Jade C'Thun Bounce Duels! Buffed Golem Discard Duels! | Hearthstone

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[Music] yo twitch what's up I'm back from my trip and I'm back in the duels I am so behind I have not played any caverns of times cards haven't played twist this season certainly haven't played duels uh I may have missed the missed the wave on twist this month at least I don't know uh fight card with two years sub Katie page with 28 months of what's up everybody hello hello hello uh we have been on a trip uh visiting family we had the baby doing trip stuff oh so fun we got to see all the extended side of Mom's family all the Filipino side of the family which is always so much fun they ate so much food they had so much fun um yep and I'm back so here we are uh the status thanks for the 25 months welcome welcome I uh I gotta catch up we're gonna do duels tonight and then we're gonna do maybe some brawl of CM that came out today I I wanted to twist but apparently the content people are doing The Twist isn't doing great and people just aren't seemingly that interested in twist I I don't know man Horseman just turned off Fireside Gatherings for others uh forever today I I got a lot of thoughts about Hearthstone these days I I need to air out at some point but uh I don't know feeling a little discouraged about Hearthstone I put up a Hearthstone video the other day that was you know I did it on my trip I didn't expect to be good it was a caverns of time pack opening it was kind of like a day late and it's the best I could do in a short window for Hearthstone content but I felt like I had too many straight Marvel snap videos so I was like I gotta put on a horse video so we did a pack opening I didn't expect this to be a great video I kind of knew it was you know last minute haphazard wasn't the hottest thing but I thought you know 20 25 000 views would be a poor performing video that I would find acceptable in reality it got 13 000 views which for me is that's the lowest performing video I've put out in probably seven years six years maybe probably six years worst video in six years I I didn't think there was a I didn't think videos could go that low these days to be honest it just absolutely cratered no one had any interest in watching me open packs from a hotel room which again I you know I did expect to be good I didn't think it'd be good but I didn't know they could be that bad I guess is what we'll say so that was a little bit of a harrowing experience um so I was like man The Horseman content really has to be very nobody will watch Hearthstone content just because I think people still watch Marvel snap content just because you know they're just in the game or whatever it doesn't have to in other words it doesn't have to be great to watch Marvel snap content Hearthstone content has to be good or nobody cares there is no there is no sliding by anymore uh it was just absolutely shocked how badly it did I had low expectations and they were exceeded in the wrong direction [Laughter] [Music] thank you guys for the subs that's very very nice appreciate that everybody the hype train already kicking off by the way is YouTube working for you guys my my YouTube tonight at least on my PC it's just not loading I don't know what to do when I go to YouTube it won't load I can't do anything I don't know what I've done something is wrong with my YouTube it just won't load in this browser oh I went to a Incognito browser and it loaded there must be something wrong with my browser I mean you need to like restart or something I just updated it though so I don't know I figured out whatever I got my video out so that's all that matters Adblock um I do have an ad blocker on sometimes but I have premium on YouTube so I don't run an ad blocker on YouTube I pay for premium um but I mean yeah maybe it could be something I don't know that's an idea at least you got more ideas than I got oh hey I think it might have worked I think you might be right it wasn't just an idea it might have been the idea I think you found the idea you're absolutely right it was ad blocker dude that's exactly what it was and one of the ad blocker settings changed on either YouTube or somewhere else genius chat who was that this is a genius out there man uh hold up I gotta I deleted my cookies thinking that would help but now I gotta turn back Dark theme okay it is saved me man you're a saint an absolute saint one second guys sorry one second uh okay um it worked though you guys are a genius you didn't even see me post a video of a pack opening I've since unlisted it so you won't find it now I had to unlisted the views are too low it pulls down my view average which um I'm I've got a couple sponsorships out right now like being reviewed and when they go to your channel and review your average views I can't have a 13 000 view video in there it'll just throw my numbers off too much um so the problem was nobody watched it YouTube didn't support it algorithmically because nobody liked it watch times were terrible and click-throughs were terrible it's not YouTube's fault it's the content's fault but you know once it once it's there it continues to fail so I've trained everybody thank you um uh uh how's your holiday it was great man we had so much fun baby was just fantastic it's a really long drive we drove from from Missouri to Texas which was about a 17-hour day that part sucked but being there was very fun um baby got to hang out and meet lots of family trying to I don't have any any good pictures really necessarily but um yeah but it was fun man very successful trip great baby we have we're lucky to have a very very um chill baby she gets along with everybody and everything so that definitely helped all right so tonight like I said I want to do duels and I want to do maybe we're also Depending on time I'm gonna go for about three hours and then uh we'll see but uh hug or not thanks to the sub live Bach with the 21 months I make the content entertaining I don't know about that I think you guys give me too much credit I try but uh 40G weather that's insane uh you guys are very nice as a Swiss it's middle you drive 17 hours just between States oh yeah yeah I know yeah it was actually we only we we had one state in between our State and Texas we only drove from Missouri Oklahoma to Texas but they're all so big that particularly Texas it just takes you know it was about really about five hours in each state or something so uh really quite insane yeah um Texas is so big though that you you might be able to do 17 hours in Texas I don't know from from end to end maybe probably so from the top left to the bottom right like from Houston up to the Panhandle or whatever it's called up there it's not really the Panhandle that's Florida but you know that little jet Part El Paso to Houston or something's pretty long drive I bet foreign but yeah like all the way from East Missouri to Southwest Missouri and then across Oklahoma was actually kind of the short part and then Texas big chunk of it anyway anyway let's do duels we have a bunch of new caverns of time cards I have not played a single second of uh since I've been traveling so I'd like to do some kind of cool new caverns of time themed duels run number one of interest to me is probably c'thun got buffed then we got the new uh c'thun support card so we could run caverns of time uh c'thun and like Whispers of the old gods I bet we could get a pretty sick c'thun package maybe run like some tutors in the c'thun as well is there any particular class that would rock for that oh we can also do Jades now in duels like Jade druid whoa maybe c'thun first but Jay drew it in duels we don't have uh mean streets but we got a lot of the other Jade cards buffed uh Jade duels dude so yeah I would say let's do c'thun but who's gonna have the best Caverns c'thun support cards like Warrior has ancient Shield Bearer but nothing that scales the c'thun I mean they all have a few but any that are particularly good or otherwise like extra supportive somehow like card draw or survivability or something Rogue just got a lot of good cards like Scarab Lord blade of c'thun and Rogue is actually pretty cool we could do blade of c'thun so Rogue is a possibility also dual class too could be a possibility any good dual class with Rogue no priest c'thude doesn't look very good Paladin c'thun's nothing Mage c'thun is nothing uh Hunter cartoon is nothing Druid c'thun has dark ericoa it's not bad probably claxy Amber Weaver doesn't seem that good so probably Warrior or Rogue actually seemed the most interesting maybe Rogue Savannah Rogue grander has Rogue right um do any of these support oh yes Battle Tactics actually supports c'thun great because we could reduce its cost um oh my God and then Gambit summons a copy of c'thun with stealth which wouldn't activate its Battle Cry but you could just have a giant c'thun if you felt alive um okay yeah this actually looks really fun big c'thun Rogue that sounds sick dude so caverns of time I'm excited this looks fun Caverns uh so we definitely want wait why don't I have the dude wait what oh I don't own it what oh I have to craft cavern's specific versions even though I own the versions from Mean Streets no way hey Mrs kilban it's bugged at the moment blizzard did a blue post on it or it's not mean streets yeah it's it's oh yeah it's it's okay these are fine yeah I ha it's which it's yeah it's it's old gods which is in right so I can do it from old gods okay okay I was thinking this was Mean Streets for a second so the that's actually probably gonna be true for the Jade cards right if I want to run the Jade cards and I don't own them as Caverns cards what is this it's got the signature artwork but it's not it's not zoomed in man I've missed a lot you guys are up on all these bugs and I am not up on man um that is funny a lot of bugs man uh all right so we want the c'thun cards that are good I I think of course I don't know how many of these are actually good like is this actually any good is this actually any good is this actually any good this is definitely not good is Twilight Elder actually any good Doom caller seems a little unnecessary to me how many of these do I actually want I mean it's one of the elders at least cheap that's probably okay I don't know about crazed worshiper though this actually already seems a little slow this actually looks good right oh yeah it gives it goes it gives taunt which is awesome yeah that's great vecalor in duels I just don't see how 267s is good enough right I think we'll have we'll have better payoffs like in twist I can imagine this is pretty good and Duels I don't know man that's really slow let's let's see what else we have access to because if we run more Caverns cards and we run old gods cards like we might because you know like this is just a really good card I think um our hero power hits neutral minions specifically Now it only hits two neutral minions so theoretically having stuff like c'thun Chosen and crazed worshiper goes in the pool of the potential c'thun discounts but I'm actually okay with that like we're not always going to hit c'thun super reliably so I don't think we run Jades as a backup or anything right is this word that is a six four uh I doubt it anything else is just really good like accelerated paint oh I stalk of cocoon we definitely want uh we could do something like cult Apothecary for Life gain sludge bouncers nice defensive card I mean we can run more complimentary big stuff maybe from old gods and Legacy and core I do realize now that the um the vecolor does get discounted I guess in this deck which might actually make it worth it maybe the discount on the Beckler makes it good enough if we really think about it it's good with c'thun um maybe Vector is good with our hero power he's like you're like a five Mana for instance like okay I can live with this in five Mana hey Daniel dude thanks for the nine months welcome back welcome back all right um dude this yoga looks so trippy dude the bug is really weird the white space around it's awkward uh so Legacy we could fill in with and maybe core but I like the idea of only having two expansions perhaps Legacy oh Shadow step c'thun and shout out to Blade if c'thun both actually seemed pretty good yeah Shadow step seems nuts fan of knives I think is a generally useful card do we also want any kind of tutor something that can find the c'thun for us tail and forgering sort of thing for for for that we would need uh to go to core which we would add a third expansion technically third set wait Tess got banned in duels has she always been banned in duels am I crazy maybe she has I don't know we don't play test much I like the idea of a tailing a lot though it seems like it could be very good that would give us a third set because we have to unfortunately run both caverns and old gods if this were working and it wasn't bogged or if I was not cheap and and was willing to craft versions of the caverns legendaries we could actually so this is this will get better if they fix this supposed bug okay right because right now I have to run old gods which adds old gods to my pool but I could have Caverns as my only c'thun cards and then more easily run a third set with like extra bounces or something so this is a little bit worse right now uh anything else from core that's just really good I don't know the dual's meta enough right now to really give any insights like a dirty rat uh a freeze and eviscerate seems kind of useless or it's like glacial Shard are always like sneaky good and Duels uh anything else that's really good with our hero power we can do Zola with c'thun it's like if it sticks though I don't know man you kind of think it's gonna doctor boom ragnaros Alex Raza is always an okay card but probably not great uh Legacy of anything big same stuff right Alex Strazza I mean a cheap Alex Raza could actually enable a pretty cool c'thun right because remember we still have Battle Tactics so like Alex razza for five or something is pretty nice and then you just go through it later spymaster's Gambit needs some big butt oh I actually can't run electrons because it's bigger than c'thun for Taylin now it has to be less than eight it needs to be seven or less specifically huh most of these at seven or less don't really seem worth it to me Dr boom's not good enough not storm is not good enough old gods have anything else where these orders don't make any sense hogger no Caverns I think I'm missing some Caverns legendaries I need to like open or craft uh are there any good Caverns legendaries I don't like uh death rattles I'm gonna taunt menu from your deck that would actually be pretty sick wouldn't it uh with the eye stock of c'thun maybe I should grab this I need to open more packs though you guys want to open some packs real quick maybe I'll open some packs and see if we can't um grab that guy real fast I need to open more uh Caverns packs let's do that real fast and then see if we get him and if not I'll craft them caverns of time okay twist wonders Conference of time uh let's buy 20 maybe 2000 gold that's weird that this still shows a hundred even though it shows 100 a pack here but they kind of right now if you just took a screenshot looks like I'm buying 20 packs for 100 gold which obviously we know that's not right but just a little confusing UI I should probably update that text in real time all right let's um let's try to get that dude the release gets some dust that dude would be cool give me that dude I think these Caverns packs are on average a pretty terrible deal right um like because your odds of getting new cards you're mostly getting old cards that you already own I know there's duplicate protection but only at the high Rarities you're gonna get the you know like only in one in 20 packs am I gonna actually get something useful you know what I mean I'm just getting dust most of the time oh that's cool at least okay I don't know like I said earlier I've got a lot of thoughts right now about Hearthstone kind of swirling in my brain I I like the the Fireside Gathering announcement today like all the Esports stuff recently getting you know Esports got got it it's just Carson is losing a lot of uh support like outside the game support because they're clearly cutting back on budget and even in the game stuff it feels like it's more low-hanging fruit you know caverns of time like yeah it's cool I don't want to I don't want to like downplay it because it is nice um but it's still kind of a low hanging fruit you know only 34 new cards and they're kind of bundling them in with old cards it's kind of weird instead of calling it a mini set I don't know just all right yeah see the address I don't know what to make of it it's like it's only the game is not getting new support like with the Fireside announcement you know they announced a new feature uh which is a mass pack opening but you know it's not like the most amazing exciting new new feature it's a nice quality of life thing I'm glad it's gonna be in the game but it's not like something to lose your mind over you know and and it sucks that good new things have to come with other things