as parents. "He's funny" -"Savage" *laugh* Reporter: "Savage?" - (In unison) "Yeah" "A recent stunt involved tossing furniture into an empty pool." And setting the pile on fire" "Neighbours say flames eventually grew higher than the house, And as the pit was burning and smoking, they were fuming" "We used to be a really nice, quite street and now we're just like, this war zone" It's a fucking war zone. There's little girls outside Jake Paul('s house), zooming on his Helicopter. They're starting 10 foot story bonfires in the pool. That is not up to code. Ethan: Call me insane but that might be a fire hazard. When you start making massive fires, In the summer of Los Angeles in Hollywood. He's not just a threat to LA... He's a threat to national security! Jake Paul: The neighbours hate me, but I'm totally going to flippin' send it. *Honk* [Disgruntled neighbor]: But as neighbors living with this everyday we're fed up. Look at him! Shortly after we arrived, look who came out to greet us. *childish cheering* [Jake Paul]:"Alright are we live?" [Jake Paul supporter]:"We speak spanish too." Jake Paul: "Aah I love you so much too." (Spanish) *Fan's screaming* Reporter: "Jake I wouldn't do that" Reporter: "I wouldn't crawl up there" Jake Paul: "Why?" Reporter: "I just wouldn't do that" Reporter: "I wouldn't crawl up there" Jake Paul: "Why?" Jake Paul saying "why" while being distorted. (With emotional music playing.) [Ethan mocking Jake Paul]: My mommy says I can do whatever I want. I'm Jake Paul, I'm Team 10. Who the flip are you? Why? Mommy made me breastfeed until I was 13 years old, I didn't want to I said "No mom" "I don't wanna breastfeed at 12 year old" Why? I'm 20 but I have the intellect of a 12 year old. Why? He's just being such an asshole about it. Yeah, and the fact that he's young is not a serious excuse because he's not that young. He's not THAT young! He's 20 years old. -Yeah You should know better- He should've learned some common decency by now. But it's like, ehh, the fact that he's just like [Mocking Jake Paul]: "Oh my neighbours are angry because they can't sleep and can't live a normal life anymore?" "Fuck those haters! Dab on the haters!" [Presenter]: A lot of the neighbors are complaining, they're very upset. [Jake Paul]: "No, why?" Why? x2 [Presenter]: "They say that, you've created a living hell out here." [Jake Paul Sarcastic]: "Ah.." [Presenter]: "That it's like a circus." Jake Paul: "Yeah it is." Reporter: All the fans- Jake Paul: "I mean, but people like going to circuses right." People like going to circuses, Jake. They don't like living in one! All the time being forced- People do not like their house being converted to circuses! Jake! [Presenter]: What do you say to the neighbors that are upset? [Presenter]: That are really upset! [Jake Paul]: Uh. Yeah. I honestly. I am honestly. Its terrible. Its a bad situation. uh, yeah I feel bad for them. for sure. Uh, there is nothing we could do though, the Jake Paulars are the strongest army out there. Dab. *Emotional music playing* "There's nothing we could do though the jake paulers are the strongest army out there. Dab." *emotional music playing* "Dab. Dab. Dab. Dab. Dab. Dab." *Distorted* "What are those?!" *Jake Paulars screaming* "There's nothing we can do though the jake paulers are the strongest army out there. Dab." [Ethan mocking Jake Paul]: Listen. Listen, I feel for them, but there is litterally nothing I can do. [Ethan drawing a scenario of Jake Paul]: "He's got a can of gasoline in one hand hand. Like going over a pool of explosives." [Mocking Jake Paul]: "Listen. There is literally nothing I can do because the Jake Paulars ar- are the hardest dabbers out there!" [Jake Paul]: I have one question for you! [Presenter]: Yeah? What are those?! *Amalgamation of enthusaistic Jake Paulars screaming* [Ethan mocking Jake Paulers]: "OOOOOOH!" [Presenter]: Yes he didn't like my shoes, but, I don't think they're so bad Neighbors, I spoke with tell me next week their going to have a special meeting with city leaders -and police and co-enforcement officials, and so forth, depending on what happens there. They will decide weather to file a class action public nuisance lawsuit against Jake Paul and the home owner. We'll keep you posted. He's such a troll. That's what I love about Jake. He's a hardcore troll. You know he's ruining the city. They're trying to get a response from this kid. And uh- [Hila]: Maybe he is ruining the city, but how many followers does the city have? [Ethan sarcastic]: ...less than Jake. [Hila Pessimistic] There ya' go... Get dabbed on, LA! [Ethan drawing a scenario of Jake Paul]: "Jake Paul fuckin' sets the Hollywood Hills on fire... Millions are dead. [Mocking Jake Paul]: "Get dabbed on, LA!" Let me see how much followers the Mayor has.. So the Mayor of Los Anges only has 184k likes- or followers. [Ethan]: Get Dabbed on idiot. [Hila] Basically Yeah, what was he expecting? [Jake Paul and supporters]: What are those?! If he wants to enforce the law, and bring back peace to Los Angeles. We need to get the Mayor of LA more Twitter followers. So he can dab on the haters! He needs a little army too. [Ethan]: Go to Twitter! @MayorOfLA and tell him! We got to get Jake Paul out of LA! Dab on him! Send him back to Ohio! -with all the other white boys! And they can do all the dabbing the want in Ohio! And then hopefully, once he gets enough followers. The Mayor can go knock on Jake's door. And hit him with one of these! WHAT ARE THOSE!!?!!!? *Cough* *Scream* Then the police come and they drag him out, and they fucking ship him back to Ohio and And the side of the plane says "What are those!" And the other side says dab on haters! And then the plane crashes! And the Mayor shot him down with some torpedos! And at his funeral he [the Mayor] dabs on his grave! And he looks at the shoes they put on his fuckin' burnt charred corpse and says- WHAT ARE THOSE!?!?!?!?! -and that's it and so ends the legend -of Jake Paul. Its a beautiful vision. Follow Mayor of LA and tell him, dab on haters! And tag Jake Paul to let him know, that LA, the city has had enough Thank you for watching. And have a great blessed evening. *H3H3 Theme Outro*
Channel: h3h3Productions
Views: 6,989,197
Rating: 4.9029427 out of 5
Keywords: jake paul, jake, paul, ktla, LA, los angeles, JakePaulProductions, h3h3, h3h3productions
Id: 8D3uG0u2__o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
Reddit Comments

