Jacob Collier's FREE VST Plugin IS AMAZING

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hey what's up y'all dayquan here and I'm excited to bring you this video today we have a plugin and it's free it's from native instruments and Jacob Collier and it's called audience choir did I mention that is free you can get it by checking the link in the description below this video is not sponsored I just wanted to show you guys uh the plugin you know give you my thoughts I went and downloaded as soon as I got the email from native instruments and I wanted to check it out so here's a little bit of the plugin here's what it sounds [Music] [Music] like it's really cool so this XY AIS thing or whatever you want to call it it has different uh vowel sound so right now you're listening to the uh vowel sound on the lower left the a the ah right then you got a e really cool up so the o and m really cool so you can get some uh different uh tones from the uh [Music] plugin bring the Dynamics up [Music] what's really cool about this is that it has different different sections or or different um like recorded movement of this Axis or whatever so we have this all you got to do is go down here press play right and as you play the keys that's [Music] cool and then you can Loop that pattern forward backwards or forwards and backwards or backwards or forwards however you want to do it and then you got the playback speed the blue section on the keyboard right you this is the just the playable sounds let me turn that off all right bring it back to the middle get a little bit of all of The Vow sounds you use a mod wheel to change the [Music] Dynamics right so the blue section is the playable sounds right and then we go octave up uh and we have like drum sounds that they created using the people that were in his performances which is really [Music] [Applause] cool that's cool [Music] I suck at making beats live right so and then you got that was the yellow now on the orange that we have pre-recorded uh ches or Triads right we have major up the keys that's that's fire uh then over here the Triad blend you can blend from major Triad to A Minor [Music] triad let me assign that to MIDI so [Music] bam crazy did I tell you that this is [Music] [Music] [Music] free wow [Music] fire nice we have the tamber so oh [Music] wait that's like a cut [Music] off okay uh got the [Music] delay nice uh we have the [Music] Reverb sor turn it [Music] off all right now let's bring it back to where it was stereo feature we're going to skip that we have the attack so if we bring it all the way down acquire comes right in bring that attack all the way up come in a little slower or a lot slower got the release okay nice so many things you can do with this plugin and I I really can't believe that it's free so there's some other sections like you got the back end of it we're not going to go through that in this video uh just get the plug in go check it out I it's free this they should they should have charged us for this but super grateful that it's free go check it out link is in the description make sure you like subscribe and share and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Deyquan Bowens
Views: 2,909
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Keywords: deyquan bowens, chord progression, chord progressions, gospel runs, passing chords, jazz chords, jazz piano chords, piano chords, rnb chords, learn piano online, chord progression theory, piano tutorials, chord progression piano, chord progression tutorial, how to make chord progressions
Id: eR2BtjKNMjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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