being cut you know it'd be nice to just get good new things and and keep the status quo so it's it's a little tough man I didn't get a single freaking legendary shoot um man card games lately just they they don't do they ever feel rewarding I mean like I think they would ever delighted by guard gaming monetization experience is never right snap has this awful feeling purchases Hearthstone purchases I don't think feel great like diamond skins and stuff are so expensive now everybody has just super pricey car oh nice not the card we needed but it's cool I'll take it it's fun we like it I think you know some of these games have pretty good free-to-play experiences like I think snaps ready to play experience is pretty good I think Carson's free to play experience is all right um the the the spending experiences have to compensate and subsidize the freedom play experience is so much that spending just feels terrible uh which you know I I want to maintain free-to-play experiences sure I I guess we'll just craft that dude I guess we'll give up since we got a legendary and it wasn't it I can buy more of course but I'll wait until we need more um okay Bill Dack let's craft that guy Ultron Prime I have gold in a say why am I missing Voltron Prime what the heck anyway I don't know just you know use I was driving a lot yesterday I had a lot of time to think about Hearthstone stuff I can't I don't know all right valston stag helm it's cool dude it looks awesome I only got 470 dust out of 25 packs God I just I spent 2 000 gold for like what a fourth of a legendary oh God did I add the dude no I didn't add the dude where is the dude all right this looks good Val Stan can hit um the ice stock of c'thun we also have the crazed worshiper just kind of a counter Synergy but whatever craze worshipers okay too I guess it's fine and we have VEC lore as well yeah this guy's like kind of cool with a new eye stock but then there's already a couple counter Synergy cards in c'thun but I'm too worried I don't care enough it'll be fun so I don't know oh my God I missed some gifted Subs what the heck uh stanberg dude thanks for the uh gifted sub grants to John Cola 1207 thank you stanberg sorry I got a little distracted there not really a rant I don't even know yeah Paradox yeah I know I the the new two drop came in c'thun as well it but but is it worth cutting all of the taunts to force that or not because you also lose the c'thun Battle Cry right are you saying that's a bad thing maybe that's what you mean maybe I'll lose the c'thun Battle Cry and be sad maybe that's actually what you're trying to tell me because that's a that's an interesting conversation too um is this so big that it's worth keeping in hand it takes a while to get big I can shout us up a disciple to make it pretty big or I'm in a five five but it's not it's not huge uh I don't know that doesn't really feel like the right stuff to me I think I want the cheaper c'thune cards you're saying it's bad yeah okay I understand is it bad to summon a 30 30 with taunt out of your deck for uh six Mana though I guess I would maybe challenge that notion sometimes I guess yes but not not always right sometimes that might just be okay I would venture so this is pretty good c'thun at four maybe although maybe six is okay because we probably just want to burn this off with Disciple and get this moving on four c'thun on five would actually be possible in that case I guess it feels like this is a card that wants to go away though so c'thun's eight uh 20 is obviously the magic number my stock is a 3-3 with life steal spirit is fine for the crazed worshipers I don't think we shadowstep that guy do we band of knives is cool with the tutu here specifically but I think this is better I mean if this takes a couple hits I I I I sort of think playing a five a turn five c'thun that's like 10 10 might just be worth it I don't know in other words it doesn't have to be a lethal hit right let's see how many times this actually gets buffed though because that certainly matters I mean I guess even just c'thune Shadow set next turn is pretty insane as well isn't it like I can play it again the next turn oh oh so close dude they're going face I mean I think I just could thin Shadow step don't I he's ate it again next turn he's six man I can play him next turn I could even hero power although it doesn't really do anything for the record I like the shadow set move it's not it's not amazing but it's it's pretty good please die I mean is it is it maybe I leave it out because blade of cthun will buff it on board and then I can maybe hit face and still Shadow step it like the 88 threat no time to dilly dally the eight eight threat is something I'm gonna leave it out it's a tough call but I'm gonna leave it out it's enough to it's enough to be annoying like make them sorted out you know they're scared they're scared they're scared it's not a lethal setup anyway if I pull it back is the problem I think if I could pull it back and know that it was illegal setup I'd be happier but oh Oh weird okay now I don't know what to do uh oh give it taunt it's pretty cool though Shadow step now to Play It Again is not lethal because they have 19 and that would only I think if my shadow stuff it goes back to eight right so that's only 12. so that's not any kind of play blade Buffs it again I mean they didn't kill it last turn so does it really need taunt I guess as a question maybe you still just blade and uh force them to deal with it again next turn right basically we're in the exact same place we were last turn I might still technically be dead but I can't really heal anyways I'm not changing that much let's just force them to do the same thing again but but hopefully not dead again here and hopefully I didn't find an answer um okay two taunts how annoying is that coin jam session oh I can Shadow step this guy again but there's two taunts uh um vanish I mean Shadow step cthoon c'thune's actually 11 so Shadow step c'thune would hit uh there's 16 on board would push them to five that wouldn't like if I hit first they'd have this is a six six that have 17 I'd be a little off right Shadow step is six I wouldn't be able to play anything else uh am I missing anything obvious here shout us up this again but again I don't actually kill anything can make a really big eye stock I guess I don't think there's any lethals though I'm better off Shadows of being this guy right to buff this I think I don't know I mean I'm assuming if we weren't dead before I'm hoping we're still not dead right that's the goal here kind of playing for board instead of for Battle Cry I don't know if that's right or not chaos storm don't stand in the fire oh is that really enough there's no way right how big is that oh no that's not even I thought it was going off twice that's not what that is no okay okay yeah it turns out uh going for the board worked which is nice um pillars have fallen we have no weapons so I'm glad that was offered that's always nice Robes of shrinking uh I mean we have some spells but a single turn reduction doesn't seem worth it to me I think I think it's recycling here we don't have a ton of small bodies but some of these small c'thun cards just giving me a little bit of extra time a little bit of extra life that actually seems okay just get you know five five extra Health somewhere along the way could Keep Us Alive and orca food or whatever yeah it was five Health to attack with four after the one I meant um you could but it had another taunt behind it right it was two taunts so I couldn't like it through the face or anything and that's what you're getting at we had to do we had to there was no way to attack face I think the way we did it um well maybe maybe well you can't attack and shadows that bit so no because it would die to the attack so I I don't think so uh okay we gotta talk about this these kind of suck I mean I think these cards are the most generically useful right like just infinite value particularly with like you know spy Masters Gambit that's kind of cool this is just a good AOE this is a good little removable spell sometimes like I don't want to be too Jade guy uh but these are two pretty bad cards I think and then I mean poison Blade's like kind of interesting because this hero power we could press anyway but it's like when am I going to want to spin that two Mana to like put in before the hero power for like a two three or three weapon that's just not that good so yeah I think it's here this is just not useful at all not remotely useful we may end up getting enough Jade cards that we kind of become a soft Jade deck which is fine for recycling you know just get again getting some extra bodies down even a one one goes a little bit of a long way the poison blade got buffed a ton and I think it's still bad these cards got buffed so significantly and they're still not good they're just still not good all right for a fight you've found one field will be soon in hand early that seems good yeah we can keep worship or two another card to Discount we can even coin on one play worshiper on two that might be really nice yeah do we do we keep this vanish just to reduce the odds of hitting another card that might eat our discount I don't I don't think so but we might yeah we did we hit another car that eats our discount it's unlikely on our deck we didn't really have that many speaking of which why don't I have a deck tracker running what the heck let me get a detector grab sorry guys a little out of sorts as you might imagine I have been all over the place we still want to weave in here at Paris though for sure so okay I think I'd prefer to hit the craze worshiper obviously because it's just easier to play down sooner but I'm not gonna play till turn three anyway so I still have another turn to hit it which is fine we had another card man oh that's actually perfect yeah this is not that good right now we're really just playing towards c'thun so um we'll probably play c'thun's chosen first unless there's a good thing to stop with the crazy worshiper but there's probably not a good thing to stop all right that's close at least I've been I've been having so much fun to snap lately the Loki hype is overstated but Hearthstone still feels a need snap can't enjoying both a lot lately I I I like both games so much still I just really like card games I think I'm so excited to see new cards all the time like snap we had a bunch of data mined cards yesterday there's so many cool designs I loved seeing all the new caverns of times cards caverns of time I can't say it singular caverns of time cards in Hearthstone I thought that was so fun just like oh man look at this guy he's not very good maybe but he's so cool seeing art and seeing names and uh it just it it hits some Primal part of my childhood brain that just loved getting trading cards and opening cards and seeing artwork of stuff it just scratches an itch card games do welcome back for your trip thanks that was uh unnecessary evil all right yeah let's hero power and play a worshiper I guess uh like valve Stan we got two taunts I think you can pull the the one four and the uh the other guy which the eye stock but they're not very big yet so let's try to scale cthun a little first if we can currently only a nine nine which is good but we're probably going to want to kill the death knight all at once is my guess so we need we need more and I stock or excuse me a blade would really help that process obviously uh next turn we can push c'thun down to two and Twilight Elder we'll just hit this yeah that's perfect for two is so insane dude like why didn't I run more Zola stuff I don't know what I was thinking I should have ran more Zola stuff I kind of I think I kind of forgot our cthune is getting so cheap like we I you know there's a lot of other bounce cars didn't run but that's because we were trying to keep a tight ship on uh uh expansions which again will get better once they fix the bug and I don't have to run old gods cards old gods cards I cannot pluralize things correctly today but either way like just so many bounce options for this seems really good does this have to survive the damage or not seemed like no right whenever this takes damage yeah it just takes damage okay so I would say this is a pretty good c'thun Target we could go Jade shuriken instead and just like disciple face that's five how many other big things could we we could maybe get like a Primus maybe maybe saving for a Primus would be better I think I like that better actually yeah still getting to push face two like this so you know either way it's pushing five face this turn c'thun's up to 15. so we are really close really really close hey Ian's in oh man it takes the 17 months and blazing disciple for the 14 months good to see you dude it is also good to not see you you know what I mean I don't see you but it's good to be here it's good to be here don't empty hit too much for patchwork that's a good thought yeah they could Patchwork me four cards in hand is is nice 25 there 75 in our favor disguised kethir oh cool it's going for a board clear yeah that's fine so 23 Health on board uh uh oh never mind 33 Health on board c'thun's at 15. beckoner plus valve Stan is fine don't really benefit much from a fan of knives right now so the thing we wait on the blade Patchwork just got a little scarier again but I think we're okay 33 we'll we'll be fine I believe I trust I wanna I wanna still keep them busy you know so this could pull a big eye stock and it can also pull the 1-4 unfortunately I again I don't know if it's worth cutting the one for or not maybe it is maybe it is do you ever bait the Primus out with the eye of c'thun just to Blade it yeah that would be great yeah if I had an eye yeah that would be an awesome yeah they think they're getting enormous well they still do benefit though because they still get oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no Dodge it I'm a genius that guy's gone too which is even better let's go yeah I think he's just a new Barack now don't we just try to grind them out a little bit there's an uberX actually nuts with our um our passive giving us armor that's really cool they could technically have two patchworks by the way so we are not technically out of the woods on this but you might think an Uber act also just grinds them down you know we'll see yeah the hero power only works on neutrals guys you can't use it on an Uber app reduce the cost of two random neutral minions numerac being a rogue card doesn't get discounted I mean God the opponent is almost in fatigue already we're so early in duel's here this hits I stock always right yeah yeah yeah yeah nice but now with blade gone the the Primus is actually just enormous and they would go to like 42. so that's not as bad Inland arubian back school so 35 is the number c'thun's at 17. we kind of need like that shadow step almost oh oh we also vanish I don't really want to vanish though because of an arubian I think we just do this right we just c'thune oh wait I can play both I could play both I can is that lethal 35 this is It's lethal 31 I can play both oh my god dude this is insanity it's too man I can play both oh my god dude this Stack's actually gross oh my God six manic of food let's go eight Mana Shadows of c'thude is nuts oh my God yes this might actually be a good a good duels build I'm not gonna say we got it 100 right obviously but um kind of maybe a good duels build yeah Krusty is good for us uh good on our hero power that's nice removal's good still it's kind of a second blade not exactly but kind of right it adds stats to something it's just itself but uh yeah we'll take Rusty blood moon I think a little too hard to use that's so sick dude um more Jade cards Zero's bad this will tease pretty bad yeah it could hit cthu but not for six Mana Aya gets discounted and is again really good with um really really good in fact with the recycling yeah we we're gonna become a jade Dex accidentally here I think but it's fine it complements the recycling in c'thun game plan I like it I like it Blade the Crusty in a pinch dude yes that's a great idea can can blade hit uh Allied cards I don't even know probably but I'm not sure all right uh Duke Bears thinks the 57 months man that's a big sub action this almost five years my God man thank you that's crazy um craze worshiper on the discount we don't have coin it's not great I think we can do better actually yeah so they buffed Aya right like was it I think she was a 5'3 before they took the time to buff Aya and made her uh six three right I think I do actually like it numerically better having the sixes line up you know that's kind of nice it has a better uh sort of aesthetic to it but wait what oh she's a tri-class card oh no way dude no she doesn't get discounted by battle taxis because she's tri-class oh that's annoying I get it right I get it I don't hate it necessarily but man that's kind of sad ah dude she kind of counts as a road card right oh that's it's like you see the Border you think neutral but whatever dang this is a nasty board I need Phantom knives to go with this uh this vanish Maybe shoot I play this it