J'ai vu des éléphants pour la première fois
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Channel: jeremie be
Views: 48,971
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Keywords: ghana, congo rdc, vlog congo kinshasa 2023, vlog congo, vlog congo brazzaville 2023, vlog congo kinshasa, vlog congo lubumbashi, abidjan cote divoire, abidjan vlog, lubumbashi city, kingakati parc, kinshasa congo, kinshasa vlog, #congoleseyoutuber, documentaire 2023, kingakati parc de la nsele, kingakati kabila, kingakati hotel, #elephant, #senegal, #congobrazzaville, #cameroun, #benincity, #southafricanyoutuber, #southafrican, #voyager, #africanmovies, #cotedivoire, #safaripark
Id: swYDsT-WBlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 54sec (3534 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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