Ohio doesn't want him either.

👍︎︎ 300 👤︎︎ u/gobrowns88 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2017 🗫︎ replies

Jake's incredibly well thought-out response on twitter:

"Crazy how many ppl care about me being a "bad" neighbor

bigger fish 2 fry...

innocent ppl r getting shot everyday

U shld worry about tht"

He's just so above it all guys, he's just so above the problems that he himself creates. What a truly thoughtful person. We got high-roaded hard.

👍︎︎ 964 👤︎︎ u/Cptnwalrus 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2017 🗫︎ replies

Surely the fire in the pool is illegal? You can't just set an uncontrolled fire that big can you?

👍︎︎ 664 👤︎︎ u/Vztk 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

He's like a real life Jean Ralphio

👍︎︎ 236 👤︎︎ u/Littletoes420 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2017 🗫︎ replies

Jesus H. Christ. This man is so deprived of creativity and tact that any chance he gets he's fucking memeing and being an obnoxious douche. I'm not sure who I'm more mad at, him, or the millions of kids who eat that shit up. Seriously, when was the last time someone said "what are those?"?

👍︎︎ 971 👤︎︎ u/EpsilonSigma 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

That dab literally made me shiver out of cringe. Holy crap. I'm around the same age as him (21) and NONE of this is funny or cool at all. no wonder all of his fans are 15 or younger.

👍︎︎ 552 👤︎︎ u/Penis_face69 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2017 🗫︎ replies

Really feel for the neighbors. I don't think I'd be able to deal with this dude's antics by themselves, let alone accompanied by gaggles of pre-teen girls thrown into the mix.

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/the_green_basturd 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

This guy is such an unbelievable tool

👍︎︎ 448 👤︎︎ u/small_horse 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

I just found out this prick existed today. I wish I hadn't.

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/Happyskeg182 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2017 🗫︎ replies
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