doesn't actually remove anything um maybe I have the Crusty man is just two turns away is the problem right a hero power here I hit Val Stan and c'thune can play you know the valve stand on four but it's not very good and I wanted to cross the you know I should have cross it on three this sucks I I think it's I I can't fall too far behind here I need to do something let's just get some board back and then uh hopefully I'll still start getting some armor back and then maybe blade on six but I don't know turn five still looks really bad here I need like uh are they gonna trade though that's good news Maybe oh not gonna trade silicone face I Like It Go face man do your thing you be you man uh I can use this to clear and trade I just don't get a Jade Golem I can't I can't combo but that's fine not terrible so if the board's nasty next turn we can blade something um if it's not nasty maybe we try to get away with an Ayah but that seems pretty shaky if it's really nasty we can vanish got kind of three different lines if it's sort of nasty blade probably good if it's really nasty vanish it's if it's just a three four maybe we get away with Aya although that would make me pretty nervous too to be honest just because oh God yeah they don't play any other minions I guess Blade's really good here I guess you're gonna maybe get a 3-3 though sometimes maybe not no I guess not blade against the single three four is good but I'm down to 10 Health man oh I stock has no Buffs yet I need the healing but can I kill the opponent next to her no never right uh I just can't leave three damage on board though is the thing there is a world where if I hit both c'thun and I stock off my hero power I can play both this turn I just don't really think that matters as a one one right I need I need to have that buff I could like follow up with blade of c'thune but it's just too easy for them to clear I think we need to try to do that maybe next turn but this is a very scary position at tin health we just didn't hit enough early game to hit recycling I mean look how expensive our hand is it's kind of crazy none of our early game early game options so I mean I stock slightly bigger now but it's just it needs to turn to attack and it doesn't have rush so it's a little tough that gives me armor that's kind of good I guess I'm not too mad about that oh it's not worth it no I think we still hero power here into istock right like uh did we also c'thun maybe if I get both I can I might hit the valve stand though I don't know let's see yeah we hit the valve stand dang it like yeah I guess I guess this is still the move but it's It Feels So risky this gives good thing plus one plus one which means that the eye stock would value trade is that better than a valve Stan probably right a little extra life gain and a value trade might make it slightly harder to remove as well and it's just two bodies that have taunts which I guess also helps technically sometimes that could help armor gain or life gain too just by denying more attacks I mean they have like a face attack or something okay use removal on this that's not too surprising still valuable though because could be something that goes face sometimes lightning storm for four it's scary a little extra life gain though Perpetual Flame so we probably have to use c'thun here defensively since he has taunt does he have taunt it doesn't show Tom but I guess he does the hover yeah he does um this is five this does not feel like a winning line but I'm just desperate right we're just hanging on for dear life here you kind of hope they don't have lethal still and you hope that c'thun is big enough to just grind this out on stats um lethal seems oh that's that's gonna leave katoon alive at one maybe okay we'll take it I guess that guy's not playable yet thankfully but that's gonna be game over very soon I'm sure uh uh c'thun eats some face damage all right and that is pretty bad for them I would say early week right uh if I don't play a taunt here I do risk a face attack card hurting me so I probably do want to play the crazed worshiper here that's six means I can't really play an Ayah with it is the problem and I'd like to get the eye going too but I think we have to do it this way there's just too many potential face Attack cards but now I'm also just probably dead to this guy brukon times two is just so lethal I can try to gain enough armor but I just don't have a lot or really any I mean stuff has to die basically oh vanish kind of Beats that oh bro it doesn't really matter I was gonna vanish anyway I guess but I lose some face damage is that actually pull oh it pulls a tail in oh nice okay Taylin pulls a new Barack for me that's a lot of Mana spent you know um oh God I'm I'm so obviously dead I don't know why I'm worried about anything here I am so quite clearly Dead uh I mean we'll try obviously but we're very dead not being able to stick it through it and stuff uh makes all the oh no no they hate this full no that was the third card their hand was supposed to have died no even worse sure we were dead anyway but that's a disaster that's a disaster they have to have eight billion damage oh the Torrance dude that was a left-hand sided card do you know the taunts are actually making a difference now really surprised that turn they had that serpent shrine portal and the alecure I guess I like here is really expensive so that turn probably wasn't a lethal turn but Thomas we're saving our butt man c'thun actually sometimes costs two or less in Our Deck so he would get poisonous does that mean he would just always clear a board deathly death I mean not it there's no way is Mummy magic any good we really don't have that many death rattles it's like I uh Taylin valve Stan a new Barack I guess is uh the enubarak would be actually pretty nasty uh band of bees is really just discounted c'thuns though nothing else is good we literally only have beckoner of evil and discounted cards I don't think that's worth it because we're not always going to have c'thude so I guess it's mummy magic and we may be keep an eye out for more death rattles unfortunately all of these are pretty bad just don't really synergize at all I do duels needs a logic tweak on passives I gotta say it's it's kind of getting crazy uh all right so we know Taylin works for us but I'm kind of tempted by these uh Jade telegrams man we've got enough Jades now these seem sort of good it's a really strong card generally speaking but I mean it actually seems legit now and a second anubric is decent for um mummy magic unfortunately he is full cost so that's a little iffy but just more Jades I like the blade of c'thun and I kind of like shadowcaster okay but not really good enough maybe there's two manicoon count for hands I think so it should I think it counts anything that's discounted yeah because it says like cards that cost to not two cost cards which I think is a different wording at least in staff it is um but anyway again I don't think one card is worth it necessarily as I said I just like imitators okay so Taylor is awesome both on hero power and uh mommy magic and in general if I get a Talon that means we're gonna have a c'thun although a new Barack does cost the same as c'thun so maybe he be the new rack here is kind of free don't I actually have two new bracks now am I crazy we have two didn't I just get one with the the Jade telegrams I'm gonna hear about like how much I think I'm alive or dead these shamans kill you so fast man I guess this goes off twice it'll be a pretty good chance of hitting it through it anyway I need to find some early game I can't rely on oh okay oh okay really man I got rid of an Uber act so that's when I drew the two cards that I want off the table that I kept in hand so I could get cheap cards like is this the worst possible Mulligan I think it might be Jane shuriken's okay I guess I mean the hero power is still gonna get really good on c'thun so I'm not I'm not mad about it it's like Talon's three that's a good curve a play probably just because he has reborn and the taunts meaningful it's like it's just a really annoying pile of bodies so I'm probably pretty happy to play this on three turn four three hero power or play a Twilight Elder probably depends on what the opponents got out if I could get a c'thun card and Hero part together I'd be happier but only really beckoner or Twilight geomancer supports that so we'll see and I think I turned on like stream remote or something and I don't really want it to be on to be honest I like being able to see my opponent's name so I don't know I don't know how to do it there's some hotkey but I I don't remember I may have accidentally hit it someday or something while working on like a video maybe it had the same hotkey sequence or something uh Killian man thinks the 18 months does anybody know the hotkey for streamer mode where I don't see my opponents in my name I don't know why I don't see my name in particular is that what's happening I don't know Ctrl shift s okay maybe that did it Mac or Windows I never had any Apple device I guess I have an iPad that's not true I have one iPad I think I had an iPod Touch when they first came out too maybe all to F4 oh okay let me try that real quick well I'll do that right before I play the c'thun okay oh man if I hit cthusian shows in here I'm like the happiest guy on earth I'm the happiest guy on Earth let's go I had a chance at Val Stan and cthu make sure the best too we want to c'thune and oh my goodness Regina's come to visit us in her space suit she's playing Starfield she's gonna go to space he can't see her yet you can't do it there she is whoa she's in space Oh my God oh she don't like that she's too upside down hello Regina what yeah oh give me a bit babe Regina you go into space you go into space playing Star field yeah what do you give it 7 out of ten oh you don't like it you don't like it oh you're mad you're mad at Starfield pure power just double c'thun card for a c'thun next turn oh no Mrs kilban she's mad [Music] Miss kilban we made her mad I think we're just all in my c'thune and actually going face right he's just gonna get so big he'll chip up any bodies here maybe we take this trade to really soften that up for any sort of hit here or just so the c'thun for sure cleans it up if we need it to we don't have it Regina why are you so mad you had a long drive yesterday you're tired I bet [Music] and I was tooting I think oh [Music] my gosh you never cry she's very upset at us let's hit it Regina okay I know we're not in space it's okay yes she saw us playing Jades yeah that's what it is she saw Jaden started crying that's actually hilarious yeah that's pretty funny oh light instrument does survive so now I feel very very compelled to c'thune although a jade shuriken also handles this now too so we'll see is cthoon worth it just to get the 12 12 right like clean up get a 12 12. if I had a shadow step in particular we knew we know we can play it next turn so it'd feel really good bye Regina she's happy now that Mom took her that's not very nice Regina that's not very kind of you man worship for sure a kid's not bad either actually this thing discounting stuff is that scarier than a five one not with the taunt on board right I think this is okay what am I playing next turn c'thune is a possibility my thought is though too they have six Health on board rights they have 30 health so c'thun pushes down 12 they're at 18. it doesn't quite set up a lethal but it's close because it would be like 15 here I need a plan uh I better I don't know I better tidy up Shaman can do a lot of damage I want to be safe here let's wait we can make him bigger uh uh so vechlor also a possibility but I can't if I hit if I go for the hero power I can't guarantee a VEC lore hit so that's a little risky that's like I mean I'm a hair power anyway to see what we roll into right and then if it works you know we play Baccalaureate if not we don't I think the first Vector we've really seen isn't it these being one ones now does reduce a lot of pressure doesn't it that feels so much nicer oh sport I need to vanish gross do I ever use c'thun to clear this board's really high pressure man these three extra bodies well really six actually I just don't feel like vectler is good enough 9 and 4 is 13 15. c'thune doesn't even clear necessarily but you know it it tidies it keeps me alive probably it's still really hard to answer I I think I have to try to stabilize here we can even um disciple first I guess huh yeah it's better let's do that since we hit the uh discount on c'thune that helps a lot makes it far more likely to clear and of course this creates a nice threat too even even harder to deal with not that they can't deal with it just you know makes life awkward so now it's like okay we we answered that check and now it's like okay if c'thun can't seal the deal here which you may not we still have a new Brack value twin Emperor boards you know we're not we're not out of it here we're still pushing pretty hard I hope charged call so you're gonna try to go Toe to Toe with cthoon they might hit that stupid rabbit oh no dude are you actually insane there oh it's not on rabbit it's on AIDS like oh my god dude that is the grossest dude I need blade of c'thun this is the grossest thing I've ever seen what of all the eight drops and Duels dude like come on of all the eight drops and of all of duels you're actually doing this to me right now I need crusty or or blade crusty actually is even better than blade I don't know I want blade I ain't crusty Krusty to get these stats back I just I literally can't believe all the atro there's like a there's got to be about a hundred eight drops in duels something like that roughly that they've got their Dude down now too I mean if I don't hit blade or crusty we're done this this guy could thin the deck a little we got Twilight geomancer I guess only so not really enough thinning but a little that still only goes off once right dude imagine a dark iron skulger this game too with all these stupid one ones um I think they're gonna have to trade in at least on my 1212 which buys me a little time but not enough to really matter but an attack here hits this guy um if they hit here they could maybe oh wait what are they gonna leave this up oh no it's gonna eat it oh I'm dumb I'm dumb it's gonna eat it they're trying to be able to kill us without taking 12 to the face is what's happening they're trying to figure out how to kill this they're hoping another taunt doesn't come out that's a big risk though if another taunt came out they might have missed and I somehow still did not hit the freaking I'm beyond outraged man I'm beyond outraged I didn't hit any of my removal I actually have a crusty that can kill this and I just can't draw it I'm dead surely they can remove these right I mean not technically on board I didn't even look what else was in hand I didn't even see I just assumed the Brew con was automatically the worst I don't know if that's true but it seemed like it anyway uh seems like an AOE here is wiping out right they're gonna hit me for 32. what an absolutely tilting way to lose a game by the way just completely insanely tilting just a casual just you know they're gonna oh I'm still dead to a hero attack yeah I'm gonna say I'm at 33 now I'm technically alive a casual abominable Lieutenant dude it's so frustrating it's just so Random you know it I I actually wish I knew how many dual duels eight drops there are but it's got to be a hundred It's gotta be 100 right there's so many expansions and Duels I don't know if this is accurate or not I guess it is discover which does limited a little bit and actually if I think about discover there's 40 neutral discovers and 11. so there's 51 if that's even accurate oh there's some spells in there so let's say 45 neutral this seems really good right this does actually hit c'thun but it doesn't seem worth it normally I think we just need this we've needed removal a few times um well let's just say roughly right 45 and I got three choices so you're talking about a 1 in 15 maybe see that's not that crazy to be honest but still a 115 to get a game completely stolen from you feels a little bad to be honest uh another blade of c'thun or just more small c'thun cards I think more small c'thun cards is pretty good Doom series really bad with our hero power eating a spot there's no good death rattles here though I mean Lotus agents are pretty good cards to be honest just giving me more early game and more like bailout options maybe we need that a little bit of bailout because this still supports c'thun but then we get Choice like you know these aren't that good and this is really bad let's do this it's exactly 50. okay there you go that sounds wrong I'm looking at well I don't I'm looking at the website but I don't even know if it's right the website may be wrong I don't know how active this website is managed on the official website some of it's wrong usually either way it was frustrating right like what what a role okay so a couple good c'thun enablers here that we can also discount and play one of these on turn two that seems really good and