J'ai reçu la NOUVELLE PLAYSTATION 5 SLIM ! 💥 Premiers tests, comparatifs et AVIS
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Channel: Jeux Vidéo Magazine
Views: 57,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps5 slim, ps5, playstation 5, playstation 5 slim, ps5 slim unboxing, ps5 unboxing, ps5 comparatif, ps5 slim vs ps5, ps5 slim gameplay, ps5 slim setup, ps5 slim date de sortie, nouvelle ps5, nouvelle playstation 5, ps5 vs ps5 slim, ps5 2023, playstation, sony, unbxoing, ps5 vs ps5 slim difference, différence ps5 slim, ps5 slim prix
Id: NhhhIeWt1T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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