then maybe Jade telegram on three even uh statcom doesn't mess it up right now as far as playing a two drop it's concerned so that's nice stack album is actually a really good card with death rattle now just a lot of it's four bodies in one which helps with Recycling and so on and card draw sort of draw you know draw resource creation let's say I stock as well is another card that can get hit here but that's not one we actually want we want this one really bro hidden oh my god dude are you oh my god dude this duel's deck is actually so cool but we keep getting completely scammed I thank God they didn't have a minion to follow up at least oh my goodness dude we're getting scammed I feel like very frustrating greedy games the hidden meaning man and this is just such a good card to get right because normally they just get a pile of stats which we wouldn't be intimidated by at all but the fact that this can turn into extra stuff I think makes life really really scary uh I mean I guess we'll just steal a card from them um jungle Jammer I mean that's damaged but I'm actually a little more scared about losing the board maybe I don't want to have the wand yet High Mains a little later we can deal with that later Ram Tamer I mean a 5'4 with stealth is that is that scarier than Jungle Jammer the stealth gets handled by wand it's a little off curve this is on curve I guess I'm gonna get rid of the Jungle Jammer man I don't know I'm really scared this is gonna buff this right now or something nasty is gonna happen but I think I need to set up at least gross in this deck I'm gonna die before I get to this wand man that's actually not even a joke I think I'm serious I think I'm actually gonna die before I get to this wand uh this might be just enough to keep me alive wait why didn't this copy oh greedy games made it cost four that's why I guess also I forgot that actually costs five that's three drops so I did I think I did pick the right card then yeah I mean I'm gonna try to use this to stay alive it's technically technically I'm alive if they have to hit it I'm at 18 and they have 13 damage showing I guess even more 19 with recycling maybe I should have traded these in for recycling's sake but I'm trying to to get Max disintegrate oh I forgot about hero power oh am I an idiot I am not an idiot but I'm close I'll be honest I thought they had the hero power that gave them beasts when Secrets activated I'm not gonna lie to you guys I thought that's what they had um should I trade in first right is what I'm thinking about here like should I just throw away these cards to get a little armor which I didn't do last turn and I now regret or do I need them on board to deal with the next wave of threats you know what I mean maybe I just like throw this in just as a bit of a hedge you hero power I definitely don't hero power I will die the Hero part does not hit uh spells so I will be dead um let's play let's trade in one chat seems to agree maybe that one Health makes a difference I don't know uh all right okay so blade kills one of those but only one which means I have to rely on the worshiper which means those just keep snowballing into insanity and I can't even I mean surely I'm dead in that case right because the hero power it goes to six they trade into the worshiper cleanly at six and then I'm just dead I'm bored this does not have taunt itself I guess I'm just dead on board right blade trade puts me at five that's not enough I mean maybe there's a chance they don't see it I I think that's literally my best bet is if they don't see it but it's it's guaranteed lethal I think or even over lethal really super lethal I feel like we got completely scammed this run I mean maybe that's due but dang I feel like this had so much more potential than it than it got I do feel like we could maybe make the deck better for the record too and our passives definitely weren't good but man that is a really promising deck like that that that that did not live up to its possibilities by any means a couple really tough breaks in games and really tough breaks on passives as well listen I want to do another duels run honestly but I I want to do a heroic brawl to see him first uh the heroic problem team came out today it's wild I want to do one just for a video oh hey nice oh golden tear let's go that was a good pack man I need that all right let's do uh the heroic brolicium real quick uh where where is that on the main page now oh there it is I don't think anyone should do this like no one should do this uh uh gonna end up paying for duels runs really soon if I'm not careful um to be careful with my gold but I'm too lazy to Tab out and buy uh runestones right now so let's uh let's do heroic Tavern brawl I don't think anyone should do this I think this is a bad idea for 99 of players I think your rewards are very unlikely to be worth it for you unless you're just incredibly good at the game which unfortunately most people are not incredibly good at the game but as a content creator I can afford to spend ten dollars uh you know I'll get that back on a video so for me it's kind of worth it now that said I played this Mech Paladin in Wild format to Legend last month with a 90 win rate this deck right here had a 90 win rate with for me to Legend in Wild uh a few weeks ago that was before some of the new Buffs and changes but I suspect it's still very good and since I was able to win so consistently with this on the climb I thought I'd give this a try in the bralessia just to see if I can't do a high roll real quick because it's just really fast super quick games we can burn through these so quickly and easily and um we might be able to crank out a big win total with this particular deck which I think is also pretty easy to play if if you are going to venture into the wild bralessium a deck like this might be one of your better bets because it's easy to play easy to Mulligan and so on uh rickety raw with two years by the way man thank you uh for the awesome 24 months we're getting raw I'd love to be playing anti-shaman deck like in in duels good luck sorry I don't know I don't know what it'd be I don't know they just have so much damage and so much value uh can you show the deck code please I think maybe if you have exclamation mark deck it'll um uh time for a remix and I don't have it now I'm sorry is on Deck maybe here you go yeah I have a 91.3 win rate with this deck right now I think the code's in there if you look I'm not sure all right so with this deck it's a real simple equation if you don't have a Mech warper or galvanizer uh or a radar detector or a stoneheart Vindicator you throw it away you need to make sure you can refill and discount your maximum you want to go for big turn threes big turn twos if you don't have those cards toss it so we have this on Earth Vindicator thankfully so we can coin this on turn two and reload a ton with radar detector fill up for an enormous uh turn three in fact uh sometimes let me think here you can play the free I gotta remind myself how this is gonna go we can play the frequency oscillator early to bank that discount sometimes you can cheat a mechwarp or even a little bit sooner or play two mechworkers that's not gonna happen in this game though because but we can actually still Tempo this it's fine to bank this discount I'm sorry I'm just reminding myself how well this pans out it'll stay till turn three okay this is fine I gotta we're just holding it so we can cheese more on the post so turn three is basically when we're gonna pop off this game so it's all good we go here we play The Vindicator we draw a radar detector we hope to hit four or five cards we need a Mech warper or a galvanizer specifically we don't hit either of those things get a little hairy but we had a galvanizer we got four cards so we're very happy galvanizer goes off next turn we go boom boom boom and we go crazy so uh that's nasty but oh my God okay engage all right I actually should have played I made a mistake already I'm sure you might be seeing it I I should have um played the Drone deconstructor after the first galvanizer it's not necessarily a mistake because you also want to buff your security automaton so it's kind of debatable but definitely a consideration all right we're gonna play this one just to buff again here because we want to build a big board for Crusader Aura basically and we want to ensure survivability of course as well it's a cold case that's a big old buff uh we have to oh man they're not even hitting the 1-1 jeez okay um all right we could arguably go for a bubble bot here but I think just just smacking now is right we do need to kill this guy so we'll use this to prevent any Shenanigans but otherwise we're just going fast like we're just turning it on all right so monster board uh we're a little susceptible to freeze you know but whatever oh that's a snipe look at that man star power that can't be good enough right no way not good enough yeah cool man that was actually like the worst rolls maybe like everything's at one what terrible roles all right that's uh that's the story of the deck right there uh best man who thinks the 15 months hope you had a good trip I did dude I did yeah stream Road's still on man what's the deal you guys told me I turned it off I was lied to has lied to me man all right man we might finish this thing in five minutes this Road's gonna go back there's a name okay maybe it's Oregon oh if only we had coin man um we can keep this though that's fine goldwing's not really the right sort of card for this we want to go super wide super fast that's better so this is basically radar detector on two pop off on turn three we really need to find probably uh an oscillator or of course again mechwarper and uh galvanizer and we'll be very very happy what's up man uh vindicator's actually a little unnecessary it doesn't hurt uh as long as we don't draw the other radar detector you could sometimes arguably Tempo an automaton and uh go for that route but it's not worth we're just gonna protect our two in other words turn three is not too late for the pop-off right like I I think I I remember playing against some people with this deck where they would kind of tempo out One Drops a little bit and then not have a monster turn three swing which might be right if you're scared that your opponent is also gonna have a crazy pop off or you know you got to keep up but most of the time okay so only the Mac worker right now but we do have an oscillator which basically allows us to make something else cost a lot less so Mech warper oscillator next turn we have one Mana remaining that makes the search security sometimes zero we play that we dump both drone Constructors a glotron and a mini bot Maybe does that sound right I guess I can play the oscillator anytime and that's the same difference right doesn't actually matter as long as I get my order right brush here might be cool poisonous again huh I don't like stacking things up too much in particular with the bubble bot and the sky claw I don't even think I want to magnetize here I think we just go Max Buffs on this and Max width in other words magnetizing might be overrated all right let's just go big uh again some susceptibility to freeze but I don't think that's a big big risk especially in an Arcane worm deck but you know worth acknowledging anyway so next turn obviously we have Bubble bot or Sky claw to follow up Sky Claw is a little better obviously with more spots but still good because of the attack buff bubble bot obviously makes us insanely defensible with taunt and divine Shield which is just insane often I think I've said the word obviously a lot sometimes you get words trapped in your brain when you're streaming I need to say less obviously uh uh Cold Case all right very similar curve to last game this certainly feels like the bubble bot uh with the one space in particular that's great we can even trade our poisonous end to kill this 4-4 and uh that feels awesome we unfortunately here don't have the uh so I'm Gonna Leave Behind the poisonous or leave behind a Divine Shield taunted repair bot I think I want to leave behind the taunted repair bot right the poisonous will be exposed anyways it's just like easy to Ping or trade off so let's just do this this is a more annoying Health total right now basically is the is the moral of the story um I should actually have done this first though hold up nice I'm a genius [Laughter] oh genius [Laughter] knife there let's go I had a 50 50 or I guess actually uh a 67 percenter that I turned into a 50 50 but it kind of makes sense to buff this too for a Reload later so it's not that not that uh not that important okay um yeah it's going good looking good just popping off Shields here mostly these death rattles lose so much value with all the Divine Shields which is nice uh losing one card on board would be pretty good just to get a nice buff here off Sky claw dim clearing like three small things might even be ideal because it would buff the automaton by three and still give me Sky claws it would be less total damage though I didn't when I pulled this list I added Sky claw I don't think it's like a crazy uncommon thing to see but I added it to my my version of the deck because I was like oh this is just too good three bodies insane board buff it's just really nice it's perfect into Crusader Aura on four because you go wide this really feels like a perfect fit so if we don't think we have a lethal this turn which we're really close we probably will we should probably consider a Reload off Vindicator but I think we're gonna have a lethal looks like to me actually got what 13 already on the two guys 15 season 17 yeah Sky claws gonna push plus five so yeah even more I forgot we're buffing him too it's a lot this guy called pushes plus seven I think all right cool nice is this the real abither did we find abathir it's been spotting those stupid things ruining my Lane get him out of here we can hate amateur okay uh these are not Network for galvanizer or a way to get a radar detector so we Mulligan them I'm often a little tempted to keep an oscillator uh I think it's a little worse against warlock though because it's defile fuel now we really need to make sure we we we guarantee we hit our our key cards uh against warlock I didn't play a ton of warlocks but I remember being one of the harder matchups for me oh my God uh you just need to respect the file early I think is the key thing oh this is discard though I definitely didn't play any of these because these weren't really in yet um so here I actually really do want to find that oscillator because right now I don't have a turn two curve because like Mike warper into Mac warper doesn't work so I need the oscillator to cheat out the second Mech warper and go to town that's why I always said I was tempted to keep the oscillator we hit it anyway nice okay so this is a pretty good hand we only hit three cards though which is a little weak one of our very few non-macs at the bottom there auras and so on but that's a good card all right here we go Sky claw here I think we used skyclaw for the follow-up right Rush live steel okay I'm running out of time all right that's a turn two in Wild that's a trick too that's what turn two looks like in Wild I guess yeah all right uh okay cool uh objective 84 thanks to 46 months I mean that's that's faster too man how bad how big was my one guy I mean how many stats did I summon on turn two there my god dude that is so gross it's so nasty all right 3-0 Good Start man malfurion [Music] oh good hand okay Yeah we actually could keep the deconstructor uh since we know we have the radar detector and the mech warper but increasing the odds of finding another mechwarpur or an oscillator is probably worth more there's so many Destructor style plays in the deck that I don't think it's worth it like you could but I think you just want to optimize click Locker we can actually play on one since we don't have anything to do anyway on two other than radar detector this also just hits the mech warper which we know we're gonna play which is nice so free to get going start contesting a little bit faster who cares no there's man also tired I drove was yesterday all right well I mean I drove about 14 of it on two hours of sleep but I did get some good sleep last night our baby is finally sleeping like seven or eight hours at a time now so we're actually getting some decent sleep she started on the trip and last night she slept eight hours which is awesome oh my God uh okay I hope they have sufficient board clear here observe penalize engage got an interesting decision here a little bit maybe it's not actually that interesting just thinking about how big I make this I actually really think a big tall minion is so valuable against Druid that I'm thinking about making this guy even bigger than normal right like really scaling them up a lot I guess naturalize isn't wild format though which is kind of maybe in this deck too maybe that's not as worth it I'm not sure naturalized might complicate this a little bit might actually make it better to spread it out I don't even know oh let's save the wind fury because we might be able to really surprise for that stack up another big buff and go crazy with win Fury um I don't know I forget naturalized as a wild I didn't play a lot of Androids on my climb but if they have a naturalized this might be an over commitment they don't have naturalized this is gonna Farm because we'll give it wind Fury and it's gonna buff this a bunch which is just gonna be gross uh is that Naturalizer or like aquatic uh whatever aquatic form oh nothing okay um so I think they're probably just dead I mean maybe not literally but maybe actually literally hold up how much is this buffing like crazy too oh they're actually still alive dang uh okay a lot of buff sitting too though thanks to this we had one more magnetic they'd be dead each player gains two Auctioneer oh my God am I dead like can they kill me from here is there some crazy combo they can kill me with oh my God am I gonna die what's happening oh my God am I gonna die guys they're not going faced with that can they clear am I gonna get like Tony or something what happens with the Tony can I still just kill them on board Maybe I don't know what the I don't know what the end game of the Tony is what happens I don't know what happens like it fatigue depth I don't I don't know what happens at the end he'll fatigue me how does he make me draw enough cards once I've gotten fatigued like we've seen oh maybe like cold lights and uh naturalizes and stuff oh my God are we really gonna be two damage off don't tell me I'm too damage off bro don't do this to me two damage off is it enough does he have enough time I don't know what's about to happen I don't know what's about to happen there's that Naturalizer about yeah but he's using it to kill me instead which seems better than using it to remove but he took a big risk because he almost died uh okay am I dead the Rope is frozen I don't know what's happening he's drawing a bunch of Macs that's got to be lethal rights six seven eight and nine yeah that's lethal for sure or five six seven and eight but still obviously I take seven on the hit here but even if it didn't dude it's dude these decks are so gross it's I actually don't know what turn it is turn four right I think it was turn four we had eight Mana but that's because they played the biology projects times two I think we had I think we had I think it was turned four and I had a 913 wind Fury right and the opponent just killed me like which is more evil I I can't really can't be mad I mean like I had a 9 13 win period turned three or something like you know we're both doing degenerate things just in different directions right this is degenerately aggressive there's a degenerately comboy that deck would even be the control deck though that deck beats pretty much anything that doesn't kill them fast enough magnetic misplay you think so maybe but it would be helpful if you actually said what it was instead of just whining about it say hey read this you could have done this thing and we'd all be like oh yeah that's really smart man you're cool instead you wrote magnetic misplay and none of us know what the hell you mean because you didn't say it all right not radar detector or mechwarpur so we ditch it we need good cards we need good cards Sky comment about mechworker's good but no no hand dump so now we asked how much do we Tempo do we throw in a Mech warper for free I don't think we ever thrown a Mech Ripper for free but we can definitely Tempo a glotron although we can just play a six Health mechwarpur this turn and go really tall I don't know Shaman's removal package but surely a two Mana a six Health glotrons alive right surely it's alive surely it's alive I trust I trust play the magnetic that buffed your hand first then attack then played the win Fury magnetic the problem was The Buffy guy was on the card that had the wind Fury guys so there was not going to be any way you know what I'm saying the buff was on the dude so every time I don't attack with another magnetic whether that's the win Fury itself or I'm giving up you know what I'm saying I I doubled up the 2-3 and the 1-1 by putting them on the Wind Fury guy which is worth the same as if they were on something else and buffed the hand and hit in fact I think that's often less damage right if I'm not wrong does a 2-4 here live or do we just stack up again so we spread these out for the sky claw I think this is all right let's let's go a little wide here maybe this makes life harder I'm not really sure about the shaman removal package so I don't know if that's true but Sky claw here feels really nice mm-hmm flash of lightning again okay so they're ripping through these discounts early but now we're just going ham uh uh so this is six yeah we can actually go full in here let's see here we could do this and then I think we'll put this here let's see last time I I had like like this was on this if I recall so if I attack to activate it I lose a win Fury round of Buffs you know I mean like I just get that same damage immediately off attack by Buff by magnetizing it for this is boring nobody cares I certainly don't care um but see that also lost an attack on the sky claw so it's like the same I mean it's worth it because it makes the minions bigger but it's also kind of not see like I need to do it in this I'm gonna lose another damage but it's worth it for the buff right yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna determine it's worth it for the buff on the sky claw itself but it's two three even a good break point for that not necessarily because of lightning storm I fear maybe it's not no I lose three oh I'm an idiot you guys got me talking too much man I played this deck with a 91 win rates of Legend why am I listening to you guys you're distracting me too much this is not right obviously I lose plus three this way it's not worth the buff for that there's no way because this gets too easily cleaned up I need to push the damage I gotta stop paying attention to you guys I literally had a 91 winner with this deck go away oh dude are we dead again like this frog deck is scary oh devolve is nasty that's a that's a generated devolve too this deck normally run the valve dude this is gross I'm dead right like am I just dead again am I dead again oh I don't know if I'm dead or not but I I don't think that I don't think any of this is fun I want to be clear I don't think my deck is fun I don't think my opponent's decks are fun I just sit and watch my opponent play things and do things I this is so boring my text boring too like I'm not you know I'm not I'm not mightier than they this deck is also stupidly boring just again in a different direction the anti-climax of drawing The Click I don't even play 30 cards I just drew one one and played it oh God that was hilarious it's really fun uh I mean you know my turn three what was like a 10 13 or something isn't enough right what what what is this format you know what is this format it's really insane I uh I don't know like I I had you know I did not enjoy my Legend climb last month either it's just it's it's one person just absolutely smacking the other person to death you know there's no like close games it's it's either if you're playing an aggregate like this you just run away with the aggro win or the opponent does something like that and wins and there's no it doesn't ever feel like there's any sort of you know choice to it I think I gotta find a uh a radar detector this is not enough to beat warlock right we can keep galvanizer though yeah pretty bad hand again [Music] protector reload here uh it's still not very good against warlock usually but this is a good one-two pair at least if you're playing on curve you're going for an honest curve this is kind of one of the better options for you also potentially good against imps but I guess this is dead so cool what is that Soul fire wow okay it seems worth it with the Imp down oh my God yeah of course it seems worth it geez um I think we lose I don't know I I mean this is fine I just doesn't feel like enough right like I think we just lose Mac warper here I can't get the bubble bot down no I can't get the bubble butt down it goes to one why doesn't that feel good enough still though guys do I need to wait for a bigger turn you know what I mean like do I need to go harder all at once as opposed to sort of it is a really big turn I can even put the mini bot like on probably put it on the mech worker just push that up to six with Divine Shield like that's that's kind of likely to survive but I'm just top decking garbage from that point I don't know how much removal this discard deck runs but it feels like it's not going to be enough yeah like I I like the idea of waiting in theory right but the problem is you don't you don't know if it's going to connect like I mean I hit a radar detector this might be my last hurray you know I'm also not sure if you want to spread out the Divine Shields and get one extra or just make sure this thing's taking good trades but this is what we've chosen well yeah that's that's gonna do it I guess we just lose man I I don't know just dead just dead why would you magnetize brah I explained it to you seven times brah why don't you learn to listen bruh God I hate Wild players you guys suck so annoying why are you all so annoying wild is the worst format and the worst Community bruh stop your ears blame the guy had chatted on me blame the guy in chat Wild players a reflection of the mode it kind of makes sense like the only reason you would ever like choose to endure this experience as if you hate yourself so much this is the only way to achieve the required Penance necessary like it's your it's your mechanism for suffering right it's like oh God I I just I hate I hate everything in the world I'm gonna play Wild to make myself feel something you know dude like do I do another run God this was the worst ten dollars I've ever spent in my life felt miserable this deck feels like it can't beat as well as it did on ladder for me that might just be because the caliber of player is higher right like you know not hitting uh you know lower lower ranked players necessarily as much but also just uh we got blown out twice I mean it wasn't even close I want to go back to this this game a lot of you guys were talking about the the I want to go back and watch this replay actually let's see which game was that the Druid I think you guys were saying there was a misplay this turn which I don't know if you're just being stupid or real like here you guys were saying magnetized order was wrong on the mini Bots I put a mini bot on this guy right to make one big guy against Druid which I I do think was kind of wrong in hindsight given the threat of naturalize but it wasn't wrong from a damage output standpoint so some of you were saying to play the new mini bot this mini bot in hand to play it first and then attack so that you would have bonus damage on the Wind Fury or something but but the problem is this guy is the big guy that has to get wind furried so you you like if I put a mini bot on this for instance and then attack number one there's there's like a one in five chance of it even hitting the spark bot uh number two it's only plus one if I just put it here it's a plus four because this is what's getting wind Fury uh and if I attack first like I think somebody was saying oh attack first then you can hit the spark bot but the sparkbot is worth one extra anyway because of the fact that it's getting an extra attack on the Wind Fury so like I I think theoretically if I hit here first and then exactly two Buffs landed on sparkbot it would be worth two more damage but that's a one in five twice which is like a four percent outer for lethal you know what I mean maybe a four percenter I think I could have maybe played one small card first or something but I don't even know about that from board space we're full so no like it's not a it's not a misplay to take a four percenter for lethal when your opponent has played like zero cards and you put them to two Health anyway right like yeah obviously they killed us with like the most insane double Bloom you know biology project glue Panda or whatever with the auctioneer like yeah it didn't go well but you can't you can't go for a four percent outer for that um so I I unless I'm missing something else the the notion that what's going on here man the game is so bad I can't even can't even do that um yeah I think the board was it doesn't scale off magnetic cards by the way which in case people don't know that you have to actually summon it on board not magnetize it but I think the board was full so I don't think that mattered um hey dopest thinks the 42 months man uh uh oh we got packs yeah I mean ten dollars for three packs what a great deal [Laughter] brought CM dude I I don't even I don't I was gonna make a video on bralessia but that just that was miserable man I don't even know like is there a deck that's fun like that Tony Jura deck looks kind of fun but I'm sure I would play it poorly and uh bruh man um I'm sure I would play it poorly and also like is it actually fun to just like spam a million cards I don't know man I hate that this doesn't show you the rewards table still after all this time I mean it can't be an accident after this amount of time I love the bras um the Regis Regis Coleman's really mean like I gave him some I gave him some very reasonable feedback on stream and he he made fun of me for 10 minutes I can see the Reddit post now that's right I made fun of you and I get over it I'm gonna keep making fun of you because you said brah [Music] [Music] uh uh I just don't see myself spending ten dollars on this again I only have like an hour left guys I need I need to go hang out with my wife I don't really have time for a duel's run even Carson why you got to do me this way man I thought about playing some twists but I feel like nobody's gonna watch the video man he's back bruh you made an obvious misplay and make fun of me when I say bruh no well you're making fun of me say brat but number one not an obvious misplay highly debated misplay if you think it's a misplay though explain what I encourage you to always say hey Regis I think you should have made more cards that you don't lose to dark bargain and I would have said oh yeah that actually makes a lot of sense you're right they run dark bargain now and discard warlock you're right but instead you go why would you do that bruh so I'm not making fun of the content of your message I'm making fun of the delivery being stupid the stupid delivery do you understand the difference I accept all kinds of feedback when it's delivered with uh a good faith delivery and with the intent to improve but when you try to shame people instead of try to help people you're not welcome here go away and go on Reddit that I yelled at you because I don't care all right um I think we'll do a duels run I could do well let's actually vote would you guys rather see twist I I want to play c'thune Warrior and twist I want to play abusive Regis ASMR could be your new niche getting off to my yeah look at them on ASMR uh listen whoever you are I forgot your name I'm giving you a hard time but but that is actually the message I gave it in a funny way but when you try to stir and shame people your your comments aren't going to be welcome dude nobody wants that nobody wants somebody who's just coming in trying to shame people I've said a thousand times I'll say a thousand times more if you have a good thing we can discuss and a reason that something's wrong just share it in a reasonable way just say hey Regis you probably should try to get more cards on board because dark bargain is a card I would be like I've said a thousand times oh yeah that's actually right you're right and we'd review the play and we go oh yeah okay that makes a lot of sense but you didn't you chose to be a dick and when you choose to be a dick I'm gonna call you out and you have to accept that it's okay I'm not mad at you it's just fun but [Laughter] but that's that's the actual reason right it's just a delivery problem you know it's like I order food delivery and I'm really happy when I get it in a bag and it's sitting on my porch but no matter how good the hamburger is right if they just take it and they throw it into my door and the hamburger is scattered all over the porch and I've got lettuce everywhere and hamburger bits and a dog came and pooped in it you know and tried to eat half the hamburger I'm not happy that it's not a good delivery I I love the quality of the hamburger but it has to be delivered in an acceptable fashion or it's not a hamburger you know what I mean it's a pile of so anyway I'm not supposed to cost during Hearthstone streams I forget I only cost doing Marvel snap very occasionally I'm sorry sorry it's late at night I only slept two hours yesterday give me a break I slept a lot today though so it's not fair that's not fair um so anyway uh we'll do a quick duels run I really don't have time why can't you cursing Hearthstone streams I don't know I just never did and then some people don't expect it so I don't want to catch people off guard if I like watching with their kids or whatever you know what I mean like I'm just trying to be respectful for the expectations that I've said I I don't care personally so much but you know just trying to match up with people's like uh content expectations so uh we could do automaton we already did do automaton I actually kind of want to focus on caverns of time cards if we can and I need something that's quick too I need I actually need a really quick quick run here somebody either loses quickly or wins quickly preferably wins quickly I guess but uh God guys I really need a video for Hearthstone though I don't have I don't have any Hearthstone videos choose one druid uh there's some Dragon stuff we like Dragon Reno priest or something uh that would take forever though we could do actually discard warlock is probably insane that that's honestly both quick and uh yeah we'll we'll do discard warlock they got the new location that's gonna be insane uh it's already so good anyway this will be fast and easy killmox is great uh we'll test this new location it's it's so nuts already in uh you know we could maybe still put like a c'thude in here or something as an in-game card since we're gonna have dude these cards got like how did these cards get buffed dude oh my gosh man these are actually insane how did Dark bargain get buffed I don't even remember what this used to do just costs more they cost like six or something uh I mean dark bomb's actually pretty solid too now six Mana brah [Laughter] this actually seems good on its own just on its own right do we run c'thude I mean we don't have any like c'thune Shenanigans in this deck I don't I don't know man it's it's part of it is we are gonna get offered some c'thune cards because we're only gonna have a couple expansions like we're gonna have karazhan and uh Caverns kind of only so we could we could choke all got buffed as well oh man do we want the choco in duels uh it's like a value generator but I feel like getting that low in health and Duels is actually kind of risky uh maybe if we discard damage though it's worth it oh we also got discard package in um what what like Festival to get discard now where did we get uh oh nathria maybe no oh Tom tampering yeah actually uh what is this where's the fives with the five damage spell is it Lich King oh it's Lich King I want that's what I want uh Walking Dead Scourge supplies uh maybe a mirror jar just because the discards are so good that's actually pretty interesting uh I'm gonna have to either craft the cho'gall though or make a this is so stupid the way I can't I I I'm gonna have to add old gods to my my deck if I want to do that which is actually going to add an extra expansion right now because we have karazhan and nathria and caverns so I don't know if chogal's worth the cut there I think I think I stick to Caverns although I'm gonna have if I want cthu and I'm gonna do the same thing aren't I yeah man like this is so stupid I gotta run c'thune I guess I is c'thun worth the backup plan but I just want the highest possible density of discard I think I just want this card I need to hurry though I'm taking too long I'm about to pee my pants like honestly I'm not I gotta I had a tight spot here man you gotta be in my pants oh shoot um laughs all the broads are making me laugh too much now uh uh any other good just generic Caverns card come on Courier is probably okay yeah I'm gonna guys I'm gonna go pee I'll be right back I'm gonna go pee I'll be right back all right let's see the baby all right let's try this yeah this should actually be really good just good buffed discard cards basically doing crazy buffed discard stuff I got 40 minutes to uh to beat this duels run we got it fast uh thanks just is for the bits it's very nice so we want imp visit us tiny night um I guess we can keep kill mocks in hand probably as good fuel basically we need fuel and development for this deck package uh all right Walking Dead's better fuel for sure we went that early tempo Golem too nice dude I just came just cannot believe they buff silverware Golem like it's already such a good card why did they buff it dude it's so crazy it's so good uh it's Fel soccer worth it more here because we can hit a high roll and just get a 4-3 anyway if you don't Hyrule only bad hit here skirt supplies and it's not even that bad so okay I have done it again where I have manifested the worst outcomes for myself time and time again like I said it's not that bad though Secrets huh how do we want to handle secrets oh might have been the wrong target and I'm a genius great attack genius attack yeah Golem for sure to be clearer than one one I guess that the cost of only one damage it feels worth it yeah like we we don't want them getting too many free cards I mean they're so deep in the deck arguably it might be worth it but and so low on Mana but okay good God man jeez good God uh well let's just start piecing this out I guess I'll be sure like I feel like this is gonna get buffed but I really can't afford to go face yet either not buff okay there's not many attack so face attack is left maybe for we don't expect wondering monster already saw that so let's try to find okay maybe we got soul barrage here try to anyway I guess we could Soul fire first I do lose dark bomb in that case sometimes though okay actually not too bad could have been worse I think not casting a spell saved as a cat trick probably and then maybe what ice trap maybe hidden meaning since I floated a Mana yeah probably hidden meaning an eye strap right if seven damage here um in hand so assuming this attack's face which we know it can because it could last time though we should be fine oh ice trap you idiot we're not fine uh so no lethal outs here in that case we should probably play for Tempo more right yeah this should seal the deal so now we've got even more damage Nance Celestial dreamer I don't think there's any life game that I should be too worried about in Hunter I think we're okay oh crap oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh that's scary dude the Buzzard almost put them in a fatigue here man that was scary all right spooky dude very spooky cool good win like this was dormant did it count I don't know okay uh Discover Card remember is not our hero power so that's not even really discover Anyway by keywords we do have some discover cabal this is look at three cards again it doesn't actually say discover uh uh so probably not really discover from the swamp I think is generally okay uh we don't have any like specific synergies for it I I kind of think I like Tome the best just you know free disruption early make sure we get off the good starts you know might protect some of our early developments on like tiny nights and stuff tiny Knight survives because of a you know freezing trap or something and we're super happy that sort of thing seems the most reliable to me I think we don't really need the from the swamp pressure yeah I think Tom's it Tom's just so safe you know feels good almost always oh this is nuts this is why we like this this is pretty good too honestly but this is nuts karazhan being a guaranteed bucket has made this so strong for so long and it just got even better like like this buff made this even better oh three fours now which you know will absolutely matter sometimes too right sometimes it's absolutely gonna matter that these are three fours there's a lot of three damage spells in particular early in the game that the silverware Golems will now Dodge that they wouldn't have before impunta chamber seems really nice really nice oh there's a chance that the Imp dies on one but I have a second one so I can even like just hero power anyway uh uh snipe and vaporize wow I'm gonna temper the Imp yeah oh okay guys [Laughter] oh good God um yeah this is this is better than uh the hero power for now right we could make sure we hit the The Walking Dead and we draw two instead of one so yeah actually in this particular instance but you know that's a broad moment for sure Andy vaporize a pretty useless to us this game though to be honest uh do we just rip for the Golem as hard as we can here because this adds another card to hand we could go imp instead gonna have like too many cards in hand and draw too much though if I'm not careful yeah let's see whirl Weaver if you've cast a spell last turn is this a real I've never seen this card in my life there is no way this is a real card I've never seen that before never in my life um I don't think that's a real card beautiful I'm blanking on what the Lich King mini set even was what was the Lich King mini set called oh it's like maxorama stuff return to next or something like that I don't know she doesn't look like an axramus card to me so you can imagine my confusion like the flavor hit there all right uh we're gonna take well I don't want to lose this soulfire actually I want to be really careful with this soulfire because I do want that damage but I don't know I need a 4-3 as well let's just go we hit the Golem nice and drawing two actually just seems kind of worse here I'm drawing two anyway to draw three really I guess I should say let's just chill here we have the problem our decks are still a little too small to actually make chamber good we we need we actually need bigger decks uh we're drawing too many cards right now nourish alone seems very slow given this board I think we're gonna be okay dark bomb potentially extra damage which is nice I think we'll be all right oh maybe not a lot of Health for only two how much damage we have uh seven eleven twelve sixteen but I might be able to find it I don't think this ever risks anything right just draws me stuff there's nothing I lose here that's damaged in other words that dark bomb does it cool oh no I missed out on my shadow spell guys oh no got a lot of the hand a lot of I done I'm gonna need that later no imagine if it worked that way like in duels that's actually kind of a cool idea like any cards you have left in hand at the end of the game you you get added to your deck like like if you already have them you know they just stay but if you generate stuff and I guess that it would always always make your deck worse so it adds some like really complicated like thought processes like oh God I don't want this extra bad card in my deck you know I gotta be careful or if you got a really good card maybe you would want it out of your deck right how many copies of treasures or something um I'm tempted by Top Hat Spyglass is a card that tends to play better when you don't have great game plans but we have great game plans and ways to spend our Mana Top Hat might just like show up a good early Board of golems and stuff I do think sidekick will be good but I like top Hat's cheapness when we have so many cards in hand if I try Battlegrounds I'm sick of anomalies I did try them I didn't get enough to get sick but I just didn't get super engaged by it either a couple of the anomalies I got were kind of boring I really like the idea of systems like that that rotate and give you a different feel every game but you can't have boring ones I mean but obviously in any given list of things something is going to be the most boring but there needs to be a threshold you know I think some are maybe just a little too boring um like like the all of a single type was to me boring you know obviously people think different things are boring too which is why it's so hard to be a game designer I get it but yeah I'm gonna do this again guys this is really good this isn't bad by any means like that's okay too but the Golem density is the goal with this build I don't know I I hearthstone's in a weird place to me right now I feel like Hearthstone isn't really sure what it wants to be right now to some extent and I feel like I think like the budget is down on Hearthstone a bunch we've seen that in various ways like Esports and stuff and now Fireside Gatherings arguably like the game is is shrinking instead of expanding which is normal that's not not a terrible thing in its own right but within that I think they're trying to find avenues for like growth and revenue that are kind of low hanging easy ideas and sort of stuff like they took a big swing on Mercenaries and it absolutely whiffed and now they're trying to take smaller swings but the problem is smaller swings don't tend to get people really excited for the game because it's just not a big awesome exciting thing you know so with coin I think maybe we just go in this hand right just imp hero power let's go so I don't know um I think mercenaries being such a big Miss probably made them really nervous to expend crazy resources on stuff at a corporate level and that that probably tightened up budgets and things and I you know I think just like a lot of the more macro decision making on that level has just gone oh imagine if this was like a counter spell dude I think it's just gone a little awry basically and that's probably because of like corporate Direction you know like oh you got to do this thing that's gonna make this amount of money in other words if things are being decided from a top-down level instead of a bottom-up level it's not going to have like the creativity and inspiration that makes it really engaging and awesome it's going to have you know Revenue driven corporate driven decision making instead which is likely to be much less ideal for most of us right you need to smoke here I think thankfully the tomb crawler will help to Soul barrage slow fire also will help that's nice we know what this game going long enough for them to get the Amara down I doubt our ability to grind them out in that case I just don't think we'd be able to so I'm going for mere entity to hopefully smork some more right like just get some bodies down or something the worm growth centuries huh that's not what I expected to see at all to be honest Soul barrage here would be pretty cool Golem's not bad either no soul barrage uh go on our Walking Dead I think Golem's still fine it's just more pressure hot pad's insane it's like it's turned two and I have three three fours and I'm like feeling about being too I'm scared I'm too slow it tells you a lot doesn't it yeah that's a great americanity that's fine four three I'll take it just a lot of pressure here uh play eruption just to push more face damage maybe I can go top hat too though to push price face damage the question is how good will this be later I think might be a little better later we could go top hat hero power try to hit a sole barrage Maybe is that lethal lever there's lethal yeah nice cool yeah this work plan worked we killed them on turn three this is gross I said I wanted a fast run well so far at least so far it's going that way oh what dude imagine if I got I've imagined if I had taken the zombies into mulch Madness whoa they've been cool bronze Signet I've had such full hands I can that actually be any good it's just like extra extra value it's just a bunch of extra Golems too which the problem is every time I discard a Golem I'm often drawing in other cards it's just gonna you know the cards that would benefit the cards are gonna hit the most often don't really benefit much because I just have so much stuff uh rally the troops is is generally nice because of the discounts but I don't have hardly any battle cries very few yamir jar which cabal Courier neutral minions I have mostly warlock minions uh cabal Courier is not even neutral we found out so that's not very good why is this neutral minions Why Can't This just be minions is that broken if it's warlock minions I guess it's Signet uh it's not necessarily bad to have a crazy full hand I just it I don't think it's very good usually I mean most of my cards I hit are pretty pointless there's no there's hardly any Tempo here it's just not worth it it's like fell stalker nothing really good to cheat out either has to be rally has to be Signet I don't know berserk whether he thinks about 35 months man hello from Madrid dude that's awesome I would love to go to Madrid that sounds fun I think the question is does Signet make us mad like did our hand is full how often do we get mad that our hand is full I mean it does mean we have to rely Less on imps right but even hero power it's replacing itself I don't have really great ways to discard cards what would have been a good passive for this deck uh I don't know uh goggles is always the answer right like I know it's rare now but always goggles I think uh what else might have been good there's some like demon type stuff that's pretty good I'm trying to think about duel's passives man I don't even know what can't even see duel's passives anymore on the website man what are my duels passives that would be good I would take I would take uh band of bees Battle Stance I would take uh band of bees I've never seen this this is supposedly in duels but I've never seen this card in my life I've never once seen this after you played even cost card refresher here I've just never seen that I don't think that's actually in the game it's on the website but I've never seen it do we do we think bronze Signet is is risky Ohio's Embrace would have been insane yeah that would have been nuts actually too good probably probably would have carried the Run rally does basically nothing right but it's not as risky as Signet which could kill draws I'm not really worried about valuing people out with Signet so I think I'm actually going to take rally I think Signet we might just get a handful of stuff we don't want and then don't get cards we need like kill mocks Etc so I think Rally's lower risk even though it's lower upside too we can also maybe draft for rally a little bit with some battle cries here and there like try to grab some good battle cries can't pass up on it right like it's just too good too they buffed it guys they buffed it it got buffed I don't understand they think like I know they did it for Twist right I know but it's insane in duels that they buffed it it's crazy [Applause] bronze Signet 16 silverware costs I mean lately games are not as good obviously you could only really get one out at a time that easily so all right uh let's keep one imp and a top hat we're pretty dang likely to get a silverware Golem by the time we need it it's literally half the deck at this stage although we missed it oh my God maybe I should have dropped the Hat could coin the chamber here maybe and make for a really good turn two with imp and oh dude double Mage Secrets let's go vaporize again is probably pretty bad but Netherland portals nuts that's really good Mage very likely to cast a spell early and get me some good tempo it's almost a shame they don't have coin right so I think I'm basically not using this this turn I'm just loading it up for next turn uh so hopefully we can hit a Golem and then go imp Golem Imperial power I mean uh draw some cards and then play the dude I mean maybe even in the other order I gotta think about that it depends on well yeah I need I need a payoff though I need dead Golem barrage yeah dead Golem or barrage that's what I mean I don't think I ever just go imp Top Hat do I that seems bad Golem okay so this isn't actually guaranteed it's not current I mean it's guaranteed one of these will hit the Golem I guess no it's not because I draw cards that's not true all right nice we did it okay cool so now we go visit us as well to try to hit another Golem although we didn't hit a Golem this is still worth it though right we draw more cards we don't need this because we're drawing a billion cards here um okay so I'm really not as strong as we would have liked I would have loved to hit a Golem instead of more imps and then hit another Golem on board so we had a second three four but but we'll take it we'll take it all right Spirit Bomb oh okay that's my four drop thankfully yeah not the best not the best plague eruptions actually kind of good here like I sort of need it geez I didn't expect that but I kind of need it uh we could go for a sole barrage instead like fell stalker hero power it's I kind of want to use that for lethal though I think this is about as good as it's gonna get really let's just oh no it's all minions I thought it was all enemies why is it all minions couldn't it be totally balanced if it were all enemies oh I'm sad I lost three damage I'm really surprised by that though to be honest that feels like it could easily be balanced at all enemies these days ooh Soul bar is damaged nice very good um yeah let's hit another Golem nice here we go again like we've got a lot of cards right now we discard one we draw two that puts us at nine actually draw three with yeah so I burn but I think it's worth it just to get another Golem down I have a decent chance at a Golem not good though you can also do kill mocks but my hands even more full could maybe throw away an amp I don't need an imp let's just wait though there's a 3-4 Golem right now worth it I think is the question it is a lot more pressure I'm gonna go for it I need I need it in the game nice I need in the game we didn't hit it obviously we'd be really sad but we hit it we're geniuses so I mean imagine bronze singing at this game right we just it would just be absolutely unnecessary completely pointless uh Frost Nova we're gonna have to kill that one threes I'm probably gonna have to Soul fire it right it's too much bonus Health if I don't kill it they might kill it for me with um vaporized but I I don't think yeah maybe we could just rip a big kill MOX here though I don't need the skill box to to give me life still probably this game the opponent stack seems far more defensive in nature so maybe this allows me to save the soul fire for face damage while still kind of developing a a staggered shape into this board in other words one big guy instead of um small guys plus if they don't deal with this we can scale it on board too for damage we can basically give it charge oh they got another Frost Nova orbit Revolution I gotta pay attention to this man although that's from the rewind though yeah Frost office in their decks that's from a rewind okay we can still make this guy bigger though thankfully uh Mage Forge is the deal six guy do I need to soulfire this now I guess I can just dark bargain it so we saved the soul fire for face again this makes the eight seven really big I might lose the soul fire here though so it could be kind of the same but probably worth a shot at least we kept it okay nice Oregon cabal Courier gone dark bomb in hand that's good too tiny Knight two cards left in deck let's just chill right maybe we put in a Top Hat here just for funsies is nine big enough on this guy all right I don't know Fun's easy says funsies molten Rune times two maybe they get there on it but they're spending so much on that do they have enough to answer the rest pink face oh bro I'm gonna lose guys I'm running out of time man I don't have time for this I'm gonna lose holy crap I'm dead I'm drawing all my cards I'm dead to fatigue oh no I'm absolutely dying no more cards it's got to make this big right my only chance yeah stay on curve might be worth it to just rip a soul fire here you hit the creation or do you hit face I feel like I have to hit face there could be some Shadow spell that bails me out here but I'm gonna just go for this I just want to make this as big as possible right now stolen please didn't hit this nice okay I think I just need to put a clock on this game right now because I think we're about to lose right like they stabilize too hard and this was way stronger than I expected that's so good it's completely wiped out my board the double Frost Nova into inquisitive creation what a crazy outcome earthquake no dude no it's not big enough I'm dead we are out we have nothing left foreign man this obviously doesn't get there so let's just give them the game here we're fun all right isn't it draw shot as well I thought it was add a shadow spell to your hand right oh it is draw a shadow spell you're right oh dang that's worse I I had my brain equivalent it made this equivalent to um the duel's treasure but it's not at all it's just strong shot as well that's even worse maybe not worse than constructed but obviously worse for us okay there I'll have time for this [Music] yeah maybe we could have made the kill box bigger but it just seemed like they might have had another way through that too oh fioris is blade I like that that creates some end game pressure for us canopic jars is kind of cool because we can go so wide but I feel like if we stick a big wide board we're fine anyway it's really about that finishing potential that we need I think the blade gives us that that's pretty cool there's not always good things to hit with the blade is one downside this canopic jar stabilize the board enough for us to feel good about it like we you know we had that board last time they got cleared like an open guitars probably would have won that game we currently have soul fire and dark bomb for lethal pushes maybe jars is just enough of a stabilizer I'm worried we're gonna play a bunch of decks that don't have anything to hit and then this is just you know a three damage weapon basically I'm gonna go jars uh uh I actually do need more cards in this list I just don't love the imps necessarily but we're drawing so much that having the extra cards hurts especially or helps especially if I'm not lowering the density of my payoffs yeah I'll try it I'll try it we need more Golems we don't have enough we need more Golems It's never enough okay yeah let's go for all of our discard payoffs early we want to race them down as much as we can top hat seems good in that regard too uh turn one right now we probably just hero power Top Hat don't we just make this big ring of black ice whoa it's a lot of value for them but not much else we got Effigy okay that's that's good Tempo and double cross little cross not so good for us we have so much draw anyway yeah I mean I don't have to Top Hat right but dude my hand is literally just oh [Laughter] I'm supposed to miss the Golem right now though but I could hit it I could hit a Walking Dead instead um yeah I'm gonna go ahead and top at it I think Serene dude the actual dream all right I just wanted to be big a little susceptible they had some kind of removal but I don't think they will yeah they're gonna try to start freezing that makes sense of course we'll push five to face I don't think we want to dark bomb this yet I think we just keep things moving you know guaranteed again to hit something good here more bodies on board makes the top hat more threatening tiny night next turn might be a good way to spread out some pressure as well um this two One's Gonna try to freeze the five five I guess and then we go from there they got a silver Golem and hand right or just black guys only work on yeah it doesn't I'm not sure what is that it right there oh they actually played around the Effigy surprisingly well that's kind of cool this is zero why is it zero ring of black ice oh Sticky Fingers man it cost why is it oh it costs two less it doesn't say that up here oh I was confused the HS replay version of this does not have the buff on it that's why the costume last and then Sticky Fingers made it another one less I think those stacked favorably generally uh this is probably a bit better of a dark bomb here because that kind of threatens my board a little more do we actually even have Shadow spells we do that's a good one too isn't it uh taunt to protect the other cards or just another more threatening body probably more threatening body again taunt could be more useful later all right so slow barrage is plus five um also cleans up ice shards pretty well I have to say Ross Nova a lot more silverware golems that are wicked cheap they're basically free again oh my God this is honestly a sick combo holy crap they are legit matching me card for card right now what the heck black ice plus Sticky Fingers is insane this is a good draw I guess but it doesn't really stop them it just kind of slows them down dude I need to find plague eruption Maybe oh this is not work I thought it did I'll be honest with you I forgot I I forgot it's spreading plague I I forgot it's spreading plague this doesn't work the way I want oh my God and I gave it to them too oh no this is a bad idea no dude I'm dead dude that didn't work the way I wanted I'm gonna be honest with you oh I forgot it's spreading plague I forgot oh my god dude this is a nasty oh oh are we back are we back in it is this what we needed to get back in it terrible hits terrible hits how did I miss a Golem man all I have in my deck are we back or not are they just gonna keep frost noving me we've hit a lot of frost over tonight oh I hate it I don't like it at all hey definitely not index man thanks to the prime sub pretty sure you're index but he's only because getting frustrated now getting a little tilted now uh uh this just gets frozen unless I had Soul barrage I don't really want to hit silver I mean I could go for a Walking Dead I guess too I can just play it if I have to there's no other Force discard except Scourge supplies so yeah we'll just play it hopefully it doesn't get easily cleared up by the weapon but we can use that to open up space for kill mocks later so there's still some upside I mean if they freeze it this is kind of the same look at the weapon the two five we've still eaten the weapon which is the goal oh my God these Frost novas dude oh it's oh man I I gotta be honest guys I I want to have fun but I have just not been having much fun tonight I want to have fun promise I'm just not having a lot of fun yet all right uh this makes the guy a lot bigger but they have the poisonous weapon so that's probably not going to be a super meaningful thing to do maybe we find the board clear here scorch did I play an elemental monster no no these these aren't Elementals somehow uh uh I think it's still probably the best card though I think we're done though I think we're just dead oh that's not terrible I wish we'd hit the ice Shard honestly but I can live with that just running out of I just don't have enough stuff you know like it's just all three fours the opponent being able to frost them at me so consistently just makes life really hard why not use your weapon I guess you got two Targets to hit now though iron ball is pretty good clean up the 7-5 with the weapon take the 2-2 Discovery yeah that makes sense to me um the zero man of silverware Golems have just been brutal man it's crazy how good that is oh it looks funny as a 3-3 that's funny that's really funny uh uh like what do I do from here I don't really have anything left you know they saved this hyperblast I think for the kill box it looks like that's kind of cool idea I can maybe Scorch the two one I don't love it though I think I just play a bunch of Golems but I think the game is over right I think we just lose I have to make this bigger but like I don't know man I didn't hit a Golem really man jeez uh there's just no way we out value this Mage from here and there's no way ideal 22 damage because we don't have infinite value this game right so I kind of need one of these boards to stick here into just some oh no that's such a sad card to lose oh we drew that off the that actually sucks we drew that off the rally and oh that's so bad did we drew that up rally and discard it as we drew it that's brutal that's so brutal I really need that damage I have any chance I I don't think we realistically have a chance anyway but certainly not without a missed card I gave them for free by the way absolute goon Behavior here Frost let's Gina oh my goodness okay well now they have a million life too uh two times please okay so hit hit I can deal five to face here but it just doesn't matter there's no way um this makes the kill box slightly bigger but it doesn't really matter because we have to exhaust the hyper Blaster before that is it all relevant so I'm gonna hold this one more turn maybe this board can somehow connect I don't know they're digging for stuff I think Gina Gianna the denim Lich she does kind of she does kind of look like she's wearing denim to be honest G Gina you're saying Gina I said Gina instead of jaina I don't think so I think I said jaina but whatever doesn't matter all right this is a game taking too long I gotta go to bed okay man this deck's not really killing people quickly enough right I think it's because our passives don't develop enough like follow-up pressure hilt's Gonna Save Us though oh my God bro I is this just is it too many lessons no 12 right 12 lower Golems okay I don't think we have like the end game maybe the c'thun was the right idea to have like some some damage because like if we don't stick that mid game board we're just not killing them fast enough you know we don't have like a bloodlust style card we don't have a an actual finisher you know guys I don't have a Hearthstone video for tomorrow I I I'm so screwed I can't get hear some videos fast enough man it takes so long to do anything fun in Hearthstone that it takes me hours and hours to hear some videos and then I you know I got I gotta take care of a baby none of these person videos are good enough like I said earlier you just can't have mediocre horse videos and expect to get views these days they have to be really good which means they take a lot of time to get really good videos which means I don't I don't get videos it's a good hit that's a really good hit how do we not have another Golem they're literally half the deck at this stage I think I have 12 out of 30 Maybe 35. it's not literally half Regis let's let's um that's only 33 of the deck oh you never think this I wasn't trying to play it I was trying to hover and say you never think this sticks against a death knight uh oh what what what what yeah it doesn't stick indeed interesting so um plagiarize is okay there those are decent cards I'd say Forge that's nice um is it worth the trouble though or do I just do something else like cadaver trade Bell soccer say this for damage later it's not a bad dark bargain but I I don't have somehow I don't have any silverware golems in hand which is honestly mind-boggling I don't know how that's possible I really don't know how that's possible I'm just gonna rip this it's okay another thing here is something we can't lose I just want to get more tempo probably gonna hit here too just because it feels pretty free I I just how do I not have more Golems or anything else as a payoff card here how is my hand this bad so I love that we discounted the silverware Golem which is the one card that doesn't need to be discounted all the cards it's delightful ah they prioritize the body instead of the one three that's interesting I don't blame them if they think it's a it's a if they think it's a conversation about um uh survivability over value that does make sense Golems please please please Golems please nice hit the discounted ones but we'll take it it doesn't matter ooh canopic charts could be clutch right now could actually be insane yeah hopefully this is like pretty most death knight board clears too right most definite board clears come down a little later than this so this might actually stick oh it looks like it's going to nice this is clutch this is why we took you canopic jars this is pretty good against death knight board clears as well which is even better although they are discounting stuff so that's not always true they could have maybe had a board clear by now yeah this is not going to get better than here for sure we'll push face I don't think we have a choice we got it in the game hopefully between these two boards we do just in the game wand would be the disaster here if they have a wand like treasure uh but we can't we gotta just go for it you know not a wander they wouldn't have done that oh oh the new flame Leviathan that's cool they forged again but that's just not ever good enough right what what could the forge guard be Death Strike that's just gonna make the board worse Maybe oh well not quite uh what do we have five twelve fourteen no damage though necessarily I think maybe some damage here um I'm dead it's actually kind of nice that's another sticky play but not this turn I love seeing that so much kind of just looking for like Soul fires and stuff maybe oh that's actually good not not lethal yet again but pretty good uh I don't know let's just make one big guy here I'm not sure if that's better or worse depends on the types of removal they have access to I guess okay so we have a lot left over here this should be fine oh yeah that's great oh well barely [Laughter] just barely good god future side would have been fun but my God that did get Cheaper by the way all right uh Kenobi jar saved a game man that's good can we hit the can we hit the quadler already come on dude do me a do me a do me a solid [Laughter] laughs in they're buff dude that's all that matters all right 15. and she's actually gonna be half the deck soon all right [Laughter] um yeah this actually pretty solid hand I think we'll keep canopic jars uh and the Golems are good too yeah let's just make sure we have great hits here early uh uh I love how HS replay just gives up too they're like nah we're not gonna We're Not Gonna count man just deal with it they've rally in cadaver collector after the first time you gain a corpse in return gain one additional corpse I don't think that's anything too stressful should be fine coin is not very good right now what do they have here I forgot already Shadow clone okay now maybe we do coin then I can't miss and then I can still play the career okay which is pretty nice oh uh attack yeah I think that matters more than these other cards right we want pressure and damage I mean Raz is cool but I loved Raz as a card but it's so cool but I think damage you know we don't have demons necessarily but uh just damage is cool we want to create pressure of course do we have vaporize every time these are both hero Attack cards which is probably not ideal for us um almost missed man I'm just gonna go face right I don't want this game to last too long I do want to stick a board into canopic jars so maybe Witch is actually kind of good next turn just to get two bodies I don't expect to be using it defensively against the death knight very often right but canopic jars feels really important Scourge strike oh my God that's so strong what the heck jeez oh Hunters inside on that hand too good God man that is so strong right now holy crap uh yeah I think this is actually still the right idea here I just want to get as much board as I can into canopic jars to try to stick it but that might kill us man we may not get enough Big Board now imp is another card on board so that's cool I don't really care too much about the card draw it's more about just that extra body if I can stick it this turn man Kano pictures might get us there 23 is still a long way to go to be honest I only have blood Fury in hand for damage uh I kind of expected maybe a couple cards to get removed here oh they might be taking a plague turn though don't clear anything please don't clear anything please should maybe think about blood guy houndy guy too they have a Hound couldn't really avoid it here I tried to play the one three put the two four here okay maybe not a maybe just a plague turn maybe not a removal turn oh looks like this is gonna die though that's sad uh oh kind of cool is kenobic worth it for four oh only three those discounts are insane I don't think it's worth it for three man I think I gotta do more problem is it just gets harder and harder to actually pull that off over time you know this is a good swing maybe this hits two minions oh you I forgot again oh it's so insane that oh I hate that so much I hate that that hits your freaking own minions I keep thinking it's the the the uh fatigue card they look exactly the same they're both three Mana spells in my brain that is the fatigue card that hits all enemies you guys know the one I'm talking about this guy it looks so freaking similar I hate that they look so close and they do almost the same thing uh where is that card not in standard anymore what what is that card called insane what is that card called plague eruption and what happened to my board I just lose right we didn't hit a kenobic jars so I think we're just dead oh another plague man hop hat that thing makes top back kind of pointless everybody's hyperlustic what is the what is the card I'm talking about Crescendo that's it is it only two Mana no way that makes this card even it is only two Mana did this used to be three either way it makes play corruption they look the same they're both a dude with his arms raised in green see these together and this one's just so much better usually I mean I know it takes a while to scale up technically but it only hits enemies this card hits all stuff for some insane reason I can't imagine I don't know why I think we're just dead uh we don't have it anymore oh super dead yeah which is good I gotta go to bed maybe we had to Kenobi jars for three and hope for a miracle maybe I got overzealous I didn't expect this much board to happen to be honest but the I think the rallies just got too good yeah the tutu is not gonna be enough here clearly up the shadow clone um full barrage does actually tidy up a lot of the board sometimes kind of a neat idea but can't I even hit it did hit the eight one that we needed but blood plagues are annoying I don't think it matters though right I mean they're kind of low on value Maybe I shouldn't give this up yet if they run out of cards there's a possibility right I don't have to worry too much about my health yet because I've got kill mocks oh that's really good though that draws and Deals my board pretty effectively well that's a lot of stuff again unfortunately yeah just waiting on a Merrell Garden in my life too you know uh I gotta rip this now we're almost dead on board shame we can't clear something more meaningful good ordering on the on the Unholy plagues though those are kind of whiffing I mean I'm dying but you know at least sitting at a tutu out of it this just dies to Hero attack uh yeah didn't I have a chance to take wand guys we took this garbage instead it's gone where's the wand at man because this is only good when we're winning it's a win more card in some ways it did win us a game so that that is nice I can't deny that but uh into me please nope not quite end me please almost one more there it is the Beautiful look at the dark ball that's so troll dude all right I gotta go guys oh Scimitar not one okay maybe one was the previous run yeah maybe one is the previous run so 15 uh silver Golems it turns out is not good enough guys we gotta have some in-game to this deck maybe we need like a denap3is or a c'thun or something right to seal the deal because you can't just win on the on the on the Golems I think you need some kind of damage follow-up or something to make it better anyway I gotta go guys that was fun I mean it was fun really sad we didn't get a video though to be honest like I really need a Hearthstone video my audience is saying like hey you guys you don't make you don't make Carson videos anymore but when I try yeah it's tough it's tough so we we had a lot of uh annoying things happen I feel like I feel like um I I think if I were to summarize why sometimes Hearthstone feels more frustrating to me than Marvel snap it's because I feel like I lose agency really often in Hearthstone uh in other words I feel like so much of what happens is out of my control and I'm often just kind of have to succumb to sitting and watching my opponents do a thing and part of that I think is inherent to asymmetrical turns like you do just literally spend time watching your opponents but I also think in some ways especially in high power formats like wild and Duels there aren't a lot of comeback or recovery mechanics that are good enough so like once once a deck kind of goes it it's it becomes very clear at a given moment that one deck is going to win the game do you know what I mean like a deck is going to win and there is no chance you have like you're going to get out valued you got you know you can't survive you know you're gonna get comboed whatever it is there is always a sense of inevitability that is achieved before the game actually terminates which is fine they can see it exists for that like you can leave the game if you think you're gonna lose but often it feels like maybe you didn't really have the ability to influence that and it came down more to your your deck you know just not being the right deck just kind of rock paper scissors type thing where you just your deck just didn't have the cards and and maybe your plays don't influence as much as the deck you bring into the match-up but that's not a variable you really tweak at the time of the experience you you change that variable earlier so it doesn't feel like that's actually agency at all it's kind of happening outside of the game Space in a weird way so especially duels because you don't even get to pick like your passives you one stuff it's super out of your hands I mean you get some control but you often get garbage right so I don't know that that just feels frustrating sometimes um and if you if you look right like I didn't even have a losing record tonight we went four and three three and three and three and three so it's not like I was losing a ton we actually won just as many games as we lost tonight across the board actually one more we had a positive win rate on the night but it just didn't really feel like we accomplished anything meaningful or um I don't know just like not a lot of great choices whereas in Marvel snap I feel like number one I don't have to watch my opponent because of symmetrical turns which is nice but also there are so many underrated early game decisions that people don't realize like I've been putting out this series which not many people watch yet but I actually think it's one of the best video series I've ever made where I go in and I break down um a turn-by-turn scenario Marvel snap based on viewer gameplay like I watch viewers submitted gameplay and then assess it like I spent 14 minutes breaking down a Marvel snap game in incredible detail right and it's like every single turn they did something that they could have done better that would have won them the game just based on where they play a card you know sequencing like there are so many controllable variables that make huge differences and I don't know that that's true in Hearthstone so much I there are obviously moments that matter and big turns clearly don't get me wrong but I feel like eighty percent of your win rate in Marvel snap or excuse me in Hearthstone is determined by the match up maybe that's not right I don't know maybe I'm just not good enough right but I feel like in snap it's like 30 a year when you're wearing it as a tournament by the matchup it may just be a feeling I don't even know that's accurate maybe it's just something about the way cards are played out or turns asymmetrical it's just a perception that I have over and over again you know um so I don't know particularly that wild gameplay was just silly right it's like okay I kill you on turn three with my Max or you kill me on turn four with your otk combo that any influence on the game or if you did is like lethal or not lethal it's not like incremental decisions Stack Up to a point where it does enough to influence the outcome maybe that's the feeling I have where there's like it's like did you did you misplay or not determines whether you won a game in Hearthstone I mean like like the decks are gonna do most of the job and then did you mess up if you mess up you lose if you didn't mess up you win you know I don't know I'm sure there are um you know there's more nuances than that obviously we're simplifying it to some extent but I don't know I don't know I I think this is a big conversation too but having so much card draw and Hearthstone and having so many hands and having um well really just having so much choice having so many choices all the time in Hearthstone makes each choice Less impactful on the outcome because the more choices you have they're they're more likely to converge to the same patterns over and over again which is to say you're going to have more optimized turns time and time again because you have all the choices which means you're always going to be able to do the best perfect sort of thing which means decks always achieve optimal patterns faster and more consistently which means there's less space for the opponent or a bad draw or you know uh there's less room to operate against that because one deck is going to achieve its optimized pattern so so reliably that that's going to determine the winner so quickly so if you have less cards and less choices and you're not hitting optimized patterns as regularly there's more wiggle room in the decision making I guess it's not about just being perfectly optimal it's about making the most of bad situations sometimes and when both players are making the most of bad situations then decisions start to be more impactful if that's my theory anyway but if both players are always able to do the best thing they just always do the best thing and there's no like tough decisions I mean obviously sometimes it's still hard to know what the best thing is but I think it becomes easier like oh okay if you're just always looking for lethals right then that becomes the only decision point that matters or whatever uh clearly again I'm simplifying this too much but I think the trends track at least or at least that's that again that's how I feel about it a lot of the time I guess I wish we had smaller hands in Hearthstone and we had less things played per turn in Hearthstone on average so that we were less I don't know that might have other problems that might have the opposite problem that may lead to like where you feel like you have nothing to do but I don't know it's hard game Design's hard how do you see that's what makes it hard I I don't know you've also got a Balance power where you want things to be stronger and feel exciting it's hard I don't have the answers obviously um so I I thought it was I didn't have very fun of playing Hearthstone Center I thought I was enjoying it but tonight I think we just hit a bad stretch of games or something I thought I had fun last month when I played though so I don't know I just wish I had videos I think I think I have less fun but I know I'm not getting good videos I think I'm getting videos and I'm having fun I'll figure something out uh anyway guys I'm gonna go it's late I gotta go take care of my baby and wife I will see all of you um actually maybe tomorrow maybe I'll take like a day off but I plan to be streaming more now the baby's sleeping more I'm on more of a day schedule um so you shouldn't should see more streams I'd like to get more duels runs going I think duels run still do really well on YouTube when they're good I just need to get some good duels runs so we'll probably stream more um but uh thank you for hanging out love you all the time thanks for watching uh see you later and uh until next time excuse me game on
Channel: RegisKillbin Hearthstone
Views: 27,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GkOLTcVJ3o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 16sec (11716 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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